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Yahshua Our King Is Coming SOON! |
Blog for the Pillar of Enoch Ministry - Web Home of the Language of God and Pillar of Enoch Trilogy books by Author Helena Lehman. Explore the Gospel in the Stars, Bible prophecy, wisdom from the Book of Enoch, antediluvian constellations, and messianic theology. Helena’s books and essays reveal parable-like messages in the Great Pyramid, Great Sphinx, Desert Tabernacle, and rituals of the Jews. Visit this educational web site at http://pillar-of-enoch.com.
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Yahshua Our King Is Coming SOON! |
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Keep Watch! Our Messiah is Coming! |
Luke 21:34-36 - "But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
With America's borders not being defended, the World Economy on the brink of collapse, crime and disease at an all-time high, and the world at the brink of World War 3, all of those who love Yahshua should be watching for His soon return. That is why I want to share this following message of encouragement with all of my beloved brethren.
Earlier this year, when I was contemplating what to do with a food item in a glass jar that was shipped as new, but was only three quarters full, I heard the Holy Spirit say that this is a Sign of things to come. And suddenly on high spiritual alert, I asked the Holy Spirit what it was a sign of.
The reply I received was that I was going to experience an event that would give me pure joy when the year is three-quarters full! This made me start thinking about the Solar Calendar, and the fact that the three-quarter mark on the Solar Calendar is the Autumn Equinox - which occurs on September 22nd this year.
Not so coincidentally, the Feast of Trumpets, also known as Yom Teruah or Rosh Hashanah, is just 4 days later, falling on September 26th, 2022! Could this mean that the great Catching Away of all the living and past Saints will be on September 26th or 27th, or sometime within the 22 days that the Autumn Feasts occur this year? Could the year 2022 be tied to the 22 days of the Autumn Feasts and the 22 letters of the Hebrew Aleph Bet? After all, the first and last letters of the Aleph Bet are a symbol for Yahshua, who in His glorified form is the First and the Last, and the Beginning and the End!
With this in mind, I am hopeful that our deliverance from this present world - where evil has become good and good as become evil - could be very soon. This is because the Signs in the Heavens and on the Earth are all pointing to the glorious appearing of our Messiah Yahshua, whose Name is above every other name!
That's why I want to encourage all of those who love and follow the Son of Yahweh named Yahshua or "Yah Saves!" to continue to strive to keep His Commandments to love Him and one another, and to WATCH for the coming of our Blessed Hope!
I am excited with the prospect that the Rapture of Yahweh's elect and chosen Saints could be in the near future. The Autumn Feasts of Israel are so near, and this 22 day Feast period beginning on September 26th is definitely a High Watch time for our Messiah Yahshua to appear and rescue His beloved followers.
So keep looking upwards, my fellow Saints, and continue to strive to share the Good News of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God with everyone you know as we await Yahshua's Coming!
πWith Sincere Love and Hopeπ
From Your Sister in Yahshua,
Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Web Site: https://pillar-of-enoch.com
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My Photo of Saturn and the Super Moon, 11 August 2022 |
On the night beginning on Thursday, August 11th 2022, I was fortunate to have a clear sky overhead. This allowed me to photograph the final Super Moon of 2022, along with the planet Saturn, which is seen as a wandering star. In addition to being one of the brightest planets in the night sky, Saturn represents the many crowns of our Messiah Yahshua and the crowns belonging to His Saints, who populate His Royal Court.
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Another Photo View of Saturn & the Moon |
Both Saturn and the Moon are in the Sign of Capricorn the Goat Fish. However, they are in the tail end of Capricorn, which appears beneath the right arm of Aquarius the Water Carrier. The fish tail of Capricorn signifies those living things that were saved from dying in the Great Flood of Noah by the Ark that Noah and his family built. In addition, this tail represents the born again followers of Yahshua who have been saved by their belief and faith in Him.
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Astronomy Screenshot of Signs in Aquarius and Capricorn on August 11th, 2022 |
Interestingly, the fish constellation called Piscis Austrinus, which appears underneath Aquarius's feet, and has the bright star Fomalhaut at its mouth signifies the Ark of Noah! So it is tied to the tail of Capricorn as the symbol of the living things that were saved in the Ark. It also signifies the safety of the true followers of Yahshua under His divine protection.
This alignment of the Full Moon and Saturn in Capricorn's tail is also interesting because Aquarius represents Yahshua as the Living Water. This is because Yahshua gives us the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of everlasting life, which is the primary gift of salvation after being cleansed from sin by Yahshua's blood.
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My Photo of Jupiter on 12 August 2022 |
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Screenshot of Signs in Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn, 12 August 2022 |
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A Closer View of Jupiter |
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The Heavenly Signs in Cancer and Gemini on July 26th, 2022 (Click on Image to Enlarge) |
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Strong's Greek: 726 Harpazo |
Like July 26th, the 9th of Av this August 6th is also considered to be a High Rapture Watch time because of the Jewish belief that God will turn this sad day of mourning into a day of joyful celebration some day. This change from a day of sadness to one of joy is echoed in the Minor Jewish Feast of Tu B'Av on Friday, August 12th, 2022. Tu B'Av is akin to the celebration of Valentine's Day in the USA, when vows of love are proclaimed everywhere, and many vows of love are often solidified by announcing an engagement or upcoming wedding.
