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Star Gospel Meaning of Blood Moon of January 21st, 2019 (CLICK To Enlarge, OR Right Click and Select Open in New Window) |
Following are some revised illustrations that I created for this article that were taken out of my book "The Language of God in Prophecy", where they originally appeared in black and white. These show most of the heavenly signs that occurred during this time period, but they're not comprehensive. As such, they are only meant to give a brief recap of the many Signs in the Heavens that occurred during this period, and - in my future articles (if we have longer to wait) - they may serve as a reference when I mention various Signs that have already occurred, or will soon occur:
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Blood Moon Triad of 2011 in Context |
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Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 In Context |
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Blood Moon Triad of 2018 In Context |
Matthew 25:6 ~ “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’”Though there is some debate over this, most believers see this passage as a reference to the Second Coming of Yahshua at the time of the Rapture, and this Midnight Heavenly Sign that is punctuated by a Full Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon in the Sign of Cancer or Issachar does suggest that the Rapture will be soon. In light of this, it's interesting to note here that Issachar is one of the 12 Tribes of Israel that had a reputation for providing excellent warriors with servant's hearts that fought in defense of Israel. This in itself suggests that all warriors of Yahshua's army are being called to war - and this may not just be a spiritual battle, but a physical one also if the Rapture occurs. This is because the 144,000 set apart members of the Tribes of Israel described in Revelation 7 and 14 are going to be enabled to help lead and protect the new saints that will come to Yahshua in obedience during the Great Tribulation.
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Wolf Blood Moon of January 21st, 2019 |
Even more interesting, the second Full Lunar Eclipse of 2018 appeared in the Sign of Capricorn. This was on July 27th, 2018, and it was a very rare Central Lunar Eclipse, where the Moon passes directly through the center of the Earth's shadow. Fascinatingly, this was on the same night as the beginning of Tu B'Av (i.e. 15th of Av), which is celebrated as a Love Feast in relation to its ties to engagements and weddings in Israel. In Ancient times, young unwed maidens would gather and dance in the orchard groves together as curious local spectators looked on. In this way, the young women hoped to catch the eye of the eligible men in their communities, and potentially find a husband to share their adult lives with. This is significant because the Rapture is when Yahshua will come to fetch His Bride to attend their wedding at His Father's House in the 3rd Heaven.
In light of the connections found in the past two Blood Moons of 2018, it shouldn't be too surprising that this third Lunar Eclipse on January 21st that is marking the end of 2018 and beginning of 2019 as prophetically significant will also occur in the Sign of Cancer/Isaachar, which is tied to Yahshua's heavenly armies. These armies of saints and angels will be divinely gathered together for the defense of Israel, as well as to prepare all of God's people for battle. Fascinatingly, this Blood Moon will occur on the night after the end of Tu B'Shevet at sunset on January 21st this year, and it will also occur during a Supermoon, when the Moon is at one of its close trajectories to the Earth.
That makes this Blood Moon a warning to anyone in the Two Houses of Israel that is not a seasoned prayer warrior. Indeed, everyone who follows Yahshua must be first and foremost a prayer warrior that is not only prepared for spiritual battle, but actively engaged in fighting evil in the heavenly realms daily via prayer. They must all be fiercely guarding their spiritual territories so that they can stand their ground until Yahshua comes for them in the Rapture.
Before I go on, let me explain what the Two Houses of Israel are. The first of the Two Houses of Israel is tied to Judah, or the Jews that have rejected Yahshua as their Messiah, and who are scattered throughout the world. This House of Israel is also marked by those Jews who despise Christians - even if they claim to be Messianic Jews. True Messianic Jews are not hateful of their Christian brethren or their holy days, but lovingly embrace all who are redeemed by their belief in Yahshua, and who strive to keep the Moral Laws or Commandments of Yah.
In comparison, the House of Ephraim signifies born again Christians that are Israelites by Faith in Yahshua. The House of Ephraim is also scattered throughout the world, but its members are mostly found in western Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Americas. Those Messianic Jews that belong to the House of Ephraim by their Faith in Yahshua and their show of brotherly love for their Christian brethren are mostly found in the United States, although there are also many in Canada, Europe, Australia, Africa, and the Middle East.
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Signs In Sagittarius and Scorpio - Daytime AFTER Blood Moon of January 21st, 2019 (CLICK To Enlarge, OR Right Click and Select Open in New Window) |
Ophiuchus is the decan sign of Scorpio that is connected to the Israelite hero Samson, who lacked discernment, and was terribly harassed by the unwitting followers of Satan. But he went up against Israel's enemies anyway, was ultimately defeated, yet got his revenge in the end. That's because Yahweh our Heavenly Father wanted the Philistines to be judged and condemned for their wickedness. This is why Ophiuchus appears above the body of the malevolent, satanic sign of Scorpio, whose deadly tail is poised to sting Ophiuchus' right foot.
