A Time Clock Tied to Yahshua’s First and
Second Coming and the Rapture of the Church
Second Coming and the Rapture of the Church
By Helena Lehman
For many years, God has been revealing to me what the first Gospel that was written at the moment of Creation by Yahshua’s own hand means. In the process, it has been revealed to me that the Gospel in the Stars is in full agreement with the Bible. Not only does it support and uphold the traditional Christian interpretation of the Bible, but it can also be a great help in deciphering the true meaning of various symbols and beasts discussed in the Bible’s prophetic books, especially the Book of Revelation. My books also reveal that the constellation of Orion that appears below and between Gemini and Taurus in the heavens is one of the most Messianic symbols ever created by God, and this is the reason why the Giza Pyramid complex was built - to preserve that knowledge in stone for all posterity until the end of time!
As many people who have been following my ministry for a long time also know, I have been teaching that a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the saints will likely occur on or before the December 21st, 2010 Winter Solstice. However, I also cautioned that the first Rapture may not be before the Tribulation begins but somewhere within the first two years of the Tribulation period, when the world is still living in relative peace and safety compared to what will be the case in the last half of the Tribulation.
However, in the Spring of 2010, God led me to study Scriptures that reveal that there may be another Rapture in the middle of the Tribulation period. In this article, I am now going to share another amazing revelation that the Holy Spirit has given to me that is tied to the causeways leading eastward from the pyramids at Giza and may well be meant show when Yahshua would arrive both at His First and Second Coming.
First, let’s focus on the illustration below, which shows why the Celestial line-up on the first night of the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot on September 22nd, 2010 looks highly promising as a sign that Yahshua’s coming in the Rapture could be around that date. On the other hand, it may also merely be a sign that the Rapture is coming and will be very soon - perhaps within the next year or two:
Looking at this illustration, note that the planet Jupiter (representing Yahshua) and Uranus (signifying the Bride of Christ with her five virgin attendants) will move into a second conjunction over the Ephraimite Fish of Pisces over Pegasus. Furthermore, the Full Moon, which can indicate the readiness of the Bride for the Wedding, will also briefly move into conjunction with these planets. Fascinatingly, this is not only on the first day of Tabernacles but also the day of the Autumn Equinox, which occurs at dawn on September 22nd!
Oddly, there is a Total Lunar Eclipse on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles on October 8th, 2014 when the Full Moon is in Pisces (Israel) and in conjunction with the planet Uranus indicating the Bride of Christ. In my Armageddon Radio Shows, I discussed this October 8th Lunar Eclipse as a sign that the Mid-Tribulation Rapture could occur around then. So maybe there IS something to be said for a Rapture on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles this year too. We shall soon see, but if not, there are other dates coming up that hold promise in 2011 and 2012 and we should never lose hope.
Now, looking at the causeways of the Pyramids at Giza in the second illustration, which are tied to timing the coming of Yahshua, it is interesting to note that the so-called Pyramid of Khafre’s causeway points to the Winter Solstice but leads directly to the leonine body of the Great Sphinx, whose gaze is fixed due east in the direction of the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. Meanwhile, the northerly Great Pyramid at Giza has a causeway pointing toward the Summer Solstice Sun, and the smaller and most southerly pyramid attributed to Menkaure at Giza points directly toward the rising Sun of the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes.
Since it is fairly certain that Yahshua was born near to the time of Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Sukkot and the Autumn Equinox of 3 BC, He had to have been conceived around Chanukah or the Winter Solstice of the year prior. Fascinatingly, since life begins at conception, winter was the true season of our Messiah’s first appearing! So it appears that the Khafre Pyramid causeway pinpoints the true date of Yahshua’s first coming. The Winter Solstice marks the point when the day is at its shortest, suggesting that the light of God is also at its lowest. Thus, the longest night of the year is not something believers in Yahshua should celebrate as modern Pagans erroneously do! The celebration of Christ’s arrival at Chanukah or Christmas, however, is a wonderful way to mark the coming of the Light of the World to obliterate the darkness of the winter season!
Since the Winter Solstice marks the time when days are at their shortest, it allegorically communicates that Yahshua first took on mortal flesh during an age of widespread ungodliness and skepticism concerning the miraculous power of God. Also, since most people see Christ as coming into the world at His birth and not at His conception, they have missed that the Magi found Christ in a house in Bethlehem during the Feast of Chanukah over a year after He was born, again tying the arrival and recognition of Christ, the future King of kings to the Winter Solstice and to Chanukah!
Fascinatingly, the Holy Spirit later revealed to me that the three big pyramids at Giza are also a symbol of the three crosses that were erected at Yahshua’s crucifixion. Now, remember that Luke’s Gospel reveals that the two robbers or criminals that were crucified with Yahshua spoke with Him as they hung there dying. One of these robbers was unrepentant and mercilessly mocked Yahshua, while the other believed in Yahshua and repentantly asked to be remembered when Yahshua returned to set up His kingdom (Luke 23:32-43).
