Shabbat Shalom Everyone!
I have created this article in order to introduce the topic for my upcoming Armageddon Show this Sunday, June 19th at 1 PM EST, 12 Noon CST and to share my June 15th, 2011 Armageddon Show that I created the Menorah Calendar Illustration shown below for. This illustration took many hours to create and I hope it conveys the importance of the heavenly signs that have and will occur in the month of June and July in 2011.

In the June 15th show, which was on the night of the Blood Moon in Ophiuchus that was best seen over Jerusalem and the Middle East, I returned to the revelation that I was given toward the end of my Pentecost Sunday Show. This revelation surrounded the 7-7-7-9 Pattern that is formed by the dates of several Signs in the Heavens that have or will soon occur between the Partial Solar Eclipses on June 1st and July 1st, 2011.
Including the highly significant Solar Eclipses, I explored the hidden prophetic messages in the June 15th Blood Moon in Ophiuchus, the signs surrounding the Summer Solstice on June 22nd, the Grand Cross forming on June 26th, 2011 and how these signs may be tied to Yahshua’s death and resurrection, the Rapture and the Tribulation.
For those anxiously awaiting the Rapture, you will likely enjoy this show!
TO WATCH THE LIVE ARMAGEDDON SHOW AT THE EDGE ON JUNE 19th: The Next Armageddon Show will air LIVE in the live show player on the Armageddon Show page at the Edge AM on SUNDAY, JUNE 19th at 1 PM EST, (12 NOON CST)! Helena promises to make every effort to be ON TIME for this show!
IMPORTANT NOTE: YOU MUST CLICK ON THE ARROW IN THE LIVE PLAYER WINDOW TO ACTIVATE AND RECEIVE THE LIVE FEED. Also, a commercial will air before the live feed starts. Please join me in the live chat below the live player to ask questions and make comments during the show.
PREVIEW NOTES FOR THE JUNE 19TH SHOW: The June 19th Show will focus on the significance of the upcoming Summer Solstice to the Ancients and how it is tied to both Stonehenge and the Giza Pyramid Complex in Egypt. It will also delve into some End Time prophecies of Nostradamus that predict global catastrophes connected to a comet and to an Antichrist figure named Mobus. These prophecies appear to be nearing fulfillment in the Obama Administration and in the trajectory and nature of the so-called “Comet” Elenin.
TO WATCH THE ARCHIVED ARMAGEDDON SHOW AT THE EDGE: Use the link below to go to the Armageddon show page and select the “Armageddon Archive Player” link. Then locate and click on the show link named: "ArmageddonShow_HelenaLehman_6-15-2011" in the drop down menu and allow it to load. To resize the video to see the images, right click on the video player window and select “Open Larger Window.”
TO DOWNLOAD THE SHOW TO YOUR PC AND WATCH IT USING FREE REALPLAYER SOFTWARE, Use the link below to access these archived shows. At the archive page, right click on the link for the show you wish to watch and select "save target as" or "save link as" in the drop-down menu that will appear. Then save the show file to your desktop so that you can find it easily.
These shows are in streaming flash video format with the extension "flv" and Windows Media Player cannot read them! Therefore, you will need to install free Flash video playback software to watch them. For this I recommend RealPlayer, which is also great for archiving your favorite videos from You Tube onto your PC. RealPlayer can be downloaded here:
You can save the PDF files linked to here the same way as the videos. To view the saved PDF files, you will need a PDF Reader like the free one from Adobe, which can be downloaded here:
If you have any questions or comments about the material, please contact me at “”. Also, if you feel led by Yahshua’s Spirit to help the Pillar of Enoch Ministry stay online, please consider a financial gift as my funds are getting very low. To do so, you can use Western Union or mail in a check, bank draft, or postal money order of any amount to our ministry address as listed below.
You can also use my “customerservice” e-mail address to give a financial gift not exceeding $200 via PayPal using their “Send Money” feature. If using PayPal to give, please indicate that it is for “Access to the Armageddon Show” or “Pillar of Enoch Ministry Web Site Access” only. Please DO NOT say it is a “donation”! PayPal has strict rules against collecting “donations” if not a registered charity, and my ministry is not registered due to the unconstitutionality and extremely high cost (amounting to thousands of dollars) of the registration process.
In the meantime, I’d like to thank you all for your support, prayers and love shown to my ministry. I deeply appreciate it! May Yahweh God and His Son Yahshua Bless you all ten times over for every act of kindness and every prayer you have offered up on my behalf!
Maranatha! Keep Looking UP! Yahshua is coming VERY SOON!
Your Sister In Yahshua,
Helena Lehman
Pillar of Enoch Ministry
“Books and Articles with a Vision”
1708 N. 77th Avenue
Elmwood Park, IL 60707
United States of America
Web Site:
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