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More Related Harpazo Scriptures |
The Strong's Greek Word Harpazo, which is numbered 726, is a verb that means to "Forcefully Seize" or "Catch Away". In English Bibles, this word has been translated to mean "Caught Up" or "Snatched Away", as in a sudden and forceful way. This action is what the Apostle Paul said will happen when Yahshua returns to rescue His Born-Again Saints from His coming Wrath against the wicked, which will be unleashed during the Great Tribulation. This rescue or snatching away of the Saints up to Heaven will happen immediately after all the dead and currently living Saints are raised up with imperishable bodies. This resurrection and rescue event is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, where it says:
“For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord (Adonai Yahshua)) Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God (Yah). And the dead in Christ (Messiah) will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up (Harpazo) together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord (Adonai) in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord (Adonai). 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.”
This rescue from God's terrible Wrath against the wicked will occur when Yahshua our Messiah appears in the clouds above the Earth. Since the Wrath of God or the Lamb (who is Yahshua) is unleashed on the Earth when the Sixth Seal is opened, the Rapture must take place before the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments described later in the Book of Revelation take place. The Wrath of the Lamb is released, the Elites hiding in their underground shelters will tremble in fear - just as it is described in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 6, verses 15 and 16:
“And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
At that time, those Saints who have fallen asleep with belief in the Messiah will be raised up to everlasting life. Then the transformation of the living Saints into immortal beings will occur in the "twinkling of an eye", or very rapidly. This will happen just after a time of severe Christian and Jewish persecution or tribulation is coming to an end. I believe that this time of persecution may have ended with the relaxing of restrictions from the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Spring of 2022.
I therefore believe it is possible that - sometime shortly after this relaxing of restrictions, in a deceptive moment of peace and calm - Yahshua['s Glory will appear in the atmosphere above the Earth in what is called the Sign of the Son of Man, which also may be tied to the Celestial Signs in the Sun, Moon and Wandering Stars or Planets. At that time, He will send His holy angels to snatch up the resurrected saints to Heaven, just as it is described in Matthew 24:29-31:
“Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”
As a Sacred Astronomer, I find it interesting that Yahshua told His followers or disciples to watch for Signs in the Heavens relating to His coming that will be visible in the movements of the Sun, Moon and Wandering Stars that we define as Planets because they do not cast their own light, but only reflect the light of the Sun. This is just as our Moon and the moons around the Planets do not emit light, but only reflect it:
Luke 21:25-27 - “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.”
So it's no surprise that the Holy Spirit also prompted me to look up the Celestial Signs on July 26th this year, and - upon looking at the Heavenly Signs on July 25th, 26th and 27th - I was very intrigued by what I saw. I found it particularly intriguing that - on Tuesday, July 26th - the Moon connected to the Bride of Christ and Venus connected to Yahshua as the Bright Morning Star will nearly be in conjunction over the female Bride figure associated with the bright star Castor in the Sign of Gemini.
There are many who believe that the Bride of the Messiah refers to the entire Body of believers in Yahshua, However, I have trouble with this interpretation because there is only one Bride and one Groom in a traditional wedding ceremony. Furthermore, in Yahshua's Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins in Matthew Chapter 25, the ten Virgin maidens in the parable are not the Bride, but are her attendants that have been assigned to watch for the arrival of the Bridegroom while the Bride finishes making herself ready to be married. So it seems that the Bride and her Virgin attendants are not the same.
Fascinatingly, the Sign of Gemini the Twins has an esoteric connection to Yahshua as the promised Deliverer known in the Bible by the term "Nazarene". Although it is not widely known, the term "Nazarene", which is used prophetically in reference to Yahshua in Matthew 2:23, may be a prophetic Title for our Messiah. Though the term "Nazarene" was associated with the insignificant town of Nazareth in Judea, "Nazarene" also was used to refer to the early followers of Yahshua in Acts 24:5, and may be a mistranslation of the Hebrew phrase "Naz Seir" or "Prince of princes", which is another way of referring to Yahshua as the present and future King of kings.
Getting back to the Signs on July 26th, the Sun and the planet Mercury will be in the neighboring Sign of Cancer, which is my Birth Sign. It is also the Sign associated with the ingathering of all the Saints in the Kingdom of Yahshua when it is established on the Earth after the Great Tribulation. It is also associated with the ingathering of all the resurrected Saints to attend the Wedding of the Lamb in Heaven, which is to commence after the Harpazo or Rapture takes place.
