And How The Beasts Are Revealed In The Star Gospel
By Helena Lehman
By Helena Lehman
Pillar of Enoch Ministry
The Two Beasts of Revelation, From the
Medieval French "Tapestry of the Apocalypse"
Medieval French "Tapestry of the Apocalypse"
This article was originally published in December of 2012 on Facebook and here on my POEM Blog, but was radically revised in the autumn of 2013 for inclusion in my book “The Language of God in Prophecy”. The text below now appears on pages 496-505 in Chapter 10 of that Copyrighted Book, in the section entitled: “The Star Gospel Key to the Beasts of Revelation”.
PLEASE NOTE: As copyrighted material, this article and any of the text and original illustrations in it cannot be used in any electronic or printed publication without permission. Please contact me by clicking this Text Link if permission is sought.
Though I once believed the lie that
there is only one Antichrist, I now believe that, just as the Bible expressly
warns, there are many antichrists in
the world today. So we have to be careful about who we single out as the Antichrist. In fact, the Bible
clearly warns that there is not just one, but a few Antichrist figures. The
Bible says that these few are more powerful than all of the other antichrists,
and they will one day collectively seize control of the world. Finally, the
Bible warns that one of these few in authority will be worshiped.
This is partly revealed in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13. The entire chapter describes two allegorical Beasts: one that is from
the Sea, and one that is from the Earth. Although another Beast is described in
Revelation Chapter 17, I will show that this Beast is tied to both of the
Beasts in Chapter 13 a bit later. For now, let’s focus on the Beasts in
Revelation 13. With my strong background in Sacred Astronomy and the Gospel in
the Stars, I have found several constellations that are directly tied to the
Beasts in the Book of Revelation.
The first in prominence is Hydra
the Serpent, whose long body runs alongside Leo and Virgo, with its head under
Leo the Lion of Judah’s front paws. In this case, the redeemed of Jewish Israel
and the Gentile Church who are being reckoned as the
Bride of Christ and the Wise Virgins are represented by Virgo the Virgin, while
Leo the Lion signifies her Messiah and Crown of Salvation!
Another is Taurus the Bull, which
is the first Beast in the heavens that has both a clearly good, and clearly
evil connotation. The second one like Taurus with both good and evil
connotations is Aries, which we will discuss in a moment. Like Hydra, Taurus is
being threatened with annihilation by not one, but three heavenly Christ
Figures. The first is the Messianic figure Perseus the Breaker, who is directly
over Taurus’ back, and signifies the Opener of the Second Seal, and the Master
or Rider on the Red Horse (or Bull!) in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 6.
The second is Auriga the Goat Herd,
who signifies Yahshua shepherding and reaching out to the rebellious goats in
the world that refuse to be God’s trusting sheep. These goats are directly
connected to the goats sacrificed on the Day of Atonement. While one goat was
sacrificed on the altar to God on the Day of Atonement, the other goat known as
the Azazel goat was driven off of a cliff in the wilderness and left to die.
The sacrificed goat represents those who are to eventually be saved, but as
through the fire, while the Azazel goat signifies those who will perish forever
in Hell. These goats are signified by Taurus the Bull’s left horn, which is
directly under the Messianic figure Auriga’s foot in reference to Genesis 3:15,
which is the first and most important prophecy in the entire Bible, though it
tends to be overlooked due to its basic simplicity. In Genesis 3:15, it says:
“He (i.e. Yahshua, a.k.a. Jesus) shall bruise you (i.e.
Satan) on the head, and you (i.e. Satan) shall bruise Him (i.e. Yahshua) on the
This is also the same horn of
Taurus that is being touched by the tip of the Messiah figure Orion’s sword on
the Ecliptic, showing that Orion is like Auriga as another antagonist to the
Bull’s ungodly power aspirations. Though Orion has been badly maligned by
Occult practitioners and misinformed believers, Orion is actually one of the
most powerful symbols for Christ in the heavens. This can partly be seen
because the constellation Lepus directly below Orion was depicted as a Serpent
in ancient times, and its head is directly below Orion’s foot. As such, it is
another clear allusion to Genesis 3:15, as shown in the illustration that was excerpted
from my book “The Language of God in Humanity” on page 155 in this book (Reproduced Below).
