Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Daytime Heavenly Signs on the Feast of Esther
Point To The SIGN OF JONAH To Repent & Pray!
(Click On Graphic To Zoom In & Read Text)

I have been thinking about and praying for discernment about the Signs in the Heavens coming up on the Feast of Esther and on Passover or Pesach, and God's Spirit has shown me something important. I centers around the fact that the Sun represents the Sun of Righteousness who is Yahshua (see Malachi 4:2), and it will be aligned under the Ephraimite fish of Pisces/Israel on the Feast of Esther or Purim on March 14th, 2025.  This is shown in the illustration above.

As with so many other Heavenly Signs over the past 2 years, the Heavenly Sign of Jonah tied to the Signs of Pisces and Aquarius is being alluded to. and this is the only Sign that Yahshua said He would give at His First Coming. So we need to ask: "Is the Sign of Jonah in the heavens giving us a clear indication that Yahshua is going to return soon in His Second Coming? I believe that this is indeed the case! Now, let me explain why. First of all, the Sign of Pisces  the Fishes is tied to the Two Houses of Israel that are identified prophetic ally as Judah and Ephraim in Old Testament prophecies, is being targeted. 

This phenomenon surrounding Pisces is tied to the Sign of Jonah, which is the only Sign that Yahshua said would be given to mark His initial redemption of Israel when He was crucified, died, rose from the dead., and ascended to Heaven. The Sign of Jonah. which is represented in the Heavens by the Signs of Pieces and Aquarius, is pointing to the fact that the redemption of both Jews and Christians is drawing very near, and all of us should be excited!! Even so, we must remain vigilant because of the great increase in wickedness and demonic activity that believers are surrounded by all over the world.
As shown in the illustration at the beginning of this article, 4 of the most prophetically significant planets in our Solar System, which are Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and the Sun will be within the parameters of the Fish of Pisces that I have labelled "The House of  EPHRAIM" in the illustration. In addition, the minor planet CERES will be visible in Aquarius, which the Ephraimite Fish is swimming toward.

So, if we follow the meaning of the planets and the Sun, this Sign is saying that VENUS, the Bright and Morning Star (Rev 22:13), NEPTUNE as the One New Man or Body of Christ found in the Holy Spirit filled Church (Ephesians 2:14-16), SATURN as the crowned King of kings Yahshua  (Rev. 19:15-17), and the Sun as the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2) are loved and followed by those who are members of the House of Ephraim., which signifies all Born Again Saints, It also strongly suggests that the House of Ephraim or True Church will soon be flying on their own white horses to dwell in their temporary Heavenly abode during the worst part of the Great Tribulation. 

This heavenly army on white horses  that is following Yahshua on His own white steed is suggested by in the constellation Pegasus the flying White Horse, which the Ephraimite Fish is directly under. Indeed, via Pegasus, they are flying directly towards the Holy Spirit-carrying waters of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, where the minor planet Cres representing Yahshua as the Bread of Life is  resting within the waters pouring out of the urn. Isn't this a lovely picture of the coming Catching Away, Harpazo,. or Rapture? I certainly think so!

Even more prophetically significant, there will be a Full Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon immediately following the Feast of Esther on the night of March 14th, as shown in the illustration below:

Full Lunar Eclipse Between Virgo & Leo,
Day After Feast of Esther, March 14th, 2025

Since the Feast of Esther is supposed to be a Full Moon Feast, it's obvious that the people responsible for arranging the dates on the Jewish Lunar Calendar made a mistake, and are celebrating Purim a day or two early. This is also true for Passover this year, as they are celebrating Pesach on the evening of April 12th, when tithe Full Moon will actually be on April 13th! So, on what should be the actual night of the Feast of Esther on March 14th , the fully Eclipsed Full Moon will be a blood reddish color, as shown in the illustration. Furthermore, it will be visible over North and South America, seen rising over Australia and northeast Asia and setting over Africa and Europe. A Blood Moon is a direct allusion to the Saints in Yahshua's Bridal Partly being cover by His shed Blood.  This is the Blood of the New Covenant, and those who are covered by it love and follow only Yahshua.

This is significant because  the places where the Lunar Eclipse will be visible are the parts of the world where the most Born-Again, Spirit-filled Christians per region were once protected from persecution. Now, however, they are being seen as enemies of the deep state or shadow governments that control world politics and economics. This is why it is interesting that President Trump has been so supportive of Christians and Jews, and their shared beliefs. He could well be meant to keep the United States from being attacked from abroad and/or falling into Civil War until it is time for the Rapture. 

March 14th, 2025 Blood Moon Visibility Map,
Visible throughout North and South America

Tthis Blood Moon will be directly between the constellation of Virgo the Virgin, which is the First Sign in the Ancient Zodiac, and Leo the Lion, which is the Last Sign in the Ancient Zodiac. Interestingly, this designation for Virgo as the First Sign, and the Last Sign designation for Leo ties into the fact that Yahshua began His life in the womb of His human virgin mother, and He will come again as the Lion-hearted King of Judah. Together, therefore, these two constellations signify Yahshua as the Alpha and the Omega (in Hebrew: the Aleph and the Tav), the First and the Last and the Beginning and the End of all things (See Revelation 1:10-11, 1:17, 2:8, and 22:13).

This Blood Moon on the Feast of Esther will be positioned as if crowning Virgo the Virgin's head by the star Zavijava, which is nearly directly between Virgo and Leo. This may signify that the fullness of the time of the Tribulation of the Saints who are being persecuted and martyred all over the world today will be coming to an abrupt end in the very near future .Indeed, all of the Heavenly and Earthly Signs today are heralding that the redemption in the event called the Catching Away, Harpazo or Rapture is very near.

