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Daytime Heavenly Signs On Pentecost Eve, Saturday, May 18th, 2024 |
Please Note: The illustrations on this page should be zoomed into on a much larger scale in order to read the detailed writing on them. They can be enlarged by clicking on them and using the Zoom feature on a modern smartphone or notepad, or on a laptop. They can also be downloaded onto a PC and expanded in any kind of photo-viewing software.
Before writing this article, which is Part 3 of 3 Articles in this series, I finished three very detailed illustrations that show what I believe Yahweh Elohim's Spirit is showing me with the Signs in the Heavens on Pentecost. As I stated in Part 2 of this Article Series, Pentecost falls exactly 40 days after the Great American Solar Eclipse that occurred on April 8th, 2024. Interestingly, the Eclipse also fell exactly 70 days before the Feast of Shavuot, which is the Jewish version of Pentecost, and this article focuses on what the Signs in the Heavens on those days may mean for the True Church of all Born Again Believers, and to the world as a whole. If you haven't read it yet, you may want to read Part 2. Links to that article are scattered throughout this article, and you can find two in this paragraph.
In that article, I focused on the Great American Eclipses of 2017, 2023, and 2024, and showed how they are tied to the Sign of Jonah. I also explained why Jonah's story is important to the United States and the world. These eclipses drew a shadow image on the United States that spelled out the Hebrew letters Aleph and Tav, which are tied to Yahshua as the Alpha and Omega, and the First and the Last. I also showed how America is tied to the Tribe of Levi. This suggests that America has been a place owned and established by God rather than the people, and it was meant to be a place of refuge for those who love God and His Son.
This year, the Christian celebration of Pentecost falls on Saturday and Sunday, May 18th and 19th, 2024, and the Jewish version of Pentecost called the Feast of Shavuot falls on Tuesday through Thursday, June 11th, 12th and 13th, 2024. First, I will focus on the Heavenly Signs on Pentecost. The Illustration at the top of this page shows the Heavenly Signs during the day on Saturday, May 18th, Pentecost Eve, and the illustration below this paragraph shows the location of the Moon that night, which would officially mark the beginning of Pentecost by Jewish reckoning:
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Saturday, May 18th, 2024, Evening, Pentecost Sign Of Moon In Virgo |
Speaking of the Moon, one thing that struck me as a significant Sign is that the Moon is going to be 3/4th full in the Sign of Virgo the Virgin at night during the Sabbath portion of Pentecost, while the Moon will only be 1/4 full in the Sign of Leo the Lion on Shavuot, which falls on a Wednesday, or the middle of the week. This suggests a connection to the Great Tribulation. which is 3 and a half years long, or one half of a 7 year period, as recorded numerous times in Scripture. Significantly, Virgo is the First Sign of the Ancient Mazzaroth, and Leo is the Last Sign, and both of these Signs figured prominently in the heavens when Yahshua likely was born, which I believe was in September of 3 BC, very near to the time of the Feast of Sukkot or Tabernacles. This ties to the Aleph and Tav letter signs drawn by shadows onto the continental USA by the three consecutive American Solar Eclipses - as shown in the illustration below, which was taken from Part 2 of this Article Series.
The Aleph and the Tav, or the Alpha and Omega Drawn on America by the Triple American Eclipses |
As most Bible Prophecy students should know, the letters Aleph and Tav are tied to Yahshua or Jesus as the First and the Last, and the Beginning and the End of Creation, Salvation and Eternal Life. This is highly significant, especially if the Rapture does occur on the Sabbath portion of Pentecost, and the Wrath of God begins to be poured out immediately thereafter. The three quarters full Moon in the Sign of Virgo on Pentecost suggests that the Wedding Party of Yahshua that will be taken to safety in Heaven will include three quarters of all the Saints on the Earth today who will be counted worthy to be the Wedding Guests at the Wedding of the Lamb. This joyous ceremony will be to welcome the Saints into the Kingdom of Heaven after the Bema Seat Judgment of all those who are taken up in the Rapture. The Graphics below focuses on these Signs in the Moon, which is a symbol for the Bride of Christ and her Virgin Attendants:
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3/4 Full Moon in Virgo the Virgin on Pentecost, May 18th, 2024 Tied To Children of God |
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1/4 Full Moon in Leo the Lion of JUDAH on Shavuot, Suggesting A Small Number of Left Behind Jews and Apostate Christians |
As shown in the graphic directly above this paragraph, the Shavuot Moon in Leo the Lion of Judah is one quarter Full. I believe this suggests that one quarter of those among professing Jews and Christians will be purified and counted as part of the Bridal Party of Yahshua after the Rapture. These people may be found to be too lukewarm or apostate right now, and they may be left behind to be refined and purified during the three and a half year Great Tribulation. To define what it means to be lukewarm as described by Yahshua in His message to the Church of Laodicea in the Book of Revelation Chapter 3, verses 14 through 16, I look at it this way:
