Tuesday, June 11, 2024

More Spring 2024 Heavenly Signs Tied To Shavuot

Heavenly Signs, - True Pentecost,
Daylight Hours, June 16th, 2024

Important Note: This is Part 4 of 
My Spring 2024 Article Series. 
Links to all 3 past Articles in
this 4 Part Series are at the
 end of this article.

Solar Calendar, April Through 
June 2024 Shows 7 Weeks Between
April 26th and June 16th, 2024, &
70 Days Between April 8 & June 16th
Christian Pentecost has come and gone, along with our hopes that the Rapture or Catching Away might be then. But there are some very interesting Signs in the Heavens coming up in the month of June, especially the True date for Shavuot or Jewish Pentecost. In my previous article, I wrote about the Feast of Shavuot, which falls on June 12th this year. But if we follow the Jewish calendar and count 49 days from the Firstfruits offering on the Sunday of Passover Week this year, which was on Sunday, April 26th, 2024, we arrive at June 16th   April 26th corresponds to Yahshua's or Jesus' true Resurrection Day, which I believe occurred in the year 31 AD or CE. 

As the illustration in this paragraph shows, if we count 7 weeks from Sunday, April 26th, we arrive at Sunday, June 16th, which is 4 days after the Jewish version of Pentecost called Shavuot, while the 16th of June is the actual day that it should be celebrated on. The discrepancy between these two dates for Shavuot is caused by the fact that the Jews count the 49 days of the Omer from the High Sabbath of Passover. However, the 49 days or 7 weeks should be counted from the day of the Firstfruits offering on the Sunday of Passover Week. This is exactly how Leviticus Chapter 23, verses 10 and 11 say it should be counted.  What this means is that we really won't have reached True Pentecost until June 16th this year. 

In my last two articles, which were Part 2 and Part 3 of this 4 Part Article Series on the Spring 2024 Heavenly Signs, I mentioned that there were exactly 40 days between April 8th, 2024, the date of the Great American Solar Eclipse, and Evangelical Pentecost Sunday, which fell on May 19th, 2024. This 40 days is tied to the Heavenly Sign of Jonah displayed in the Heavens this year on Purim, Pesach or Passover,  and also during the Eclipse on April 8th. This tie in to the Sign of Jonah indicates that God may soon intend to begin pronouncing judgment on America and the entire world for their rejection of God's Moral Laws or Commandments governing our social behavior and interactions with other people and animals.   

We are living in a world where good behavior has become evil and evil behavior has become good in the eyes of the unsaved people of this world. While Christians mourn the Palestinian hatred of Americans and Israelis, the genetic modification of the bodies of the animals, and the plant foods we eat, the countless murders of unborn children, and the gender confusion and bodily mutilation going on among modern youths and transgender individuals, in the so called Free World, the unsaved people of this world are celebrating all these sins and are now demanding that everyone follow suit.

Calculation Showing
70 Day Count Between
April 8th & June 16th

This is very interesting in light of the 70 day count from the Solar Eclipse on April 8th until Pentecost on June 16th. This is because the number 70 signifies completion and fulfillment. So it is possible that June 16th may be tied to the 70 times 7 Times for Forgiveness that Yahshua spoke about. When Yahshua said this, he meant that we -  the chosen ones who are born again -  should forgive one another for our sins against each other in God's family and every living thing on a daily basis.  Tis meaning can be deduced from the fact that the Hebrew word for "Seven" is "Times," which can refer to a 24 hour day, a 7 day week,  a month, a year a 50 year Jubilee period. It could also refer to 70 days, or one 70 year generation, and even longer periods of time.

So, could Yahweh in His great Mercy have decided to postpone the beginning of His Final Judgment on this world for 30 days extra per Yahshua's 70 times 7 decree? Could this time of Divine Mercy be scheduled to end on True Pentecost this June 16th, which is exactly 70 days from the April 8th Solar Eclipse? Could God's Wrath begin to be poured out beginning on that day? Could the born again saints be caught up to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb in the Heaven where Yahshua now resides  on that day as well - since Born Again believes are not subject to God's Wrath?  Remember, God's Wrath is meant to be poured out only upon the unrepentant wicked and it will encompass the whole planet at the same time, so there will be no place on this Earth to hide from it.

