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Mary of Bethany Listens While Her Sister Martha Serves - Luke Ch. 10 |
Many of the arguments being used to undermine people’s faith in the written Word of God found in the Bible are attempting to challenge humanity’s Universal need for a Savior, as well as the unlimited saving efficacy of the body and blood of our loving “Anointed One”, Messiah or Christ Who is Yahshua. This is the body and blood that He willingly shed on the Cross to save all Creation from the devastating effects of sin, evil, and death. In this regard, the worst attack on the saving blood of Yahshua is being done by those who are focusing on His supposed literal bloodline.
In most of these attacks, the researchers attempt to prove that Yahshua’s royal bloodline descended from King David of Israel, and that it is still in existence today. Although Yahshua had several male siblings, and at least one female sibling descended from His earthly stepfather Joseph and His mother Mary or Miriam, most insist that Yahshua's family bloodline can be traced directly to Him and His direct descendants. This, they say, was via His supposed marriage to Mary Magdalene during the Wedding at Cana, which is only described in Chapter 2 of the Gospel of John.
The Wedding at Cana is where Yahshua acted just as any Israelite host of a wedding might in caring for the guests, and this may be why He performed His first recorded miracle there. This is when Yahshua turned large jugs full of plain water into the finest wine so that the Wedding guests would not have to go without. But the truth is that we are not told who the Wedding at Cana was for, and this could very well have been deliberately done by the Gospel writer to squash any idea that there is a literal bloodline of Christ, or that He has any directly blood-related family of His own somewhere on the Earth today! But even if we were to suppose this was the case, the fact is that this wedding could have been hosted for any one of Yahshua's several younger brothers, which would explain why Yahshua acted as one of the hosts of the wedding along with His earthly mother Mary and His earthly father Joseph, who would most likely have been the mysterious "master of the feast" (See John 2:1-10).
Of course, this Wedding also has a Parable-like quality to it. As such, it readily invites analogies to Yahshua's relationship with His Bride, the True Church. In this analogy, the fine wine becomes a symbol of the perfect blood Yahshua would shed to save His beloved Bride from annihilation. Indeed, there will be many saints in attendance at the Wedding of the Lamb in Heaven one day, and since Yahshua is going to become one body with His Church, the supposition is that He has reserved Himself for that future everlasting intimacy rather than cheapen it with a temporary dalliance during His first earthly ministry as a servant.
Despite the supposition that Yahshua would not have married in deference to His future role as the Bridegroom to His Spirit-filled Bride, it was a common practice for eligible Israelite men - including Rabbis and Priests - to marry before they were 30 back then, and Yahshua was 33 when He died. So this does leave the question of whether or not Yahshua was married during His First Advent ministry open to debate. What the Gospels do say about Mary is that she was a devoted disciple of Yahshua, but there is no hint in any of the Gospels or New Testament letters that Yahshua was married, or that He courted Mary Magdalene. Instead, the Gospels insist that Mary Magdalene was not only one of the devoted disciples and eye-witnesses to Yahshua’s short yet miraculous First Advent ministry in Judea and Galilee, but a witness to His crucifixion and resurrection as well.
Although many attempts have been made to hide the truth, a careful study of all the biblical texts concerning Mary Magdalene proves that she was not ever considered to be Yahshua’s wife. Nor was she ever considered to be a former prostitute. Instead, we are told that she had seven demons cast out of her, and she had the funds to help Yahshua carry our His ministry to the lost. However, the nature of these demons and the amount of funds are never disclosed, and this information therefore leaves most researchers with more questions than answers concerning who Mary Magdalene actually was, and how important she was in relation to Yahshua and His ministry. But there is more to Mary Magdalene than most researchers ever deduce, and that is because she was also known by another title in the Gospels.
In my book “The Language of God in Prophecy”, I did a careful study of all the scriptures concerning the various Marys in Yahshua’s life, and came to the startling conclusion that Mary Magdalene was likely not a former prostitute at all, but the wealthy Israelite woman and disciple of Christ known as Mary of Bethany. Here is an excerpt from that book that explains what my research revealed:
Excerpt from Chapter 10 of “The Language of God in Prophecy”:
Many Masons or former Masons have hypothesized that a messianic bloodline may have originated from the children produced through Yahshua’s secret marriage to Mary Magdalene. However, there is not one word anywhere in the Old or New Testament that refers to a marriage between our Messiah Yahshua and an ordinary woman. In fact, the only marriage that is ever attributed to Christ is His future marriage to the True Church! We therefore need to compare this occult version of Mary Magdalene to the Scriptures revealing Mary Magdalene’s real role in Christ’s life.