Orion, Auriga, and Perseus Treading Satan Underfoot
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Click Image To Enlarge |
In that same book excerpt on pages 150
through 157 of my book “The Language of God in Prophecy”, I explain how Taurus the Bull is directly connected
to Christ in the bulls that were killed on an Altar to Yahweh outside the camp
of the city as a Sin Offering. It is also connected to the Patriarch Joseph,
and by extension to his Egyptian (i.e. Gentile) wife Asenath, and their two
sons, Ephraim and Manasseh via the horns of Taurus, and why the mixed heritage
of these two sons is important prophetically. I’ll share more about this connection
of the horns to Joseph’s sons a bit later.
The next group of stars associated
with an End Time Beast is the cluster of six bright stars on the back of Taurus
the Bull known as the Pleiades. These signify the Churches that will connect
themselves to the Harlot riding on the back of the Scarlet Beast, which
signifies the Ecumenical Movement that will lead to the formation of the
Antichrist’s and False Prophet’s One World Religion that is described in the Book
of Revelation, Chapter 17 as the Woman who rides the Beast. The six stars of
the Pleiades signify six of the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation. The
one church NOT included in the symbolism of the Pleiades is the Church of Philadelphia , which is also the ONLY
church of the seven that is identified as the Bride of Christ (See Rev. 3:12,
in view of Rev. 21:2).
Incidentally, it is the Church of
Philadelphia along with the Five Wise Virgins that are the only believers that
Yahshua promises to protect from the Time of Trial, or the Great Tribulation
(Matthew 25:6-10; Rev. 3:10). Though some believe that the method of protection
will involve finding cities of refuge here on Earth until Yahshua comes for us
at the end of the Great Tribulation, others believe we will be caught up in the
air and taken to Heaven for a short time via the event known as the great
Catching Away, or the Rapture of the Saints. I personally believe that not one,
but two Rapture events are taught in Scripture - one at the beginning of the
Great Tribulation, and one near to its end. I will divulge more on this later.
The next Beast of note in the
heavens is Cetus the Sea Monster. This is the Beast that the Two Fishes of
Pisces that signify the Two Houses of Israel are tied to vie their enslavement
to sin. However, they are being defended from this Beast’s malevolent intent
because its head is under the hooves of Aries the Ram. This is a good thing,
because Aries is the Mazzaroth or Zodiac Sign signifying Yahshua Ha Mashiach
(aka Jesus the Christ) as the Lamb of God, Whose shed blood takes away the sins
of those who love Him, and frees them from the wickedness and sin that is
depicted by Cetus! For this reason, Aries is often depicted with its hooves
over the bands tethering the fishes of Pisces to Cetus. Unlike the Pleiades
star cluster, which signifies believers who are Foolish Virgins that are either
not born again or that are asleep spiritually, the fishes of Pisces signify the
remnant of truly born-again believers that are doing their best to follow
Yahshua, and that God has chosen for salvation and protection from His wrath
and judgment due to their devotion to Christ.
Another Beast in the heavens is
Scorpio the Scorpion, whose head, body and stinger are being symbolically
trampled under the messianic figure Ophiuchus the Serpent Holder’s feet. In
this respect, Ophiuchus is also the Opener of the Fourth Seal, and the Master
or Rider of the Pale Horse signified by Scorpio. Ophiuchus is also the Restrainer
of the huge heavenly Serpent that is continually wrestling against this godly
restraint. The one who is being restrained is Serpens the Serpent, a symbol of
Satan struggling to take control of the world in the figure known as the
Antichrist. This is shown in the heavens by the fact that Serpens’ head is
being crushed under the club in the messianic figure Hercules’ hand before it
can steal the Crown of Christ that is seen in the constellation Corona
The final and most threatening of
these Beast figures is Draco the Dragon, which is directly connected
to the Red Dragon described as the enemy of the Woman clothed with the Sun in
Revelation, Chapter 12, who signifies the True Church, or Bride of Christ and
her Five Wise Virgin attendants.