Celestial Crown Above Orion,
In Taurus on June 16th, 2024

Though I don't know for certain if this will be the case, the Signs in the Heavens on June 16th are very interesting, as shown in the illustration at the top of this article, and in this paragraph. In this image, the focus is on the Heavenly line up in the Sign of Taurus the Bull on June 16th, 2024. In the Star Gospel, Taurus symbolizes the Bull that was sacrificed as a burnt sin offering everyday in the Tabernacle and Temple periods of Ancient Israel's history. Below the horns of Taurus that are tied to the leaders of the United States and United Kingdom, the giant constellation known as Orion the Hunter or Warrior can be seen. Orion symbolizes Yahshua as an Atonement offering for sin, and as a conquering Warrior King or Prince that is ready to defeat his enemies. So it is symbolically powerful that the Sun and 2 planets - Venus and Jupiter - are all associated with Yahshua's ministry to mankind, and are all acting like brilliant jewels in the symbolic crown above Orion's head on June 16th. In the latter half of this article, I discuss the symbolism of the constellation Ophiuchus and would like to mention here that Orion and Ophiuchus are like two different sides to the same coin. They both recall the prophecy of the Seed of the Woman in Genesis 3:15, and depict Yahshua as a Suffering Servant who is murdered to pay for our transgressions. Both Orion and Ophiuchus signify how the Messiah is oppressed and struck down by the Serpent called Satan, but who is miraculously raised up and crowned as a conquering warrior who will conquer all of his serpentine enemies.

Below this paragraph is an illustration showing the location of the Moon on June 16th. The Moon will be in the Sign of Virgo the Virgin on that day, and both the Moon and Virgo signify the Born Again Saints of Yahshua. The Moon and Virgo can both signify the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish Virgins in Yahshua's Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins that are invited to Yahshua's Wedding Feast. This is found in the Book of Matthew, Chapter 25. With the Moon very close to the bright star Spica, "The Branch", which signifies Yahshua as the Branch of Jesse and King of Israel, and the crown of celestial bodies over Orion in Taurus at the same moment on the same day, could this be marking the day of the Rapture? It could be, and I hope and pray it does!

Partial Meaning & Location of the 3/4 Moon
In Virgo the Virgin on June 16th, 2024

The 1,290 Days Between
June 16th, 2024 And
Dec. 27th, 2027

In light of these Heavenly Signs, I now want to focus on some date calculations that I was inspired to make after I received a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit, who told me that I should look for the end of the Great Tribulation in the year 2027. I was also led to utilize some date calculations prophecies in the Book of Daniel Chapter 12 in connection with June 16th. Daniel Chapter 12 is a very interesting prophetic chapter that focuses on the people and events of the Last Days before Yahshua sets up his Millennial Kingdom. If you are not familiar with it, please read it now using the link  to it in this paragraph. 

Now, looking at Daniel Chapter 12, verses 11 and 12, we get the numbers 1,290 and 1,335 days. The 1,290 days calculates when the "Abomination That Causes Desolation" is to be set up. I believe this Abomination is the curtain that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place in the 2nd Temple to Yahweh in Jerusalem, which was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans. This curtain was ripped in two from top to bottom when Yahshua died for our sins. But there is no doubt in my mind that the High Priest ordered this Divine Sign from God in judgment against the priests to be removed and replaced with an untorn curtain, and that untorn curtain is the abomination! Now, if we count 1,290 days from June 16th, 2024, we arrive at December 27th, 2027, which is the 4th day of Chanukah in 2027! This is highly significant, as I will reveal in a moment. But first, let's  look at the 1,335 day period.

Calculation of 1,335 Days
From  April 8th, 2024 
To Dec, 27th, 2027

The 1,290 days can be calculated as three and a half years, or a 42 month and twelve day period, with the 1,335 day count giving an addition of 45 days to that count, as shown in the next date calculation graphic in this paragraph. This 42 months period is the length given in both the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation for the length of the Great Tribulation. Now, if we consider the end of 2019 as the start of Daniel's 70th Week, then June 16th, 2024 is the three and a half year long "half way mark" of that week of years! In light of all this, I believe that we are already in the midst of the seven year countdown to the end, which corresponds to Daniel's Seventieth Week. If so, we may already be very close to the middle of that week. 

These date calculations suggest that June 16th may mark the countdown to when this curtain is placed inside the Holy Place in the Third Temple of the Tribulation period. If this is the case, could Yahshua return to destroy the armies of the Antichrist shortly after that, at the time of the 1,335 days, which corresponds to February 10th, 2028? Interestingly, this date is just 2 days before the Jewish New Year of Trees on February 12th, 2028. Modern Jews often honor God's gift of the land by planting new trees and working on ecological improvement. Could the Catching Away of the Tribulation Saints that arise out of those who are left behind fall on the 4th or 5th day of Chanukah in December of 2027? Or could this be when the Rapture of all the Born Again Saints may be? If so, the Wedding of the Lamb in Heaven could take place at the conclusion of the 1,335 days, when Yahshua and His Angels and Saints may descend onto the Earth and wipe out the armies of the Antichrist surrounding Jerusalem. 