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Moon Over Messiah's Heart, July 27th, 2022 |
Now, when I looked at the Signs on July 27th, I noticed that the nearly New Moon will have moved to be squarely over the heart of the male Bridegroom figure associated with the bright star Pollox in Gemini. Meanwhile, Venus will remain over the body of the female Bride figure associated with the twin star Castor. This movement in Gemini on July 26th and 27th while the Sun and Mercury are in Cancer - the constellation associated with the ingathering of the Saints to be with Yahshua - made me wonder if those who see July 26th as a potential Rapture day due to its connection to the word Harpazo numbered 726 in Strong's Greek Concordance may be on to something!
This day leading up to the solemnity of Tisha B'Av or the 9th of Av is also interesting to me because I was born on Tisha B'Av, and it also happened to fall on August 6th in 1957, which was the year that I was born. Since Tisha B'Av is viewed as a day that will one day have a joyful meaning, it is also a potential Rapture day - and what could be more joyful than taking part in the Rapture or First Resurrection into everlasting life?
The Signs on August 6th this year are also aligned in the Signs of Cancer and Gemini, so it could be a potential day for the Rapture this year as well. So, although I do not know when the Rapture will take place, it could be very soon. In fact, the general consensus among many Saints in the Americas, the British Isles, Europe, Africa and Asia is that it is coming very soon, and it will happen on a day when many will least suspect it. This will be at a time of relative peace and calm - a time like this summer after the end of the 2020 through 2021 Corona Virus Pandemic. So let's keep looking up, and let's not lose faith that our Blessed Hope in the coming of Yahshua in the Rapture will soon take place - if not this summer, then maybe this Autumn - during the time period of the Autumn Feasts of Israel.
But there are several other possibilities this year when the Rapture could take place. In fact, earlier this year, while contemplating what to do with a new item that I bought at a store that was only three quarters full when I first opened it, I received a Word from the Holy Spirit that this was not something to be dismayed over, but that it was a Sign that something very significant to the Body of the Messiah will happen when this year is three quarters past. Since three months are equal to one quarter of the Solar Year, then the 3/4 mark will occur in September. Also, as most astronomers would agree, the true 3/4 mark of the year is the Autumn Equinox of the Sun, which will fall on September 22nd this year.
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Signs in Leo and Virgo on Feast of Trumpets, September 26th, 2022 (Click to Zoom In) |
That's why I am so pleased to see that the period of the Autumn Feasts of Israel begins with the Feast of Trumpets or Yom Teruah on Monday, September 26th, 2022 (beginning on the night of September 25th). At that time, the dwarf planet known as Ceres will be in the Sign of Leo the Lion of Judah. In addition, the Sun signifying Yahshua as the Sun of Righteousness of Malachi 4:2, the New Moon signifying the Saints and the Bride hidden in God's protective light, and Venus signifying Yahshua as the Bright Morning Star of Revelation 22:16 will be in Virgo the Virgin. Virgo signifies the birth and nurturing of the Messiah and Israel by our Heavenly Father Yahweh.
Interestingly, directly opposite to Virgo in the Heavenly circle of the Mazzaroth is the Sign of Pisces the Fishes, which represents the Two Houses of Israel. These Houses are prophetically called Judah and Ephraim in several Old Testament prophecies. That's why it's significant that, on the east of Trumpets this year, the planets Jupiter signifying the Crucified Messiah and Neptune signifying New Testament Believers will be beneath the Ephraim Fish of Pisces. This Ephraim fish is swimming towards Aquarius the Water Bearer, which is a symbol for the glorified Messiah Yahshua pouring out the Holy Spirit upon His Saints. It is also the fish that is beneath the Sign of Pegasus, which signifies Yahshua coming again while riding on His Heavenly White Horse, as recorded in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 19.
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Signs on Feast of Trumpets, September 26th, 2022 in Aries & Pisces (Click to Zoom In) |
This juxtaposition of the Wandering Stars in these Heavenly Signs connected to Israel are a Sign that something important to the Body of the Messiah may occur around this time. Yom Teruah or the Feast of Trumpets is also known to the Jews as Rosh Hashanah, or the first day of their Civil Year. The end of the Autumn Feasts of Israel will be on the seventh day of the week long Feast of Sukkot or Tabernacles, which begins on the evening of Sunday, October 9th, and ends at sunset on Sunday, October 16th this year. This entire two week period is considered to be a High Rapture Watch time - although we should always be preparing ourselves to be ready for our beloved Messiah Yahshua's soon return at any time.
A Message Given In LoveAs an Unemployed, Disabled Veteran, Your Financial Aid would be a Great Blessing to Me. Please Consider Giving a Gift of Any Amount via PayPal Using the Drop Down Menus or E-Mail Address On My Pillar of Enoch Ministry (POEM) Website's CONTACT ME Page: https://pillar-of-enoch.com/contact.html
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Ground Squirrel Eating Dandelion |
The first thing I did after writing out a short outline of what God had shown me, I searched the scriptures for any verses that might shed light on using plants for medicine as well as food. The very first one I found teaches us that Adam and Eve ate a strictly seed-bearing plant based diet of fruits, vegetables, lettuce and other greens, berries, legumes, nuts, and seeds, just as all the other living things in the Garden ate plants and their fruit and seeds. This included the animals and fish that we view as meat-eating predators today. They also ate a plant based diet, and - according to scripture - they will return to that diet during the Millennial Rule of Yahshua and thereafter (See Isaiah 11:6-9).
