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Triple American Eclipses of 2017, 2023, & 2024 Form Hebrew Letters Aleph and Tav Across The Mainland United States - April 8th, 2024 (Click Image To Enlarge) |
Before going into my explanation of the intriguing Triple American Eclipse graphic shown above, I would like to look back at Sunday, March 31st, 2024, wich was the date for Resurrection Sunday in the West this year. The Protestant Christian celebration of Christ's Resurrection from the dead that is called Pascha or Passover by Christians living in parts of Europe and Asia. The Christian celebration of Passover is not kept with the traditional Jewish Seder meal or with Paganist symbolism. It is instead a celebration of both Christ's death or atonement sacrifice for our sins, as well as His resurrection into Everlasting Life three days and nights later.
Yahshua called this time period of three days and nights the Sign of Jonah, and He also said it was the ONLY Sign of His Messiahship that He would give the disbelieving and adulterous generations of his day. According to Scripture, Yahshua or Jesus was resurrected on the Sunday or 1st day of Passover Week, exactly three days and three nights after his crucifixion. My research indicates that this may have been in the year 31 AD.
So, just as Jonah was in the belly of a big fish (possibly a sturgeon) for three days and nights, so too Yahshua's dead body was in the rock cut tomb of a rich man for three days and nights before He was resurrected with an immortal flesh and bone body. His apostles and disciples were witnesses of His resurrection, and saw and could touch His body for 40 days, until His ascension into Heaven.
This 40 day period was also part of Jonah's story, who told the people of Nineveh that God would destroy their city if they did not repent of their sins within 40 days. However, the 40 days after Yahshua's resurrection were not in judgment, but given as a sign of God's blessings and Grace. Then, ten days after Yahshua's Ascension, came Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit entered the Apostles and gave them great supernatural gifts, boldness, and great evangelistic power. These facts are extremely important when looking at this years most important Heavenly Signs, beginning on Resurrection Sunday, which was on March 31st this year.
Although Resurrection Sunday fell on the 1st day or Sunday during the Jewish Passover week for the previous 2 years, it did not this year because the Jews have added an extra month of Adar, making a 13th Lunar month to align their calendar with the Solar cycle. Nonetheless, because only Christians believe in the Catching Away or Rapture of the Saints when Yahshua returns for them., and they don't need to add an extra month, the celebration of Christ's death and Resurrection on March 31st was acceptable to God and pleasing to our Messiah!
Scripture confirms that Yahshua ascended into Heaven on the very day that He was resurrected to present Himself before His Father, but that He returned before evening fell to visit His Apostles and the women who had followed Him. But then, forty days later, and just ten days before Pentecost or Shavuot, Yahshua ascended into Heaven for a much longer period, and we are still waiting for Him to return, Yahshua also promised to return or descend to Earth in the same manner that He ascended, which was visibly upon the clouds.
But when Yahshua returns this second time, it will be to rescue His Saints by taking them up to Heaven, after which He will pour out His Wrath upon the wicked. So the Wrath of God upon the lawless will come before Yahshua returns with His angels and resurrected Saints, and destroys the armies of the Antichrist surrounding Israel so that He can set up His Millennial Kingdom. Although I do not believe that Yahshua is going to return to the Earth during or immediately after the April 8th, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse over America, this Eclipse may in fact be a DIVINE WARNING that Yahshua is coming in the Rapture quickly, and there is only a short time left for all Americans, and the people of the entire world to repent before God unleashed His terrible Wrath upon the wicked.
The April 8th, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse that is going to cross over America will cast the Moon's shadow over 13 States. Beginning in the State of Texas, the shadow of the Moon will pass over portions of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. That's 13 different States, and the number 13 is a very interesting number prophetically. It's also a number intrinsically tied to the United States, which formed when its 13 colonies gained their independence from the British. But then, it's also tied to the 13th Apostle Paul, who was once named Saul - and Paul is the Apostle that preached about Yahshua and His Kingdom to both Jews and Gentiles. America is a nation of both Jews and Gentiles, many of whom have been grafted into Israel by their Faith in Yahshua or Jesus.
