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SINS AFFECTS: A Family Seemingly Oblivious to the World in Chaos Around Them |
Most unsaved people, and many saved people actually don't understand God's reasoning for punishing mankind and all the other living things on this planet just for the sins that mankind committed. Honestly, this is a very hard question to tackle in any religious debate because most unsaved people think that it's patently cruel and unfair for animals, birds, fish, insects and all the other living creatures on this planet - and possibly throughout the Universe as a whole - to suffer and die horribly because of the sins that mankind committed.
But the truth is, per God's Word, that the sins of Adam and Eve, and the words they uttered in their active rebellion against God, sent out sound waves or vibrational energy that had a horribly negative physical, emotional and intellectual affect that literally plunged not only Adam and Eve and all life on Earth, but the entire Universe into a state of increasing entropy or decay that leads to death. This is not just my theory. In fact, it's all backed up by the teachings of God's Word in the Bible, as well as Newton's Three Laws of Motion, and Einstein's Three Laws of Thermodynamics.
Before expounding upon my study of Einstein's and Newton's Laws in relation to the effects of mankind's sin and rebellion against God, I wanted to make it clear that the Bible says that our spoken words, our thoughts and our actions have surprisingly incredible power, and our harsh and rebellious words and thoughts will hurt others before they come back to haunt and hurt us (See Proverbs 11:9, 17, 15:1, 4; 16:24, 18:4, 20, 25:18). This shouldn't be surprising, however, since we're made in the Image of God, and God literally spoke the Universe into existence. This is why the biblical Creation story begins with statements like the following:
"Then God SAID (ie SPOKE):"Let there be Light!", and there was Light!" (Genesis 1:3)
This is also why God inspired the following verse to be written in the Book of Proverbs:
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21)
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Speech creates sound waves that affect other vibrations |
The very first thing that the Preincarnate Yahshua spoke into existence as the Creator - on behalf of God the Father (See Colossians 1:13-20) in the void that became the material Universe - was glorious, multicolored prisms of effervescent and beautiful light! And this wasn't just any light. It was divine light that was a brilliant reflection of the Light of the Holy Spirit, who was there with Yahshua, and whose creative power burst forth from Yahshua's mouth and began streaming through the void, ready to lovingly illuminate and touch all the other wonderous acts of Creation that would spring forth from the Words of the Son of God Most High, YHWH Elohim. I find it fascinating that the vibrational principles of light and sound, when coupled together with the physical matter of the Universe, have a SCIENTIFCALLY PROVEN spiritual as well as physical application. I discovered this when I took a close look at Newton's and Einstein's Laws, and applied them to the Biblical definitions of sin, goodness, righteousness and unrighteousness to see what I could see. When I did this, I discovered that these Laws all have direct and undeniable spiritual applications! The following is just part of what I discovered:
The 3 Laws of Thermodynamics |
The First Law of Thermodynamics is known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. It states that energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. This means that energy cannot be gained or lost, only transferred or changed from one form to another. But if there is an energy source outside of that isolated system to add more energy to it, then the energy within it that can be utilized will be increased in proportion to the energy added. This First Law clearly supports the idea that what happened to Adam and Eve in the original Creation when they sinned is that they were completely cut off from the spiritual and physical energy source that they drew from, which was the Holy Spirit.
The Bible clearly teaches that the Holy Spirit can manifest Himself as light, fire, smoke and wind (See Exodus 13:21; Acts 2:2-4). Also, since nakedness is always associated with immorality in the Bible, it strongly implies that Adam and Eve were not completely naked before they fell. It's far more probable that they lost the divinely created clothing made of light that they very likely wore in the Garden. These would have been like the robes of white light that Yahshua and the holy angels that appeared to mankind always wore, and like the white robes that the saints will wear when they are resurrected (See Daniel 7:9; Matthew 17:1-2; Mark 16:5; John 20:12; Rev. 3:4-5, 3:18, 4:4, 7:9, 19:14).
So, before they sinned and became naked, Adam and Eve were very likely clothed with the Light of God's own Spirit, and the only reason that they realized that they were naked after they sinned is because they weren't actually naked beforehand. In light of this hypothesis, it seems odd that God asked Adam "Who told you that you were naked?" in Genesis 3:11 - as if Adam was either ignorant or an imbecile before he fell. However, I believe that this verse is slightly mistranslated and should read "WHAT told you that you were naked?" In other words, God was asking Adam and Eve what made them realize that they had lost the clothing of light they once wore, and why they were now trying to hide their nakedness, which exposed them as transgressors of God's Law.
