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Genesis 6 Nephilim Giant Fighting a Warrior |
IMPORTANT NOTE: This article was completely updated on May 22nd, 2020 -and again on October 17th, 2020 to support new information in light of the Corona Virus Pandemic.
~*~ Genesis 6:4 ~*~ “There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God (Fallen Angels) came in to the daughters of men and they bore (Nephilim) children to them. Those (Nephilim) were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.”Plenty of hot controversy surrounds this one passage of the Book of Genesis, and there are many deceivers within the Church that are spouting lies about it. Among them, Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, and many others are teaching that the Mark of the Beast is going to be alien DNA administered through an RFID micro chip or vaccine, and I do not believe their hypothesis can be trusted. I have a serious difference of opinion with these people regarding their teaching that alien or Nephilim DNA will be the Mark of the Beast due to my own research, and often no amount of reasoning with those who follow them has made a difference. What I am telling others is biblically sound, but the perpetrators of this teaching have likely chosen to ignore it because they don't want to go against their own views in their books and DVDs, which they have invested heavily in, and are still marketing.
For starters, everyone discussing the Mark of the Beast right now has ignored Ezekiel 9:1-7, which tells us that there was a precursor to the Mark of the Beast. This, however, was the Mark of God rather than the Beast (or Satan), and it was put on the foreheads of the people of Jerusalem that were to be saved from death before it fell to Nebuchadnezzar. This mark was invisible to all but God, his angels and the male scribe that was sent ahead of the six warrior men or angels with the battle axes so that he could make the marks on the foreheads of those who loved God. The Israelites so marked were to be saved from death, and spared in order to serve the conquering king:
~*~ Ezekiel 9:3-4 ~*~ “Now the glory of the God of Israel had gone up from the cherub, where it had been, to the threshold of the temple. And He called to the man clothed with linen, who had the writer’s inkhorn at his side; 4 and the Lord said to him, “Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it.””This "mark" was the Paleo-Hebrew letter "tav" or "t". This can be discerned because the Hebrew word used for "mark" in Ezekiel 9:4 is the Hebrew letter "tau" or "tav", and at the time of Ezekiel, the letter tav was drawn in the Paleo-Hebrew form of a cross - as shown in the illustration. Significantly, this letter in the shape of an "X" or cross is most certainly a symbol tied to Christ's future death on the Cross for mankind's sins. So, what does the Cross of Christ signify? It signifies our death and burial to the world in baptism and our new life via the indwelling Spirit of Christ. When we truly understand what it means to "believe in" Yahshua, we literally enter into a love relationship with Him. Thus, we become sanctified by our desire to please Him. We do this by seeking to be like Yahshua and desiring to keep His commandments out of love for Him and others.
This is why this invisible mark on the forehead of the Israelites that were righteous was the Mark of the Tav or Cross. Even though they did not know of Yahshua yet, they knew a great deliverer was coming, and they sought to live holy or set apart lives devoted to keeping Yah's commands to love Him and our neighbors with all our strength that were set forth in the first five books of the Old Testament, and reiterated by Yahshua in His Sermon on the Mount (See Matthew Chapters 5, 6, and 7), and in His Two Great Commandments to love our Heavenly Father Yahweh, and to love one another as He loves us (See Matthew 22:36-40).
This same Mark of God on the foreheads of His redeemed servants appears again in the Book of Revelation, in reference to the 144,000 Witnesses whose heads are marked by God, and who cannot be harmed by the Antichrist or the plagues from the Wrath of God in any way. This is very important to the study of the Mark of the Beast, but it is constantly overlooked by those who think they know what the Mark of the Beast is. Let's explore the relevant scriptures from the Book of Revelation that talk about the Mark of God that is differentiated in the New Testament by being called a Seal, just as the Holy Spirit is referred to as the Seal of our Salvation in Christ (See 2 Corinth. 1:21-22). The first reference to this seal on the forehead is found in Revelation Chapter 7, where it explains who the 144,000 are, and how 12,000 are to be taken from each Tribe of Israel. There it says that these chosen servants of God will be sealed in such a way that no harm will come to them from the Wrath of God or Satan's wrath:
Revelation 7:2-5 - “Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, 3 saying, “Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.” 4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed...”