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Rapture, Ninevehs, & Ark At Eclipse Crossing Point (Click Image To Enlarge) |
Not only that, but the Eclipse shadow will pass over 1 unincorporated township in Johnson County, Indiana named Nineveh, 1 rural region in Ohio named Nineveh, and 1 rural region named Rapture in Harmony Township, Indiana. There's also a nice Christian Museum in Kentucky called the Ark Experience that features a full scale replica of Noah's Ark, which is very near to the 2024 Eclipse path, and was directly in the path of the 2017 Eclipse. In addition, these locations are near the New Madrid Fault line in the central United States, which the Eclipse shadow path will cross directly over - just as the shadow of the August 21st, 2017 Solar Eclipse over America did. These facts have prophetic significance in light of the Signs in the Heavens during the Eclipse, which I will explain in detail a bit later in this article.
Before doing that, I want to state that, although much has been made about this April 2024 Eclipse shadow passing over 7 places in the United States named Nineveh, 5 of these places are not in the Eclipse path - although they are near to it, as shown in the map below, which I was given permission to use by a dear friend, whose son made the map. to which I've added the names of the 13 States the Eclipse shadow will pass over.
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Locations of the 7 USA Ninevehs & the 13 States on the Eclipse Path (Click Image To Enlarge) |
Now I would like to turn your attention to the illustration at the top of this article, which features the paths of all three of the Great American Eclipses that have or will occur between August 2017 and April 2024. With all three Solar Eclipse shadow paths showing, it becomes fairly obvious that the final eclipse path will form the Hebrew first letter Aleph and the last or 22nd letter Tav over America.
Fascinatingly, the letters Aleph and Tav are a direct allusion to Yahshua as the Creator God who knows all that has ever transpired, and all that ever will transpire - just like His Father, whose exact image Yahshua embodies in material form. To see all the scriptures that mention Yahweh and Yahshua as the First and the Last, the Aleph and the Tav, or the Beginning and the End, click on the link formed by the following sentence and it will show the scriptures quoted on one continuous page at Bible Gateway. See Isaiah 41:4, 44:6, 48:12, Revelation 1:10-11, 1:17-18, 2:8, & 22:13-14.
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The 22 Letters of the Paleo-Hebrew Alphabet (Click Image To Enlarge) |
This Sign of the Aleph and the Tav, which are the first and last letters of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet that will appear on the Earth has the exact same meaning as the expression: "The Alpha and the Omega", the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet used in the Bible. This is especially evident in the final instance of the following reference to Yahshua in the the 22nd and final chapter of the Book of Revelation, where the term is expressed as the First and the Last, and the Beginning and the End:
“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha (ALEPH) and the Omega (TAV), the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” ~ Revelation 22:12-13
So, if Revelation were written in Hebrew, we would have the 1st and 22nd letters of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet appearing in the 22nd Chapter of the Book of Revelation, which is the LAST book of the Bible. Furthermore, it contains the many powerful prophecies of what we should expect just before, during and after the Great Tribulation.
Even more interesting is the fact that the April 8th Eclipse will draw its shadow across 13 of the 48 Continental US States, and the number 13 alludes to Yahshua and the 12 Apostles, and the 13 Signs of the Mazzaroth on the Sun's Ecliptic that are tied to the 13 Tribes of Israel - if you count the 2 sons of Joseph along with Joseph. In addition, the modern day leaders of these 13 Tribes of Israel are tied to the Sun and 12 planetary bodies in our Solar System, which includes 8 planets and 4 dwarf planets.
In Ancient Israel, there were 48 cities that were given to the Levites that were known as Citied of Refuge, which is interesting in light of the fact that there are 48 constellations in the Ancient Zodiac or Mazzaroth. and these tell a divinely written story that parallels the stories and prophecies in the Bible. This star spangled story is called "the Gospel in the Stars" because it is a Gospel story about Yahshua and His mission to save all humanity from the death punishment for sin, and it's a Gospel that only God could have written!
The fact that the 48 States of the continental United States have served as a refuge for oppressed people throughout the world is therefore no accident. It was planned by God for a good purpose! Indeed, America originally was a refuge for people from many different Christian denominations, so it was largely a nation filled with God fearing people that wanted to follow Christ in their own ways. This ties the Continental United States to Israel's Levite Cities of Refuge. The illustration below, which was taken from my 800-page research book "The Language of God in Prophecy", illustrates some of the amazing connections that America has to the Mazzaroth and Ancient Israel.