Scorpio is connected to the Tribe of Dan - an Israelite Tribe that is directly tied to the Antichrist. Just as Dan is described in Genesis 49:16-18, the Antichrist will act as a crafty, nation-infiltrating serpent that stings the right foot of just governments, and causes the destruction of the true Liberty and Freedom that is founded in Christ. Like Dan, the Antichrist will also be called a judge, but he is not a righteous judge! Instead, he will be a deceitful judge of God's people Israel - and he will condemn to death both saved and unsaved Jews and Gentiles that are born again through belief in Yahshua. It's fitting, then, that the Wolf symbol for Yahshua's death and the martyrdom of the saints that has increased in recent years is next to Scorpio and beneath Libra, which is a symbol tied to Yah's Righteous Judgment and condemnation of the wicked for hurting His beloved saints.
Happily, however, our Heavenly Father intends to rescue those of us who currently love and follow the commandments of His Son - our wonderful Messiah Yahshua - by translating them into everlasting life in the event known as the Rapture or Catching Away, which will occur before the opening of the Sixth Seal of Revelation that will bring on a flood of worldwide chaos, destruction and death. Indeed, before Yah's glorious and powerful warrior angels prepare to stand together with the 144,000 to defend the future Tribulation Saints who will have to suffer so much to be refined for their faith, they will take all the currently redeemed Saints to Heaven. This will be just before the Wrath of our Creator is poured out.
As it says in Revelation 6:15-17, Yah's Wrath is going to begin to be poured out at the opening of the Sixth Seal. Therefore, the idea that the saints will be forced to live through most of the Tribulation until the Bowls or Vials of Yah's Wrath are poured out is not supported by Scripture, which says repeatedly that Yahshua's born again followers are not subject to Yah's Wrath (See Romans 5:8-10, 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10 and 1 Thess. 5:8-10), are worthy to receive Yahshua's promised ESCAPE from all these things (Luke 21:36), and will escape the time of trail or Great Tribulation (Rev. 3:10).
Another Sign of importance on the morning of January 21st will be the appearance of the Sun and the planets Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius the Archer. Although these planets will be too close to the Sun to be seen, they nonetheless have a prophetic story to tell in regard to their placement in Sagittarius. Sagittarius the Archer is another Messianic Sign that is tied to the Tribe of Asher, but also represents Yahshua coming to conquer the wicked in His role as the King of kings of Revelation Chapter 19. Now let's move on to the final significant signs of this day that will appear after sunset on January 21st. The following illustration focuses on those:
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More Heavenly Signs in Pisces and Aquarius After Sunset on January 21st, 2019 (CLICK To Enlarge, OR Right Click and Select Open in New Window) |
Although the material blessings of God's Covenant Promises to Abraham were passed to Joseph, the second son of Jacob named Simeon inherited the spiritual blessings and curses associated with the keeping of the Mosaic Law, which was tied to the perpetuation or ending of the Land Covenant based on the righteousness of God's people, or their lack thereof. As the Bible attests, this birthright tying Israel to the land that the Phoenicians occupied illegally fell to the descendants of Judah in the end. But sadly, the Kingdom of Judah fell altogether at the hands of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. So, just as Yahweh warned in Deuteronomy 28, the Ancient Israelites were horribly cursed, and lost their right to the Promised Land by their continued disobedience and rebellion against Yah's just laws.
Symbolically, the two fish of Pisces also represent Israel as a whole. These two fish signify the Two Olive Branches, or the Two Houses of Israel known prophetically as Judah and Ephraim. Significantly, the red planet Mars, which signifies the blood of a covenant, as well as the bloodshed resulting from wars that are a direct result of broken covenants, is under the fish of Pisces signifying Ephraim. Thus, Mars may have a dual significance here. First, it may signify those in the House of Ephraim that are born again, and that have thereby been able to keep Yahshua's Covenant Commandments to love Yah and one another. Secondly, this placement of Mars may also signify the forthcoming bloodshed that the apostates who have not been faithful to Yahweh will suffer during the Great Tribulation.
Meanwhile, the planet Uranus, which is hidden from view without a telescope - and which has five prominent moons - is under the fish representing Judah. However, Uranus signifies the Gentile Bride of Christ, and by virtue of its five moons, the Five Wise Virgins of the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13. So Uranus is most closely tied to the House of Ephraim full of Wise Virgins. In this case, however, Uranus' five moons may also be tied to the 5 Foolish Virgins that get left behind - just as the unbelieving Jews and the apostate Christians will be left behind at the time of the Rapture. In fact, Uranus' position beneath the celestial fish of Pisces signifying Judah that is swimming toward the constellation of the bound woman Andromeda suggests that Uranus' five moons may signify the 5 Wise Virgins in a last ditch effort to try and reach the unsaved Jews and Gentiles that make up the 5 Foolish Virgins with the Good News of Salvation in Yahshua.