Then, on Passover or Pesach, which is on April 13th, 2025 (beginning at night on April 12th), the Sun will have moved under the Fish of Judah in Pisces/Israel. This suggests that God is getting ready to begin His Deliverance of Judah or the Jews. But even more interesting is the line up of planets under the Ephraimite Fish of Pisces! It's as if the planets have lined up to ride with that Fish on the back of Pegasus on their way to the redemption represented by Aquarius! Could this be the Sign that the Rapture or Harpazo is just around the corner, or may have already occurred beforehand? We shall have to wait and see. But I am hopeful that these signs indicate that the redemption of all Israel is very near! Indeed, this amazing line up of planets by the fish representing the House of Ephraim, or grafted in Israelites from all nations is joined by Ceres on April 20th, 2025, which is Resurrection Sunday.  What's more, if the Jewish authorities had placed the date for Passover on the correct day, which should have been April 14th, Easter Sunday would have fallen during the Feast of Unleavened Bread following Passover! The Heavenly Signs on Passover 2025 are shown in the illustration below. Keep in mind that they will be almost identical on Resurrection Sunday a week later:

April 13th, 2025 Passover /Pesach Day 1
Heavenly Signs Tied To  Sign Of Jonah

As noted earlier, Passover is being celebrated a day or two warblier than it should have been. This is because Passover is a Full Moon Feast, and the Full Moon isn't until the night of April 13th! The illustration above this paragraph shows he Daytime Signs in Pisces/Israel on April 13th this year. This illustration gives the meanings tied to the constellations, the planets and the Sun. I have derived the meanings of these celestial bodies over 40 years of studying the science of Astronomy, the accumulated knowledge of the pioneers in Sacred Astronomy or the Gospel in the Stars, as well as the knowledge given to me by the Holy Spirit after exhaustive study, and many prayers for understanding and discernment. 

Full Moon in Virgo, April 13th, 2025, Passover Day 2

 Then, as shown in the illustration above of the Moon's position on the second day of Passover on the night of April 13th, the Full Moon will be just below the star named Spica or the Branch in the Sign of Virgo the Virgin, which signifies the virgin mother of Christ as well as His Bride. This bright star Spica signifies the Righteous Branch of Jesse, or the divine Seed of the Woman passing through the Virgin's  birth canal. This suggests that the Man Child (or the One New Man) of the Woman Clothed with the Sun as depicted by Virgo (see Revelation Chapter 12) is about to be born. For those who are unfamiliar with this term, the Apostle Paul said that we who love and follow Yahshua are members of His Body, joined together with Him so that we could become the One New Man. This occurred upon Christ's crucifixion and death:

Ephesians 2:14-17 - "For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, 15 having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, 16 and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. 17 And He came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near. 18 For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father."

So we who love and follow Yahshua are imbued with His own Spirit, which is the Seal of our Salvation (Ephesians 1:13). This is why, when we have the Spirit of Yahshua inside of us, we begin to have visions and dreams, and receive words of knowledge from the Holy Spirit, who is our Comforter and Counselor (See John 14:25-26). Though this is not always evident in new believers, they should begin to hear God's Spirit and display the gifts of the Holy Spirit when they make an effort to spend increasing amounts of time drawing closer to God via worship, Bible study, prayer and fasting. That's because these disciplines will help to deepen our desire to express God's love and charity in our daily lives.

For those of you who don't know, I am one of the pioneers in the modern understanding of the Star Gospel, as well the study of End Time Eschatology, which is centered around understanding God's divine messages to His Saints as the time of Yahshua's return to the Earth draws near.  I have written much about the meaning of the 48 constellations of the ancient Zodiac in my  4 volume Language of God Book series, and if you would like to learn more about the Gospel in the Stars, I invite you to purchase my large, heavily researched books in PDF format directly from my ministry for the special price of $ 36.00, discounted from the regular discounted price of $48.00. I will give details about how to get this special deal on my exhaustively researched book series at the end of this article. 

When we look at what the Prophet Daniel said and did, it is evident that he was anointed with the Spirit of God to be a prophet because he displayed many spiritual gifts., including giving some of the most interesting prophecies in the Bible concerning the End Times. When I was working on my article entitled: "More Spring 2024 Heavenly Signs Tied To Shavuot", God's Spirit prompted me to add the days counts in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 12 , verse 11 and 12 to the June 16th, 2024 date I calculated for Shavuot or Jewish Pentecost using the Sunday of Passover Week in April of 2024. 

I was prompted to do so because I received a word of knowledge that these day counts are to be fulfilled in the near future. However, I did not really pay attention to what the prophecy connected to these day counts was saying then, and upon further study, I wondered f I should add the day counts to the day before Passover on April 22nd, 2024 instead of Shavuot because that is when Yahshua ended the need for sacrifice and offering with His death. In addition, the Passover ritual meal signifies His purpose as the Lamb of God who takes away all sin with His shed body and blood. 

Nonetheless, the true ending of our need to be forgiven via sacrifice and offering doesn't end when we accept Yahshua's sacrifice for us, but when we receive and learn to hear and obey the Holy Spirit. So I believe the date of Sunday June 16th, 2024 for the true date of Shavuot  or Pentecost is the correct start date. So I have created an illustration of the Heavenly Signs on that day to show what indications may be evident that I chose correctly.

Heavenly Signs On True Shavuot/Pentecost
June 16th, 2024: Start Date For Prophet
Daniel's Day Counts In Daniel 12:11-12

Although there are still planets in Signs connected to the Sign of Jonah on this date, the really interesting Sign appears n the Signs of Taurus and Orion. Looking at the illustration above this paragraph, we see Venus, Mercury and the Sun directly above Orion's head. So Orion signifying Yahshua as a Warrior Prince fighting for the Redemption of Israel is crowned with 3 celestial bodies. Furthermore, Orion is a time marker, which makes its primary stars' hourglass appearance much more than a coincidence .Furthermore, Jupiter and Uranus are aligned with the Hyades and Pleiades star clusters in Taurus that signify born again congregations of believers. especially those in in the USA and UK,/ This suggests that the redemption of born again believers in Yahshua is being pointed to. 