Here, we are told that the 144,000 are sealed on their foreheads by this angel of God, which is either a reference to Yahshua or Enoch. This passage also strongly suggests that, during their work on the Earth during the Great Tribulation, these 144,000 True Israelite servants of the Living God will be completely invulnerable to any and all demonic attacks and wrath related plagues. This is further clarified in Revelation Chapter 9, when we are told that the locusts that come up out of the bottomless pit will not be able to harm the 144,000, who have the Seal of God on their foreheads, but only those that do not have this Seal:
Revelation 9:3-5 - “Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 And they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man.”
Finally, in Revelation Chapter 14, we see the 144,000 standing on Mount Zion, which is most likely either a reference to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem or to Mount Hermon, where I believe the Transfiguration of Yahshua actually took place. Here, the 144,000 are seen with Yahshua appearing as the Lamb of God.
Revelation 14:1-3 - “Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads. 2 And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder. And I heard the sound of harpists playing their harps. 3 They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the four living creatures, and the elders; and no one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed from the earth.”
Interestingly, this idea of marking the saints on the forehead with the name of God is also clearly taught in Revelation Chapter 3, in relation to the members of the Church of Philadelphia or Brotherly Love, which I believe is a reference to the worldwide congregation of all born again believers in Yahshua that have a personal love relationship with Him and are keeping His commandments. This passage indicates that these born again saints who are to be marked with the name of God will be kept from the Hour of Trial, which is a reference to the Wrath of God during Great Tribulation:
Revelation 3:10-12 - “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. 11 Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. 12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name.”
Though the Scripture I shared from Revelation 3 does not mention the forehead, it would follow that - since the forehead marks the location of our brain's intellect - this is where the name of God will be - or is already written. Considering the fact that every true believer in Yahshua knows His true Name as Yahshua or Yeshua, and the True Name of our Heavenly Father as Yahweh Elohim, these names will be permanently written in their minds, and they will be considered sacred, and used with the utmost reverence. This also suggests that this holy Seal is not an actual tattoo or other kind of mark that is visible on the forehead, but is a spiritual mark that only God and His angels can actually see.
These references in the Book of Revelation to the Seal of God, and the reference to the Mark of God in Ezekiel Chapter 9 quoted earlier all strongly suggest that the Mark of the Beast is also invisible to us, and - just as the Seal of God marks a person who truly loves and worships God and His Son - the Beast's mark signifies the lack of any intellectual, emotional or spiritual love for God, and zero desire to worship God and His Son. Therefore, the Mark of the Beast is very likely a similar kind of invisible mark that can only be associated with the carnal world that the wicked engage in. As it says in Revelation 13:
This means that every bar code in existence today marks every product that is commercially bought or sold with the number 6-6-6. In addition, the actions of the hands of wicked people when they are doing evil and the thoughts that direct those hands to do wicked things marks them as Satan's seed. This is why the Mark of the Beast is to be on the forehead or hand, which signifies the greedy and/or lustful thoughts and actions of the materially preoccupied, and the sexually immoral. In other words, this Mark is given to those obsessed with material status symbols, partying and pleasure, and who spend all their time seeking out and buying designer clothing and perfumes and other ostentatious displays of wealth.
They have bought into the Babylon world system that feeds those without moral scruples or discernment a steady diet of graphically violent video war games and/or movies, gory horror flicks, sadomasochism, child molestation and pornography, and the unnatural physical acts of homosexuality, lesbianism and transgenderism, public nudity, body painting and/or tattooing, all of which can be profusely found on almost all the entertainment channels on cable and in the movie theaters. As such, the people who are totally engrossed in the pleasures of this world without giving any heed to the desires of their Creator or His Will are already marked with the Mark of the Beast inside their foreheads and their hands by their attitudes and actions!
Before discussing what this means further, believers need to understand that the ability for high tech tracking and surveillance of the kind that many Bible Prophecy teachers are talking about in relation to the Mark of the Beast is NOT the actual Mark of the Beast, although it certainly can be tied to these devices if our hearts do not belong to Yahshua. The Mark of the Beast is actually the mark of allegiance that the wicked displays through their love of the Neo-Babylonian or New World Order System of the Antichrist that already governs this world. Living carnally and indiscriminately giving into every sensual fancy or sexual desire is the inner Mark of the Beast.
