My Revelation concerning "Another look at the Song of Solomon and the Rapture" by Gerry Almond
OMG! It's absolutely amazing what God's Spirit just showed me in regard to the article about the prophetic meaning of the Song of Solomon written by Brother Almond at the Five Doves web site! Hallelu-Yah! LOL! (Please find and read the article past the text of my e-mail below).
The chapter and verse numbers referred to in this article are SOS 6:10 and 6:12, when Brother Gerry Almond believes that the Rapture is first hinted at. And guess what? June 12th is PENTECOST (not Shavuot, which is incorrectly on June 8th) this year! Adding light to this date, does anyone here remember the Word that I received from Yahshua’s Spirit on Palm Sunday last year? I had been tending to my lily flower bed when I prayed and asked Yahshua when He would come for us in the Rapture. It was then that I heard Him say: “Before the summer flowers bloom!”
Well, my Oriental Lilies are the only flowers in my garden that don’t bloom before summer. They bud in early June, but they don’t open until after the June 21st Solstice start of Summer every year. I assumed that the Word I received on Palm Sunday was meant for 2010, but for some reason the Rapture was delayed - and I did warn when I shared the Word that it might apply to 2011 rather than 2010.
Now, since we were not Raptured last year, Yahshua may well have meant that I should look for the Rapture this year before Summer officially begins on June 21st. If so, June 15th 2011 looks very ominous when considering the Signs in the Heavens alone (i.e. Triple Blood Moons marking 2011, 2 Partial Solar Eclipses exactly 15 days before and 15 days after the June 15th Central Lunar Eclipse) much less the sinister approach of Comet Elenin and the terrible unrest sweeping the Mid-East even as natural disasters and sever weather patterns continue to increase at an exponential pace.
Could it therefore be that the Song of Solomon’s verse numbers secretly reveal the possible timing of the Rapture, which could be on 6-12, which is Pentecost this year? Or could the Rapture actually happen 10 days before as someone I know intimated, which would tie it to SOS 6:2, where the repetition of a verse mentioning lilies occurs again, having appeared in SOS 2:16 and 4:5 as well? And OMG again! LOL! Didn’t this year 2011 start per Jewish Sacred Calendar reckoning on 4-5 or April 5th, 2011 this year, on Nissan 1, 5771?
Now, that’s something more to think about, isn’t it?
BTW, this article about the prophetic meaning behind the characters in the Song of Solomon is beautifully thought out and clearly shows their connection with the True Church or Bride of Christ and Yahshua, who is the Shepherd and Bridegroom of the story. I loved it on it's own! But the numbers just jumped out at me as I read it and I couldn't hold back my excitement in sharing it!
I hope it blesses you as much as it blessed me!
God bless and Maranatha!
Helena Lehman
Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Article At Five Doves:
"Another look at the Song of Solomon and the Rapture"
By Gerry Almond (9 May 2011)
I am sending this for edification all doves.
Gerry Almond
In our Bible readings, most of us have read the Song of Solomon, God’s greatest love story. It is a beautiful instructional book on love and marriage, sex and the beauty of it as God intended it to be. But, also, it was considered too risqué for anyone under age 30 to read by the ancient Jewish nation. It is full of descriptions of what true love is all about and it is specific in its details.
It is also a less read and even lesser preached on book. But, there is a way to look at the message in the Song of Songs, as it can be called, that is different from the usual way in which it is seen.
The characters in the play as listed on a Play Sheet may be as follows:
The Shulamite Gentile Girl……………………The Bride to be
The Shepherd Lover…………………………...The Bridegroom to be
Solomon the King………………………………The Tempter
The Palace of Solomon………………………...The World System
The Daughters of Jerusalem…………………..Israel, old and new
The Little Sister………………………………..Modern Regathered Israel
The play opens with the abduction of a Gentile girl, a Shulamite of great beauty. She is spirited away to the palace of Solomon, the King. He has seen her beauty and he cannot resist her. He plans to make her his own. But the problem is, that she has no such plans. He knows this, but he has all the world’s treasures in his palace to heap upon her and tempt her with. This, he believes, will turn her head as he takes a poor, but beautiful gentile girl and heaps all his treasures upon her.
The problem is that she is in love. There is a shepherd out there somewhere far away that has captured her heart. He is “absent” in person, but she can fly to him at will on what she describes as “the wings of faith”.
Now enter the drama of it all. The more Solomon pressures her, the closer she gets to her absent Shepherd Lover, whom she must visit by faith because of His longtime absence. Not only so, but she does not know when he will show up again. Her love, however, is with reservation.