In Book Two, “The Language of God in Humanity,” it was shown that either Lazarus or Mary of Bethany might be “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” or “the beloved disciple.” Now, in this book, it will be shown that Mary of Bethany is the same person as Mary Magdalene. We will start by comparing Scriptures that mention a woman who anointed Yahshua with a flask of expensive perfumed anointing oil. These Scriptures appear in all four Gospels, and all of them state that the anointing was done by a woman, and took place in the town of Bethany. However, Matthew and Mark state that this woman anointed Yahshua’s head, while Luke and John indicate that she anointed Yahshua’s feet and washed His feet with her hair:
“And when Jesus (Yahshua) was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, a woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table. But when His disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, "Why this waste? For this fragrant oil might have been sold for much and given to the poor.’ But when Jesus (Yahshua) was aware of it, He said to them, ‘Why do you trouble the woman? …For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial.’” - Matthew 26:6-12Matthew’s account of Yahshua’s anointing on the head is repeated almost verbatim in Mark 14:3-9. Both indicate that the anointing was in Bethany - at the house of a man named Simon, and was done on Yahshua’s head by a woman. Both also indicate that the apostles were angry with the woman for wasting money, but that Yahshua rebuked them for their ignorance of her noble cause, which was to prepare Him for burial. In addition, both seem to state that Simon was a leper. This is strange, because lepers are diseased and are unclean in the eyes of the Law. Therefore, no self-respecting Jew would dine with a leper!
In Messianic Jewish translations of this passage, the word that appears as leper in Christian translations of the New Testament has been translated as “jar merchant.” This is because some Messianic Jews believe that the Gospel of Matthew was originally written in Hebrew, and the Hebrew word for leper is very similar to the word for jar-merchant. Since they also know that the apostles, who were Jews, would not have dined with a leper, they reason that Simon was not a leper at all, but a wealthy jar merchant who lived in the rich suburb of Jerusalem called Bethany.
Now that we have determined that Matthew and Mark are speaking about the same woman and the same Simon, we need to determine if this woman is also the one anointing Yahshua in Luke and John’s Gospels. At first glance, this does not appear to be the case. This is because Luke and John both state that this woman anointed Yahshua’s feet, rather than His head. They also state that the anointing took place in the home of a Pharisee:
“Then one of the Pharisees asked Him to eat with him. And He went to the Pharisee’s house… And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner… brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil, and stood at His feet… and she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil. Now when the Pharisee… saw this, he spoke to himself, saying, ‘This man, if He were a prophet, would know… what manner of woman this is who is touching Him, for she is a sinner.’ And Jesus… said to him, ‘Simon, I have something to say to you.’” - Luke 7:36-40Now, note here that Luke names the Pharisee as Simon. Is this merely a co-incidence, or is Luke’s Simon the Pharisee identical to Simon the Leper or Jar Merchant, who appears in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark? This is possible, since there is no reason why Simon could not be both a Pharisee and a Jar Merchant. For that matter, there is no reason why the woman could not have anointed both Yahshua’s head and His feet on the same occasion. Assuming that all four Gospels are eyewitness accounts of these events, the differences between them can easily be attributed to the individual personalities of the eyewitnesses, and their differing sense of what was important to emphasize.
Now, though three of the four eyewitness accounts of this anointing failed to identify the woman who anointed Yahshua, the writer of the Gospel of John plainly tells us that she was Mary of Bethany, and mentions this fact twice:
“Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. It was that Mary who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped His feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.” - John 11:1-2
“Then… Jesus (Yahshua) came to Bethany, where Lazarus was… whom He had raised from the dead. There they made Him a supper; and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with Him. Then Mary took… costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus (Yahshua), and wiped His feet with her hair…” - John 12:1-3Due to the overlap in all four Gospel accounts of this anointing by a woman, we can be fairly certain that it was Mary of Bethany alone who anointed Yahshua with fragrant oil, and not three different women. If this is true, then what do these parallel accounts tell us about Mary’s character? Though three Gospel writers are silent about Mary of Bethany’s character, Luke describes this woman as a sinner (Luke 7:37). Nonetheless, Yahshua indicated that, by her loving actions, this sinful woman had proven herself to be repentant and deserving of much forgiveness (Luke 7:44-48). This fact links Mary of Bethany with Mary Magdalene, who also was considered a sinner.