Before discussing these day counts further, I would like to quote the Prophet Daniel's day count prophecy in the Bible's Book of Daniel, Chapter 12, verses 11 and 12. There it says:
"And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12 Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days." - Daniel 12:11-12
Now, when I added the 1290 day count to June 16th, 2024, the date I landed on astounded me, It is none other than Chanukah Day on December 28th, 2027! This same Chanukah Day 5 date was targeted by two Solar Eclipses in December of 2019 and 2020.There was also a third Solar Eclipse in December of 2021 that also fell during the week of Chanukah. These eclipses surrounded the time of he Covid epidemic spread, lockdowns, and deaths - a time of trouble for the entire world that was surrounded by much political, economic and religious intrigue. So this Chanukah Day 5 date in December of 2027 seems to be heralding a major day of reckoning for the world. The Signs in the Heavens for this day are also very interesting in regards to the planetary line up in Capricorn the Goat Fish and Sagittarius the Royal Archer, As shown in the illustration below, this line up of planets appears to be pointing directly to Yahshua's Second Coming, when  He will destroy the armies of the Antichrist, and judge the goats who think they are following Him, but have been totally deceived.

Now, concerning the 1,290 day count, Daniel's prophecy states that it measures the time from the ending of the need for the daily sacrifices in the Temple to the setting up of the Abomination of Desolation.  In this passage, Daniel is referring to an earlier prophecy of his that appears at the end of Daniel Chapter 9.  This is Daniel's Prophecy of the 70 Weeks. Unfortunately, this prophecy has likely been mistranslated. 

As I surmised in my book "The Language of God in Prophecy", this end of the temple sacrifices isn't a deed of the Antichrist that Daniel is referring to, but is tied to the  ending of the need for the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb and other Temple sacrifices. This need ended with Yahshua's crucifixion and death, and His subsequent giving the Holy Spirit to His apostles and disciples on Pentecost r Shavuot. Likewise, unlike popular interpretations,  the Abomination of Desolation that is to be set up "in the wing of the temple" is not a pagan statue or a man claiming to be God - although a man with some degree of power may soon falsely claim that he is the Messiah.

According to the research in my books, the Abomination of Desolation is connected to the heavy curtain that will be placed between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place in the coming Third Temple. This curtain or veil is meant to signify the wall of separation between mankind and God that Yahshua ended over 2000 years ago. This is why this curtain should be viewed as an abomination! It signifies a spiritual separation between God and mankind that no longer exists for devout followers of Yahweh who love Yahshua - although unsaved religious Jews think this separation still exists because they reject Yahshua or Jesus as their messiah.

Because unsaved Jews have no understanding of what Yahshua did for all who put their faith in Him, they rejected Him and did not accept His sacrifice that ended the need for daily temple sacrifices. So this coming new Temple that will have the curtain in place will be an affront to God. Furthermore, this Temple is likely to be erected rapidly in Jerusalem, and I believe that President Donald Trump will be the catalyst to allow this Temple to be built in the very near future. As many will recall, Trump declared Jerusalem to be the Capital of Israel during his first term, and in gratitude,  Jewish leaders created a new Temple half shekel with Donald Trump's likeness stamped on it, and an image of the Temple on the other side:

Trump's Image on 2018 Temple Shekel
As I was working on this article, I considered adding Daniel's day counts to the date for Passover Day 1 in 2024 rather than the date for Shavuot in 2024 since that is the day that the need for sacrifice and offering ended with Yahshua's death on the cross. However, the need for sacrifice and offering truly ends when a person is baptized with the Holy Spirit, and that didn't happen until Pentecost or Shavuot. Therefore, I used Sunday, June 16th, 2024 date for Shavuot, counting 1290 days to get the date for the setting up of the Abomination of Desolation or veil in the Temple. This gives the date of December 28th, 2027, which is the 5th day of Chanukah that year. The illustration for the Lunar Eclipse and Passover Moon I've already shared aren't just important because of the position of the celestial bodies between Leo and Virgo. which indicate a connection with Yahshua's titles of "the First and the Last, and the Beginning and the End." Hydra the Many Headed Serpent is another symbol for the seven headed Beast from the Sea, which is also tied to Draco the Red Dragon beside Ursa Major and Minor signifying two doctrinally divergent congregations of believers in different situations, and Cetus the Sea Beast beneath Pisces the Fishes signifying the Two Houses of Israel is also tied to the Beast from the Sea, which my research has shown is directly tied to the United Nations.

Hydra stretches from the feet of Virgo the Virgin all the way to the head of the misnamed Cancer the Crab, which is a symbol for a large enclosure (like the walled courtyard surrounding a castle) to gather in and protect people and animals from their enemies. It therefore represents the Ingathering of all the Saints into Heaven in the event known as the First Resurrection.

The Rapture or Catching Away is the second stage of the First Resurrection (the first stage being when Yahshua and many Old Testament Saints rose from the dead on Resurrection Sunday over 2 millennia ago.

1,290 Days From June 16th, 2024 Pentecost:
December 28th, 2027, Chanukah Day 5 Tied To
Chanukah Solar Eclipses Of 2019, 2020, 2021!