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The United States Tied to Ancient Israel And the Mazzaroth's Gospel in the Stars (Click Image To Enlarge) |
In light of the extensive research that I did in my book "The Language of God in Prophecy" about the role of the United States in Bible Prophecy, the preceding facts become even more interesting. For example, the United Stares began with 13 British colonies that became the 13 original States of the nation. Gradually, all of North America became a refuge for many Christian denominations and also people of other faiths who did not want to fight about religious or ideological differences, but to live in peace with one another.
Until 1959, the United States consisted of 48 States spread out between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans in the middle of North America, and all of these States are tied to the 48 starry Constellations of the Ancient Mazzaroth or Zodiac, as well as to the 48 Cities of Refuge given to the Levites in Ancient Israel that were scattered throughout the kingdom. These Cities of Refuge were places where falsely accused people could flee to find protection from those who might be seeking to imprison, prosecute or kill them. So there is much more to America than standard history books will tell you!
But after 1960, the United States slowly began to be infiltrated by people with hidden agendas and no love for America or the freedom it gives people to live happily, and without too many restrictions. Most of these hidden enemies of the nation have come in peaceably as immigrants or as illegal immigrants, and they are waiting for a major crisis in America to give them the freedom to bring their nefarious plans to fruition. I have much more to say about what this infiltration means for America in view of this April 8th Eclipse and America's Star Gospel connections, and I will do so in Part 3 of this Article Series. For now, however, I want to focus on the April 8th Eclipse, and explain the meaning of the Gospel in the Stars that surrounds Pisces, the constellation that the Sun and Moon will be aligned in, as well as the constellations and planets on either side of the Eclipse point.
As shown in my article about the March 25th, 2024 Partial Lunar Eclipse (Click HERE To See That Article) that occurred just after Purim or the Feast of Esther this year, the same Star Gospel background messages will surround the April 8th Solar Eclipse. Here is the illustration I made of the Heavenly Signs during the day, before and after the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 25th. I wanted to include it to help explain the story it tells that is tied to the Sign of Jonah. Please enlarge it and read the text on it to understand how it is tied to Jonah's story.
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Sun's Location During Lunar Eclipse of March 25th, 2024 Tied To Sign of Jonah (Click Image To Enlarge) |
This Lunar Eclipse occurred in the Heavenly Sign of Virgo the Virgin, which is tied to Yahshua's mother Miriam, and to Yahshua's birth. I believe Yahshua was born shortly after the Feast of Trumpets, which fell on September 11th in 3 BC. On that very day, the Sign of the Woman Clothed With The Sun appeared in Heaven. Virgo is the constellation that is prophetically tied to the Sign of the Woman Clothed With The Sun passages in Revelation Chapter 12. Virgo is also tied to spiritual rebirth, and to living a godly and abundantly fruitful life in communion with God.
Because the March 25th Lunar Eclipse was Penumbral, the Sun only caused the penumbral portion of the shadow of the Earth to cover the Moon and make it turn a blood red color. You can see the location of the Penumbra in my illustration of the Lunar Eclipse below. Meanwhile, the Heavenly Signs that were around the Sun during that Lunar Eclipse on the other side of the world were also directly tied to Israel and the Story of Jonah and Nineveh, as well as to the formation of the grafted in portion of Israel. Similar signs to these appeared in Heaven on Resurrection Sunday this past March 31st.
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Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, March 24th-25th, 2024 (Click Image To Enlarge) |
Indeed, the April 8th, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse over America will occur in the Sign of Pisces, and the 2 Fishes of Pisces are tied to the Two Houses of Israel. These Two Houses are made up of Israelites by natural bloodline, as well as by spiritual rebirth, which occurs after belief in Yahshua as the Messiah. Even more astounding is the fact that the Judah Fish of Pisces can be directly tied to the tiny Nation of Israel in the Middle East, as well as to the many Jews living in the United States and elsewhere. Meanwhile, the Ephraim Fish is tied to the Christian population of the United States of America, as well as their fellow believers in Yahshua or Jesus around the world.
