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The 4 Living Creatures tied to the Zodiac, First 4 Seals, 4 Corners of the Earth
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PLEASE NOTE: This Article Was
Corrected and Updated on Sunday February 15th, 2020
To my dearly beloved Brethren in Yahshua, and to all who are seeking the truth, let me tell you now that what you are about to read within this article is nothing short of revolutionary. It concerns a profound spiritual and prophetic mystery that is encoded in the Book of Revelation. This mysterious information has been hidden for millennia, but is now being revealed for the edification of God's children in this Last Day. I don't know why God chose to reveal it to me, but He has, and I am humbly grateful for it. But since it is a very new revelation, I am not quite sure how it all connects with current and future prophetic events yet. All I know is that it is important for all believers to know about this revealed mystery, and to search out its still deeper meanings from what I have been shown so far.
In regard to this prophetic mystery, God's Spirit showed me how to discern the first part of it in September of 2011, when I wrote two articles within a couple of weeks of each other that talked about what the Four Corners of the Earth are referring to, and how they are tied to Four Watcher Archangels, to four Cardinal Signs of the Mazzaroth or Zodiac, to the Cherubim and Living Creatures in the Bible, and also to four specific quarters of the world. I've linked to these two articles at the end of this article, and I suggest reading those articles after reading this one in order to get a better understanding of why God led me to discover this new revelation that led me to write this new article.
This article is meant to give an overview of this revolutionary information that God has shown me in relation to my previous understanding of the Four Corners of the Earth. This new knowledge actually shows some of the errors that I made in my previous assumptions while also revealing completely new information. Although my initial conclusions were fairly accurate, I did not have the full understanding of what God was showing me back in 2006 through 2009 - when I was incorporating this type of information into my third book called: “The Language of God in History”. So the articles that I wrote in 2011 reflect my older, somewhat erroneous research that nonetheless shared a good deal of valid information.
“The Language of God in History” contains far more than just my initial understanding of the Four Corners of the Earth and the Watcher Angels in charge of them, however. It is a heavily researched, illustrated and indexed 800-page reference book unlike any other on the market today that covers the literal and spiritual history of God's Chosen people Israel, from their earliest beginnings before the Flood to the modern day Israelites: both natural and grafted in. It is available at my POEM Web Site on a CD, as a high-quality paperback, as a digital PDF download, and on Amazon as a Kindle digital book and as a paperback book, along with the other books in the series. See the links at the end of this article for ordering information.
Let's begin with the Book of Revelation, Chapter 4, where there are four Living Creatures positioned around God's Throne in His heavenly throne room, where the 24 Elders are also seated. These creatures are analogous to the four-winged Cherubim that the prophet Ezekiel wrote about, except that the Living Creatures have six wings as opposed to the four wings that Ezekiel's Cherubim had. This is significant - as I will explain a bit later. In the following Scripture quote, I've identified the faces of the Living Creatures with their respective Zodiac Signs:
Revelation 4:6-8 ~ “Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion (LEO), the second living creature like a calf (TAURUS), the third living creature had a face like a man (AQUARIUS), and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle (SCORPIO). 8 The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within...”As indicated within the parentheses in the above Scripture, the Four Living Creatures correspond to four equidistant Constellations on the Sun's Ecliptic. Also interesting to note is that they are listed in the order that they would have appeared in 10,000 BC, not as they now appear in the current era. The Vernal or Spring Equinox appeared in the Precessional Epoch of Leo the Lion at the dawn of time, which fell roughly between 10,000 BC and 8,000 BC, so that is why the First Living Creature with the face of a lion is listed first.
Fascinatingly, Leo (rather than Taurus) was considered to be the Last, "Omega" or Ending Sign in the circle of the Zodiac in the Ancient Mazzaroth. In the Gospel in the Stars, it is a symbol for the Tribe of Judah, as well as Yahshua (ie Jesus) as the Lion of Judah coming in Glory as the King of kings to conquer the wicked, and set up His 1,000-year reign from Jerusalem. But it can also be connected to the beginning of time. This alludes to the fact that Yahshua our Messiah is the First and the Last, and the Beginning and the End of all things - just as Christ is referred to in the Book of Revelation several times.
Next, the Second Living Creature with the face of a calf corresponds to Taurus the Bull, which housed the Spring Equinox at the time that Adam and Eve were created. Taurus and its neighboring sign Gemini the Twins governed the lands where mankind first appeared on the Earth, and where the Garden of Eden was located. But today, they are connected to Alaska and Hawaii. This also reveals that Taurus is rightly connected to the Beast from the Sea rather than the Beast from the Earth, as I had previously assumed incorrectly. Or the truth may be that Taurus, whose horns are connected to the patriarch Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh and the nations connected to them today, actually represents both.
The Third Living Creature with the face of a man corresponds to Aquarius the Water-Bearer. Since the Sun now technically rises in the Sign of Aquarius at dawn on the Spring Equinox, this sign appears eastward on the corresponding map that I will introduce a little later in this article. But at the dawn of time, Leo held that position. Interestingly, this means that the Precessional Age of Aquarius, which is tied to the Tribe of Reuben, and was tied to the Tribe of Joseph will govern the next 2,000 years of human history. This time period will include the Millennial Rule of Christ, and the first 1,000 years of history in the New Heaven and New Earth.
Finally, the Fourth Living Creature with the face of an eagle corresponds to Scorpio the Scorpion, and is tied to the Tribe of Dan. There is a three-fold reason why Scorpio is represented with an Eagle's face instead of the face of a Scorpion. First of all, Scorpio signifies the wicked actions of the Devil against the sons and daughters of the Living God Yahweh - those who are the spiritual brothers and sisters of His Son Yahshua. Since it signifies wickedness at its worst, it will not be represented in the sky of the New Heaven and Earth, which will be recreated without sin or corruption.