~*~ Revelation 13:16-18 ~*~ “He (i.e. the Beast from the Earth) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”Due to the buying and selling associated with it, the Mark of the Beast is connected to a worldly preoccupation with material goods, physical lust and sensuality that marks the minds or "foreheads" of the wicked as being under the authority and dominion of the Beast from the Earth. This Beast is a carnal spiritual and political system ruled over by Satan that is tied to the number 666. Ominously, this number is already tied to every product that is bought or sold today due to the fact that every retail product's cover, box or packaging contains a bar code, and each bar code has a double parallel line that is the code symbol for "6" at the beginning, middle and end - as shown in the illustration.
This means that every bar code in existence today marks every product that is commercially bought or sold with the number 6-6-6. In addition, the actions of the hands of wicked people when they are doing evil and the thoughts that direct those hands to do wicked things marks them as Satan's seed. This is why the Mark of the Beast is to be on the forehead or hand, which signifies the greedy and/or lustful thoughts and actions of the materially preoccupied, and the sexually immoral. In other words, this Mark is given to those obsessed with material status symbols, partying and pleasure, and who spend all their time seeking out and buying designer clothing and perfumes and other ostentatious displays of wealth.
They have bought into the Babylon world system that feeds those without moral scruples or discernment a steady diet of graphically violent video war games and/or movies, gory horror flicks, sadomasochism, child molestation and pornography, and the unnatural physical acts of homosexuality, lesbianism and transgenderism, public nudity, body painting and/or tattooing, all of which can be profusely found on almost all the entertainment channels on cable and in the movie theaters. As such, the people who are totally engrossed in the pleasures of this world without giving any heed to the desires of their Creator or His Will are already marked with the Mark of the Beast inside their foreheads and their hands by their attitudes and actions!
Before discussing what this means further, believers need to understand that the ability for high tech tracking and surveillance of the kind that many Bible Prophecy teachers are talking about in relation to the Mark of the Beast is NOT the actual Mark of the Beast, although it certainly can be tied to these devices if our hearts do not belong to Yahshua. The Mark of the Beast is actually the mark of allegiance that the wicked displays through their love of the Neo-Babylonian or New World Order System of the Antichrist that already governs this world. Living carnally and indiscriminately giving into every sensual fancy or sexual desire is the inner Mark of the Beast.
Also trusting in mankind instead of God is a definite factor in the minds of those who have the Mark of the Beast or Satan within them. Without this carnal focus within, a person will not comply with of take the physical Mark of the Beast that allows them to buy and sell in the Beast's economic system. That is why the Mark of the Beast, which is the number of the name of "a man" that adds up to 666 when Gematria is applied to it, is a number tied to wealth and power through the total of the annual tribute paid in gold to King Solomon by vassal nations, which was 666 gold talents:
Before I say more, I want everyone to know that I AM NOT advocating that we should not be wary of RFID chips, or vaccines that may have poisonous or DNA altering additives or components in them that scientists have invented to track and control people. Anything that will control our ability to buy and sell should be considered suspect, including RFID microchips or AI interface implants in the brain. So the CHOICES you make if you accept the ideology and government of the Antichrist is what constitutes the actual Mark of the Beast. If the Mark being offered is meant to identify you as serving the New World Order and worshiping the Beast who controls it, you should NOT take the Chip or patch or implant that may be included as part of being given any vaccine! Those who don't take the Mark by NOT giving in to the Beast system, and who flee out of the cities may find refuge in Christ until the end of the Great Tribulation. But many also will not flee in time, and they will be imprisoned, tortured and killed. But at least they will go to be with the Lord in Heaven after they die, instead of straight to Hell.
Remember that the Mark of the Beast is only given to those that worship the Beast, or follow the dictates of the Antichrist and his satanic economy and government that is coming during the Great Tribulation. So the Mark won't be forced on those who refuse to take it. But it will be offered to people who may be compelled to take it due to the threat of starvation or death from lack of food and medical aid that people would not be able to get without the Mark. But those who do take it because they love and worship the Beast System will be damned because they did not trust in the Lord to provide for them, but instead believe in and seek to get what they need from the Beast's false religious, economic and political system of control.