“And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon
having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.” - Revelation
As the enemy of Yahshua’s beloved
saints, it’s no wonder that this Red Dragon is directly connected to the Beasts
in Revelation 13 and 17. Like the Beast from the Sea, the Red Dragon has seven
heads and ten horns, and like the Scarlet Beast in Revelation, Chapter 17, this
Dragon is red. This is no coincidence, but shows us that the Red Dragon and the
three other Beasts in the Book of Revelation are all connected.
In the heavens, Draco’s head is being
crushed under the Christ-figure Hercules’ feet, while Hercules’ club is raised
as if to hit the head of Serpens, the writhing serpent being restrained in
Ophiuchus’ arms. As a Christ-figure, Hercules is keeping both Satanic figures
from claiming Christ’s Crown, which is seen in the constellation Corona
Borealis. Like Taurus and Cetus, Draco the Dragon is also diabolically
interacting with the Churches of Revelation, as shown by the adjacent
constellations Ursa Major, or God’s Big Sheep Pen, and Ursa Minor, which is a
sheep pen full of misguided and deceived people who think they are following
Christ, but are not!
In this regard, please look at the
illustration below and note how
Draco the Dragon’s tail wraps around Ursa Minor in its dangerous and poisonous
embrace, while Ursa Major is outside of the immediate reach of Draco’s mouth
and/or tail. Draco signifies two different rulers and Churches. The first of
them is the Pontiff in the Vatican ,
who officiated at many Royal Coronations throughout European history. In this
way, the Dragon or Pope gave the Beast formed by the elite its power.
Meanwhile, Ursa Minor signifies the deluded sheep or congregants of the Roman Catholic
Church that the Pontiff misleads. However, the Church of England, which broke
away from Papal rule, also officiates at Royal Coronations within the United
Kingdom, and therefore it serves as a Dragon that gives power and authority to
the Beast as well.
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Click Graphic To Enlarge |
Now, note how the foot of the
Messianic figure Cepheus the Crowned King is over the Pole Star Polaris located
in Ursa Minor, the sheep pen full of deluded sheep or Foolish Virgins. This is
an ominous sign that many of the people in the Catholic Church are living under
Christ’s judgment and will perish without the blessing of Yahshua the King of
kings. Sadly, Yahshua’s blessing is only given via our belief in, and love for
Him! Therefore, those who reject Yahshua by giving His divine authority to a mere
man (the Pope) and a woman (Mary) are in grave danger of either losing their
salvation, or never finding it in Christ. Meanwhile, the Protestant Churches
are signified by Ursa Major, the big sheep pen full of Christ’s righteous
The Beast from the Sea seen in
Hydra and Cetus signifies the totalitarian monarchal rule of kings, as well as
all forms of totalitarian government where a few rich people have absolute
control over many poor, subjugated people. Though this type of government can still
be seen all over the world today, the Enlightenment period in Europe and England brought
a wave of change to the world, moving it away from monarchial rule to the rule
of law. This had the benefit of giving some much needed control to the people
over how they were governed. In the United States
and Europe , this led to the development of Democratic
Republics that were run by officials elected by popular vote. This government
was also overseen by judges, who defined the law within the boundaries set by
the various Constitutions utilized in each new democratic nation.
For a long time, this form of
government worked very well in the nations where it was adopted because they
were populated by a largely religious populace that honored God, heeded His
Laws, and also respected the rules of the land. But as the people moved further
and further away from their Judeo-Christian roots, rebellion against the laws
of God and men became much more commonplace. This has led to a state of near
anarchy in nations that were once moral and righteous.
Because of this, the governments of
these nations were eventually taken over by the elite members of society that
have always hated Democracy. The reason they do is because their lives and
livelihoods could be taken away at any moment by an angry mob of frustrated
citizens, and as the world moves further toward anarchy, immorality and
lawlessness, this fear has led some members of the elite to turn on the people
they were elected to govern justly. Instead, some of them have been secretly
moving behind the scenes to re-establish the totalitarian police states that
protected them from harm in the past. In addition, some of the wicked leaders
among the elite have been continually plotting to destroy most of the poorer people
that now inhabit the Earth.