In the New Heaven, Scorpio will literally be taken out of the Zodiac and replaced with the symbol of the Eagle, whose wings signify God's loving protection of His born-again spiritual children. In fact, the replacement for the Scorpion with an Eagle could be allegorically referring to the constellation sign of Aquila the Eagle. Aquila the Eagle is currently a decan sign of Capricorn the Goat-Fish, which signifies the salvation and deliverance of Noah and his sons within the Ark during the Great Flood. Capricorn is also tied to the Tribe of Gad.
Curiously, the symbol of the Eagle in Aquila is also tied directly to the National Seals of both Mexico and the United States of America, which both prominently feature proud and mighty eagles. To see how North America is tied to Bible Prophecy, and to many of the events of the Great Tribulation, I've included this revised and updated excerpt that originally appeared in my article entitled: "WHAT THE REVELATION 12 SIGN OF SEPTEMBER 2017 REALLY MEANS!", which is linked to in the preceding text link, and at the end of this article:
~ Beginning of Article Excerpt ~
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Mexico's Great Seal Featuring a Brown Eagle |
Indeed, America became a great haven for Jews, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians to dwell in relative peace with their mutual arch-enemy, the Roman Catholic Church. This happened about 350 years before 1970, the benchmark year when the Christian foundation of America was suddenly under constant siege by the secular cultural establishment and the media. In fact, the first Christian Pilgrims established the Plymouth Colony in what is now Massachusetts in America in 1620, which was exactly 350 years before 1970. Incidentally, a Blood Moon Tetrad on Jewish Feasts occurred around the time Columbus discovered America in 1492, just as a similar Blood Moon Tetrad occurred on Jewish Feasts in 2014 and 2015.
Though the Rapture did not occur in 2017, as the Sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun that appeared in Virgo on September 23rd seemed to have suggested, it has a secondary application due to the statement in Revelation 12 that the Dragon pursued the Woman and she had to find shelter in the wilderness. Though it applied to Christians with different views than the Roman Catholics in the past, in the future it may signify many lukewarm or apostate believers who believe, but are asleep and are not watching for Yahshua's return,
These once lukewarm believers will be left behind to be refined in the fire of the Great Tribulation. At that time, these beleaguered believers will have to flee into the wilderness and the mountains of the world, and they will be schooled there in the things of God by the 144,000 chosen saints of Israel that will be called to help them. Those that do not find shelter will either die of exposure as God pours out successive levels of His Wrath on this world, or at the hands of the Nephilim hybrid beasts and wicked people under control of the Antichrist. Even those that find adequate places to hide will still likely suffer great hardship and deprivation, and will be refined in the fire of tribulation until they are made perfect in Christ.
Fascinatingly, Mexico's Seal - with the brown eagle wrestling a serpent that it is about to eat - is tied to the Constellation Scorpio, which is to be depicted by the symbol of an Eagle instead of a Scorpion in eternity, and which has Ophiuchus as a decan (i.e. subordinate but related) sign. As shown in the illustration I made below, Ophiuchus signifies Yahshua and His Church as the Strong Man wrestling with, and holding back the evil Serpent connected to Satan and his demons:
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This Great Seal is depicted on the US One Dollar Bill, and it has been tied to the New World Order, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati in modern times. However, these symbols all had a godly Star Gospel connection before the 20th Century, and the Great Seal was designed in the 19th Century. Incidentally, the final design for the Great Seal of the USA was laid out by a man that had NO connection to the Freemasons whatsoever. Furthermore, the Gospel in the Stars was written and given meaning by Yahshua, who created the Universe for Our Heavenly Father in His Preincarnate state.
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As a symbol of the span of God's First Creation, the 13-tiered Pyramid is tied to Christ as the First and the Last and the Beginning and the End. It is also tied to the Great Pyramid and Great Sphinx in Egypt that I believe may have been built by Enoch's descendants before the Great Flood, as the historian Josephs intimated. Though it is a persistent but erroneous rumor, the Giza and Dahshur Pyramids in Egypt were not built by the sons of Cain or the Nephilim. The Nephilim are considered to be human - angel hybrid beings. They are the demons of today masquerading in the guise of aliens. As explained in Genesis 6 and the Book of 1 Enoch, Nephilim demonic spirits are tied to the Serpent seed line that came about when the Fallen Angels married human women from the line of Cain, and evil Nephilim giants were born to them.
~ End of Article Excerpt ~
As the preceding article excerpt clearly shows, North America figures prominently in the Star Gospel as both a symbol of an actual safe haven where good has flourished, but that has been overrun by, and practically defeated by evil. It is also a location where evil will ultimately be overcome and defeated by the goodness and courage of some of the left behind saints that live in North America, as well as the power, protection, and mercy given to these people by the loving Father God they worship. It also will likely be the scene of some major battles between good and evil at the time of the Great Tribulation.
The preceding excerpt also shows that God has set aside 13,000 years for the completion of this current form of His Creation, in which the perfection and goodness of the original creation have been overcome by wickedness, rebellion, and evil of all kinds. In addition, it shows that two major nations the now call North America home figure prominently in the prophetic events that will see all this wickedness reversed, destroyed and replaced with goodness. This will happen after the Great Tribulation, which will be followed by the blessed age of the Kingdom of God during the Millennial Rule of Christ from Jerusalem.