Now, since God did not equip Adam and Eve with fur or scales or feathers to protect themselves from the elements, and the Holy Spirit no longer could cover or protect them, God compassionately made clothing for them using the skins of other living creatures, which had to die so their skin could be utilized as clothing (See Genesis 3:21). This act showed Adam and Eve that the only way that they could find forgiveness for their sins was through the shedding of an innocent victim's blood. This was also reflected in the first prophecy in the Bible found in Genesis 3:15, where Yahshua as the Seed of the Woman is represented by the heavenly sign of Ophiuchus the Serpent Holder, who is shown being wounded in the heel by the satanic Scorpion beneath his feet.
After they sinned, Adam and Eve also could no longer draw from the divine source of energy that was originally given to them in constant supply. They therefore could not utilize it to do more work without resting. This is why all living things now need to rest or sleep daily. But the promise of God's Word states that - when we are recreated in perfect bodies - we will no longer need to rest to regain lost physical energy levels. In fact, we will never be tired or weary again, nor will we ever be in need of sleep again. That is why there will no longer be any night or darkness in the New Creation (See Isaiah 40:28-31; Matthew 11:28-30; Phil. 4:13; Rev. 21:24-26, 22:4-5).
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy of any isolated system always increases. Isolated systems spontaneously evolve towards thermal equilibrium - the state of maximum entropy of the system. More simply put: the entropy of the universe (the ultimate isolated system) only increases and never decreases. This means that the Universe will eventually reach a point when no more energy will be expended or transformed, and everything will reach a state of total inactivity. As an example, this Law means that if we work to create a beautiful garden filled with color and fragrance and symmetry, and we give it a pleasing aesthetic design but do not tend to it constantly after it is created, the garden will eventually become overgrown and unruly, and it will finally decay into a state of general chaos, which is actually what does occur in this current Creation all the time.
This Second Law explains another one of the things that changed when Adam and Eve sinned and were cast out of the Garden of Eden. Their sin plunged the entire Creation into a state of increasing entropy or decay that cannot be stopped. It can be slowed down by work and effort, but it can't be stopped. This is also the nature of sin. It has injected not only mankind, but the entire Creation with the unstoppable process of decay. So the Creation is gradually and relentlessly decreasing in its symmetry and order to a state of total disorder and utter chaos. So this Law basically proves that Evolution is completely FALSE.
Nothing is evolving because EVERYTHING is actually continually devolving, and that is why there are so many genetic defects popping up and harmful mutations being seen in the human and animal populations of the world. Furthermore, this state of gradual and continual decay does not just affect physical matter, but destroys our ability for spiritual growth as well unless we can tap into God's Spirit, and reverse this terrible trend with His life-giving spiritual power. Yet there are billions of people living on this Earth today that think that those humans who have been "enlightened" by raising their consciousness and the vibrational energy of the planet are about to take a collective leap into a higher level of consciousness and spiritual existence on their own, without any need for God because they think they are gods!
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A Diagram of the Basic Structure of an Atom |
The Third Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero. It also has been proven that the entropy of a system at absolute zero is typically zero. In other words, as the motion of the subatomic particles in the atoms that make up all the physical matter in Creation is slowed by decreasing its internal and external temperature, its electrons will slow down at a rate that is relative to the decrease in temperature. So if the physical matter reaches the temperature of absolute zero in Kelvins, which is the coldest temperature that can be obtained, its subatomic particles (electrons, protons and neutrons) would completely stop moving altogether.
This Third Law also has a clear spiritual application in the sense that - as a person moves further and further away from the Light and Spiritual Heat of the Holy Spirit, their ability to grow spiritually will also decrease, and it will eventually stop altogether if they completely reject the counsel of the Holy Spirit. This Law also applies to the physical internal body temperature that all living things must maintain. If they lose their ability to maintain that internal body temperature at the constant state needed for optimal life, they will completely stop functioning, and they will die physically.
Now let me briefly turn your attention to Newton's Laws of Motion, which are foundational to the study of Physics. These Laws can be stated together as follows: The First Law states that a body continues in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is acted on by an external force. The Second Law states that the rate of change of momentum of a moving body is proportional to the force acting to produce the change. The Third Law states that if one body exerts a force on another, there is an equal and opposite force (or reaction) exerted by the second body on the first.