So, if this prophetic speculation proves to be true, I suspect that we will begin to see this temple being erected soon, maybe even before the Rapture or Catching Away - although no one cay say exactly when this event will occur. All I can say for certain is that it will likely be a surprise that will shock and terrify many into repentance. If the wing or veil that serves as the Abomination of Desolation is set up during Chanukah of 2027, we can expect to see Yahshua's return shortly hereafter, and this may be why Daniel's prophecy states that those who wait until the 1,335 days are to be blessed. 

Interestingly, the 1,335 day count brings us to February 11, 2028, and that night begins the  New Year of Tree on the Jewish Calendar. The New Year of Trees is also known as Tu B'Shevat, and it is a Jewish holiday that takes place on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Sheva, which is the night of a Full Moon.. It's also known as Rosh HaShanah La'Ilanot, which means "New Year of the Trees". The Heavenly Signs during the day on this date are pictured in the image below, and once again it is evident that the Sign of Jonah tied to Pisces, Aquarius, Piscis Austrinus and Capricorn is being pointed to, among other amazing signs:
1,335 Days From June 16th, 2024 Pentecost:
February 11th, 2028, Eve Of New Year Of Trees;
Powerful Conjunctions Tied To Sign of Jonah!

1,335 Days From June 16th, 2024 Pentecost:
Evening Of February 11th, 2028, New Year Of
Trees Full Moon In Leo Aligned With Regulus

On that night, the Full Moon will be in conjunction with Regulus the King Star in Leo, and Jupiter will again be crowning Virgo the Virgin and highlighting Yahshua as the First via Virgo, and the Last via Leo. Since this day count of 1,335 days is to bring a blessing to those who are waiting for the Messiah to come, it may be tied to the Second Coming of Yahshua with His heavenly Army, which will end with the Battle of Armageddon and the deliverance of all the surviving Jews and Christians from their terrible distress. 

Taurus & Aries: 4-Horned
Altar in Heaven
Interestingly, on April 8th, 2024, during the Total Solar Eclipse in the Sign of Pisces that crossed over America, the planet Jupiter signifying Christ as a crucified sacrifice and Uranus signifying the Bride of Christ with the Five Wise Virgins (marked by Uranus' 5 large moons) were in near conjunction directly between the Signs of Taurus and Aries. As explained in my books (initially in Book 2, "The Language of God in Humanity"), the horns of Taurus and Aries are tied to the four horns of the altar to God that once stood in the 1st and 2nd Temples to Yahweh in Jerusalem, and soon will again. The Holy Spirit is now telling me that this sign is meant to signify that the Third Temple that will stand during the Great Tribulation is about to be built.   

Now, I would like to turn your attention back to the Signs in Pisces/Israel and the position of the Moon on April 8th, 2024, Passover Day 1 on April 23rd, 2024, Shavuot on June 16th, 2024, the Feast of Esther on March 14rth, 2025, and Passover Day 1 on April 13th, 2025. In my Language of God series books, I spoke about the fact that the Full Moon is a symbol of the Bride of Christ. The lifeless Moon signifies how those who are baptized with the Holy Spirit are dead to the world but alive in Christ, and clothed with His light, or Cloak of Righteousness.

By analogy, this ties to the fact that the barren and lifeless Moon is clothed with the light of the Sun when it is full, and the Moon is always full on the Feast of Esther, and on the Feast of Passover. I also spoke about the fact that the fish of Pisces that is swimming toward Aquarius, which represents the Spiritual outpouring of God in both Grace and judgment, signifies the True Church or the House of Ephraim. This House of Israel is filled with the Holy Spirit and saved by Grace through their mutual Faith in Yahshua.

Meanwhile, the Fish of Pisces that is swimming toward the bound and imperiled Andromeda signifies the house of Judah, or the Jewish people - especially those who are not yet saved by the blood of Yahshua, and who have not yet been grafted back into the cultivated Olive Tree that represents the Kingdom of Israel. I also taught about the fact that, if viewed from Australia, the fish of the House of Ephraim appears to be riding on the back of the constellation Pegasus.

 This heavenly white horse is allegorically carrying the Deliverer and His Armies, and illustrates how Yahshua and His Saints and warrior angels will be riding on white horses when Yahshua is ready to deliver the Jews from the terrible oppression of the time of Jacob's trouble. The King of Kings will do this by exposing the wicked elites in their underground bunkers and slaughtering all those who will not repent. Then He will lead His Heavenly army to destroy the demonically controlled armies of the satanically inspired elites.

In my book "The Language of God in History", I discussed the fact that the Prophecy of the 70 Weeks in Daniel Chapter 9 may not have been translated correctly. To understand my alternate interpretation, you might want to refer to that book, and that is why I am making the PDF versions of all four of my books available for  the very low price of $36.00 for a limited time.

Total Length of August 2nd, 2027
Eclipse in Luxor & Two Other Cities

By being directed to do this, God's Spirit was saying that we are already in the three and a half year period of the Great Tribulation, the followers of Christ are being called to fast and pray in preparation for their deliverance, and the Time of Jacob's Trouble will likely come to a head just before the weeklong Feast of Chanukah in December of 2027. In fact, a coming Total Solar Eclipse that will occur on August 2nd, 2027 will sweep across the northern Mediterranean coast of Africa and the southern coast of Saudi Arabia from West to East. Interestingly, the Moon's shadow will spend its longest time passing through the city of Luxor in Egypt, where there are many ruins of ancient pagan temples that were erected by the Ancient Egyptians, whose religion the God of the Bible equated with sin and error. The Moon's shadow will also pass through Mecca - the city at the heart of the Islamic faith.