Now, if we are forced to take an RFID implant in order to be trackable at some point, such as at work or due to an illness, it is still not the Mark of the Beast unless those who are left behind after the Rapture decide to reject Christ altogether and worship the Beast. Then - along with everybody else - they will need an RFID chip or biometric tattoo to buy and sell in the Antichrist's kingdom, or else they will need to flee to the wilderness and survive on stored foods or privately grown crops, as well as through barter with other people who have fled from the Antichrists' control. So, as long as our hearts belong to Christ, and we only choose to serve and follow Him even if it means fleeing the cities and hiding in the country and wilderness areas of the world, we will NOT be damned by these devices! Only a person's unrepentant thoughts and actions in rebellion against God that cause a person to worship the Beast's economic and political system, and who willingly take his Mark to buy and sell within his system that they trust instead of God can curse them with eternal damnation!
In addition to the beast's economic and political system, sexual immorality and physical violence are tied to the Mark of the Beast because of the rejection of the Moral Commandments of God by the carnally minded. In today's world, there are disgusting amounts of sexual immorality and displays of physical violence with all the sadomasochistic and carnal sex going on outside of marriage, and the homosexual and transsexual relationships that are being shoved in our faces daily on television and in movies that tout this as normal. This is because God hates this corruption of His will and design, and He detests what is acceptable today by the Beast's apostate system of government. As a result, Christians are not only already being grieved in their spirits by all the immorality, but they are losing their jobs, losing their businesses, and are getting thrown into jail for their rejection of homosexual marriage and transsexuality, and this trend is constantly escalating in scope.
2 Chronicles 9:13-14 - “The weight of gold that came to Solomon yearly was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold, 14 besides what the traveling merchants and traders brought. And all the kings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.”Another thing about the Mark of the Beast is that it is ONLY given to those who WORSHIP THE BEAST because everyone else is going to be killed. That is, everyone who doesn't worship the Image (i.e. reflection and character) of the Beast, which is the government and religious system that He has created. Those who have been sealed on their foreheads with FAITH in the Tav or Cross of Christ will NOT receive the Mark because they do not worship the Beast's world economic system, and will be hunted down and killed. It plainly says so in verse 15 of Revelation Chapter 13:
~*~ Revelation 13:14-17 ~*~ “And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark ON (*NOT IN*) their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”In verse 17 above, the Mark of the Beast appears to have three components. There is the actual physical mark itself that will be readily visible and will instantly identify people as citizens of the New World Order. It may not actually be a mark displaying the name of the Beast whose name adds up to the number 666, which most likely can be generated from the actual name of the Beast with Gematria. In the scripture verses below, we are told that whoever worships the Beast AND receives His Mark on his or her forehead or hand will experience the death and destruction that will ensue from the plagues of the Wrath of God. This is why some scholars have suggested that one can actually have the physical mark but not be damned to Hell because they do not worship the Beast:
~*~ Revelation 14:9-10 ~*~ “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark ON (*NOT IN*) his forehead or on his hand, 10 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.’”As the above Scripture states, the physical, outward Mark of the Beast on foreheads or hands is given to those who already serve and worship the Beast government and spiritual ideology that is in total rebellion against Yahweh God and His Son and Spirit. Furthermore, everyone who does not accept the Mark of the Beast is going to be held as a captive and will be killed. Or if they have fled the cities, they will be hunted down and killed if they are found. That is why I can say with utter confidence that this Mark is connected to a STATE OF MIND and demonic spirits of carnality rather than just a physical mark. A physical mark cannot damn you if you do not honor what it stands for. But an unrepentant heart can damn you for all eternity!
Before I say more, I want everyone to know that I AM NOT advocating that we should not be wary of RFID chips, or vaccines that may have poisonous or DNA altering additives or components in them that scientists have invented to track and control people. Anything that will control our ability to buy and sell should be considered suspect, including RFID microchips or AI interface implants in the brain. So the CHOICES you make if you accept the ideology and government of the Antichrist is what constitutes the actual Mark of the Beast. If the Mark being offered is meant to identify you as serving the New World Order and worshiping the Beast who controls it, you should NOT take the Chip or patch or implant that may be included as part of being given any vaccine! Those who don't take the Mark by NOT giving in to the Beast system, and who flee out of the cities may find refuge in Christ until the end of the Great Tribulation. But many also will not flee in time, and they will be imprisoned, tortured and killed. But at least they will go to be with the Lord in Heaven after they die, instead of straight to Hell.