Tied t ory, each of the Four Living Creatures has eyes all around, and these eyes signify God's ability to see the passage of time in every past, present or future age and location all at once. Each of the Four Living Creatures also has six wings, and each wing represents the passage of time through one millennium, or a 1,000 year long Great Day of the Lord. This means that each of the four 6-winged Living Creatures signifies the heavens that appear 6,000 years AFTER the Fall of Adam and Eve, which is this CURRENT TIME in History, whereas Ezekiel's 4-winged Cherubim (See Ezekiel 1:10-25) depict a point 4,000 years after Adam and Eve fell into sin. The 4th Great Day was important because most of the history of the Kingdom of Israel occurred in the 4th Millennium after Adam and Eve fell, and Yahshua was born in Bethlehem at the end of the 4th Millennium!
Each of the four faces on the Living Creatures also represents four equidistant constellations among the Twelve Signs of the Mazzaroth or Zodiac that the Sun passes through each day. These four of the Twelve Sun Signs that are tied to the Cherubim and Living Creatures have the distinction of being tied to four equidistant points at the Earth's Equator in two different epochs of time, and these points are also intimately tied to the Four Winds and the Four Corners of the Earth that are spoken of in the Bible.
Now, all this preceding information about the Living Creatures takes on an even more significant prophetic meaning in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 6. There, each of these Living Creatures is revealed to be in charge of announcing one of the first Four Seal Judgments that govern the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Since the Living Creatures are tied to four regions of the world, they suggest that the region of the world that they are connected to will experience the judgments attached to each one of the Four Horsemen first - before these judgments spread out to other parts of the world.
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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Tied to the Living Creatures |
First, we need to identify how God views the East and West Compass directions of the Earth. But, before I go on, let me address those who believe that the Earth is flat before my coming discourse upsets them. I ask those of you who view the Earth as flat to please humor my belief that the Earth has a spherical shape like the Earth's Moon. Also, please ruminate on the following facts while you do:
Did you know that the Star patterns of the Zodiac Signs are REVERSED when you cross the Earth's Equator into any place in the Southern Hemisphere? Indeed, if you view the sky from any Southern Hemisphere vantage point, ALL the Zodiac signs are literally upside down in comparison to how they look from the Northern Hemisphere! In addition, did you know that water going down a drain rotates in the OPPOSITE direction in the Southern Hemisphere than it does in the Northern Hemisphere? These are clear indications that the Earth is a sphere, and not a flat, convex or concave shape. But I won't censure you if you choose to ignore these salient facts. Just please extend the same courtesy to me.
Using the theory that the Earth is a sphere, the Four Corners of the Earth are connected to Longitudinal Meridian lines running from the North Pole to the South Pole of the Earth and the rotation of the Earth, which determines where the Sun rises and sets in the East and the West at the Earth's Equator. For purposes of showing the four equidistant points along the Equator that are attached to the Four Corners of the Earth, I will use an Equal Projection World Map. The following full-color world map graphic was first presented in black and white in my book “The Language of God in History”:
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Zodiac Connections Of World Longitude Meridians At The Dawn Of Time, Circa 10,000 BC (RIGHT CLICK IMAGE AND OPEN IN NEW TAB TO SEE ENLARGED VIEW) |
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Spring Equinox in Leo the Lion Circa 8990 BC - Click Image To Enlarge |
But, before advancing with more new information in this article, it would be expedient for me and beneficial to you, my dear reader, if I present another short excerpt taken from my article entitled: “A Study of the Four Holy Watchers Appointed Over the Four Corners and Winds of the Earth”, which I published on September 11th, 2011. That was exactly ten years after the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City, which marked the beginning of the transition period before the beginning of the 7th Great Day since the Fall of Adam and Eve fell. We are still in this transition period, but 2010 marked a special 7-year countdown to 2017, which is the 70th year since Israel became a nation, and very likely marks the year of the Rapture. However, keep in mind that, according to my calculations, 2017 or the Jewish Year 5777 will not end until Nissan 1 of 5778, which will fall on March 17th, 2018. This is because Nissan 1 is New Year's Day on God's Sacred Calendar:
~ Beginning of Article Excerpt ~
In relation to the four angels that govern the four corners of the Earth, the ancient Persians recognized four bright stars as “Royal Stars” or “Watcher Stars.” Since the myriads of stars in the Universe are allegorically connected to the souls of angels and human beings, it seems logical that the four Watcher angels that govern the four corners and winds of the Earth and watch over the affairs of mankind would also be associated with these Watcher Stars.
Following are lists of the four Watcher Stars with their modern and ancient Persian names, Zodiac Signs, and association with the quarterly division of the Solar Year in various epochs. The first epoch would have been at the beginning of Creation - when the Spring Equinox was in the Zodiac sign of Leo:
Circa 10,500 BC, the Age of Leo:
1. Regulus (Venant - Watcher of the East) LEO - Vernal or Spring Equinox
2. Antares (Satevis - Watcher of the South) SCORPIO - Summer Solstice
3. Fomalhaut (Haftorang - Watcher of the West) AQUARIUS - Autumnal Equinox
4. Aldebaran (Tascheter - Watcher of the North) TAURUS - Winter Solstice
The Watcher Stars appear in the four Cardinal Zodiac Signs that marked each of the four quarters of the heavens and seasons of the year at the beginning of the six 1,000-year long Great Days that God utilized to create the world and Universe as we know it. These Cardinal Zodiac Signs would have housed the Sun on the equinoxes and solstices for 2,160 years, or from approximately 10,500 BC to 8,300 BC. Then the Solar Equinoxes and Solstices would have moved through two more 2,160-year Ages into neighboring signs until around 4150 BC, which was just before the time of the creation of Adam and Eve.