Genesis 1:29-31 - "And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. 30 Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so. 31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good."
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A bee collecting dandelion pollen |
Among these plants, the dandelion was one of the herbs given to eat, and it is found growing all over the world today. Many animals eat the entire plant, and others just like to eat the leaves and flowers, like squirrels and rabbits - and bees like their pollen too! Since the dandelion is a seed bearing plant with leaves that can be eaten raw as a salad green when they are new, it was intended to be eaten for the nourishment and health of the body. In addition. its roots and mature green leaves can be boiled in water to make a healing tea. In fact, as ancient medicine and Chinese medicine attests, all healing medicines were once derived from plants, especially those in the herb family. What's more, many modern medicines are merely highly concentrated bastardizations of herbal remedies that have been altered to take away their ability to heal, and so they only treat the symptoms!
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Fresh and Roasted Dandelion Roots |
At the time I received this revelation about them, dandelions were brought to my mind because I had just been thanking and praising Yahweh God for the good results in my health that I've been getting from drinking roasted dandelion root tea. I have been drinking that everyday along with regular black or green tea in an effort to improve my health and treat my ailing liver, and it has had amazing results. Not only is my skin clearer, and my sinuses and lungs less congested, but the inflammation and swelling all over my body has been greatly reduced, especially the swelling in my liver. I also attribute it with helping to purify my blood, and with correcting the severe anemia that I was suffering from.
In many parts of the world today, dandelions are viewed as common and bothersome weeds. Because of their deep roots and ability to spread quickly, dandelions are often considered to be unsightly and unwelcome enemies of those aspiring to having golf-course perfect green lawns. But children generally find dandelions quite pretty, and they love to pick them and give them as a present to someone they love, which says something about these sun-loving plants. Not only do kids gravitate towards them, but they're also powerful healing herbs whose habits and appearance tell a charming spiritual story.
First of all, mature dandelion plants have deep, strong roots that are virtually impossible to get out of the ground once they're established. Secondly, they produce beautiful round flowers with bright yellow petals nestled in beds of unusual dark green, serrated-edged leaves, which make excellent, mineral rich salad greens when they're young.
Interestingly, as I was thinking about these facts about dandelions, the Holy Spirit showed me that those deep roots can signify a strong foundation for spiritual growth. That's because the bright yellow flowers those roots feed can represent new congregations of righteous people by faith, and new creations in the making. With this in mind, dandelion flowers can be seen as groups of like-minded believers in Yahshua the Messiah. New believers in Christ tend to be happy and sunny-minded people. That's because they were once unrepentant sinners like weeds, which are called tares in the Bible. Tares can signify unrepentant sinners that are unwanted and unwelcome in the Kingdom of Heaven until they repent.
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Blooming Dandelion Patch |
But when sinners hear the Good News of Salvation, admit their guilt, and repent before God, they're forgiven and filled with the Holy Spirit. Interestingly, dandelion flowers are dressed in bright yellow. Like sunlight, the dandelion's cheery yellow flowers can represent the joy that often accompanies the process of being born again in the image of Yahshua. Their bright, joy inducing yellow clothes show what they're becoming by their faith in the redeeming power of God's Son, and by the indwelling presence of His Spirit in their hearts.π»ππ️
The dandelion's flowers show their connection to the Messiah's promise of salvation for the righteous when they close up tightly and form a green bud that is like a cocoon where the yellow petals are shut off from the light and are transformed into seeds, which are essentially dead until they are buried in the ground and sprout into entirely new plants. This symbolizes righteous people who were once unwanted weeds, but who have died to the world to live for Yahshua.
Then the green buds filled with seeds that symbolize the heart of every believer hoping in the resurrection opens and reveals that the petals have turned into feathery white-clad seeds. Their tiny bone white to brown seeds are equipped with their own fluffy white, wind-catching umbrellas that can be likened to feathery angel's wings! There is also a scripture alluding to the dew of herbs in regard to the resurrection from the dead that ties in very well with what God showed me about dandelions as a dew-catching herb:
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Dandelion Seeds Flying in the Wind |
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Dandelion Patch Mostly Gone To Seed |
In this way, these disciples create new disciples. Like the disciples who witnessed to them, these new disciples will be clothed first in joyful yellow when they experience the joy of forgiveness, and gain the all-encompassing love of God through the Messiah. Then like the dandelion seeds, these new disciples are allegorically clothed in pure white to show how they have willingly died to the world to live for Yahshua. The white feather like umbrellas that make dandelion seeds airborne are like angels flying towards the Sun, whose light causes dead seeds to burst forth with new life that will shine as brightly as the Sun or Son, who gives birth to the newly saved via the Holy Spirit!π️π
Isn't it beautiful how so many things in Yahweh God's wonderful Creation speak of His tender love for His children? I sure think so, especially when He shows me parables in the simplest of things - like the dandelions in my garden that I harvest as medicine. This is such a wonderful blessing, and I am glad that I could share it with my beloved brothers and sisters to give them encouragement and hope in the Rapture, and in our everlasting lives to come. I hope that this dandelion parable helps you all to see more of the world through God's all-seeing eyes. In this regard, the following scripture seems fitting:
Hebrews 6:7 - "For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God..."