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A Penguin on Skis Demonstrates Newton's 3 Laws of Motion |
So you may ask, how are Newton's Laws applicable to our spiritual growth and our understanding of sin? Well, the answers may surprise you because, first of all, a physical or emotional act of sinful behavior does three things that exactly correspond to Newton's Laws. First of all, before a sin is committed, our bodies and the bodies of those people closest to us remain at rest or at peace. For example, it is not until sin enters the picture that a little child will generally rest in a state of peace and contentment, and will lovingly express that state to its parents. Only when sickness, hunger, anger and/or physical violence enter the picture as opposing forces to that peace and contentment will this situation change, which expresses Newton's Second Law of Motion. Finally, Newton's Third Law of Motion is the sad result of the anger, pain and forced deprivation that the child has experienced. Because of these traumas the child will develop the equal but opposite feelings of emotional anxiety and physical pain that disrupt their peace, and cause them to mistrust and fear their parents. This example shows that all sin has unavoidable and long lasting repercussions that even God's great Mercy and Grace can't completely alleviate. We suffer in bodies that are perishing and groaning for the resurrection into everlasting life because of the sins that we ourselves have committed.
So, whether Christians want to admit it or not, there is an UNDENIABLE interconnectedness between everything we do with everything in our world, and ultimately, with everything in the Universe at large. In some inextricable and mysterious way, all living things, and all physical matter itself functions together as a whole with the living things it supports, and the existence of everything in the Universe is dependent on the other elements in Creation that support its existence. This means that all living things are united in some unseen way on a spiritual and physical level. Whether we like this idea or not, humans all share common thoughts, emotions, and physical needs with the other life forms that they share this planet with. That's why I said in my books that when Adam and Eve sinned, the entire Creation fell with them, not just them.
Before I continue, I want to make it clear that Einstein's Laws of Thermodynamics only reflect what happened to the world AFTER sin entered it - not what it was like before the Fall, or what it will be like when the New Heaven and New Earth are recreated into a state of perfection that is completely foreign to us in this current Creation. I don't know if there ever was a time on this Earth before the Fall of Adam and Eve where everything was like it is going to be after the New Heaven and Earth are created. In fact, though I believe that the Creation before sin entered it was outside of time and space as we understand it, and so it did not decay or age at all - it could decay, so it was not incorruptible. But because of Yahshua's sacrifice, we and it will become incorruptible in eternity.
From what we are told in the Creation story in the Bible's Book of Genesis, the original Creation was capable of being disrupted and changed from a state of constant and perfect equilibrium to a state of imperfection and decay. The Bible says that sin or rebellion against God is the agent that caused this process of decay and aging in the physical Universe to begin. So before that, we must assume that there was no aging or decay. This makes perfect sense of why YHWH God warned Adam and Eve that they would surely die for rebelling against Him before that Great Day - or Millennium long day that they were created in - was over (See Genesis 2:16-17).
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A Radiantly Glowing Woman Filled With Light, Like A Vision of the Bride of Christ in the Resurrection |
This means that the original Creation was NOT the same as it's going to be in the future because the New Heaven and the New Earth are going to be incorruptible, just as all those who are saved will be raised up as beautiful and incorruptible beings (See 1 Corinthians 15:51-54). Unlike this coming state of perfection, the pristine new world that God created for Adam and Eve had the potential for corruption. It was capable of being flawed and to suffer from decay and degeneration through the process of sin and rebellion against God. Mankind's sin created a vibrational shock wave that moved outward throughout the Universe, negatively effecting and changing the vibrational energy of everything in its wake from one of a state of balance to imbalance and decay. This why the Apostle John taught that the Earth and everything in it is passing away:
1 John 2:15-17 ~ “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.”
God created the natural order of things governing His Creation, and obeying His Commandments preserves that natural order. But when mankind sinned, the natural order of all Creation was tainted by that same sin and fell into disarray, and thereby began to decay and become corrupted. That is why the Bible says that the entire Creation is waiting to be redeemed, just like us (See Romans 8:22-23). This is something that is not taught in Christian Churches or the Messianic congregations. Believers in Christ are not taught how dependent the entire Creation is on the actions and behavior of mankind.