At that time, Taurus the Bull was the Zodiac Sign that the Spring Equinox appeared in. For this reason, the same signs that appeared in the Equinox and Solstice positions at the dawn of time were performing the same function but in a different order, as follows:
Circa 4150 BC, the Age of Taurus:
1. Aldebaran (Tascheter - Watcher of the East) TAURUS - Vernal or Spring Equinox
2. Regulus (Venant - Watcher of the South) LEO - Summer Solstice
3. Antares (Satevis - Watcher of the West) SCORPIO - Autumnal Equinox
4. Fomalhaut (Haftorang - Watcher of the North) AQUARIUS - Winter Solstice
Since then, 6000 years of human history have passed, and we are now entering a special cosmic time when the same four Zodiac Signs that governed the equinoxes and solstices at the dawn of time are doing so again. But this time, it is in reverse of their positions at the moment when God began His act of Creation, with the Zodiac Sign of Leo governing the Autumn Equinox rather than the Spring Equinox:
Circa 2000 AD, the Age of Aquarius:
1. Fomalhaut (Haftorang - Watcher of the East) AQUARIUS - Vernal or Spring Equinox
2. Aldebaran (Tascheter - Watcher of the South) TAURUS - Summer Solstice
3. Regulus (Venant - Watcher of the West) LEO - Autumnal Equinox
4. Antares (Satevis - Watcher of the North) SCORPIO - Winter Solstice
~ End of Article Excerpt ~
The Zodiac Signs governing the Solar Equinoxes and Solstices mark the Four Corner of the Earth. The preceding excerpt shows how the signs connected to the Earth at the beginning of time and at the end of time are completely reversed, as my new Four Corner World Map presented a bit further on in this article shows. This is in keeping with a prophetic principle called “The Reversal of History”, which I noted in my book “The Language of God in Prophecy”. Please read the article linked to below to learn more about this amazing principle:
Now that we have the coordinates of the Four Zodiac Signs attached to the Four Living Creatures firmly in place on the preceding map, we need to look at the following verses in Revelation Chapter 6 describing the opening of the first Four of the Seven Seal Judgments to find out which Horseman is assigned to which Living Creature, and to which element and region of the world they are connected to today:
Revelation 6:1-8 ~ First Seal: The Conqueror
“Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
Second Seal: Conflict on Earth
3 When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” 4 Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.
Third Seal: Scarcity on Earth
5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”
Fourth Seal: Widespread Death on EarthIn Revelation 6:1-2, the First Living Creature with the face of the Lion connected to Leo the Lion and the King of the Beasts, and the Creature connected to the element of FIRE speaks first, introducing the opening of the First Seal attached to the Rider on the White Horse. As such, this is a clue that the Rider on the White Horse is to be associated with the Tribe of Judah, as well as with the spread of more arid and desolate regions on the Earth via wildfires, explosions, volcanic eruptions and solar heat.
7 When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.” 8 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.”
I also personally believe that this Rider on the White Horse can be directly associated with the Zodiac Sign of Sagittarius the Archer, which depicts Christ coming to conquer the wicked at the Battle of Armageddon. If this Rider is viewed as a depiction of the Antichrist spreading a false gospel that will capture the imaginations of the wicked prior to Christ's Second Coming, however, it strongly suggests that the Antichrist will be a Jew from the Tribe of Judah that lives somewhere in the Americas (like Jared Kushner!?).
Likewise, in Revelation 6:3-4, the Second Living Creature with the face of the Calf connected to Taurus the Bull or King of the Earth is associated with the element of EARTH, land, and soil, as well as to the Rider on the Fiery Red Horse, which is connected to constellations of Taurus the Bull and Perseus the Breaker. This Rider denotes the destruction of the Earth via many terrible shootings and bombings that will spill much red human blood, destroy much vegetation, and burn down many homes all over the surface of the Earth's continents, and which will lead to the cataclysmic nuclear fires and destruction of World War III.
In Revelation 6:5-6, the Third Living Creature is connected to Aquarius the Water-Bearer and is associated with the element of WATER as well as the Rider on the Black Horse. This indicates that this rider is connected to diseases that result from the pollution of the water in the oceans and major waterways of the world, such as the Gulf Oil Disaster of April 2010 that affected the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, and the Fukushima Nuclear Plant failure in March of 2011 and the subsequent leaching of highly toxic radiation into the Pacific Ocean. Both events have led to much sea life mutation, and to the death of all kinds of sea life, especially millions upon millions of fish.
Finally, in Revelation 6:7-8, the Fourth Living Creature is connected to Scorpio the Scorpion that is to be replaced with the Eagle - a bird that eats scorpions and serpents. The Eagle is the King of the Birds, and it is connected to the element of AIR, and these are associated with the Rider on the Pale Horse. This suggests that this rider is connected to the pollution of the air and the destruction of the protective atmosphere surrounding our Earth by man-made pollution such as chem-trails and nuclear and conventional explosions, as well as divinely sent curses such as cataclysmic, powerful Solar Winds, celestial bombardments, and massive Solar Flares that are known as Coronal Mass Ejections, or CMEs.