In short, Lukewarm people are prone to mock anyone that believes in miraculous healing and restoration, and who doubt and are often scornful of those who are watching for Christ's soon return. They are also the most likely to ignore the prophecies about the End Times. But the Rapture will come, and even if the Rapture is delayed due to widespread repentance and revival in America and the world, these Moon Signs may still be prophetically pointing to this scenario at some point in the near future. I will go into this further as I explain the meaning of the new Pentecost illustrations shown above the Moon Sign focus graphics, and the new Shavuot illustration shown below, which shows the Heavenly Signs on the Wednesday of Shavuot falling on June 12th:
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Heavenly Signs on June 12th, 2024, The Jewish Feast of Shavuot/Pentecost |
Personally, I think the Day of the Rapture may be between May 18-20th if enough people in America and elsewhere do not repent of their immorality. Furthermore, I believe that June 12th may see the Antichrist take control of the USA, the UK and the rest of the once so-called Free World if the Rapture does occur this Pentecost. If the Rapture does occur then, there will be immediate destruction and death all over the world in its wake. If it doesn't, then we can hope that God will be merciful and will protect His loyal servants all over the world, because the Heavenly Signs are virtually screaming that some kind of major trouble is definitely coming upon America and the world soon to judge the wicked, and put a stop to their moral and spiritual disobedience.
Do I know for certain if this is what these heavenly Signs as saying? No! But I can clearly see suggestions of this in the Signs in the Heavens, as I will explain in this article. However, there are different ways to interpret these signs. The Sun, Moon and planets can signify LEADERS of governments and religious groups, just as they signified the patriarch Jacob, his wives and his sons in Joseph's prophetic dream (See Genesis 37:5-10). Taking this into consideration, l will give an alternate interpretation for each thing I focus on in this article.
To interpret the Heavenly Signs, I look at the meaning of the constellations that make up the Gospel in the Stars, and take words of knowledge given to me by the Holy Spirit to draw my conclusions. Though I don't always see clearly, I report what I see to the best of my ability, and I know that what I share in my articles is suggested by the Heavenly Signs that I can see. But I don't know everything, and I am not certain of anything except the fact that Judgment and Destruction are definitely coming on a worldwide scale in the near future.
How do I know this? Primarily because of all the widespread deception, violence, and depravity being displayed in people in every nation and walk of life today. Coupled with the massive increase in natural disasters as of late, which is indicative of God's judgment on the wicked people that are systematically destroying this world, it's becoming more apparent that time is short, the Wrath of God is not long off, and Yahshua our Messiah is coming again to rescue His saints very soon.
Interestingly, on June 12th, no matter what else is happening on that day, the Ten Commandments of God will be read by devout Jews all over the world. This is done in commemoration of God's delivery of the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Mosaic Law, and it fall 49 days after the Israelites solemnly kept the first Passover, and then took part in a joyous but hurried Exodus from slavery in Egypt. Could this be an indication that the many curses for breaking God's Moral Laws will begin to be enforced, and the Wrath of God will be poured out even more fiercely, beginning on June 12th? Will God's Wrath begin to be poured out on May 18th or 19th when the Rapture may take place? Could this be when the 6th Seal will be opened, and great destruction overtakes the entire world? We shall see, but the Heavenly Signs that this could be possible are there, as I will now explain.
Before I go further into explaining the Heavenly Sign Graphics, I want to report that there is a large Sunspot on the Sun in our Solar System that could be related to a major Sunspot that was seen on the Sun in 1859 - just before the American Civil War broke out, which was on April 12th, 1861. This Sunspot sent out massive waves of radiation that disrupted telegraph signals and stopped telegraph transmission for several days. The 1859 incident has been named the Carrington Event. Here is a link to a YouTube video that explains why this Sunspot could cause a major shutdown of all electronic and wireless internet communications in various locations on this planet for several days or more:
Video Link: https://youtu.be/jsBY9WwRxvc?si=9n3fJK6Ai4iwoYd0
This can be tied in to another bit of information that I shared with a few select friends a week ago, and which I promised to include in this article. My investigation into it began with the Screenshot shown to the left of this paragraph, which says that the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore's harbor that collapsed after being hit by a large freight ship that was drifting out of control was shown in an apocalyptic movie made by a production studio owned by the Obamas, who many believe are Muslims that hate America and Israel as much as Iran and the Hamas in Gaza.