August 2nd, 2027 Total Solar Eclipse Path Across the Middle East

This Eclipse is especially interesting because all of the nations it will cast its shadow upon are Muslim nations, and the Muslims have had a long standing animosity towards the Jewish people since the time of Jacob and Esau. Sadly, the Muslim hatred of the jews now also extends to anyone who believes that Yahshua or Jesus is the True Messiah of Israel, and the Savior of anyone who loves and follows Him. I therefore think this Eclipse is heralding the return of Yahshua with His army of Angels and Saints  shortly afterward, and this could be during the weeklong Feast of Chanukah in 2027! 

August 2nd, 2027 Heavenly Signs Surrounding
The Total Solar Eclipse Over Middle East That
May Be Heralding the Battle of Armageddon

In addition to the Solar Eclipse on August 2nd, 2027, the illustration of the Heavenly Signs above shows that the Suffering Messiah planet Jupiter will be in conjunction with the King star Regulus in the forepaws of Leo, which primarily represents the Lion King of Judah. 

A conjunction of Regulus and Jupiter also occurred at what I believe was the time of Yahshua's impending birth. This conjunction was on the Feast of Trumpets on September 11th, 3 BC. If this conjunction was indeed a sign that the Messiah was coming for the first time in September of 3 BC or shortly thereafter, then isn't it possible that this conjunction on August 2nd, 2027 is heralding the Second Coming of Yahshua to fight the Battle of Armageddon shortly afterwards? I believe that it could!

I cannot say with perfect certainty that the Catching Away of the Saints into the Third Heaven for safekeeping during the worst part of the Great Tribulation is about to occur. But I can tell you that these Heavenly Signs are practically shouting that the Rapture and subsequent Second Coming of Yahshua are possibly going to be very soon. Making me believe that this article is very significant and likely at least somewhat correct,  I have had some very interesting events occur in relationship to this article and the dates and signs I targeted, and I want to share these with you because they are so fascinating to me. 

First of all,  when I found out about the Heavenly Signs of the August 2nd, 2027 Solar Eclipse, I was reminded that I had picked a very similar Soar Eclipse that passed over Egypt on August 2nd, 1924, which I had chosen as a device for a time travel episode in my fiction book manuscript based on the life and times of Enoch, the seventh Patriarch before the Flood in the line of Seth. It's also interesting to note that the last Heavenly Sign I discussed in this article is on February 11th, 2028, and I created the illustrations for that date and am finishing this article on February 11th - exactly 3 years before the possible date of Yahshua's Second Coming, or the culmination of His mighty feats after His Second Coming in late 2027.

At the time that Yahshua enters Jerusalem in that day, the Jews that He delivers from destruction will proclaim:

"Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord!"

And in anticipation of that glorious event,  I will continue to proclaim:

Baruch Ha Shem Adonai Yahshua Ha Mashiach!
Blessed Be The Name of Yahshua The Messiah!

Before moving on to other things, please consider ordering a complete set of my Language of God Series Books that exhaustively explore many ancient symbols that God utilized  to communicate His Truths to Israel, especially the 48 Signs of the Ancient Mazzaroth or Zodiac. Right now, I'm offering the four books with over 1800 pages of heavily researched information for only $ 36.00, which is only a third of the retail cost for the books in paperback. Just send me $36 USD via Venmo or PayPal using the QR Codes pictured, or via my email address, which is:

pillar_of_enoch @ yahoo.com

Just remove the spaces around the @ sign to use my  Ministry email address. You  can also order the books in paperback from Amazon or my Pillar of Enoch Ministry Website. Or, if you already own the books, I pray that you will consider sending me a cash gift of $10 or more  via PayPal or Venmo, since I an living on a very small fixed income and would greatly appreciate your help.

With Love and Blessings,
From Helena Lehman of the 
Pillar of Enoch Ministry

Thursday, December 26, 2024



The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary 

At this time every year, there are scores of posts on Facebook and other social media slamming Christmas as a pagan holiday that has nothing to do with Christ or His Nativity. They cite many different arguments to prove this point. But God has shown me through His Spirit that these arguments are patently false! 

In fact, December 25th is the Solar equivalent of Kislev 25 on the Jewish calendar, and this is the first day of Hanukkah. That is why it's no coincidence that the 12 days of Christmas and the 8 days of Hannukah often coincide. Besides this correlation, the fact that Yeshua's Nativity is tied to Hanukkah makes sense because:

1. Since Yeshua was likely born around the time of the Feast of Tabernacles in September of 3 BC, Yeshua was likely conceived 280 days prior, which was at the time of Hanukkah in the previous year. (Note: 280 days is the average length of human gestation.)

2. Since scripture tells us that Yeshua was a toddler when the Wise Men arrived on Bethlehem, they had to have arrived about 15 months after He was born, and that would have been in December - right around the time of Hanukkah.

The Humble Birth of the Messiah of All 

3. Many scholars point to a conjunction of  Jupiter with another planet or star as being tied to the Star of Bethlehem, and between the Hanukkah of 4 BC, when Yeshua was likely conceived, and the Hanukkah of  1 BC,  when the Wise Men likely found Yeshua in Bethlehem, Jupiter was in Leo and Virgo, the two Heavenly Signs tied to Yeshua as the First and the Last, and the Beginning and the End.

The Wise Men Following the Star of Bethlehem 

4. Hanukkah was not established by God, but by the Jews as a minor Feast day to celebrate the miracle of the Temple menorah burning for eight days without any oil replenishment. Similarly, Christmas was established by Christ's followers as a celebration of the miracle of His conception, birth and discovery, and how they were all tied to Hanukkah.

5. Christmas and Hanukkah are both celebrations of God's Light coming into the world, and Yeshua is the Light of the World, just as His disciples are spiritual lights in this world.

All of these facts are consistently ignored by those who slam both Christmas and Resurrection Sunday as pagan. They slander and deceive those who have not asked God  and searched the scriptures for truth. Even well-meaning Believers in Yeshua - who have drawn too near to the Messianic Jewish movement that is Torah observant and very critical of anything that they deem as unsupported by their erroneous interpretation of the New Testament scriptures - are spreading these falsehoods.