Both Luke and Mark’s Gospel tell us that Yahshua cast seven demons out of Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9, Luke 8:2). Since Mary Magdalene was once demon-possessed, this implies that Mary had participated in sinful occult activities before she was exorcised, and subsequently saved - allowing her to become one of Yahshua’s most devoted disciples. Since Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany also shared the same name, and both were among Yahshua’s intimate acquaintances, their association can be proven to be far more than tenuous.”
End of Book Excerpt
Those who are familiar with the Gospel stories about Yahshua remember Mary of Bethany as the sister of Martha and Lazarus - with Lazarus being the disciple that Yahshua miraculously raised from the dead, as detailed in the Gospel of John, Chapter 11. That Chapter, as well as Chapter 12 of the Gospel of John quoted above in the book excerpt clearly reveals that Mary of Bethany was the woman who poured expensive oil on Yahshua’s feet and then wiped it off with her hair.
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Mary of Bethany Anoints Yahshua's Feet With Perfume, Luke Ch. 7, John Ch. 12 |
Luke 10:38-42 ~ “Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Yahshua's feet and heard His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” 41 And Yahshua answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”This scripture concerning Martha and Mary's relationship with Yahshua is depicted in the illustration used at the beginning of this article,and it suggest that Lazarus and his two sisters, who lived in the affluent suburb of Jerusalem called Bethany, were among Yahshua or Jesus’ wealthiest and most beloved disciples. Luke’s Gospel also states that Mary and many other women helped to fund Yahshua’s First Advent ministry. In fact, their donations were given in gratitude after Yahshua lovingly healed these women of demonic possession and other physical sicknesses and maladies. This is clearly stated in the Gospel of Luke:
Luke 8:1-3 ~ “Now it came to pass, afterward, that He went through every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with Him, 2 and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities - Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons, 3 and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who provided for Him from their substance.”Here, we are told that Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Suzanna and many other women provided for Yahshua out of their substance, or wealth. What is not stated, but is clearly implied by all of the aforementioned scriptures concerning Mary of Bethany and her siblings is that they were dearly loved by Yahshua. This is made clear because, of the twelve apostles and numerous disciples of Yahshua, we are only given a deeply personal view into the everyday lives of these three disciples from the town of Bethany. Indeed, no other disciples are as carefully signaled out as Lazarus, Martha and Mary of Bethany in any of the four Gospels or twenty-two epistles found in the New Testament.
Intriguingly, according to clues in all four Gospels, Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany shared the following traits: First of all, they were both named Mary. Secondly, they both were considered to be reformed sinners that were considered to be unworthy of association by self-righteous people. Thirdly both women were closely acquainted with Yahshua, and were His devoted disciples from early on in His ministry. Fourth, both of these female disciples of Yahshua came from wealthy families, and it is clear that they both supported His ministry, and His claims to be the Messiah of Israel. So, though it is not completely certain, there are many clues that these two women named Mary were one and the same person, and the designation "Magdalene" may have been used to disguise this fact for an important reason known only to God and the Gospel writers at the time. I will touch upon the reasons for this in Part 2 of this article.
So far, we have established that Mary Magdalene could be the same person as Mary of Bethany, who loved to listen to Yahshua preach, and anointed and then washed Yahshua’s feet with her hair after He had forgiven her, and had cast seven demons out of her. We have also learned that she supported Yahshua's ministry with her own funds. In part 2, we will examine why Mary Magdalene was considered to be the wife of Yahshua, and why her womb was considered to be the "Holy Grail" that perpetuated the royal bloodline of Yahshua for some nefarious future purpose, which may in fact be to legitimize the claims of the Antichrist of antichrists.
After all, the sad fact is that this false Christ, who is called "the man of sin" and "the son of perdition" in Scripture, is going to rule the world during the Great Tribulation, and he will falsely claim to be God. Even worse, billions of people who are not well-versed in Scripture, and are not born again by the Holy Spirit will believe this Antichrist's claims, and they will perish because of it.
This is the end of Part 1 of my three part article entitled “THE ALL-SURPASSING POWER OF THE BLOOD AND BODY OF THE MESSIAH”. Parts 2 and 3 immediately follow it on this POEM Ministry blog, and they have been linked to here below the copyright notice for easy access.
This article series is the Copyrighted written work of Helena Lehman, and it cannot be used in any digitally written blog or printed book without the express written permission of Helena Lehman, or an officially designated representative. Contact information for Helena can be found on the following web page at her Pillar of Enoch Ministry web site at: http://pillar-of-enoch.com/contact.html
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