Remember that the Mark of the Beast is only given to those that worship the Beast, or follow the dictates of the Antichrist and his satanic economy and government that is coming during the Great Tribulation. So the Mark won't be forced on those who refuse to take it. But it will be offered to people who may be compelled to take it due to the threat of starvation or death from lack of food and medical aid that people would not be able to get without the Mark. But those who do take it because they love and worship the Beast System will be damned because they did not trust in the Lord to provide for them, but instead believe in and seek to get what they need from the Beast's false religious, economic and political system of control.
Now, if we are forced to take an RFID implant in order to be trackable at some point, such as at work or due to an illness, it is still not the Mark of the Beast unless those who are left behind after the Rapture decide to reject Christ altogether and worship the Beast. Then - along with everybody else - they will need an RFID chip or biometric tattoo to buy and sell in the Antichrist's kingdom, or else they will need to flee to the wilderness and survive on stored foods or privately grown crops, as well as through barter with other people who have fled from the Antichrists' control. So, as long as our hearts belong to Christ, and we only choose to serve and follow Him even if it means fleeing the cities and hiding in the country and wilderness areas of the world, we will NOT be damned by these devices! Only a person's unrepentant thoughts and actions in rebellion against God that cause a person to worship the Beast's economic and political system, and who willingly take his Mark to buy and sell within his system that they trust instead of God can curse them with eternal damnation!
In addition to the beast's economic and political system, sexual immorality and physical violence are tied to the Mark of the Beast because of the rejection of the Moral Commandments of God by the carnally minded. In today's world, there are disgusting amounts of sexual immorality and displays of physical violence with all the sadomasochistic and carnal sex going on outside of marriage, and the homosexual and transsexual relationships that are being shoved in our faces daily on television and in movies that tout this as normal. This is because God hates this corruption of His will and design, and He detests what is acceptable today by the Beast's apostate system of government. As a result, Christians are not only already being grieved in their spirits by all the immorality, but they are losing their jobs, losing their businesses, and are getting thrown into jail for their rejection of homosexual marriage and transsexuality, and this trend is constantly escalating in scope.
It is already a given that devout Messianics and Christians who reject sexual deviancy in all of its forms, including homosexual marriage, transgenderism, transhumanism, sadomasochism and pedophilia will not be able to find gainful employment within the government, or be allowed to be owners and operators of independent businesses that do not agree with the immoral homosexual agenda to redefine human relationships. They may soon even be viewed as enemies of the state, and could be imprisoned and killed because they are loyal to Yahshua, and refuse to see sexual immorality as an acceptable human behavior.
When I wrote this article originally, anyone involved in marriage licensing, photography, banquet food preparation, cake-baking, event and party planning, and marriage planning or consultation - as well as owners of Church buildings where marriage ceremonies are typically held - were at risk of fines, lawsuits and jail time if charges were pressed against them for refusing to serve homosexuals, lesbians or transgendered couples. This danger of arrest and imprisonment for rejection of the Gay Agenda will no doubt continue because - though believers are charged by Christ with loving sinners into God's Kingdom by telling them of Grace and forgiveness if at all possible - the sins of those who will not repent and turn away from sin are reprehensible and disgusting to God. Furthermore, until they repent, sinners will not be forgiven in this age or the next! For further reading on the crucially important subject of sexual immorality that I highly recommend, please read my newer article named and linked to below:
Sadly, in these last moments before Christ's soon return, the truly born again believers in Christ are being, and will continue to be condemned and persecuted for their stance against same-sex marriage and pedophilia. However, when the Antichrist's system is in full operation, anyone with any kind of moral bias will be seen as undesirable. In fact, it appears that the time has come when anyone who objects to condoning homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, sodomy and other deviant sexual behaviors in the marriage bed are being seen as enemies of the state. As such, they will also be regarded as criminals when the Antichrist takes totalitarian control of the world and demands our worship and allegiance.