If you understand and agree with what I am saying here, please voice your objections to these decrees that Christmas is pagan whenever you see them! Tell others what you know about the true meaning of Christmas instead of passing these antagonistic posts by. Everyone needs to be made aware of how deceitful these posts are!

pray that this article will bless everyone who reads it. Please share it with those you know who would be able to understand it and be blessed by it. In the meantime, please help me financially if you are able. Even $10 would be helpful! Click the Link below to help via a dropdown menu for sending cash gifts via PayPal: at my POEM Ministry Website:


Or you can help keep my ministry alive by sending cash via Venmo, a secure method of sending cash to others, and making payments. Just scan the code shown in the image, or look me up using my POEM Ministry email address:

pillar_of_enoch @  yahoo. com

Just remove the spaces from the email address, and look me up on PayPal or Venmo using the same email address to send me money. Thank you all for considering a cash gift, and may our Father God Yahweh bless all who help me in any way. Thanks also for your prayers for protection.

🙏💖The Blessings of Yahshua upon you all!💖🙏 
Helena Lehman of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Ministry Web Site: https://pillar-of-enoch.com/


Please Share This Article With Your Friends and Family,!❤️🙏

Friday, October 11, 2024


Full Moon in Pisces/Israel, Evening of 
First Day of Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot 

 In my last Ministry Blog article, I focused on the Heavenly signs that will be in the Heavens on the Day of Atonement and the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. But I neglected to explain that the Feast of Tabernacles is a Full Moon Feast,, and it falls on Wednesday, October 16th, 2024. This is interesting because Yahshua died on the eve of the Full Moon Feast of Passover/Pesach, which also fell on a Wednesday when He died. 

I also didn't mention where the Moon will be located at this time, what good tidings it suggests, and what it reveals concerning our anticipation of Yahshua's soon return to rescue His Saints from the Great Tribulation. So I'm going to rectify that right now with this new article. 

Fortuitously, on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the Full Moon will be resting on the Band or tether that holds the Ephraimite Fish of Pisces / Israel to the Beast From The Sea. This Sea Beast is symbolized by the constellation Cetus the Sea Monster.  Please see the illustration at the top of this article to see the position of the Moon in Pisces. 

As the illustration above shows, the Ephraimite Fish is swimming towards Aquarius, a symbol for Yahshua as the Living Water. The Ephraimite Fish is attached to the Church of Philadelphia, or Brotherly Love. This fish is tied by the constellation called The Bands, and the Full Moon is on that band or tether that is keeping the allegorical Fishes that are symbolizing the Two Houses of Israel that are the grafted in children of God from obtaining their true spiritual power and authority in Christ.

As those who have the following my posts and articles know, I have ascertained that the constellation called Pisces the Fishes is connected to the Two Houses of Israel represented by the Tribe of Judah connected to the Jewish people, and the Tribe of Ephraim signifying the once Gentile people who have come to be faithful followers of Yahshua, and have been grafted into the Kingdom of God and the family of Israel.

Signs in Taurus, Gemini and Orion,
First Day of Feast of Tabernacles 

Coupled with the Signs that will be seen in Gemini, Taurus and Orion, and also in Virgo and Libra, the Full Moon in Pisces/Israel is a very auspicious sign. This is because the Full Moon represents the Bridal Party of our Messiah that will attend the Wedding of the lamb in Heaven, which I believe will begin at the time of the Rapture or Catching Away of the Saints who are born again, and who are covered by the Blood of Yahshua. These are the faithful ones who strive to keep God's Commandments, and to love Him and everyone who loves Him. These are also the people who strive to love their enemies by doing no violence to them, and instead preaching the Gospel of Salvation and the Kingdom of God to them.

Signs in Virgo and Libra on the 
First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles 

Although I cannot say for certain if the Rapture will be during the Feast of Tabernacles this year or not, I am hopeful that Yahshua will not tarry much longer, and we will see His glorious appearance in the heavens very soon. When He comes with His army of Holy Angels, Yahshua will change those who love Him in the twinkling of an eye, and He will give us everlasting, immortal bodies that can survive both in Heaven, and on the Earth.

I'm very much looking forward to that time when we will all be changed in an instant, and we will all be perfected in Christ, once and for all time! Please pray with me that it will be soon. Let's proclaim loudly: "Maranatha Yahshua!" (i.e. Come Now, Yahshua!).

As it says in Scripture:

"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality." - 1 Corinthians 15:51-53, NKJV

This is why the Rapture is called our "blessed hope" in the Epistle to Titus. In the Complete Jewish Bible, the phrase "blessed hope" is translated as "the blessed fulfillment of our certain hope:"

"For God’s Grace, which brings deliverance, has appeared to all people. It teaches us to renounce godlessness and worldly pleasures, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives now, in this age; while continuing to expect the blessed fulfillment of our certain hope, which is the appearing of the Sh’khinah of our great God and the appearing of our Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah. He gave himself up on our behalf in order to free us from all violation of Torah and purify for himself a people who would be his own, eager to do good." - Titus 2:11-14, CJB

If anything should convict us of the need for repentance and holiness at this time, this passage in Titus Chapter 2 should do it! It couldn't be clearer. We need to strive to lead holy and sanctified lives that reflect the love and compassion of our Messiah here and now in order to be prepared for Yahshua's glorious appearing, which I truly believe will be very soon. So keep looking up, dear Saints! Our deliverance from this wicked world is coming soon!