Although the bridge shown in the 2023 movie, which was named "Leave The World Behind," does not collapse, much of the movie takes place in Baltimore with a view of the harbor. At one point, the vacationing family that is focused on in the movie is seen on the beach as a huge tanker in the harbor runs aground due to lack of power. As the screenshot collage below shows concerning snippets of the the plot of the movie, a possible EMP attack led by Muslim Terrorists is suggested when papers fall from the sky that read "Death To America". This is a phrase that was often chanted over and over again by the Hamas and Palestinian people during many past American flag burning demonstrations in Gaza - often chanted along with "Death to Israel". Since this movie depicts an attack on America though, they leave that phrase off the printed note. This movie suggests that a Terrorist-led EMP attack causes a sudden shutdown of the power grid and Internet all across America.
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Screenshots showing Snippets of the Apocalyptic Movie "Leave The World Behind" About A Terrorist Led EMP Attack on America |
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Screenshot Collage Concerning Francis Scott Key, The Song He Wrote, And The Bridge Named After Him |
After learning all this concerning the Francis Scott Key Bridge, and finding out that Francis Scott Key wrote the patriotic American song: "The Star-Spangled Banner" (as shown in the 2nd screenshot collage above), it all seems to be pointing to this kind of scenario being played out in reality at some point in the future, especially with the huge influx of young male illegal immigrants that Obama and his buddy President Biden have allowed to flood into the country. Sadly, they are using American citizen taxpayer money to aid in providing room and board to these undocumented immigrants, and since they can't find work, they are committing many crimes, and causing much trouble in every American city that they have been sent to. Having examined all this, as well as the connection to the large Sunspot on the Sun that is very actively sending out waves of radiation towards the Earth right now, could this influx of illegals lead to another American Civil War?
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4.8 Earthquake News Clip |
With the unexpected Eclipse date-mirroring 4.8 earthquake that shook the Statue of Liberty in New York on April 6th, just 2 days before the third Great American Eclipse on April 8th, 2024, and the rash of bad storms and tornadoes across America's heartland that have occurred this past month, it seems that God may be sending a clear warning to Americans that their days of dwelling in peace and safety may be about to end. Coupled with the huge influx of illegal immigrants, and the demonstrations against Israel by the Palestinian people now residing in many American cities also going on, are we being divinely warned to be alert and prepare for any and every emergency? All I can say to this is that we all need to be sure that we are able to stand before our Heavenly Father on Judgment Day, and be counted worthy to enter His everlasting Kingdom at the Wedding Party of the Lamb of God. Incidentally, the number 70 is connected to divine completion and fulfillment, and Shavuot this June 12th is exactly 70 days from the April 8th Eclipse. I think that's highly significant to this study. How about you?
Though America has fallen far from its strong Christian foundations, I am convinced that this nation was founded by God to be a safe refuge for Christians of many different denominations who were experiencing various types of persecution in Europe and Great Britain, and for later immigrants that came from many other parts of the world. Because America became a strong bastion for Christian Freedom and Liberty, the True Church of Born Again Believers was allowed to grow and blossom here, and to gradually send out a great multitude of dedicated Christian missionaries throughout the world. But because of their success as a Christian nation, America also became a target for heavy satanic attack, which has been going on unabated behind the scenes now since the 1950's.
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My Collage Showing America In Great Peril |
Indeed, there have been many reports by Christian Watchmen that our nation's government has been infiltrated by many secret traitors that are seeking America's destruction and takeover. There are also many reports that several large terrorist cells have infiltrated the country filled with able bodied young men from China and various parts of South America and the Muslim world, who have come into the country virtually undetected over our Southern border. This is strikingly similar to an invasion of America that was seen and described in an officially recorded vision that is preserved in America's Library Of Congress, and is attributed to General George Washington when he was commanding the American Revolutionary Army fighting for freedom from British rule. In this fascinating vision, Washington saw the final destiny of the United States as wave upon wave of enemies flood into America and try to beat down and destroy its institutions and people. But in the end, God Himself comes down from Heaven in the form of a Mighty Warrior Angel and saves the nation, whose grateful citizens kneel and worship God in thanks for their deliverance. It's really quite interesting, and I hope it's true! Although I do not have the space here to focus on that vision, here is a link to an article I wrote about it several years ago:
There is much more I would like to say about America, and the reason it is under such heavy attack right now, but I will save that discussion for a possible Part 4 to this article. In the meantime, I am going to explain why the Heavenly Signs I introduced to everyone in the graphics at the beginning of this article may be pointing to the Rapture, and the worldwide destruction that likely will occur rapidly in its wake. The image below focuses on the Heavenly Signs in the Signs of Taurus and Aries that will be hidden by the light of the Sun this Pentecost. but nonetheless send a strong message concerning the cost of shunning Salvation in Yahshua.