This leads us to the Bible’s Beast
from the Earth. This Beast represents the nations that successfully adopted
Democracy as a form of government. Their initial success, which was due to the
overall morality and godliness of the people, led to much wealth and
prosperity, which are the blessings that were given to the Tribe of Joseph that
is signified by Taurus the Bull. Meanwhile, as these nations moved away from
the true faith and no longer honored God or His Laws, these Democratic forms of
government became extremely corrupt.
Like these corrupt nations, the
Beast from the Earth appears benevolent (like a lamb) on the surface, but is
guilty of using and manipulating the people it governs. Due to this, these
Democracies are behaving more like satanic Dragons or Serpents as they move
closer and closer to adopting the social structure seen in Communism and
Totalitarianism. Indeed, all Serpents and Dragons, which signify corrupt
governments and organized religions, tend to do this. These corrupting
influences in government and religion are largely signified by Draco, Hydra,
Cetus, Serpens and Scorpio in the heavens, although Taurus and the Pleiades,
and several other stars and constellations do so as well, as will be shown in
the next chapter.
Fascinatingly, in all of the Beast constellations,
their interactions with the other constellations show that they have three
major things in common. First, each depicts a Powerful Christ Figure paired up
against a Satanic Beast Figure. Secondly, every Beast Figure is influencing or
attacking God’s Church or His people Israel in some way. This is being
done through the bad Tares and Goats that Yahshua spoke of that are sown among
the good Wheat and Sheep. They are a negative and evil force that is mixed into
the congregations of Wheat and Sheep that signify people who love Yahweh God
and do their best to follow Him and His Son Yahshua. Thirdly, every single
Beast figure is being subdued and destroyed by the Christ-Figure associated
with it! Therefore, these are all perfect examples of the very first prophecy
in the Bible, which is found in Genesis 3:15.
Now let’s focus
on the horns of Taurus and Aries to see what they are trying to tell us
prophetically. On that note, it pays to remember that the Priests of Israel
smeared the blood of each sacrifice made in the Tabernacle and Temple on the four horns of the altar of
burnt offering. The horns of Taurus and Aries represent the heavenly altar,
which the altar in Israel
was made to imitate. Both Taurus and Aries signify Yahshua as the Sacrifice for
Sin (Taurus the Bull) burnt outside
the camp of Israel ,
and the Atonement Sacrifice for sin (Aries the Ram) burnt inside the courtyard of the Temple/Tabernacle. Taurus
the Bull is tied to Joseph, who represents the Gentile Nations that are tied to
the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.
Now, though Aries the Ram is
connected to the Israelite Tribe of Naphtali, its horns signify Judah and Levi,
while its body represents the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. In Chapters 9 and 10,
it was explained how the United States is tied to the Tribe of Joseph via
Ephraim, as well as to Levi. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom is tied to the Tribe
of Judah, and to Joseph through Manasseh. The horns of Aries therefore represent
the leaders among these two supposed Gentile Nations that look like a lamb in
their outward benevolent rule of the people, but that speak like a dragon in destructive
power and sinister authority.
At this point, we need to remember
that the Bible uses horns to represent leaders. In other words, the lamb-like Beast
from the Earth that speaks with great power and authority like a dragon, and
will force the world to worship the Image of the Beast, and take his 666 Mark,
is not one, but two leaders and authoritative bodies! In fact, as my previous exposition conveys, these two leaders are the President of the United States
and the ruling Monarch of the United Kingdom. Currently these are President
Barack Hussein Obama, and Queen Elizabeth II. Incidentally, Queen Elizabeth
leads with the help of her husband Prince Philip, her son Prince Charles, and
her grandson Prince William, who rule with her behind the scenes. As such, the
Queen represents the one horn on the Beast from the Sea that subdues - or
controls - three horns. Please be aware of this, and don’t insist on labeling
one man as the Antichrist!
Below Taurus and
Aries, which signifies Democratic leadership, is Cetus the Sea Monster, which
signifies the Beast from the Sea or Totalitarian Government. So, just as Aries
is restraining Cetus from harming the fish of Pisces that signify the Two House
Church of Judah (the Jews) and Ephraim (born-again Gentiles), the Democratic
governments have restrained the power-hungry elites from seizing control again
and harming the Two Fish or Houses full of the Chosen People of God signified
by Pisces.