As Revelation 14:10-11 (quoted below) clearly states, those who have sworn allegiance to the Beast they worship be submitting to receive the Mark of the Beast will no longer be capable of being saved, and they will be damned for all eternity in Hell. If this is still not clear, please read the pertinent Scripture again, and pay attention to what it is saying so there is no longer any excuse for a misunderstanding:
~*~ Revelation 14:10-11 ~*~ “...he (who worships the Beast) himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”As already stated, those taking the Mark of the Beast will worship the Beast and his image, and that is an unpardonable sin because it entails rejecting Christ and the Holy Spirit! Having chosen to worship and serve Satan outside of the Age of Grace that will end when the worst part of the Great Tribulation begins, those who take the Mark of the Beast will have forfeited any right that they may have had to repent and be saved. So do not listen to the heretics that are now preaching that new believers from among those who are left behind after the Rapture will not suffer if they take the Mark of the Beast to infiltrate Satan's kingdom in an effort to destroy it! This is a lie from the very pit of Hell, because Revelation 14:10-11 (quoted above) tells us that all those who willingly take the Mark of the Beast because they worship the Beast will perish in the fire and brimstone of the Lake of Fire. Only those humble souls that bear the Mark of Yahshua that is the Tav or the Cross, and His Name in their hearts and minds will be spared from an eternity in Hell!
Now, in regard to the Mark of God being the Hebrew letter "Tav", which can be seen as a symbol for the Cross of Christ, did you ever wonder why the Blood of Yahshua or Jesus is so important in our salvation, and why we are covered with His blood upon our acceptance of His sacrifice, and why we are commanded to continue in the partaking of Communion, or the Lord's Supper in remembrance? The reason Christ's PERFECT, untainted body and blood were offered up - and why we are called to remember this in the commemoration of the Last Supper - is because it is Christ's shed body and blood that cleanses us of sin!!! This is because every mortal human being contains damaged DNA that is already tainted from the physical decay that sin brings on. In addition, there is also a very real possibility that many human beings have Nephilim DNA in their veins already. Yes, you heard me right! Let me explain what I mean...
Remember that Genesis 6:4 - which is quoted on and underneath the graphic at the beginning of this article - tells us that the Sons of God or the Fallen Angels and the Nephilim or men of renown mingled their DNA with mankind both before and after the Flood by taking human wives of the daughters of men. Because the great "men" of renown or powerful Nephilim half-breeds were reported to have been on the Earth after the Flood, some Nephilim must have survived somewhere outside of Noah's Ark. Both before and after the Flood, it is nearly certain that the Nephilim were regarded as demi-gods by those who were deceived, and they soon mingled their Nephilim DNA into the bloodlines of the elite that married part-Nephilim humanoids, and considered their bloodlines to be tied to the ancient false "gods" of Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome.
Sadly, however - and this is a FACT of history that I focused on in my Blog article linked to directly below this paragraph - it was the habit of the Nephilim DNA tainted royalty and the elite nobility in Europe, Russia and the British Isles to rape the peasant women in the villages that they controlled, or to take them as concubines disguised as servants during feudal and Medieval times. In this way, the elite spread their alien DNA around among the poor, so it did not stay restricted to the elite alone. This means that many people throughout the world may already have traces of alien DNA that only Christ can cleanse us of, and this is something that Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, and many others are sadly overlooking when they insinuate that the Mark of the Beast could be an implant that will infect those that are given it with alien DNA that will corrupt their minds and bodies.
After reading the article linked to above, it should be clear that it is entirely possible that we humans all contain some alien DNA today. But by the Grace and Mercy of God, the Blood of Yahshua is the sure cure for this corruption in those who choose to serve and worship Him, and are marked by His Cross in their minds, on their hands, and in their hearts. So even if any saint is given a vaccine or implant that might have alien DNA in it, it still does not constitute the Mark of the Beast. The Mark itself is a visible, tangible emblem of someone's allegiance to this world system.
Nonetheless, scientists around the world are now tampering with plant and animal DNA, and are creating bastardized forms of plants with genetically modified or GMO animal DNA that have been introduced into human food supplies. They are also mixing human and animal DNA to create animals with human traits, and vise versa in military experiments meant to create easily controlled, powerful super-soldiers. This means that our foods are now another source of alien DNA, and we could also be infected with animal DNA through surgery. As such, we all need to pray for the Blood and Body of Yahshua to cleanse us every time we eat a meal, for the unleavened bread and new wine we consume in remembrance of Christ is much more than a symbol! In fact, it is a cleansing ritual - one that I believe is vitally important for all believers to engage in, and to remember frequently in prayer if they want to stay pure, strong and healthy.