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River of Living Water Surrounded By Tree of Life |
I'm very much looking forward to our coming resurrection from the dead in new bodies. Because, in the New Creation, we will no longer be mere weeds! Instead, we will be like brilliant and beautiful fruits and flowers of every color and variety - giving off a pleasing fragrance for God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and God's Son and our Messiah to enjoy with us forever!πππ Perhaps this is why the Tree of Life, which is tied to Yahshua as our Messiah, is described as a grove of many trees with twelve different varieties of fruit, and with miraculous leaves that can heal, just as Yahshua does:
Revelation 22:1-2 - "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
I can only imagine how beautiful the river of Living Water flowing from God's throne room in the New Jerusalem will look surrounded by the Tree of Life bearing all those different kinds of fruits. All I know is that it will be glorious beyond description!
πA Parable Given With LoveπAs an Unemployed, Disabled Veteran, Your Financial Aid would be a Great Blessing to Me. Please Consider Giving a Gift of Any Amount via PayPal Using the Drop Down Menus or E-Mail Address On My Pillar of Enoch Ministry (POEM) Website's CONTACT ME Page: https://pillar-of-enoch.com/contact.html
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April 30th, 2022, Partial Solar Eclipse, Jupiter-Venus Conjunction & Mercury-Pleiades Conjunctions. NOTE: Portion in Green, Below Horizon |
On April 30th, which is the last day of April and also the beginning of the last or 30th day of the month of Nisan on the Jewish Calendar, there will be a partial Solar Eclipse visible in portions of the Pacific, South America and Antarctica. In my astronomy program screenshot shown above, I looked at the Eclipse at its height from the city of Concepcion, Chile in South America. This city was the location of a powerful, Earth-axis altering 8.8 magnitude mega earthquake that occurred on February 27th, 2010, shortly before another powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile on March 11th, 2010. These earthquakes marked a noticeable shift in the polar axis points of the Earth. Exactly one year later, on March 11th, 2011, a terrible Earth axis altering 9.0 magnitude mega earthquake off the eastern coast of Japan created a huge tsunami that flooded Japan's eastern coast
This series of earthquakes and the tsunami destroyed many towns, killed many people and animals. and the Japan event led to the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor meltdown that poisoned a portion of the Pacific Ocean. The nuclear radiation is still leaking out, and has polluted the water. As a result, it's still killing or maiming many different types of sea life, afflicting them with various types of cancer. How this series of cataclysmic events has been so easily forgotten and swept away from our collective awareness is understandable in light of the Pandemic that affected the whole world, and presented constant dire news reports that terrified the general public. But prophecy teachers should be taking their eyes off of the pandemic and politics, and making more of an effort to help remind people that the world has been experiencing cataclysmic events and tribulation-level catastrophes for quite a while now, especially over the past 11 years.
Looking at the Solar Eclipse of April 30th, 2022 from where it will be seen in Chile, the constellations appear to be upside down from our view in the Northern Hemisphere due to the fact that Chile is in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. It's also interesting to note that Jupiter and Venus, which are in conjunction, appear to be riding on the back of the fish, which is in turn riding on the back of Pegasus the White Horse that will carry Yahshua back to Earth at the end of the Great Tribulation. I also see this as an allusion to the Rapture or Catching Away of the Saints. This leads me to ask the question: "Could the Rapture occur sometime on April 30th or May 1st, 2022, which is the last day of Nisan? Or are the Signs on these days more allusions to the Rapture that Yahshua put in the heavens to encourage the weary Saints who are watching and awaiting His soon return to rescue them? If so, could He be pointing to Pentecost or Shavuot, or even before then - to the time of the May 15th Full Lunar Eclipse?"
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Focus on Triple Conjunctions, Solar Eclipse of April 30th, 2022 |
In regard to the April 30th Signs, the Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus under Pisces is considered to be alluding to a heavenly sign called the "Star of Bethlehem" Conjunction, which has been tied to Yahshua's birth. This conjunction will appear under the Ephraimite or "Israelites by Faith" Fish of Pisces, which is swimming or riding on the back of Pegasus towards the inexhaustible supply of the Living Water coming from the Christ figure Aquarius' water urn As such, outside of the Solar Eclipse in Aries, it is the most meaningful of several interesting configurations in the celestial bodies surrounding the Earth on that day.