Now, all these
Beasts that are found in the heavens are also revealed in the Books of Daniel
and Revelation. In the Book of Revelation, Chapters 13 and 17, we are told that
the Dragon, which as Draco is winding its way between two sheep pens of
congregants in the Catholic and Protestant Churches - gave the Beast from the
Sea (Hydra and Cetus) its power and authority. Based on the history of Europe,
where the kings were crowned by the Pontiffs and Bishops of the Roman Catholic
Church, this clearly identifies the Dragon as the Vatican in Rome, a city
that sits on seven mountains or hills (Rev. 17:9). We are also told that the
heads and horns of the Beasts represent kings. Clearly, then, the Beast is a
wicked system of government that is ruled over by corrupt kings and religious
leaders who assume they have a divine right to rule, just as their Fallen Angel
and Nephilim forebears did.
In Chapter 13, the Mark of the
Beast is revealed as being connected to the Beast from the Sea and the Beast
from the Earth in relation to buying and selling, which are elements of
commerce, not medicine. This means
that the Mark of the Beast is likely not a medical device or therapy such as a
vaccine. Instead, it will replace currency in the final Beast kingdom of the
Antichrist, so that no one will be able to buy or sell anything, or draw a wage
without it. It also means that the Mark is connected to Europe, which includes
the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth nations of the UK.
This suggests that the Mark of the
Beast is, or will be related to the Euro. Fascinatingly, the Euro dollar is now
the sole currency of the Vatican and 17 European nations, including three of
the four powerful nations represented by Daniel’s four Beasts: the Lion being
the United Kingdom; the Bear in its connection to Germany; the Leopard, which
is France (The Frankish Kingdoms); and the Beast with Ten Horns and Iron Teeth,
which represents Rome, and the Roman Empire in its past and present forms that
are found in the United Kingdom and its Commonwealth Nations. This is the Beast
that was, is not and is in Revelation 17:8 and 11.
Due to the description of the Beast
from the Sea as a composite creature, there is no way that this Beast is just
one single person. Instead, it represents a system of powerful leaders and authorities that seize control of
the whole world in a Totalitarian state. Sadly, this Beast is connected to the United States , the United
Kingdom , Russia
and the European Union, along with the United Nations. It has been formed from
nations represented by the Leopard, Bear, and Lion, which were France (the Leopard), Germany
and Russia (the Bear), and Great Britain
(the Lion), respectively. In addition the USA can be connected to this Beast
through the Eagle’s wings that were torn off of the Lion. There is also an
undeniable connection between the symbolism of Taurus the Bull and the European
Union, which has romanticized and connected the Classical Greek myth of Zeus
disguising himself as a bull in order to abduct the fair young maiden Europa to
the European Union as a whole.
Likewise, the Beast from the Earth has two horns like a lamb, and speaks
like a dragon. In this regard, it has long been known that the Bible uses horns
to represent leaders. In other words, the lamb-like Beast from the Earth that
will speak with great power and authority like a dragon, and will force the
world to worship the Image of the Beast, and take his 666 Mark, is not one, but
TWO LEADERS AND AUTHORITATIVE BODIES!!! Please be aware of this, and don’t
insist on labeling one man as the Antichrist.
There are many, and specifically not one, but TWO leaders and their respective governments, and one IMAGE of the Beast that will one day control a one-world commercial empire and one-world religious empire for the Dragon, who is Satan. This system has been partially identified as the Illuminati. But I believe that it is specifically tied to two powerful Western nations, and these are the
I’d also like to share a word of caution
regarding the Image of the Beast. Though the Beast from the Earth will
cause the whole world to worship the Image of the Beast from the Sea, we
are NOT told if this Image is just one person, or a group of people. So, the
assumption that the Image has to be either one religious or political leader is
not necessarily true. In fact, since the Image of the dragon or serpent-like,
satanic Beast from the Sea represents a global political and economic
entity, its image could be a logo or symbol instead of a person!