Right after the first numbered list below, there is a detailed illustration explaining the Star Gospel messages surrounding the April 8th, 2024 Solar Eclipse over America, which is tied directly to the Sign of Jonah message of the March 25th Lunar Eclipse. But before I explain the meaning of the Signs revealed there, here are some salient facts surrounding the April 8th Solar Eclipse:
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Information About the Assyrian Solar Eclipse of June 15th, 763 BC |
1) April 8th falls exactly 40 days before the beginning of Pentecost in the West, which will fall on Sunday, May 19th, 2024. This is exactly the number of days that God gave to the people of Ancient Nineveh to repent or perish. Furthermore, there may have been a Solar Eclipse on the very day that Jonah warned the Ninevites to repent. and they had the good sense to take that Heavenly Sign to heart as Jonah urged the Ninevites to fear Yahweh and collectively repent in sackcloth and ashes. The Solar Eclipse over Assyria in Jonah's day occurred on June 15th, 763 BC.
2) The numbers of the Eclipse date, namely 4 and 8, were echoed in a 4.8 Earthquake that rocked New Jersey and New York, even shaking the Statue of Liberty. This occurred on April 5th, 2024 - exactly 3 days before the Eclipse that will pass over the unincorporated townships of Rapture and Nineveh in Indiana, and over the New Madrid Fault. This fault line is a major one in the central United States that has the potential to create a massive earthquake that could cause major damage and loss of life for hundreds of miles around the fault line.
3) The Sign of Jonah, which is a SIGN OF THE NEED FOR REPENTANCE, is not only tied to this Eclipse and the Signs surrounding it in the Heavens on April 8th, but to the Heavenly Signs that appeared during the Feast of Esther or Purim on March 22nd-23rd and the Lunar Eclipse on March 25th in the recent past. The SIgn of Jonah is also tied to the Heavenly Signs on Passover, which is on April 22nd-23rd, and to the Heavenly Signs on the day of Pentecost or the Feast of Weeks, and the Christian celebration of this holy day falls on May 19th this year.
Now, with these facts firmly in mind, let's look at the April 8th Eclipse signs illustrated in the following graphic:
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Third Great American Solar Eclipse April 8th, 2024, Prophetic Meaning (Click Image To Enlarge) |
As the Sun location graphic that I did for my March 25th Lunar Eclipse article showed, the Signs around this Solar Eclipse are very similar, and in the same constellations that are tied to the story of Jonah, which is a story of the repentance of a Prophet of God, who loved his enemies by showing them the way to receive deliverance from the consequences of sin. This is just as Yahweh God also did when He commanded Jonah to tell the Ninevites to repent before God destroyed them all.
The Prophet Jonah can be tied to Aquarius the Water Bearer because Jonah acted in imitation of Yahshua, and Aquarius depicts Yahshua pouring out both blessing and wrath. This is why He gave His Apostles the Sign of a man carrying a water urn on his shoulder to show them where they would celebrate the Passover Seder together (See Luke 22:9-11). Meanwhile, the fish below Aquarius and the 2 Fishes of Pisces can signify repentant people. especially those who are baptized with the Living Water of the Holy Spirit. This Eclipse may also be a sign that the Rapture or Catching Away of the Saints will be very soon. See the message written at the bottom of the above graphic for my impressions about this.
Generally speaking, Solar and Lunar Eclipses are WARNINGS to God's people to examine their behavior and works to see if they are living according to God's Will and Moral Law. This Eclipse is even more powerful because of the Jonah story message it is leaving in the Heavens via the Sun, Moon and planets, and on the ground via the Moon's shadow. In my opinion, based on what I have surmised through many years of research, the Sign of Jonah in the Heavens and the marking of the Aleph and the Tav upon America may indicate the following:
1) The Born Again Christians and Morally Faithful Jews living in the United States of America who are under Heavenly Father Yahweh's Protection are now being marked with an outwardly invisible Tav symbol on their foreheads by God's Heavenly Scribe to protect them from the Wrath of God, which is about to be unleashed on America, and the entire world.
2) All Born Again Believers in Yahshua or Jesus need to alert their apostate neighbors, friends and relatives by shining Yahshua's Spiritual Light and encouraging them to repent. They have not done this enough, and that is why this nation, and nations throughout the world are becoming increasingly more wicked and rebellious against the One True and Most High God's Moral Laws, as embodied in the Ten Commandments (especially the 2nd, 4th and 8th Commandments, whose numbers are tied to the April 8th Eclipse!).
3) The Born Again Christians living in the Unite States of America are being shown that their Nation is being reckoned as Israel due to the large numbers of Christians and Jews living in America. Also, like the tiny nation of Israel, America is also going to be attacked and eroded even more by her enemies in the near future - by both foreign and domestic enemies.