For those of you who have never heard of the Nephilim, here is a short history lesson based on the Book of Genesis, the Book of 1 Enoch, the Book of Jasher or "Upright Record", and the Book of Jubilees:
When they were alive, the Nephilim waged war with humanity, killing and eating some of the humans they killed in battle, and drinking their blood. This gory fact is revealed in the Book of 1 Enoch, which also tells us that, when the Nephilim died, they became demonic spirits destined to inhabit the desolate places of the Earth - unless they could find a willing human host to dwell in and control. This fact is testified of in the New Testament stories of the demonic exorcisms that Christ performed in healing the sick.
As far as I know, scientists have not yet created the giants described in the Book of 1 Enoch and in the Old Testament. This is because they were so big that they would be very difficult to hide. But the so-called alien grays that people have reported seeing and being abducted by are very small creatures that look more like wraiths than living beings. In addition, these grays have fled and left some people unharmed when they called on the name of Jesus or Yahshua. This tells me that these beings are likely spiritual entities. I personally believe the grays are the spirits of dead Nephilim that have found a way to materialize into a tangible humanoid form, perhaps by the use of robotics.
This brings me to mention one more thing that most who see the Mark of the Beast as an RFID chip or Tattoo or DNA changing Vaccine as missing, and that is the technology that not only marked the civilizations that the Fallen Angels developed before the Flood of Noah, but that marks this technological age that we are living in now, which Yahshua explicitly said would be "as it was in the Days of Noah" (See Matthew 24:37 and Luke 17:26). And what is so remarkable about the technology being developed today is not only the GMO pollution in our foods and animals, but the advent of artificial intelligence and humanoid robotic systems that is literally taking over and fundamentally changing how people relate to the world and one another.
Could it be that all the Smart Meters attached to Smart Homes, and the Smart Devices that control our Smart Appliances are intrinsically linked to the Mark of the Beast? Furthermore, could the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our vehicles such as personal cars and delivery trucks and in our homes be how the Beast system intends to control us all? This chilling prospect has a great deal of merit, and I truly believe that the only solution to escaping it during the Great Tribulation may be the use of EMP devices that shut off all electrical power. I will have to explore the full End Time ramifications of this possibility that AI may be part of the Mark of the Beast or THE Mark of the Beast more in a future article.

These creatures could be a physical threat to Christians and Messianics. But then, no one living at the time of the first Nephilim had been saved by the blood of Christ yet. So there is no way of knowing outside of a direct encounter of a born again believer with someone who was known to be a real Nephilim to see if a believer in Christ could be physically or spiritually harmed, or if they would be supernaturally protected.
From my own experience, I am sure that believers are NOT fully protected from demonic harm unless they are living righteously, and also praying for divine protection on a regular basis. For example, I once saw a demonic spirit that appeared as a wraith-like black shape with glowing red eyes filled with hate that I banished when I screamed "Save Me Jesus!" out in terror. At the time that I saw and sensed the terrible power this demonic presence, I was about 16 years old, and I was not saved yet. I was a baptized Catholic, but didn't really know the commandments that Yahshua wanted us to keep or that salvation was through Him alone. I also had no knowledge whatsoever of how to engage in Spiritual Warfare. I have also interacted with demon-possessed people before, and again, I did not know how to negate their toxic affects on me with the power of intercessory prayer. Although these demonic presences never directly harmed me physically that I know of, they did frighten me and cause me much distress.
Also before I was saved and born again with the Spirit of Christ, I found out that a girl I knew at school and became friends with was a practicing witch. I also later discovered that she was possessed by one or more demons, and that she succeeded in cursing me with terrible nightmares for some time until I prayed and asked Jesus to make the terrible dreams stop, and He did that very night. This happened when I was an adolescent girl around the age of 11, and according to what I know about salvation now, I was not truly saved yet. But those nightmares ended when I prayed to Jesus to make the bad dreams stop, and they did. I was a Catholic and had not read the Bible yet, so I did not know why it worked, just that it did, and I was grateful.
Still later, when I was a new Christian, and still knew nothing about intercessory prayer and Spiritual Warfare, I was cursed by a demon-possessed woman who pretended to be my friend, and actually hid the demonic spirit that could be seen in her eyes when her contacts were not being worn. She succeeded in putting a curse of sickness on me by performing a ritual witchcraft spell that I later recognized when reading a book on witchcraft to try and understand what it was all about. I had been doing research while working on my first religious book at the time. Though I did not know what I was doing yet, I prayed fervently against that witch's curse and broke it in Yahshua’s Name that very day! At that time, I had a vision where I could see these chains that had been tied around my chest in the spirit realm falling away and disappearing!