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Amazing Heavenly Signs of May 1st, 2022, Revised Version |
Also on April 30th and May 1st, 2022 (as shown in the above revised graphic from my last article), the planet Mercury will be aligned with the Pleiades star cluster that is tied to the 7 Churches of Revelation. Curiously, these churches are depicted as riding on the back of Taurus the Bull, which is symbolic of the New World Order, This is another indication that the Churches of Revelation are being alerted to the fact that something very prophetically significant is about to take place. This is significant because I believe that ONLY those in the Church of Philadelphia or Brotherly Love consisting of the Bride of Christ and the 5 Wise Virgins - or 5 small groups of awake and watching Saints from the other Churches - will go up in the Rapture.
All of the Seven Churches except the Church of Laodicea have born again, sanctified Saints that are making themselves ready to meet the Bridegroom in the air. But the fact that the symbol for the 7 Churches is on the back of the Bull or Beast from the Earth symbolic of the New World Order of the Antichrist indicates that many saved Christians are being deceived, have not worked towards sanctification, and are therefore not ready to meet Yahshua. This is why the Church of Laodicea, and all the other Churches except for the Churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia are chastised by Yahshua for having many members that ae not working towards being sanctified, and therefore may be left behind.
Just three weeks or 21 days after the Heavenly Signs occurring on April 30th, 2022, there is going to be a Full Lunar Eclipse of the Moon. This will be on the night of Sunday, May 15th, 2022 in the Sign of Libra the Judgment Scales. Interestingly, Libra was represented by a circular altar clutched in the claws of Scorpio the Satanic Scorpion in ancient times. Thus, the Blood Moon resting on the Judgment Altar of Libra clutched in Scorpio's pinchers strongly suggests that terrible judgment is coming to all people, including those in 5 of the 7 Churches that are the Foolish Virgins that will be left behind because of their lack of sanctification. This lack of sanctification means that they have had a lukewarm response to following the Way of Yahweh that we all enter into when we accept Yahshua as the Son of God and Creator of the Universe who came in the flesh as our Messiah, and died on the Cross for our sins.
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Blood Moon of May 15th, 2022 (Inset Shows Scale Grasped By Scorpio) |
Also of importance is the fact that the Jewish celebration of Shavuot and the Christian celebration of Pentecost will fall on the same day this year, which is Sunday, June 5th, 2022. Furthermore, as shown in my graphic of the Signs on that day further down in this article, The Libra Altar is tied to the Horned Altar in Heaven formed by Taurus and Aries! This is highly significant because all the years of the Church Age can be symbolically marked from Pentecost to Pentecost, and the Jewish Apostles of Yahshua were baptized with the Holy Spirit on Shavuot or Pentecost, indicating that the Church Age is also marking the Age of true Messianic Judaism, which honors Yahshua as the Son of God, as well as the Messiah for all those who love and follow Him. I also believe that the last ten years of the Church Age ending with the Rapture of all born again and sanctified Saints can be marked from Pentecost to Pentecost. These ten years of the persecution of the Saints before the Rapture are referred to as ten "days" or time periods in Revelation, Chapter 2:
Revelation 2:8-11 - “And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write, ‘These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life: 9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10 Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. 11 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.”
Initially, when I started thinking about what "the tribulation of those days" that Yahshua referred to in Matthew Chapter 24 could be referring to in 2018, I was focusing on the ten days or years of the tribulation of the Saints mentioned in Revelation Chapter 2, verse 10. What I thought it might indicate is that the Saints may be be persecuted at the hands of the Elite members of the Synagogue of Satan- who are mentioned in the same paragraph concerning the Church of Smyrna, which I believe is tied to the churches in the Middle East and the Islamic portions of Asia. I also surmised that the Synagogue of Satan is referring to all those who deny the deity of Yahshua, and reject His fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies found throughout the Old Testament. This includes all Muslims, unsaved Jews and unsaved Gentiles.
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Triple Chanukah Eclipses of 2019 to 2021 |
I came to the conclusion that the ten days are tied to ten years partly because the Greek and Jewish words for day mean a period of time, and therefore can refer to any period of time besides a 24-hour day. Assuming this is a reference to the ten years that have passed since the majorly important Heavenly Signs of 2010 and 2011, the ten years would have ended in mid 2021 around Pentecost, which initially seemed to suggest a Rapture date anytime between Pentecost in 2021 and the third Chanukah Solar Eclipse of December 4th, 2021. The first two consecutive Chanukah Solar Eclipses occurred on December 26th, 2019 and December 14th, 2020, and both fell on the 5th day of Chanukah. Please refer to the graphic in this paragraph, and the one posted below to see the Heavenly Signs I'll be talking about for the next few paragraphs. This is a Celestial Sign date timeline stretching from 2008 to 2024, and it can be best viewed when opened in a new tab and zoomed into.