The sad truth is that scientists that acknowledge the truth of Einstein's and Newton's Laws have failed to see their spiritual applications because they live under the assumption that God does not exist. So they have failed to realize that whatever we do, whether individually or collectively, affects everything around us. Not just the people around us, but the animals, plants, insects and the Earth itself all suffer when we sin or rebel against God! This is partly because God created us to be His partners in His role as the Caretaker of the Universe (See Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 2:15; Numbers 35:33). So how we perform our roles as Caretakers of the Earth has and will continue to affect the physical and emotional state of not only our friends and family and nations, but the entire Earth, and the entire Universe as well.
Who we are as God's Caretakers, and how we behave as His Caretakers of this planet has everything to do with our emotional, intellectual and spiritual makeup, and what we have been taught about our place in the Universe, and about our intimate relationship with the Creator. We weren't just created to have dominion over the Earth, but to develop intimacy with God so that we can eventually be put into greater roles as the Caretakers of the totality of God's Creation. That's WHY God gave us DOMINION over the Earth originally (See Genesis 1:26). But we lost that dominion when the Devil lied to Eve and convinced her to eat of the forbidden fruit, which was the knowledge of good and evil. Instead, Satan has dominion over us now, and can work all manner of evil in our lives until we repent, commit our lives to Christ, take up our crosses, and follow Him to salvation (See Luke 9:23-24). To understand why repentance and admitting our need for God's counsel is necessary, pay close attention to the following passage in Genesis that explains what initially happened when Adam and Eve rebelled against God:
Genesis 3:4-7 ~ “Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw (i.e. was convinced by Lucifer) that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.”
Some like to twist Genesis 3:4-7 into saying that - when Adam and Eve's eyes were opened - mankind was suddenly allowed to become masters of their own destiny, and that this was some great intellectual and spiritual gift rather than a heartbreaking tragedy. The average Satanist and New Ager would certainly think so! But what this verse REALLY means is that Adam and Eve - and all the rest of mankind - were suddenly being forced to learn about the workings of good as well as evil, but they were suddenly rendered incapable of knowing the difference between good and evil because their intimate relationship with God had been severed when they rebelled!
This is an absolute tragedy, as can be seen today by how many billions of people on this planet either don't believe in the concepts of good and evil, or see both good and evil as necessary and beneficial, when nothing could be further from the truth! Because of this belief in the widespread lie that evil is either beneficial, or doesn't actually exist, we collectively have been paying for this total lack of spiritual discernment that the unsaved billions of human beings on this planet have inherited ever since!
All of the teachings that I have shared in this article are extremely important things that people sadly aren't being taught in most Churches today, and this why believers need to take the responsibility to develop and maintain an intimate Love relationship with our Heavenly Father God and His Son and Spirit. This is essential for us to experience joy in life, and to lovingly and carefully be able to plot our paths through the events and relationships in our lives. Having a love relationship with our Heavenly Father can also be a massively big help when we are looking to find our calling, and our way to our ultimate physical and spiritual destination, which should be the everlasting ecstasy of Heaven, rather than the unending agony of Hell.
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An Artists Whimsical Depiction Of The World Being One With God's Creation |
The Holy Spirit is raising the Creator God's servants up to be able to work in perfect harmony with the Creator. When are are one with God, and in perfect sync with His Will through the rebirth of the Holy Spirit and our coming Resurrection into Everlasting Life, we will be able to create and maintain the physical and spiritual equilibrium and perfection required to transcend time and space, and to be one with the Creator in all His ways - throughout eternity. We won't see Nirvana as our need to let go of all striving and then release ourselves into the cosmic collective mind of the Universe so we can cease to exist. Instead, we should know that we are entering into an unending spiritual adventure with the most loving, kind, creative and intelligent Person we've ever known, and we'll be having the time of our lives with Him forever!
Until then, it's time that Christians and Messianics faced up to the fact that the sins of mankind are collectively responsible for the corrupted state not only of the entire planet, but the Universe itself. Sadly, all humanity has done a very lousy job of being the Caretakers of the Earth and the Universe, and our ability to partnership with God concerning the proper care of the Earth and ourselves and the cosmos surrounding us has been so badly severed that there is zero hope of regaining it without supernatural intervention. This is where Yahshua's role as our Messiah or Savor comes into full play, and why it is absolutely necessary for us all to repent, and to surrender our hearts and minds to His service. Because of our utter spiritual bankruptcy and damnation without Christ, I would like to share the title and link to an article that I wrote recently that shows how you can get and stay saved and sanctified for the resurrection into everlasting life, if you haven't already decided to follow Yahshua, the one and only Messiah of the Universe:
With Much Love From
Your Sister In Yahshua,
Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry
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