This victory battle is known as the Battle of Armageddon, and it is described in the Book of Revelation, Chapters 17 through 19. To illustrate the amazing Heavenly Sign of the Chanukah Eclipse Triad of 2019 through 2021, here is a portion of my Heavenly Sign Timeline Graphic used in previous articles on this blog - when I discussed the possibility that 2017 through 2024 might be Daniel's Seventieth Week. Although that assumption was incorrect, this new date suggests that the beginning of 2020 through to the end of 2027 could be correct!

The 2019-2021 Solar Eclipse Triad May
Mark The Beginning of Daniel's 70th Week! 

Dates for Chanukah,
2027: Dec. 24th-Jan. 1st
This remarkable chain of events seems plausible to me because of my knowledge of the Heavenly Signs, and the fact that there were three consecutive Solar Eclipses during the week of Chanukah in December of 2019, 2020, and 2021, which marked the 2 years of the worldwide lockdowns and the massive death toll surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the Eclipses in December of 2019 and 2020 were on the 5th day of Chanukah in both years, as shown in the Heavenly Sign graphic below this paragraph. Looking back on this series of Signs on Chanukah, which I thought might mark the Rapture in December of 2021, could this have been God's way of pointing to Chanukah as the time when the final Catching Away of the Left Behind Saints is accomplished, and the Wedding of the Lamb in Heaven will take place? I surmised this in my book "The Language of God in Prophecy", where I proposed a theory that the Rapture is to take place in several stages. 

In that book, I proposed that the First Stage of the First Resurrection was at the time of Yahshua's Resurrection from the Dead in that rock-cut rich man's tomb just outside of Jerusalem. At that time, many Old Testament Saints who foresaw Yahshua's coming and looked forward to it were raised up into everlasting life. Although we can assume these resurrected Saints left with Yahshua when He ascended to Heaven 40 days later, it may be that some of them are still here, working to further God's Kingdom on the Earth until the time of the end.  The Second Stage of the First Resurrection would therefore be the Catching Away of all the Born Again Saints that are sanctified and ready at the beginning of the Great Tribulation, when God's Wrath will begin to be poured out. 

This could very well be this June 16th -  although we may need to wait a bit longer after then. I simply do not know for certain. But i am fairly certain that the First Resurrection has ssveral stages. The second stage of the First Resurrection will be when the Rapture or Divine Rescue of the Saints occurs - likely just before God begins to pour out His Wrath against the wicked. Then there may be a third Catching Away - just before the final volley of God's Wrath and the Battle of Armageddon. This could be at the time that the Two Witnesses who will be slain are raised up and caught up to Heaven. In Revelation Chapter 11, it mentions that people will be giving gifts to one another to celebrate the deaths of the Two Witnesses. Could this be pointing to the time of Chanukah, which is a time of gift-giving? In this respect, it is quite like Christmas, which coincides with Chanukah in 2027. Finally, there will be a resurrection of the Saints who choose to stay and die during the raging battles that may ensue everywhere at the end of the Great Tribulation, not just in the tiny nation of Israel.

Virgo the Virgin  Bride of Yahshua
Crowned With Righteousness on
Chanukah Day 4,  Dec. 27th, 2027

The Signs in the Heavens on December 27th, 2027 are also very interesting. First, let's look at the illustration above. Here we have the Giant Messiah Planet Jupiter signifying Yahshua as the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53. It rests smack in the middle between Virgo, the First Sign of the Ancient Zodiac, and Leo, the Last Sign of the Ancient Zodiac. This suggests the Title of Yahshua as the First and the Last, and the Beginning and the End, just as the Great American Eclipse of April 8th pointed to the First and the Last by drawing an Aleph and a Tav over the entire country. But in an allegorical way, Jupiter also signifies the suffering of the Tribulation Saints that are going to be forced to live through the Great Tribulation, and they will experience the results of the pouring out of the Wrath of God. But, with the miraculous intervention of the 144,000 Witnesses, most of them will somehow survive, and even thrive. With Jupiter crowning the head of Virgo the Virgin, it's like an announcement that Yahshua may be passing out the crowns of the Saints who love Him and stay strong and faithful. They will have endured great suffering for His sake, without ever losing their ability to love and forgive the way Yahshua always does when people show true repentance, and turn away from sin. 