Now that we have the coordinates of the Four Zodiac Signs attached to the Four Living Creatures firmly in place, and the Seals and Horsemen that are attached to each Living Creature are known, I could create this absolutely amazing graphic, which is presented to you below this paragraph. With this graphic as my inspiration, I can now make some interesting assumptions. First of all, it seems that the Four Corners and Winds of the Earth are connected to the Four Cherubim and Four Living Creatures in the Bible. Specifically, I believe that I have unlocked the following prophetic secrets:
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The Four Corners of The Earth Connected to the Four Living Creatures (RIGHT CLICK IMAGE AND OPEN IN NEW TAB TO SEE ENLARGED VIEW) THIS IMAGE WAS CORRECTED ON 15 FEB. 2020 |
1. The First Corner of the Earth is connected to the First Living Creature that is aligned with Leo the Lion, and the Americas. The First Corner is Connected to the Autumn Equinox in this Epoch
2. The Second Corner of the Earth is connected to the Second Living Creature that is aligned with Taurus the Bull, and Polynesia and Micronesia. The Second Corner is Connected to the Summer Solstice in this Epoch
3. The Third Corner of the Earth is connected to the Third Living Creature that is aligned with Aquarius the Water-Bearer, and Russia, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The Third Corner is Connected to the Spring Equinox in this Epoch
4. The Fourth Corner of the Earth is connected to the Fourth Living Creature that is aligned with Scorpio the Scorpion (that will one day be replaced with the Eagle), and Europe, Israel, the Middle-East and Africa. The Fourth Corner is Connected to the Winter Solstice in this EpochFascinatingly, as I already mentioned, the association of Aquarius and Pisces with Asia today and the Americas in the past points directly to the Fukushima Nuclear disaster in Asia and the Gulf Oil Disaster in the Americas as the leading causes of the world's ocean pollution that is attached to the Rider on the Black Horse. It is also interesting to note here that most skin cancers turn black in color, and crude oil is black in color like the Black Horse. But before I get into more correlations like this that show that the first 5 Seals of Judgment on the Revelation Scroll have likely been opened by Yahshua, our Passover Lamb of God, I wanted to address the final portion of this mystery in the Book of Revelation that I am revealing in this article. This portion of it is revealed at the very beginning of Revelation Chapter 7:
Revelation 7:1-4 ~ “After these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree. 2 Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, 3 saying, “Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.” 4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed...”Now, before I discuss “the Four Angels standing at the Four Corners of the Earth”, let me state something that has to do with the chronology of the Book of Revelation. Based on my new findings as stated earlier, it is my personal belief that the first Four Seals of the Seven Seals on the Heavenly Scroll that only Yahshua could open were opened in 2011, which began a seven-year period of Judgment tied to the 9 Hallel Psalms 110 through 118, in which Psalm 110 and 118 act like a frame around the seven Psalms in between, which are Psalms 111 through 117. These special Jewish Liturgical Psalms are directly and prophetically tied to the years 2010 through 2018, and this series of 9 Psalms can be prophetically tied to the nine lamps on a Chanukah Menorah. What's more, the 27 Books of the New Testament form a triple Chanukah Menorah Pattern (3 X 9 = 27), with the Book of Revelation being the 27th and last book (Note: 2 + 7 = 9, the Number of Judgment!).
Unfortunately, the seven years tied to Psalms 111 through 117 have already elapsed, and I originally thought that these Psalms and years were tied to the actual seven years of the final Great Tribulation period. But though I obviously was mistaken in that regard, it still appears that they were tied to seven significant years leading up to the final Great Tribulation, which I now believe will begin before the end of July in 2020, and which is 3-1/2 years - not 7 years long. Yahshua fulfilled the first half of Daniel's Seventieth Week, and the scriptures confirm it by saying that the Great Tribulation is only 3-1/2 years at least seven times using references to 42 months, 1,260 days, and a time, times and half a time. (For 42 months, see Rev. 11:2, 13:5; for 1,260 days, see Rev. 11:3, 12:6; for "a time, times and half a time", see Daniel 7:25, 12:7, Rev. 12:14).
Now, in regard to the first four verses of Revelation Chapter 7, I believe that this is describing the Rapture of the Church and the special selection and marking of the 144,000 Witnesses, which I examined closely in 2008 (See my 2008 article about the 144,000 HERE). These Witnesses, which are taken from the natural and grated-in members of the Tribes of Israel, will not just be resurrected and glorified evangelists after the Rapture that will take place before they are chosen, but mighty and invincible warriors that will protect the once lukewarm believers that will repent and be born again right after the Rapture. I also think that, contrary to popular belief, the Rapture is also depicted in Matthew 24:30-31.
More on this connection will be revealed a bit later. But for now, the important thing to grasp here is that the Rapture has not occurred yet, even though the first five of the Seven Seal Judgments very likely have been opened and are now BEGINNING to have a global affect. Furthermore, the Book of Revelation tells us that - when the Sixth Seal is opened - the Great Tribulation will begin with the Wrath of God being poured out all over the world, and since born-again believers in Christ are not subject to God's Wrath (as per Romans 5:8-10, 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10 and 1 Thess. 5:8-10), the Rapture should occur before these cataclysmic events unfold. The opening of the Sixth Seal will result in a series of cataclysms including great cosmic disturbances and a massive meteor storm, a great earthquake, and a pole shift and shaking of the Earth that will cause massive destruction globally. This pole shift is described in Revelation 6:12-17 and Isaiah 24:17-23. I had a very vivid vision of these cataclysmic events in 2011 and most recently wrote about how earth-shattering and horrific they will be in the following article:
In a matter of hours or days after the onset of these terrible worldwide cataclysmic events spurred on by God's Wrath against the wicked, I believe that over one-third of all the people left on the Earth after the Rapture will be killed. Indeed, what many believers do not wish to accept is that - at the time of the Rapture - Yahshua's angels are likely not going to take more than about 225 million believers home to Glory, as per words of knowledge I've received from the Lord on several occasions (See Article Linked To HERE). The reason for this is because there is such widespread apostasy, heresy, and lukewarmness in so many churches around the world today. Sadly, this means that many halfhearted, unfaithful believers are going to have to live through the Great Tribulation, and many of them will suffer terribly and die before Yahshua returns to fight the enemies of the Church at the Battle of Armageddon, as described in Revelation Chapter 19.