As shown in the second illustration above that was taken from my book “The Language of God in History,” the Holy Spirit revealed that the smaller pyramid of Menkaure is tied to the unrepentant robber who was crucified with Yahshua and mocked Him on the Cross. Though believers tend to forget this, Yahshua came to die for repentant and unrepentant sinners, and not only for the sins of the unrighteous but also for those of the self-righteous! As the east-pointing causeway of the Menkaure Pyramid and the gaze of the Great Sphinx at Giza suggests, Yahshua died and rose from the dead for the sins of all mankind near to the time of the Spring Equinox and His birth and all the promises of His Second Coming are heavily tied to the Autumn Feasts of Israel.
So, what then does the causeway of the Great Pyramid that targets the Summer Solstice point to? Well, since the Great Pyramid or Pillar of Enoch is tied to the repentant robber who asked Yahshua to remember him, it suggests that the Great Pyramid is tied to all those who believe that Yahshua is the Messiah and are relying on Him to forgive and remember them when He comes into His future Kingdom ruling over all the Earth! This means the Great Pyramid signifies not only the Body of Christ but the New Jerusalem where the people who make up Christ’s body will one day dwell forever!
If this is so, then it makes perfect sense that the Great Pyramid’s causeway would be pointing to the time of the fullness or completion of the Body of Christ through the Wedding of the Lamb in Heaven! Furthermore, as I repeatedly explained in my short-lived Armageddon Radio Shows, the Jewish calendar marks the beginning of summer with the Feast of Shavuot or Pentecost and ends it with the celebration of Tu B’Av, a little-known Jewish holiday that is centered around love, betrothals, and weddings. More clues targeting summer are hidden in the Song of Solomon in mentions of summer-blooming lilies and in the Book of Ruth. There, the wedding of the Gentile woman Ruth to the Israelite man Boaz occurs at the end of the summer wheat harvest. This suggests that the first Rapture of the Church will be a late spring to late summer event rather than in the autumn. The second Mid-Tribulation Rapture that is revealed in Scripture, however, may occur anytime in the six month window between the Summer and Winter Solstices.
Since summer officially ends on the Autumn Equinox, which in this epoch now falls on September 21st or 22nd, the Rapture should occur on or before then - IF there is to be one this year! If not, then look to next summer anytime between Pentecost/Shavuot and Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets - the Feast Days that frame the six months between the March 21st or 22nd and September 21st or 22nd Equinoxes. Since 2011 is tied to Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement, it seems highly fitting that those two little goats that were trapped and rescued on a remote Montana bridge were found just before the Jewish Civil year officially began on September 9th, 2010. Interestingly, Yom Kippur arrives on September 18th this year, which is five days before the Autumn Equinox and the beginning of Sukkot 2010, and it too is a possible Rapture day this year because it falls before the Autumn Equinox.
Could these two Montana goats signifying Jacob/Israel and the Azazel goat sacrificed on Yom Kippur coupled with the three Total Solar Eclipses in 2008, 2009 and 2010 on the First of Av in the middle of a three-week period of Jewish mourning and the three Jupiter-Uranus Conjunctions suggesting the Rapture that occur on June 6th, 2010, September 22nd, 2010 and January 2nd, 2011 be a sign that 2011, or the Jewish year 5771 is the final year that the names of people who are to be taken in any Rapture will be written into the Book of Life? Will the first Rapture occur on the first day of Tabernacles in 2010 or be delayed until the late spring to late summer of 2011 or 2012? Will there only be one Rapture in the middle of the Tribulation in 2014? Only time will tell, but the prophetic insights that Yahweh God has given to me do suggest these possibilities! So do not lose hope and continue to keep watch!
For Further Reading:
"Come Up Here and Come Away!” -
Clues to the Timing of the Rapture:
A Prophecy Hidden in the Autumn Feasts of Israel:
A Tale of Two Goats - A Warning to the Church in the
Symbolism of Yom Kippur and the Story of Jacob:
i saw sighn given on sep 23 2010 and dec 21 2010 . seven years will be commplete soon. I AM WITH you , SHALOM ALL PRAISE TO YAWAY ALMIGHTY IN JESUS NAME AMEN
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh i haven't even begun to read this but I know I have hit something huge that will help me so much. You wouldn't believe how crazy things have been. I disn't even know God and Yahusha were real 7 months ago but boy have they been Revealing things to me. My 3yr old son was shown enoch in a vision and god told him about food and water and so I had to find out about this God and enoch. Since then he makes the stars twinkle for me then shows me on my body the freckle constellations he put on me. Phew I have to mark this page. Thank you