Personally, I believe the two
Antichristian leaders that are connected to the two lamb’s horns on the Beast
from the Earth could be President Obama and Prince Charles of
the UK, and the Image of the Beast may
be Prince William, who is Prince Charles’ son or IMAGE. That makes three final
Antichrist figures. On the other hand, the Image could be the Coat of Arms
symbol of the British Monarchy, or the symbol of the United Nations or European
Union, or an entirely new symbol used to represent the Antichristian
One World Government that is coming.
End of Material added to “The Language of God in Prophecy”.
As explained in earlier POEM Blog
articles, the United States and United Kingdom can be directly connected
with the Patriarch Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh, who are signified
by the two horns of the constellation Taurus the Bull. Likewise, the body
of the heavenly bull may represent the European Union. In
addition, this raging, red-eyed bull that signifies the secret union of
the three aforementioned superpowers has an undeniable connection
with the Tribulation period, so it is a fair guess that Yahshua the Messiah
will crush the global schemes of these nations and groups of nations at His
Second Coming!
Though I am certain that Taurus the Bull signifies the three super powers that form the primary strength of the West, there are other nations that are part of the British Commonwealth of Nations such as
Instead of waiting for Yahshua to
arrive, the Illuminati or global elite are trying to set up their own version
of what they think Yahshua’s Kingdom should or will be like - thereby going
head on against the Will of Almighty God. The Bible’s Book of Revelation, Chapter 19 is
quite clear on this: Yahshua desires to set up His Kingdom on His own after He
crushes the Beast and the Whore of Babylon that rides on its back at His Second
Coming. This prophecy ties in perfectly with the prophet Daniel’s vision
of the heavenly stone representing Yahshua’s power that crushes
Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, which depicts the power of Babylonian (and Satanic)
style culture and government control throughout the ages (Daniel 2:34-36).
Beware The Warning Sign In Heaven
Over Spain On December 1st, 2012!
To learn
more about the link between the British Crown and the Antichrist, check out
this POEM Blog article from 2007, which is still completely relevant today!
The Merovingian Heresy Exposed:
Winged Prince is Proclaimed “Savior of the World”
Winged Prince is Proclaimed “Savior of the World”
As for the most likely candidate for the False Prophet, it is the new Pope named Francis, who fits the role of Malachy’s 113th and final pope known as Peter the Roman because he is of Italian descent, and his patron saint, who is Saint Francis of Assisi, had a father named Pietro, or Peter! Furthermore, Pope Francis is a Jesuit, and the Jesuits hate all of Christiandom that isn’t part of the Roman Catholic Church or heretical Ecumenical Movement that seeks to unite all of the world’s religions under the authority of the Papacy, the false Vicar of Christ. Sadly, there is a great deal of evidence that the Jesuits are in league with Islam, and are working with them to achieve the goals of the Vatican, which is to have a One World Religion united under the Papacy. For proof of this, check out my You Tube Playlist:
For a deeper understanding of my thoughts on the Tribulation period, here are three other POEM Blog Articles that are complimentary to the above study. Please read them to gain more understanding. In the meantime, as we await Yahshua’s soon return, I hope my insights will be helpful in leading you to the truth:
“My Fifth Prophetic Gem: The Hidden Prophecy in Psalm 108”
Article Excerpt: “There has been a huge effort on the part of many who see the United States as Babylon the Great to deny every Biblical study that even hints at the possibility that the United States can be seen as connected to Israel, and may even have been reckoned as a type of Israel by Yahweh God in modern times. However, I have provided hundreds of pages of facts in my books that prove that - along with the United Kingdom and her Commonwealth nations - the United States is being reckoned as a part Israel that is NOT Jewish Israel or Judah, but is connected to the Tribe of Joseph in Bible Prophecy. We will examine a little of that evidence pertaining to the United States a bit later in this article.”