If you would like to read the article that preceded this one, which talks about the other Heavenly Signs on The Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles, the link to that article appears below this article closing. I hope that it will bless you, and I pray that this article will convict you of the need for repentance as we all strive for holiness. Please share this message with your friends and family, for "the time is short!"

In the First Epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter 7, verse 29, the Apostle Paul says "the time is short" while speaking about the cares of this world that affect those who are married as opposed to those who are unmarried. He also gives a definition of what it means to be a spiritual virgin rather than a physical virgin, and this is relevant within the scope of this present time in history. 

It's also relevant in regard to passages in the New Testament that refer to virgins such as "The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins" in Matthew, Chapter 25, and the reference to the spiritual virgins among the Tribes of Israel in Revelation Chapter 7.  That's because physical virgins may still desire to be married, and to please a man enough to choose her as a wife. These are worldly concerns, not spiritual ones. 

In the same Chapter of 1 Corinthians, this is what the Apostle Paul had to say about spiritual virginity:

"There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the world—how she may please her husband." - 1 Corinthians 7: 34-36

I would also like to add that a married woman with children is usually caught up with disciplining and teaching her children about the ways of God, as well as the ways of the world, and would also be so concerned about caring for them and feeding them that she would have little time to do things for others outside of her home.

 In this way, the Apostle Paul was trying to convey the importance of living as if you are not married or otherwise caught up with the things of this world - especially at this time in history. That's because we can see all the Signs of Yahshua's Soon Return right now with the increasing  numbers of deadly storms, tornadoes, floods, hatred, deception, violence, and thievery that's escalating daily. It's time to do away with our attachment to this world and all it's enticements and distractions in favor of looking at the Glory and Beauty of the Face of our Messiah, and the coming Kingdom that He will usher in when He returns.

If we're still here by the end of the Feast of Tabernacles on October 23rd, 2024, I'll be looking ahead to interpret the Signs at the time of Chanukah 2024, and after that, to some other Signs that will appear in the Heavens between and Chanukah of 2024 and the end of 2029.  In the meantime, here's the link to my last article, which this article is meant to complete:

LINK: https://pillarofenoch.blogspot.com/2024/10/meaningof-2024-autumn-feasts-heavenly-signs.html

I pray that this article will bless everyone who needs it. Please share it with those you know who would be able to understand it and be blessed by it. In the meantime, please help me financially if you are able. Even $10 would be helpful! Click the Link below to help via a dropdown menu for sending cash gifts via PayPal: at my POEM Ministry Website:


Or you can help keep my ministry alive by sending cash via Venmo, a secure method of sending cash to others, and making payments. Just scan the code shown in the image, or look me up using my POEM Ministry email address:

pillar_of_enoch @  yahoo. com

Just remove the spaces from the email address, and look me up on PayPal or Venmo using the same email address to send me money. Thank you all for considering a cash gift, and may our Father God Yahweh bless all who help me in any way. Thanks also for your prayers for protection.

🙏💖Blessings of Yahshua upon you all!💖🙏 
Helena Lehman of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Ministry Web Site: https://pillar-of-enoch.com/


Wednesday, October 09, 2024



Heavenly Signs in  Gemini, Taurus
And Orion on First Day of the 
Weeklong Feast of Tabernacles 

Building on my last Ministry blog article concerning the October 2nd, 2024 Annular Solar Eclipse in the Sign of Virgo, which was on Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets, I will now explain what the Signs on the special holy days on the Jewish Autumn Feast Calendar might mean in relation to End Time Bible Prophecy.  These Autumn Heavenly Signs are primarily in the constellations Virgo the Virgin, Gemini the Twins, Taurus the Bull and in Taurus' decan Sign Orion the Hunter.

As on the Feast of Trumpets this year, the Signs in Virgo are extremely interesting because they are all centered around the First Advent and Second Coming of our beloved Messiah Yahshua or Jesus. But before I get too involved in explaining the meaning of the Signs in Virgo on the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur, and during the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot, I want to focus on the Heavenly Signs in Taurus, Gemini and Orion during these Israelite holy days. These constellations are shown in the illustration at the top of this article. Please read the text on that illustration and the one below, and then read the explanation that follows.

Meaning of the Star Names in
The Constellations Taurus and Orion

After careful and prayerful study of the symbolic pictures and Star names associated with Taurus, Gemini, and Orion,, I was shown that the placement of the planet Mars in the Pollux Twin of Gemini, which is tied to Jacob and Israel as a whole, is a sign that all believers in Yahshua are being called to fight the enemies of Yahshua and His faithful followers all over the world that are the spiritual and literal descendants of Jacob.. These enemies of the Christians and Messianic Jews that are loving and kind to one another are found in the spiritual and physical descendants of Ishmael, whose hatred of the United States, United Kingdom and Israel is an old hatred of the righteous that is at the core of every major war that has ever been fought throughout history.

The Russian Federation and its war upon Ukraine is an extension of this hatred of Israel because it is destabilizing the entire Eurasian continent , and causing the tensions between the Eastern and the Western Nations to accelerate. The constellation Auriga the Goatherd is a depiction of the goats that Yahshua signaled out as spiritually dark children of the devil in His teachings. These goats, who think they are righteous but are deceived, are attacking Yahshua's beloved followers and His Jewish brethren. For this reason, they are targeted for His coming Wrath. They will be plagued with great tribulation and Judgement, and are to be cast out of His coming Kingdom on the Earth. To be clear, anyone who disregards Yahshua's Commandments or Moral Laws and treats His followers despicably is a goat in spirit.

This is a cause for great concern, as this escalating conflict between Yahshua's sheep and Satan's goats could lead to another deadly world war - a terrible war in which nuclear weapons may come into play. Nonetheless, believers in Yahshua should not be afraid, but be looking up and watching for the arrival of their mighty Warrior King to rescue them from further injustice. 