When the Rapture takes place, “the Four Angels standing at the Four Corners of the Earth” in Revelation 7:1 will likely be in charge of directing the other angels that will seal the foreheads of the 144,000 and gather them up with the other saints, although the 144,000 will return to the Earth shortly thereafter to serve God as warriors, guides and preachers to the heavily persecuted new saints on the Earth at the time. Furthermore, these four archangels that are associated with the Corners of the Earth are directly connected to the Four Cherubim or Four Living Creatures found in Ezekiel and Revelation in the Bible, and the 144,000 will likely be under the command of these four archangels.
In my previous studies, I discovered the names of the Archangels connected to the Living Creatures - as the following article excerpt will explain. Like a previous excerpt in this article, this new excerpt was copied directly from my article entitled: “A Study of the Four Holy Watchers Appointed Over the Four Corners and Winds of the Earth”:
~ Beginning of Article Excerpt ~
The four Watchers or angels that govern the four corners and winds of the Earth are named in the Book of 1 Enoch as Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Phanuel:
1 Enoch 40:8-11 ~ “After that I asked the angel of peace who went with me, who showed me everything that is hidden: ‘Who are these four presences which I have seen and whose words I have heard and written down?’ And he said to me: ‘This first is Michael, the merciful and long-suffering: and the second, who is set over all the diseases and all the wounds of the children of men, is Raphael: and the third, who is set over all the powers, is Gabriel: and the fourth, who is set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life is named Phanuel’ And these are the four angels of the Lord of Spirits and the four voices I heard in those days.”These four angels may be the spirits that are directing four heavenly chariots in a vision given to the prophet Zechariah:
Zechariah 6:1-5 ~ “Then I turned and raised my eyes and looked, and behold, four chariots were coming from between two mountains, and the mountains were mountains of bronze. With the first chariot were red horses, with the second chariot black horses, with the third chariot white horses, and with the fourth chariot dappled horses—strong steeds. Then I answered and said to the angel who talked with me, ‘What are these, my lord?’ And the angel answered and said to me, ‘These are four spirits of heaven, who go out from their station before the Lord of all the earth.’”Intriguingly, the four spirits of heaven identified by Zechariah bear a resemblance to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. However, the four chariots of Zechariah’s vision are being driven by invisible hands and more than one horse is pulling each chariot. This makes it unlikely that the Four Horsemen associated with the first Four Seal Judgments in the Book of Revelation are the same as the four spirits directing the chariots in Zechariah’s vision. However, it is possible that the Four Horsemen are subordinate angels under the direction of one of the four spirits or Watchers that are concerned with humanity.
Because the four Watcher angels mentioned in the Book of 1 Enoch deal with the affairs of mankind, they may be the leaders in charge of the angels that the Bible indicates will gather the elect from the four winds or corners of the Earth as part of the First Resurrection:
Matthew 24:30-31 ~ “Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”Note that the Sign of the Son of Man will appear when the angels of the four winds or directions go to gather God’s people. Therefore, this passage of Matthew may not be a reference to Yahshua’s Second Coming to do battle on the Earth at Armageddon or the Valley of Megiddo at all. Rather, it may depict what will happen when Yahshua and His angels appear in the heavens at the Rapture to gather His elect saints that are to become His Bride.
~ End of Article Excerpt ~
This excerpt shows that four mighty archangels govern the Four Corners and Winds of the Earth, and these archangels will be the ones in charge of gathering up all the saints in the Rapture. These four archangels are as follows:
1. Archangel of the First Corner: Michael, the merciful and long-suffering warrior of the Lord
2. Archangel of the Second Corner: Raphael, who governs the healing of all diseases and wounds
3. Archangel of the Third Corner: Gabriel, who governs all the spiritual principalities and powers
4. Archangel of the Fourth Corner: Phanuel, who governs the power of repentance that leads to eternal lifeThese four archangels govern all the affairs of mankind on the Earth, but we are not to worship them. Instead, we make our appeals to our heavenly Father God, and then He directs the actions of these four archangels under His charge. This is because the angels that are loyal to God alone will do nothing without His authority and command. On my new Four Corners World Map, I have listed these four archangels at the Equator line under the corners they should be associated with. However, since these angels each govern specific areas concerning ALL of mankind, they are not restricted to any one corner, but they work in unison, and on a global scale.
As I already mentioned, these four archangels - Micheal, Gabriel, Raphael, and Phanuel - are likely to be in charge of coordinating the Rapture of the saints at the four corners of the world at the divinely specified time. This will be shortly after the Sign of the Son of Man appears in the heavens surrounding our Earth. Although many of us thought that the Sign of the Son of Man was tied to the Giza Christ Angles Sign on September 20th, and/or the Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun on September 23rd and 24th, 2017, and that the Rapture might happen then, it obviously has not. But there is no reason to lose hope! We need to keep watching, just as Yahshua asked us to, and we need to make sure that we do not fall asleep! Stay wakeful and watchful, for we are definitely in the season of our Bridegroom's return!
Another thing that I find amazing about this Four Corners Key to understanding the Book of Revelation that God gave me, and I am now revealing is that the Great American Solar Eclipse occurred in conjunction with the bright "King Star" called Regulus in the Sign of Leo the Lion, and the map shows that the Americas are also governed by the corner of the world connected to Leo the Lion in this epoch or era of time. Furthermore, Regulus is the "Watcher Star" that governs the corner of the world connected to the Americas in this epoch! Below is the graphic I created to analyze this amazing Solar Eclipse. Please read it to get a better understanding of what that Solar Eclipse means in Bible Prophecy:
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The Great American Solar Eclipse of August 21st, 2017 |
Fascinatingly, Virgo is the first or Alpha (Aleph) Sign of the circle or wheel of the Zodiac, and Leo is the last or Omega (Tav) Sign of the Zodiac, and together they proclaim that Yahshua is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, and the Alpha and the Omega! Indeed, for Yahshua had His beginning as our Redeemer as the baby born to a virgin in a sukkah or booth, and His final or ending position as the Lord of the Earth and King of the Universe sitting on His rightful throne in Jerusalem, and still later in the New Jerusalem! Furthermore, in connection to the idea of the reversal of history that I have already revealed, Yahshua created the Universe and the Earth when the Sun rose in the Sign of Leo a little over 12,000 years ago!