Fascinatingly, December 27th will be the time of the New Moon, and the Sun and the Moon will be in near conjunction near the head portion of Sagittarius the Archer, as shown in the illustration below this paragraph. Like the Virgo and Leo with Jupiter graphic several paragraphs above shows, there is an amazing Sign in Sagittarius that reveals the almost mind-blowing symbolism locked into the heavens on December 27th, 2027 by the Hand of God. This is especially evident in the image below. 

Sagittarius and Ophiuchus flanking
the Galactic Center, the Symbolic
Gateway Into God's Throne Room!
Chanukah Day 4, Dec. 27th, 2027

This Galactic Center is seen between Sagittarius and Ophiuchus. In the graphic above this paragraph, we can see Sagittarius the Archer, who is meant to represent Yahshua as a conquering warrior king who is fierce in battle, and willing to give His life to protect those He loves. When He ascended to Heaven, Yahshua was crowned like the King of Kings that He is. In the Heavens on December 27th, Yahshua's celestial crown atop the head of the Archer is to be jeweled with the radiant white of the Sun, the dark onyx of the New Moon (the color of the Tribe of Joseph!), and the fast moving, swift gray planet Mercury, and they are all in the general vicinity of the Galactic Center, or the proposed center of the Milky Way. 

Some scientist thinks there is a giant black hole at the center of our galaxy.  But I disagree with them because black holes don't emit any light or warmth for the benefit of the viewer. So they function in the exact opposite way to our life-giving Creator and Messiah Yahshua, who is our Creator. Indeed, it is the nature of God to bring love, light, warmth, passion and life to everything that He touches and chooses. In so doing, our Creator brings purpose and meaning to everything that He touches and creates!  In the next paragraph is a photograph of the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy, with the entrance symbolically marked by a swirling mass of light and dark matter inside the widest section of starry light at the center.
Photo of the Galactic Center
of the Milky Way Galaxy 

Looking at the graphic several paragraphs above, we see Sagittarius the Archer with the Sun and the Moon at the Galactic Center, which is flanked by Sagittarius and Ophiuchus.  To me, the imagery suggests that we are looking at an allegorical representation of the entrance into the Heavenly Paradise or Garden of Eden where God dwells. Thus, Sagittarius and Ophiuchus are like the bronze pillars Jachin and Boaz flanking the entrance to Solomon's Temple.  This Galactic Center is like the entrance to the Universe's Most Holy Place, where the Spirit of God dwells forever. Someday, this Most Holy Place will be represented by the innermost chamber of the Temple that God himself will build in the New Jerusalem.

These two bronze pillars that once stood on either side of the entrance to the Temple of Solomon signify Jachin, the grandson of Jacob through his son Simeon, and Boaz, the rich Israelite landowner who married Ruth, a poor Moabite widow. Both went on to be featured in the bloodline of Yahshua in Chapter 2 of the Gospel of Matthew, and also in Chapter 2 of the Gospel of Luke. Speaking of Jachin, his father Simeon is allegorically connected  to Pisces the Fishes, which represents the Two Houses of Israel. As I said before, Jachin was Jacob's 4th grandson through his son Simeon, who was the second son born to Jacob's wife Leah. Below is an artist's depiction of the Temple pillars named Jachin and Boaz with an image of the constellations Sagittarius and Ophiuchus superimposed over them as a way of showing what I am trying to convey:

The Pillars Jachin & Boaz
Connected To Sagittarius
And Ophiuchus

The Tribe of Simeon is connected to the Constellation Pisces the Fishes in the symbolism of the Bible, and it is the central constellation connected to the Heavenly Sign of Jonah that I spoke of in Parts 2 and 3 of this Article Series. This connection of Pisces to Simeon is important because Pisces represents the Two Houses of Israel that are connected to the Jews and Christians that believe in Yahshua as the Messiah and Son of God. The Old Testament patriarch named Simeon is also reflected in two characters in the New Testament. First of all, there was an old seer named Simeon who waited in the courtyard of the Temple to see the Messiah of Israel (Luke 2:25-35). This Israelite man rejoiced before God and blessed Yahshua and his parents with his words when he held the baby Yahshua in his arms. 