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Graphic Recording the Amazing Heavenly Signs That Occurred From January 2008 Through December 2024 ZOOM IN TO ENLARGE FURTHER |
Breaking this down more fully, I saw the harbingers of the beginning of the ten days or years of the tribulation of the saints spoken of in Revelation, Chapter 2 as the Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse of 2010. So the beginning of the ten years would have begun after the December 21st, 2010 Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon. The heralds of the beginning of that time period in 2010 was the Total Solar Eclipse in the Sign of Libra on July 11th, 2010, which was the third consecutive Solar Eclipse to fall on the 1st of Av on the Jewish Calendar, the other two being on Av 1 in 2008 and Av 1 in 2009 (See the Heavenly Sign spreadsheet posted above this paragraph).
Following this Triple Solar Eclipse Sign (as shown in the celestial timeline graphic), there was a Full Blood Moon on December 21st, 2010 over the Sword of Orion that fell on the Winter Solstice that year. Coupled with the Av 1 Solar Eclipse of July 11th, 2010, this Lunar Eclipse over Orion's Sword suggested that 2011 was also a significant year on God's prophetic calendar. It also was suggested by the fact that 2011 was marked by a Triple Blood Moon Sequence, with the December 21st, 2010 Blood Moon being the first. The other two Total Lunar Eclipses occurred on June 15th and December 10th, 2011. Interestingly, Pentecost fell on June 12th in 2011, only 3 days before the June 15th Lunar Eclipse.
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Heavenly Signs, 2010-2011 |
After looking over my Celestial Sign Analysis from 2008 through 2024, I believe that the two amazing Heavenly Signs of 2010 and three Blood Moons of 2011 (As shown in this timeline graphic portion in this paragraph) were heralding 2011 as a pivotal year on God's Prophetic Calendar. It's interesting to note that there was terrible persecution of Christians going on in the Middle East (which are tied to the Church of Smyrna) at that time, and it was at an all time high in 2010 and 2011 due to the Christian beheadings instigated during that time by the Islamic ISIS Terrorists. These terrorists were aided by then President Barack Hussein Obama, whose Islamic name was a clue that this man was NOT a Christian, but a Muslim.
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Most Recent Fireball Sighting Mississippi 4-27-2022 |
There has also been steadily increasing persecution of Christians all over the world since then, as well as steadily increasing catastrophic events including increasing fireball sightings and mega earthquakes, huge animal, bird, insect and fish die-offs of, locust invasions, massive volcanic eruptions, a dramatic increase in worldwide sin or lawlessness, rebellion, wars, riots, demonstrations and other forms of anarchy, and cataclysmic weather patterns and storms. So it is interesting that, nine years later - beginning in early 2020 - the persecution of Christians and others worldwide who refused the COVID-19 vaccine was also very high. Prophetically, the persecution associated with the Pandemic began in earnest just before the Pentecost of May 31st, 2020, and continued somewhat past the Pentecost of May 23rd, 2021.
Using the reasoning just given, I assume that the Pentecost in 2021 is marking the end of the tenth year of persecution. If counting from Pentecost to Pentecost, the Pentecost of 2022 is actually marking the end of the eleventh year, and is marking a time AFTER the ten year Tribulation of the Saints, and this is significant - as I will show momentarily. In the meantime, it's interesting to note here that the Jewish Sacred Calendar year of 2021 officially ended on Nisan 1 or April 1st, 2022. On that day, there were some amazing Heavenly Signs in the sky. I believe that these signs were meant to mark that day as very significant. As already stated, there are also amazing Heavenly Signs coming up on the last day of Nisan this year, which falls on May 1st, 2022. You can see graphics and read my initial take on these Heavenly Signs in the article linked to below:
Revelation 22:12 - “And behold, I AM coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”
Could the appearance of this messianic statement in Chapter 22 of Revelation also be hinting that we should look to the year 2022 for Yahshua to come quickly for His saints? Since I assumed that the Heavenly Signs of 2010 that fell in July and December may have been meant to herald the beginning of the ten year tribulation of the Saints in 2011, could the Lunar Eclipse of May 26th, 2021 and the Solar Eclipse of December 4th, 2021 be marking the Signs of 2022 as after the Matthew 24 "tribulation of those days"? Could this also be when the Saints who are awaiting Yahshua's return to rescue them will see the Sign of the Son of Man in Heaven, and the Rapture will occur - just as stated in Matthew Chapter 24? Read these verses below and see if you can follow what I am saying:
Matthew 24:29-31 - “Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days (10 days or years, from Pentecost 2011 to Pentecost 2021) the Sun will be darkened (on December 4th, 2021 and April 30th, 2022), and the Moon will not give its light (on May 15th, 2022); the stars will fall from heaven (in a future event tied to Revelation Chapter 6's Sixth Seal reference to falling stars), and the powers of the heavens will be shaken (at the opening of the Sixth Seal). 30 Then the Sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven (as a celestial event or events visible throughout the world), and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other (NOTE: verses 30 and 31 describe the Rapture that happens as the Sixth Seal is opened).”