At this point, the characters in the play may be re-listed as follows:
The Shulamite Gentile Girl………………….The True Church of Jesus Christ
The Shepherd Lover…………………………Jesus Christ the Righteous
Solomon the King……………………………The Usurper
The Palace of Solomon………………………The World
The Daughters of Jerusalem…………………Israel
TheLittle Sister……………………………….Israel As in 1948 Regathered
The True Church is in love with her Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. He is, in turn, in love with her. But He has been away almost 2,000 years dwelling at the right hand of His Father, in heaven. The only way for her to access Him is by prayer, which must be done in faith believing. The Usurper, Satan and his minions control the palace, i. e. the world system. Using every means at his disposal, Satan tries to woo the True Church away from Christ, her beloved, by wealth, fame, fortune, threat, destruction, sex, pornography, strong drink, envy, lust, etc. There is not a stone unturned in his quest to “own” the True Church. Why? So that he can deny the Lord Jesus Christ his Bride.
Everlasting and Eternal promises were made by YHWH to Israel. These MUST have a fulfillment or else God is not God. Satan has but one task, and that is to make just one word of the Holy Writ fail. If he can do this, he wins. Thus, he uses every wile, every lie, every deceit, and all means to do this. He has destroyed the souls of men over and over with these practices and is ever more at it today.
But, here comes a plan of God that will really upset Satan’s applecart. That plan is called the “rapture”. The Song of Songs says it this way. In chapter 6 and verse 10 it starts the actual rapture event by saying, “Who is she who looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners”? This is a reference to the Bride to be.
Several times before, references to the rapture seem to be said in the Song, But each time, the Bride to be was simply not ready. This speaks a word about the truth of the doctrine of imminency. Her taking could have come, but she just wasn’t ready. One time the Shepherd even put His hand through the opening of the door to free the latch, but, alas, she was asleep. By the time she roused herself, He had departed. Personal ease seemed more important than waiting for Him as she should have. Read this in chapter 5, a sad commentary on the Bride to be.
The question in vs. 6 came only after an appraisal of this LOVELY creature and a description of her sheer beauty. The describer is, of course, Jesus Christ, the soon to become Bridegroom of this beautiful one. (Her beauty is, of course, occasioned by His provision of heavenly beauty, having bought her soul by His blood on Calvary). Then she speaks:
“I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to see whether the vine flourished, and the pomegranates budded. Or ever I was aware, my soul made me like the chariots of Amminadib”. In these verses 11 and 12, is seen the rapture of the Bride to be. An alternate reading could be “like the chariots of my princely willing people”. Amminadib seems to not be a name, but rather refers to Someone famous for His chariots.
Immediately the daughters of Jerusalem (modern Israel) speak in their astonishment saying, “Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return that we may look upon thee.” In this verse 13, is seen the desire of modern Israel to have the Bride to be come back. But she asks, “What will ye see in the Shulamite?” Their answer comes immediately saying, “As it were, the company of two armies.”
I think the two armies are the resurrected and then raptured living. At first, it was a single army with banners in vs. 10, but now it is two armies, as it were.
So, the rapture event, which includes the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the taking of the living in Christ has here occurred. She, the Bride to be is gone to be with her absent Shepherd Lover, who is absent no longer. He has come in the air and with the clouds to get her out of the ”palace” of this world’s system and away from the Usurper.
The next act, chapter 7 of the Song finds the Bride to be described by her Beloved. He says in chapter 7 and verse 9, when I kiss your mouth, “and the roof of thy mouth, (is) like the best wine”. She interrupts “For my Beloved, that goeth down sweetly, causing the lips of those who are ASLEEP to speak”. (Perhaps this is a reference to the resurrected ones?) And in verse 10 she continues and says “I am my Beloved’s and His desire is toward me”.
“Come my Beloved, let us go forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages. Let us get up early to the vineyards; let us see if the vine flourish, whether the tender grape appear, and the pomegranates bud forth. There will I give Thee my love”, vss 11-12. Notice in verse 13, an added agricultural item is that the mandrakes (tomatoes?) give fragrance.
Here the marriage has or is occurring and the consummation is to be. She will no longer be the Bride to be, but now the Bride. His consuming passion for her is to be fulfilled NOW.
Finally, in Act 8, she speaks from a heart that recognizes that He is far superior to her socially, so to speak, but she realizes that He still loves her above all.
In chapter 8 and verse 8 the Bride speaks to her Beloved and says, “We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts. What shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?” Indeed, what shall be done for MODERN Israel, the little sister that has not been for 1,918 years and is now in the land again? By comparison to the age of the Bride, she is a sub-teen. The Bride has an answer: “If she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver; and if she be a door, we will enclose her with boards of cedar”. I think that this is saying that Israel will have her Temple and her Kingdom after all. We call it the Millennial Kingdom and it will be for 360,000 days or 1,000 years.
The Usurper is shut away, the demons cannot tempt or harm, the world system is destroyed and Jesus Christ reigns supreme. The Bride is very close by Him in this glorious reign.
Very soon now, this play will have its conclusion. We are approaching Chapter 6 and verse 12. Notice, if you will, the progression of the fruits of the valley. The grapes are coming on, the pomegranates are budding (in the northern hemisphere).
Later, we find the mandrakes giving a fragrance. If these are like tomatoes, that is summer time. Sounds right for a Spring rapture followed by a Summer consummation of the marriage. Seem right also, in light of the approach of Elenin. Just a final thought.
Gerry Almond
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