The Simeon connection to the True Church of all Born Again Believers in Yahshua is also reflected  in the name of the Apostle Peter, who was also known as Simon (Matthew 4:17-19). When Yahshua referred to Peter as the Rock upon which He would build His Church, He was referring to Simon Peter's rock-hard faith in his Messiah. To be truly faithful to Yahshua, we need to have the same ability as Peter had at that time to declare Spiritual Truths concerning Yahshua's identity, purpose and ministry to others. 

Allegorically, the meaning of the name Simeon, which means: "He Who Listens And Hears," reflect the spiritual nature of the people who belong to the True Church. This Church or Synagogue is made up of the Two Houses of Israel called Judah and Ephraim in Bible Prophecy. The two Fishes of Pisces are therefore not only tied to the Tribe of Simeon, but to the Two Houses of Israel named Judah and Ephraim as a whole. I hope to write an entire article about this Simeon and Pisces symbolism in the near future. In the meantime, I hope this brief explanation adds to your understanding of the Gospel in the Stars. 

Now, let's return to examining the Heavenly Signs. On December 27th - Chanukah Day Four, and the second day of the 12 Days of Christmas - we see the Sun representing both Jacob and Yahshua, and the Moon representing Jacob's wives Rachel and Leah, as well as Yahshua's Bride aligned with each other on top of the Galactic Center of the Milky Way. This region of our galaxy is like an allegorical entrance into Heaven, and when I saw this imagery of the Sun and the Moon atop the Galactic Center, , I was drawn to remember the imagery at the end of the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins, when the Wise Virgins enter the doorway into the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. Here we see Yahshua the Sun of Righteousness escorting His Black clad Bride into Heaven, as if Yahshua just got done sneaking her away from the Earth during the cover of night. This lends support to the idea that the Rapture will occur when the world is unaware of the catastrophic calamities about to strike the Earth from above and below. They  likely won't know what is coming until it is too late for them to escape, and many will die in agony.

This idea of the Bride and Groom entering Heaven together came to me while looking at the image of the pillars Jachin and Boaz that I utilized in this article. When I found the drawing of the pillars on the temple porch, I had a vision showing me the connection of these two pillars flanking the Temple door entrance to Sagittarius, Ophiuchus and the galactic center, which appears between these two constellations in the heavens. I was also shown that these pillars are tied to the two Cherubim facing each other on the top of the Ark of the Covenant. As such, the Galactic Center in Sagittarius can be seen as the Mercy Seat, as well as Christ's symbolic Throne Room in Heaven. 

Variations of Celtic Knots

Because of this, I wonder if a portal to the everlasting heavenly abode of God may exist somewhere within that region of the starry heavens. There may also be an actual doorway or portal into the Third Heaven located in the region of the Pleiades - in the constellation named Taurus the Bull. Although there is an unseen spiritual connection between our world and God's heavenly abode, there may be actual portals or doorways into the spiritual world or universe that parallels our material universe in these regions of space. In that regard, I have had visions showing me the nature of God's Heavenly Kingdom and His Earthly Kingdom, and how these two realms interact. At first, these visions featured two revolving circles of light filled with energy that intersected each other and formed more complex geometric shapes resembling Celtic Knots. I believe these circles reflect the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God on Earth as they move through time and space together. Recalling the crown of the Sun and planets over Orion on June 16th, 2024, and then seeing this imagery of the Sun and the Moon on the Galactic Center, I am beginning to think of Orion and Ophiuchus as the divinely appointed guardians of not one, but two entrances into Heaven. 

As the Bible tells us, there is another realm or universe that is spiritual rather than material in nature. This Spiritual Realm is parallel to, but separate from our own, and these two worlds or universes intersect within the unseen Quantum Realm. I believe that this Quantum Realm corresponds to the Body of Yahshua, who is the Word of God that created all three realms. Thus, the spiritual and the material realms intersect in the unseen quantum realm that operates by the power of Faith. This suggests the idea of the Trinity, where there are three distinct personalities that work together as one to create all that we can see, as well as plenty that exists in time and space that is physically invisible to us.

The Quantum Realm is a miraculous place that is influenced by the power of all Born Again Believers when they pray, declare, and act as a part of the Body of Yahshua. Through the Body of Yahshua, the two circles signifying the spiritual and material realms or universes overlap and combine in the Quantum Realm. It is a realm that science still doesn't know that much about. But we do know that this realm allows our spiritual thoughts and perceptions of things to interact with matter. This is because our words, impressions and stated beliefs actually have the ability to alter time and matter in the Quantum Realm. 