But that's not all! Leo is also the Sign that is connected to the element of FIRE, and what happened in connection with the Solar Eclipse of August 21st, 2017 is that there were widespread and devastatingly bad wildfires all over the Earth at that time, especially in the western regions of the United States that are directly within the 30 degrees that mark the Leo Meridian on the Earth! Look at my Four Corners Map and you will see the proof!
Furthermore, there has been terrible flooding all over the Earth for the past few years. Most notable is the terrible and deadly floods that inundated China in June of 2016. According to the report about it on Wikipedia under "2016 China Floods", more than 300 people were killed in these terrible floods:
"In mid-June 2016, heavy rainfall began across southern China, triggering deadly floods. Over the following month, additional rain events exacerbated flooding and affected more of the country. Areas along the Yangtze River and Huai River have been particularly hard-hit.[2] An estimated 32 million people across 26 provinces were affected and more than 300 people were killed."Fascinatingly, China is governed by the Aquarius Meridian, and the Sign of Aquarius is partly meant to be a symbol of the Great Flood Noah! In addition, Aquarius now governs the Spring Equinox, and the most recent floods that did the worst damage in China occurred between the 14th and 20th of June in 2016, which was the last week of Spring - BEFORE the Summer Solstice occurred on June 21st! Not only that, but the Black Horse is connected to the Third Corner of the Earth that is connected to the Aquarius and Pisces Meridians that now cover Asia, and the Black Horse governs deadly pestilences and famines connected to food scarcity, which has occurred due to severe flooding. In April and May of 2017, bad floods also affected Australia, China, and Indonesia, which all fall in the Aquarius Meridian! There were also terrible floods in the United States, Columbia and Argentina in the spring of 2017 in the END Times, and the Americas were governed by the Aquarius Meridian at the BEGINNING of Creation.
Feb. 16th, 2020 UPDATE: During the 2019-2020 Winter Period in the Northern Hemisphere (which is the Summer period in the Southern Hemisphere), there has been terrible cataclysmic storms and flooding in many diverse places, as well as widespread destructive wildfires burning in various countries. The Amazon jungles in South America were burning at an unprecedented rate in 2019 and large sections of Australia were decimated by huge, uncontrolled wildfires from late 2019 through January 2020.
In fact, for the past 10 years (which my current article LINKED TO HERE shows may be connected to a ten year tribulation period that will end in 2020 followed by the Great Tribulation), the rate of cataclysmic floods, earthquakes, storms, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, pestilences and outbreaks of violent unrest have been escalating at an unprecedented rate! There is also a deadly pestilence outbreak of what has been dubbed the Corona Virus in China that began in January of 2020 that has infected many thousands, killed at least a thousand people, SHOWS NO SIGNS OF SLOWING DOWN, and has already begun to spread globally! END OF UPDATE
So, in my humble opinion, I believe that these global, catastrophic, weather-related events are all connected to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and are being orchestrated by none other than Yahshua, Who is the First and the Last, and the BEGINNING and the END Who is the Only One who can open the Seals. So in my opinion, it appears that Yahshua has already opened the first Four Seals that govern the plagues associated with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as well as the Fifth Seal, which is connected to the slaughter of many saints just before the Rapture occurs.
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Blood Moon Over Orion, 12-21-2010 |
In addition to the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse that day, a Grand Cross formed by no less than 8 prominent celestial bodies in the heavens, and which targeted ALL FOUR of the Major Cardinal Signs attached to the Four Corners of the Earth, occurred on the same night as the Eclipse! This Grand Cross was also targeting the Great Pyramid at Giza, which is tied to Orion because the Great Pyramid represents the star named "Al Nitak" in Orion's Belt, and Orion is a decan or subordinate sign to the constellation of Taurus. It's also interesting to note here that the Great Pyramid is filled with prophetic symbolism, including a clear connection to the Body and Bride of Christ. It is also symbolic of the shape of the New Jerusalem, which will be the Bride's everlasting residence that is built by God in Heaven, but that will rest on the New Earth in eternity.
Taurus is directly tied to Yahshua as a symbol of the blood sacrifice of a bull that was given for sin on an altar outside the camp of Israel (or outside the walls of Jerusalem). Since Yahshua's blood sacrifice on the Cross outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem is a key to our everlasting Salvation, it is entirely fitting that this sacrificial Bull in Heaven marks one of the Four Corners of Heaven that was mirrored on the Earth over Egypt at the dawn of human history, when the Sun rose in Taurus on the Spring Equinox. This was during the Age of Taurus, which fell between 4320 and 2160 BC. See the illustration of this amazing Grand Cross that occurred on December 21st, 2010 below:
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Grand Cross In The Heavens Targeting the Four Corners of the World on 12-21-2010 |
~*~ Psalm 110:1-2 ~*~
“The Lord (Yahweh) said to my Lord (Yahshua),
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
2 The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion.
To Rule in the midst of Your enemies!”