Assuming that the first year of "the tribulation of those days" mentioned in the above scripture is a reference to "you will have tribulation ten days" that's mentioned in Revelation 2:10, and that this period began on the Pentecost that fell on June 12th in 2011, could the final or tenth year have ended with the Pentecost on May 23rd, 2021? If so, could the period immediately after these ten days or years of tribulation be referring to the year ending on the Pentecost of June 5th, 2022, which is also surprisingly the day of Shavuot or Pentecost on the Jewish Calendar? This overlap of the Jewish Feast with the Christian Holy Day is quite rare, and I believe that this overlap is NOT just a coincidence, but a prophetic message.
Looking back at the Total Solar Eclipse of July 11th, 2010 followed by the December 21st Total Lunar Eclipse of 2010, we have 2 similar Heavenly Signs that began with the Total Solar Eclipse falling on December 4th, 2021, and followed by the Total Lunar Eclipse of May 15th, 2022. This marks a period of time AFTER the tenth year of persecution that ended on Pentecost or Shavuot in 2021. So, could it be that the Sign of the Son of Man will be a miraculous, unexpected Heavenly Sign appearing on or near to June 5th this year, which is the day of Shavuot or Pentecost for both Jews and Israelites by Faith? All Christians under the blood of Yahshua that are born again and sanctified are Israelites by Faith, and will become leaders in the Millennial Kingdom of Israel. If my supposition is correct, then the Pentecost on June 5th, 2022 could be the potential time for the Rapture, although April 30th could very well also be the day! Below is a screenshot showing the meaning of the most important Sign in the Heavens on Pentecost, June 5th, 2022:
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June 5th, 2022, Shavuot-Pentecost Heavenly Altar Sign In Taurus and Aries |
What's really interesting about the portion of the Pentecost-Shavuot sky that I've pictured in the above graphic is that Taurus and Aries represent a heavenly version of the Altar to Yahweh that was placed in the Temple to Yahweh in Jerusalem. This stone altar had four curved stone spires in either of its four top corners, and these were called horns in the Bible descriptions of the altar. After studying these signs for manty years, the Holy Spirit graciously revealed their connection to the Altar to Yahweh to me, and also their connection to the sons of Joseph.
As can be seen, the Sun is directly between the horns of Taurus the Bull, and these horns are symbolically tied to the Patriarch Joseph's two sons by Asenath. The Sign of Taurus is tied to Joseph, just as all the Signs of the Mazzaroth are tied to one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel/Jacob. Since Joseph inherited a double portion of the material blessings of Israel, and the United States and the United Kingdom were the richest nations on the Earth for hundreds of years, it strongly suggests their affiliation with the two sons of Joseph represented by the horns of Taurus. The younger son Ephraim is tied to the United States as the younger nation, and the elder son Manasseh is tied to the older kingdom now called the United Kingdom.
Another curious thing about this Sign is that Uranus and Venus are directly beneath Aries the Ram, marking its hind legs and front legs, as if in reference to Yahshua as the First and the Last, or Beginning and the End. I saw this connection because Yahshua our Messiah is called the Lamb of God and our Passover Lamb. Furthermore, Uranus signifies His beloved disciples who love and follow Him, and who are watching for His return, and Venus signifies Yahshua as the Bright Morning Star of Revelation 22:16. If I had more time, I could show even more interesting celestial signs on June 5th. But since it's late and I'm tired, this will have to suffice.
In summary then, this article is showing that the rescue of the Saints who love Yahshua and are watching for His return is very near, and so the Rapture could happen anytime now. So at a guess, I would say that April 30th through June 6th, 2022 should be considered a High Rapture Watch period. Of course, I have made many assumptions about the timing of the Rapture over the past ten years that have not turned out to be correct. Nonetheless, all of the Heavenly Signs I've focused on over these ten years were very encouraging for the Saints who are excitedly watching for Yahshua's soon return. This is because, in the dozens of Heavenly Signs Articles that I've written and published on this Ministry Blog since 2010, I have shown that all of these past Signs have had some clear symbolic connection to the Catching Away of the Saints in the Rapture.
So, although I know it is folly to say exactly when the Rapture will occur, I have always firmly believed that it could definitely happen on Pentecost for many reasons. Some of these reasons include the fact that both Enoch and Elijah were recorded to have been caught up to Heaven on the 5th of the Hebrew Month of Sivan, which is the exact date for the Feast of Shavuot or Pentecost on the Jewish Calendar. It's also indicated by the fact that the Christian Era began with the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and all flesh began on the Pentecost or Shavuot that fell ten days after Yahshua ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of our Heavenly Father. So maybe this really could be it! Maybe this Pentecost, or sometime thereabouts, will be the day of our Blessed Hope in the Rapture! To that, all I can say is:
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