Let's hope that the Rapture of the Bride and Wise Virgins and the choosing of the 144,000 will be soon. In the meantime, it's wonderful to see how Yahshua has created these Signs in the Heavens to encourage those who are watching for His soon return.
Some future dates to pay attention to as regards the Heavenly Signs will be on the following dates, which are significant to Jews and/or Christians:
- Thursday, March 21st, 2019 is Purim (beginning at dusk on the 20th). NOTE: Purim has a strong connection to the Great Tribulation and its new saints, as well as to Armageddon and the beginning of the Millennial Rule of Christ.
- Friday, April 5th, 2019 at sundown: This will be Nissan 1 - the start of the Jewish Lunar Month of Nissan, and the official end of 2018 per Jewish reckoning.
- Friday, April 19th, 2019 at sundown, which is Pesach or Passover on the 15th of Nisan, 5779 on the Jewish Calendar.
- Saturday April 20th, 2019 at sunset through Saturday April 27th, 2019 at sunset, the Feast of Unleavened Bread that makes up seven of the eight days of Passover Week.
- Sunday April 21st, 2019, Resurrection Sunday, aka Pascha or Easter.
- Saturday, June 8th, 2019 at sunset, the first day of the two days of Shavuot or Jewish Pentecost, the 50th day after Passover.
- Sunday, June 9th, 2019, Christian Pentecost, the 50th day after Easter and the second day of Jewish Shavuot/Pentecost.
- Saturday, August 11th, 2019 (beginning at dusk on the 10th) is a solemn fast on the 9th of Av, when both Jewish Temples were destroyed.
- Friday, August 16th, 2019 (beginning at dusk on the 15th) is the joyous Israelite Festival of Love on the 15th of Av.
- Monday, September 30th, 2019 begins the 2-day Feast of Trumpets (beginning at dusk on the 29th). This day is often associated with the Rapture, although it could happen at ANY TIME!
- Wednesday, October 9th, 2019 is the Day of Atonement (beginning at dusk on the 8th). This solemn fast is connected to accepting Yahshua's death on the Cross due to its tie to having one's name placed in the Book of Life.
- Monday, October 14th, 2019 is the first day of the week long Feast of Tabernacles (beginning at dusk on the 13th). The Feast is through to October 20th, 2019, and a special day afterward on October 21st is also often considered to be part of the Feast.
- Sunday, December 22nd, 2019 AT DUSK is the first day of Chanukah and the night of the first candle lighting. Chanukah will be celebrated until Monday, December 30th, for a total of 8 days, and it is tied to Yahshua's conception, as well as being seen as a second Feast of Tabernacles, celebrating the coming of the Millennial Rule of Christ.
Keep Looking Up! Maranatha, and Hallelu-Yah!
With Love From
Your Sister In Yahshua
Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry
IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT NOTICE:This illustrated article is the Copyrighted work of Helena Lehman, and it cannot be used in any video, or digital or printed work without the express written permission of Helena Lehman, or an officially designated representative. Contact information for Helena can be found on the following web page at her Pillar of Enoch Ministry web site at: http://pillar-of-enoch.com/contact.html
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Some of you may have noticed that I did NOT mention President Trump or the modern nation of Israel in my new Blood Moon article, and I want to assure you that this was deliberate. This is because I'm more concerned with the proper interpretation of the heavenly signs in relation to believers and Yahweh's plan of redemption rather than to how they "fit" into any specific political or religious timeline.
This is because mortal human leaders and governments come and go. But Yah's Word in the heavens and on the Earth in the Bible stands forever, and we need to be focusing on what His Word says is about to happen. Meanwhile, saved and unsaved people are being played like instruments on both sides of the political and religious spectrums, and - just as the Illuminati wants - the clueless masses are up in arms over political and social diversions that distract from their devotion to Yahweh, and destroy their separation from the worldly things that are passing away, and that really mean nothing in the greater scheme of things.
As a result, these multitudes of blind sheep are not paying attention to the more important matters of loving and evangelizing others, and introducing them to the power, purpose and peace of our Heavenly Father's Kingdom. Sadly, this means that they are being robbed of all the blessings that born again believers in Yahshua are meant to receive through the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, these blessings can only be received when we are in a close relationship with the Father and other believers through our mutual love for Yahshua. ~ Helena Lehman~~****~~****~~****~~
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