To put it simply, I saw that our Milky Way Galaxy and the Universe we exist within and the Third Heaven where God dwells are are like two revolving circles that intersect and create goodness and light through the Person of Yahshua. So our Universe is this place of Intersection where the Spirit world and Material world collide, interact with and transform one another. Thus, the Quantum Realm is the unseen workshop where God's Spirit and the matter that Yahshua created combined to become the birth place of His Creation.

If this vision of the overlapping circular construction of our universe is true, and I believe that it is, it suggests that the Saints are partly responsible for shaping the events of history in this dynamic and lively universe that we currently inhabit. But right now, because of the entrance of evil and rebellion against God, this universe is only a dim reflection of what it will become when the New Heaven and the New Earth are created. In my mind, I see these two intersecting circles or dimensions as a figure-eight like system that is reflected in the sideways figure eight symbol for eternity, and also in the Triquetra, or Celtic knot symbol that was associated with the Trinity in ancient times.

Variations of the Celtic
Knot Known As The Triquetra

Before closing this article, I want to mention the fact that I have been working on creating these Sacred Astronomy Natal Chart Reports for people as a way of blessing the Saints waiting for Yahshua's return, as a witnessing tool, and as a way to potentially earn a bit of income to supplement  my tiny Social Security income. Fascinatingly, the First Report I finished and delivered was to a man who was born on April 8th - the exact date of the Great American Solar Eclipse this year! Meanwhile, the Last Report that I have been working on but have not finished yet is for a woman who was born on February 10th - the exact date I reached with the 1,335 day count! Although this could be a coincidence, I think it could be a way that God is using to confirm my thinking about the meaning and importance of the Heavenly Signs mentioned in this article. 

When I look at the war between the Hamas and Hezbollah in Gaza and Iran against the nation of Israel, the recent helicopter crash that killed the President of Iran, the long ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, and Russia's threats that are causing destabilization in parts of Europe and the Middle East. I can't help but wonder at how closely they mirror numerous Bible Prophecies in the Books of Isaiah, Malachi, Daniel, and Revelation, and appear to be leading up to the War of Gog and Magog described in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapters 38 and 39. The Book of Revelation Chapter 19 declares that all these End Time events will culminate with the Second Coming of Yahshua to destroy the armies of the Antichrist trying to destroy Israel and the United States. 

With all the widespread wickedness in this world that has led to the massive attacks to discredit former President Trump from re-election, and the traitorous wickedness against the United States being displayed by the Biden administration in not securing our nation's borders, it just seems like the United States is running out of time, and may soon be destroyed if Yahshua doesn't come back very soon to straighten out this corrupted world! 

Again, the prophetic vision attributed to George Washington that I linked to in my last article, and analyzed in my book "The Language of God in Prophecy", definitely appears to be coming true right now, and it ends with Yahshua's Second Coming! So let's keep our hopes up as we all work to stand before the onslaught of hate being thrown against us by Radical Muslims and many other unsaved people, and ask God to help us show all the love we are called to give - even to our enemies! We can do this by sharing the Good News of Salvation in Yahshua, and the Grace, Power and Glory of the Kingdom of God with anyone who will listen!

No one knows the day or hour, but I think it's fun and educational to look at the possibilities because it keeps me and others hopeful and focused on Bible Prophecy study. If you want to be encouraged, keep watching my Facebook Profile and Ministry Blog for information on when my new article will be published. 

For your further edification and reference, here are the titles and links to the past 3 Articles in this 4 Part Article Series:

Spring 2024 Heavenly Signs - Part 1 -
The Feast of Esther and the Lunar Eclipse of March 25th, 2024

Spring 2024 Heavenly Signs, Part 2 -
The Triple American Solar Eclipse Tie To Pentecost And The Sign Of Jonah

Spring 2024 Heavenly Signs - Part 3 -
Are Pentecost and Shavuot Announcing the Rapture and Wrath of God?

I hope that you enjoyed reading Part 4 of this Article Series on the Spring 2024 Heavenly Signs. In the meantime, please help me financially if you are able. Even $10 would be helpful! You can send cash to my ministry using Venmo or PayPal with the following email address that has been attached to my ministry since its inception over 25 years ago, which is:  

pillar_of_enoch @ yahoo.com

Please take the spaces around the @ sign in the email address above out before using it so it will work. Or, alternatively, you can go to my Ministry website BY CLICKING HERE, and then using the dropdown button menus on that page to send my Ministry a gift via PayPal.

🙏💖Blessings of Yahshua upon you all!💖🙏 
Helena Lehman of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Ministry Web Site: https://pillar-of-enoch.com/