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The Two Pentecost Conjunctions upon the Heavenly Altar to Yahweh formed by the bodies and horns of Taurus and Aries |
As this image above states, I believe that the horns of Taurus and Aries form a Four-Horned Altar in Heaven that is dedicated to Yahweh, and reveals signs concerning His spiritual children all over the world, but especially in America, the United Kingdom, and Europe. This is partly because the Sign of Taurus is tied to the Two Half Tribes of Joseph. These two Tribes are named after Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manasseh.
Much research that myself and others have done suggests that the Half Tribes of Joseph that are connected to the Sign of Taurus are tied to the United States and the United Kingdom. Furthermore, this altar in Heaven is also tied to the many once Christian nations in Europe via both Taurus and Aries. Research into the Ten Lost Tribes suggests that the majority of the descendants of the displaced Tribes of Israel settled and became well established in Europe after the Two Ancient Kingdoms of Israel fell. But they gradually lost their knowledge of their true identity, and began to persecute the Jews they were related to both by blood and by the Spirit of God.
Because of the association of the Half Tribes of Joseph with the two horns of Taurus, this allegorically raging Bull shows the might and power that the United States and United Kingdom achieved in the 19th and 20th centuries, especially after the power of Europe was reduced by the ravages of World Wars I and II. This Bull is also symbolic of the Burnt Sin Offerings that were offered up to God to atone for the sins of the leaders and priests of Israel. All of the animal sacrifices were offered up by the Aaronic Priests from the Tribe of Levi, and as I showed in Part Two of this Article Series, the United States shares an allegorical connection to the Tribe of Levi, as well as to the Levite Cities of Refuge that were scattered throughout ancient Israel. See Part 2 to learn more about this.
This Altar in Heaven is covered by two highly significant conjunctions. The first is the conjunction of the Sun signifying Yahshua as the Sun of Righteousness and King of kings with the Messiah Planet Jupiter, which metaphorically depicts Yahshua's sacrificial death that paid the penalty for all sin, for all time. The second conjunction near to Aries the Ram or Lamb of God features the planet Uranus signifying the Bridal Party that will attend the Wedding of the Lamb, and the planet Venus signifying Yahshua as the Bright Morning Stars of Revelation 22:12-17.
Interestingly, in the scriptural passages just referenced, Yahshua calls himself the Morning Star after indicating that only those who keep His Commandments (as delineated in Matthew Chapters 5, 6 and 7) will be acceptable to Him when He comes. There is also a morning star reference in Revelation Chapter 2 in connection with the faithful followers of Christ in the apostate Church of Thyatira (See Revelation 2:18-29). There, it says that they will be given the morning star. What this suggests is that they will be a part of the Body of Yahshua, Who is the Morning Star, and they will reign and rule with Him for a thousand years. The graphic below this paragraph deepens this suggestion because it shows the constellation Orion as it will appear on Shavuot:
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Sun, 2 Planets Aligned Above Orion's Head In the Horns of Taurus On Shavuot, Which Falls On June 12th |
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Orion/Christ Crushing The Serpent's Head (Genesis 3:15) |
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North America Nebula Near Deneb, Principle Star in Cygnus the Swan, AKA The Northern Cross, Surrounded By Constellations Echoed In The US Great Seal |
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General George Washington Praying At Valley Forge |
Could this be a sign that Yahshua plans to protect the Saints in North America and the British Commonwealth of the United Kingdom from destruction? Will the prophetic vision attributed to George Washington that ends with a Mighty Angel of God descending over America to stop the End Time battles raging throughout the nation come true? Will this coming battle for the country end with the imminent return of Yahshua to rescue His saints, and send the 144,000 Witnesses to protect and defend those who are left behind that will become faithful and keep His Commandments?
Only time will tell, and only God knows the day or the hour when all of these things will take place. But I'm hoping that we won't have to wait much longer, and this Pentecost and Shavuot may mark the time of the end of this Age. I hope that all who read this article and look at the illustrations will truly understand their strong prophetic import, and that they will repent if needed, and make themselves ready for the coming of their King. For there is no doubt in my mind and heart that Yahshua our Messiah is coming again very soon.
I hope that you enjoyed reading Part 3 of this Article Series on the Spring 2024 Heavenly Signs. In the meantime, please help me financially if you are able. Even $10 would be helpful! Click the Link to help via a dropdown menu for sending cash gifts via PayPal: https://pillar-of-enoch.com/contact.html
🙏💖Blessings of Yahshua upon you all!💖🙏
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