I therefore am proposing that the Hallel Psalms 110 through 118, in which Psalms 110 and 118 serve as a frame around Psalms 111 through 117, and which are prophetically tied to the years 2011 through 2017, are directly tied to the opening of the Seal Judgments of the Book of Revelation. Furthermore, I am proposing that the first Five Seals have already been opened. This means that the opening of the Sixth Seal and the outpouring of God's Wrath is imminent, and the Rapture has to occur before the Sixth Seal is opened because born-again believers are NOT subject to God's Wrath! So though I misinterpreted the meaning of the Hallel Psalms and initially thought they were tied to the Great Tribulation, I wasn't too far off because they actually may be tied to ten years associated with the opening of five of the Seven Seals discussed in Revelation Chapters 6 and 7.
Because there are more than 7 Hallel Psalms, and there are actually 10 if you count Psalm 110, Psalm 118 and Psalm 136, the Hallel Psalms can be seen as connected to ten years extending from the end of 2010 through to the end of 2020. It could therefore link the Hallel Psalms to the ten days of Tribulation that are suggested by the ten day tribulation referred to in Revelation 2:9-11. Viewing this with the idea that one day equals one year, this may mean that believers are to experience a tribulation of ten years before the Rapture. If this 10-year Tribulation "of those days" began at the end of 2010 with the Total Lunar Eclipse over Orion's Sword, it basically began at the beginning of the year 2011. This ten year tribulation will therefore end at the conclusion of the year 2020, and the 3-1/2 year Great Tribulation may follow it.
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Eclipses Crossing America - Click to Enlarge |
Fascinatingly, the Rod of God's strength mentioned in Psalm 110, verse 2 quoted earlier may be referring to the nuclear and conventional Military Power of the modern nation of Israel, which is also known as ZION. This reference may also be tied to the Military might of the United States of America as the Christian arm of Zion. The Blood Moon of December 21st, 2010 is also connected to Orion, whose three bright belt stars target the three massive pyramids built at Giza in Egypt that figured so prominently in the Christ Angles Sign that appeared in the heavens on September 20th, 2017.
Orion is connected to Taurus and the Rider on the Red Horse as well. This suggests that the Red Horse is connected to the spreading of the False Gospel of Islam and Islamic Terrorism, and the persecution of those of the True Gospel. This began in earnest with the start of the Arab Spring, which led to the founding of ISIS and their aspirations of forming a new Islamic Caliphate known as ISIL (which stands for the "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant)! The Rider on the Red Horse is also connected to the war machine that began a proxy war between Russia and the USA in Syria, which led to the virtual destruction of Damascus and the eroding of the stability of the western nations that is prophesied about in Isaiah 17 and Psalm 108!
What's more, the Sign of Taurus is connected to the Red Horse of WAR, as well as to the Second Corner or Pacific Region of the world where Hawaii is located, and the December 2010 Full Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon was best seen from the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where Hawaii is located! In addition, Hawaii is the supposed birth place of the infamous former half White and half Black President of the USA named Barack Hussein Obama - who is not a Christian but a Muslim in disguise, and who deviously orchestrated the founding of ISIS, as well as the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in America! Another illustration of this amazing eclipse appears below, and shows how it looked from the Moon, as well as from the Earth:
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December 21st, 2010 Blood Moon Eclipse as seen from the Earth and the Moon |
The appalling mass martyrdom of many saints characterizes the opening of the Fifth Seal, so it is no wonder that its probable opening was marked by an ominous Blood Moon indicating strife for both Houses of Israel, which includes all born again Christian believers, and all Messianic Jews that are redeemed by Yahshua's blood Sacrifice for sin. After all, Orion's Belt Stars are tied to the 3 crosses raised at Yahshua's crucifixion at Golgotha, and the Sign of Taurus signifies both the affects of, and the blessing and the witness of the people redeemed by Yahshua's blood sacrifice. This war on the Two True Houses of Israel stepped up another notch with the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria in 2014 and 2015, when there was another mighty heavenly sign consisting of Four Consecutive Blood Moons that occurred on the Jewish Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles in both years. Here is a link to a 2015 article I wrote about the rise of ISIS and their targeted persecution of all Middle Eastern Christians:
Since this article is getting much too long, I am going to end it with the following note. The Red Horse of War is connected to the Pacific Ocean, where Alaska and Hawaii are located. Furthermore, this same Red Horse of War was connected to the Middle East in the past, and Iran is still posing a massive Nuclear Threat to Israel, America and the entire once Christian West. Furthermore, it now appears that the first Nuclear devastation in World War III may occur with a confrontation between North Korea and the United States (and very possibly Russia and China) in the Pacific sector of the planet! To see ample evidence that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are indeed riding all over the world today, please see the YouTube Channel of the Two Preachers linked to below:
The Two Preachers, YouTube Videos
As I had hoped, I did get to do a follow up article about this astounding new information, and I'm presenting the title and link to it below. Please don't forget to READ and share it:
Yahshua is Coming Again Very Soon!
Are You WATCHING For The Rapture?
With Love and Blessings From
Your Sister In Yahshua,
Helena Lehman, Scholar, Author,
Publisher and Artist for the
Language of God Book Series, and
Webmaster for the Pillar of Enoch
Ministry Web Site: http://pillar-of-enoch.com
A Study of the Four Holy Watchers Appointed
Over the Four Corners and Winds of the Earth
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Have
Been Released, Initializing the First Four Seals!
Enoch’s Prophecy of the Seventy Shepherds of Israel
Connected Return of Nephilim, and Christ's Return!
Prophetic Analysis of the Amazing
Heavenly Signs in September 2017
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Great post. Helena, God bless you.
ReplyDeleteShalom to you Mighty Wind! I just wanted to thank you for your comment and the fact that it alerted me to the need for me to update this article. I have done so today, so I hope that you will scan though it again to see the changes that I made to it. Maranatha Yahshua! ~ Blessings From Helena Lehman