“My Fifth Prophetic Gem: The Hidden Prophecy in Psalm 108”
Article Excerpt: Though many younger believers seem to be unaware of it, there has been a massive campaign among Prophecy teachers in America and abroad in recent years to paint the entire national infrastructure of the United States of America as evil and occult, with many organizations claiming that the USA is a stronghold of the Freemasons and Illuminati, and will fulfill the dire prophecies about the entity known as Babylon the Great in the Book of Revelation. Many Messianic Jewish and Christian religious organizations have succumbed to these theories, which tie the United States to just about every Occult organization on the planet, including the two best known among them: the Illuminati and the Freemasons.
Article Excerpt: Unfortunately, the Christian underpinnings of the American government began to be questioned in the mid 1800’s, when interest in the Occult, Secular Humanism and Communism exploded among the elite in Europe, England and America. As a result of this, Christian ideals and beliefs, and a Biblical worldview were no longer in vogue. During this same time period, even as the schools were being infiltrated by leaders in the Occult schools of Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, and the Neo-Pagan New Age movement, Masonic lodges all over the West were systematically taken over by a highly Occult form of Freemasonry that has been traced to Scotland and France. At that time, all Christian trappings or references were removed from Masonic lodges and their secret rites, and Occult teachings and symbols were introduced.
Yahshua is coming SOON! Maranatha!
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Excelente aporte de investigación, opino lo mismo solo esperemos mas evidencias de las que vamos teniendo, el tiempo dirá. Todo mi amor a tu Ministerio de gran bendición!!
ReplyDeleteIn Reply to Osvaldo Penalva, who wrote:
DeleteExcellent research contribution, I think the same, just hope for more evidence than we have, time will tell. All my love to your Ministry of great blessing!
Thank you so much for the blessings and kind remarks, Osvaldo. Please share my work with others. You may also want to re-read this article , as I just newly revised and updated it. Not only did I add to the main body of the article, but I also linked to 3 other POEM Blog Articles at the end of the above article to help people to gain more spiritual understanding of the Beast out of the Sea and the Beast out of the Earth.
Love From Your Sister in Christ,
Helena Lehman
In Spanish:
Muchas gracias por las bendiciones y los comentarios amables, Osvaldo. Por favor, comparta mi trabajo con otros. También es posible que desee volver a leer este artÃculo, ya que sólo recientemente revisado y actualizado. No sólo tenÃa que añadir al cuerpo principal del artÃculo, pero también se relaciona con los demás artÃculos 3 POEMA blog al final del artÃculo anterior para ayudar a las personas a obtener la comprensión más espiritual de la bestia del mar y la bestia de la Tierra.
Amor De Tu Hermana en Cristo,
Helena Lehman
I enjoyed reading your message. I also was given a revelation from God of the constellations Ursa Major, Ursa Minor and Draco the Dragon. God showed me Ursa Major is symbolic of God. Ursa Minor is symbolic of man made in Gods image. Draco the dragon is symbolic of satan separating U.Major and Minor as satan separated man from God when Adam fell. Polaris is the unmoving Guiding Light,the North Star symbolic of Jesus and part of Ursa Minor as Jesus completes man. Polaris connects Minor back to Major with the invisible line,symbolicof the Holy Spirit and thus the cups of the dippers pour into each other the life giving Holy Spirit as God and man pour into each other the Holy Spirit. So we have man ,Ursa minor, going through Jesus, Polaris to God ,Ursa Major through the Holy Spirit,invisible line, and connected with the blood,Holy Spirit as we are members of each other as the Blood is the life and the Holy Spirit is the life,for the gospel of John says,in Hm is life,and that life is the light of men,or the Holy Spirit. The recent blood moon on 4-15-2014 showed the star "Spica" leading the moon while it was blood red. Spica means "Ear of Grain". Ear means hear, Grain is the word of God as Jesus said in the parable of the Sower. This was saying "Hear the word of God". The moon was followed by the scales of Libra. The scales of Justice that our sins are weighed against the price paid in one translation and in the great pyramid is your heart weighed against a feather. This to me means "Judgement is coming". God is wonderfully Magnificent and glorious beyond words. Bless you lady ,and keep spreading His Holy Word.
ReplyDeleteA Lot of 'talk' but you've said little. Most of what you've said is incorrect. Britain is the Enemy as it is the red dragon Edom. Neither Britain nor USA have any relationship to True Israel, except as perpetual Enemy.