4) Everyone living in North America, including all American citizens, all foreigners, Native Americans, Canadians and Mexicans who do not have faith in Yahshua or Jesus as God Incarnate are under Divine Judgment for breaking Yahweh God's Moral Commandments, which are summarized in the Ten Commandments. In addition, ALL NORTH AMERICAN RESIDENTS AND ALL PEOPLE AROUND THE WORL ONLY HAVE A SHORT TIME LEFT TO REPENT before the Wrath of God is poured out.
5) The Rapture may occur and the Wrath of God may begin to be poured out on America and the rest of the world just before, during or shortly after this Pentecost, which falls on May 19th this year. As I mentioned earlier, Pentecost falls exactly 40 day after the April 8th Solar Eclipse that is directly tied to the story of Jonah and Nineveh. However, there may be a chance that God's Wrath will be delayed a bit longer if enough people do repent in the near future. If enough North Americans and their Leaders develop a real spiritual conscience and repent of their rebellious and lawless deeds and thoughts, God may give us a little longer to lead others to true and guaranteed Salvation in Christ.
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Comet 12P Located in Aries During Eclipse - Click To Enlarge |
As for the Comet 12P Pons-Brooks that has unfortunately been nicknamed "the Devil Comet", I did not feature it in my big graphic of the Eclipse because I didn't have time to add it. But this smaller image shows the comet's location in Aries the Ram during the April 8th Eclipse. At the moment, this comet is visible to anyone living in the country, or in the city if you own a telescope or a good pair of binoculars. This lovely but fairly dim comet doesn't look like a devil at all, but more like a shining white angel star with wings instead of a tail. So I see it as a hopeful sign of God's love, forgiveness and Grace. This is especially true because Comet 12P will be in Aries during the Eclipse, and Aries signifies Yahshua as the Lamb of God who promises to take away all of our sins forever! Comet 12P can also be viewed prophetically as a herald meant to get us all to pay attention to the meaning of this Eclipse, and to examine our hearts to see if we need to repent of anything, especially if what we did or said has violated any of God's Moral Laws.
This explanation of the meanings of the Heavenly Signs surrounding the April 8th Solar Eclipse concludes Part 2 of my 3 Part Articles Series on the Spring 2024 Heavenly Signs. In Part 3, which I hope to publish within two weeks, I will focus on the prophetic significance of the Heavenly Signs on Passover and Pentecost this year, as well as the prophetic significance and purpose of the United States in the future. But before I close, I want to share this message of hope that I found in Psalm 45, which I believe is tied to the Rapture of tthe Saints, Although the entire Psalm is prophetically tied to Yahshua, the following portion is definitely referring to the Rapture of His Bride, and her Five Wise Virgin attendants:
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The Wise Virgins Entering The King's Palace To Take Part In The Royal Wedding (Click Image To Enlarge) |
God has been directing me to read and ponder the meaning of Psalm 45 for several months now. All of Psalm 45 is about the King of kings Yahshua, who is described as a Mighty Warrior Prince who is about to marry His beloved Princess Bride. He watches with joy as His Princess Bride enters the King's Palace with her beloved female friends. These pure and loving virgin handmaidens are as joyful as the Bride, and they are delighted to be in procession with her as they anticipate her marriage to the Prince, who is also the King who built the Palace that the Bride and her Wise Handmaidens will forever after call home. To me, this entire section of Psalm 45 is a precious picture of the Rapture.
This message of Hope concludes this article. I hope that you will come back to my Ministry Blog soon to read Part 3 of this Article Series on the Spring 2024 Heavenly Signs. In the meantime, please help me financially if you are able. Even $10 would be helpful! You can send cash to my ministry using Venmo or PayPal with the following email address that has been attached to my ministry since its inception over 25 years ago, which is:
pillar_of_enoch @ yahoo.com
Please take the spaces around the @ sign in the email address above out before using it so it will work. Or, alternatively, you can go to my Ministry website BY CLICKING HERE, and then using the dropdown button menus on that page to send my Ministry a gift via PayPal.
May 19th isn't that far off!
ReplyDeleteThank you also for adding Hebrew alphabet I saved it.
God is coming soon!
Thank you for this post