The Star Gospel Meaning of the
 Constellation Virgo the Virgin 

This desire of Yahshua to rescue His faithful followers from injustice and further judgement and tribulation is reflected by the planet Jupiter between the horns of Taurus, and crowning the Warrior King Yahshua depicted by Orion. Besides Jupiter, the planet Uranus near the Pleiades in Taurus is a herald of Christ's loving concern for the safety of His people. For clarity,  I need to point out that the Pleiades astar cluster is a depiction of the Seven Churches spoken of in the Book of Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. The planet Venus in the constellation Libra the Scales is also an indicator that Yahshua's desire to protect His Saints is paramount.  We'll focus on the placement of Venus more as I discuss the Signs surrounding Virgo in the next few paragraphs. Please read the text on the illustrations above and below this paragraph before continuing to read this article.

Heavenly Signs in Virgo the Virgin 
On the Day of Atonement
(Click Image to Enlarge)

The illustration above shows the Heavenly Signs in Virgo and Libra on the Day of Atonement, which begins on the night of October 11th, 2024, while the illustration below this paragraph shows the Heavenly Signs in Virgo and Libra on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. The major difference between them is the placement of the bright Comet C/2023 A3, which will be close to perihelion, or the Comet's closest approach to the Sun, on the Day of Atonement.  In my experience,  the trajectory of comets in the heavens can often bring Prophetic insights. This comet's journey through the constellations does indeed bring Prophetic insights to light.

Heavenly Signs in Virgo and Libra 
On Day 1 of the Feast of Tabernacles
(Click Image to Enlarge)

I liken this bright Comet named after its discoverer to a divine chariot that reflects God's intentions. For example, the tails of comets can be likened to heavenly swords, so it's interesting how this Comet cut through Hydra the Serpent under Leo on the Feast of Trumpets, and will be passing swiftly through the constellation Serpens the Serpent on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is interesting because both Hydra and Serpens are a depiction of the Serpent that tempted Adam and Eve and all their descendants to rebel against their loving Creator and disobey His Commandments. Indeed, like them,  all of us have gone astray and need  the redemption offered to us when we accept Christ's blood sacrifice, and choose to follow Him.

Now let's look at the celestial line up in Virgo, which consists of the Sun, the star Spica, and the planet Mercury in close alignment.  The Sun is not as close to Spica on the Day of Atonement as it will be on Day 1 of the Feast of Tabernacles. This suggests that the Saints can be likened to the Man Child or baby that is about to be born via the Woman Clothed with the Sun in Revelation Chapter 12, which is a representation of the constellation Virgo. Interestingly, the Sun will pass through the birth canal of the Virgin , which is marked by the star Spica, during the first days of the Feast of Tabernacles. Also interesting is how the Sign of Prophetic Fulfillment found in the planet Mercury will be symbolically at Virgo's feet at this time. 

This placement of the Sun, the Comet, and Mercury in relation to Spica suggests that the Catching Away of the Saints to safety in the blessed event known as the Rapture could be around these holy days. Furthermore, the Comet's trajectory through Hydra and Serpens is an indicator that the Wrath of God is about to be poured out on the wicked. To be clear, the wicked are those who don't keep Yahshua's Commandments to love the Creator God Yahweh and to love one another as God loves us.

Meaning of the Star Names in Libra in 
Connection with the Gospel in the Stars 

Below Virgo's feet is the constellation Libra the Scales, which was seen as an Altar in ancient times. Please read the information on the illustrations above and below this paragraph to see what the constellation Libra means in connection with the Star Gospel. As revealed in the illustrations, Libra is connected to our Heavenly Father's Judgement of the wicked, and the Divine Justice that is required to pay for the poor treatment that all of God's people throughout the ages have endured at the hands of their wicked and unrepentant enemies.

A More Accurate Representation of 
The Constellation Libra with a
Translation of two Principle. Stars.

In the Star Gospel, Libra the Scales is depicted like two altars that weigh one's soul and spirit against the all surpassing perfection and beauty of our Creator God Yahweh and the Holy Spirit. Against God's perfection, we are judged and found wanting in every way. But because Yahshua incarnated as a man and died for our sins to heal the breach between us and God's holiness, we are more than conquerors! This is because Yahshua is our advocate before God. Because He covers us with His shed blood, our sins are blotted out and God the Father only sees Christ's holiness. For this reason, we can call God our Father, as well as our Brother via Yahshua, and we can become members of God's family for all eternity.

Of course, as always, I need to say that no one knows when our Messiah will return except our Heavenly Father. So we may need to continue to watch and wait. In the meantime, we should also be continually praying for all the people in this world that have yet to be saved, or are already saved but suffering greatly at the hands of evil people and governments. 

UPDATE: I have made an important second part for this article that focuses on the placement of the Full Moon on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. It is now posted on my POEM ministry blog. Here is the Title and Link:


I pray that this article will bless everyone who needs it. Please share it with those you know who would be able to understand it and be blessed by it. In the meantime, please help me financially if you are able. Even $10 would be helpful! Click the Link below to help via a dropdown menu for sending cash gifts via PayPal: at my POEM Ministry Website:


Or you can help keep my ministry alive by sending cash via Venmo, a secure method of sending cash to others, and making payments. Just scan the code shown in the image, or look me up using my POEM Ministry email address:

pillar_of_enoch @  yahoo. com

Just remove the spaces from the email address, and look me up on PayPal or Venmo using the same email address to send me money. Thank you all for considering a cash gift, and may our Father God Yahweh bless all who help me in any way. Thanks also for your prayers for protection.

🙏💖Blessings of Yahshua upon you all!💖🙏 
Helena Lehman of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Ministry Web Site: https://pillar-of-enoch.com/