This is why I want you to know that - if you suffer from any kind of demonic oppression, or you know people that could be possessed that are capable of hurting you - you can be delivered of evil power by the might of Christ's power in you! So do not be afraid! Instead, you must have faith that God can and will deliver you through your faith in Yahshua, and in the power of prayer. To help you fight back using the power of constant intercessory prayers, here is the title and link to an article I wrote about the intercessory Psalms in the Bible, and how they can be used as your first defense against demonic strongholds:
The need to engage in Spiritual Warfare using Intercessory prayers is much needed now, and will continue to grow as the wicked men in this world experiment in areas that they were never supposed to contemplate. Sadly, the Nephilim creatures that scientists may be creating now would necessarily be desperately wicked in nature, just as the original Nephilim were. Their spirits will also become demons at death, and will be subject to the Lake of Fire forever - someday soon.
But DNA splicing and cloning is not the only bad thing that the scientific community has been messing with. In an effort to cheat death, some highly trained scientists are now working toward creating clones of important people, as well as delving into trans-humanism, which involves creating androids or artificial forms of life that resemble the humans they are intended to replace, and that could serve as the host for a human brain when that person's body wears out.
Thankfully, though many wicked people may be determined to gain immortality without God's help or approval, they will ultimately not succeed at this. Our Messiah and King Yahshua will destroy them all at His Second Coming, both when He fights the Battle of Armageddon, and afterward when He judges the remaining people of the world's nations that are left alive. In the meantime, it is our responsibility as believers to fight against the demonic powers in this world as much as we are able. I therefore want to encourage each and every one who reads this article to also read the article on Spiritual Warfare that I linked to above this paragraph, and to put it into practice today, and everyday.
In some ways, the modern Nephilim and Trans-humans that may be around today through wicked scientific experiments are like demon-possessed people that can use witchcraft to manipulate demons to curse people, as well as wield physical force to hurt others. But their curses or magic spells can be broken in Yahshua’s Name, and it is possible to block their physical attacks through intercessory prayers offered up in the Name of Yahshua - depending on the level of faith that we possess. The truth is that all born again believers have the ability to fight against the Devil and his demons when we are living our lives in accordance with God's Will, and we remember to pray for one another in intercession on a daily basis.
Unfortunately for unsaved humanity, Nephilim with living bodies under their control can physically hurt humans. Nonetheless, though these creatures may look like humans while alive, and they can hurt or kill people, there is no proof that they can kill born again believers. Since their spirits are demonic in nature, and Yahshua can and will incapacitate any evil spirit that believers ask Him to incapacitate, it might render them physically crippled also. Through Bible Study, I know that the ability to destroy demonic power has a great deal to do with the strength of each person's faith in God in the face of overwhelming danger and opposition.
To fight demons, we need to apply Yahshua's perfect DNA upon ourselves in prayer and ritual remembrance of His Body and Blood. In this way, we are literally placing a valuable hedge of protection around ourselves, and we are also purifying ourselves from the tainting affects of Nephilim and/or corrupted DNA that many of us may already have inside our bodies and food supplies. In fact, this is why we are to inherit new bodies one day that are not like the ones we possess now. Our new bodies will be different because they will be perfect and unblemished, with all corrupt DNA sequences removed from our composition.
The Bible says that believers will one day be made new in the spiritual image of Christ. As such, our new bodies will be without any taint of sin or imperfection, and they will be truly beautiful to behold - dressed as they will be in the pure white garments of God's light and Shekinah Glory. Through the resurrection, our bodies will be made whole, beautiful, healthy, and perfectly human, and we will not remember the tainted versions of ourselves anymore.
Hallelu-Yah for that! As we await Christ's return, let's remember to Praise Yahshua, our Savior and Deliverer, for those who love Christ will share in His resurrection one day soon, and will dwell with Him forever! MARANATHA!
2020 UPDATE: Before closing, I want to share links to articles meant for those who want to understand how far-reaching Nephilim DNA pollution may already be in humanity today, and why we truly need to be covered by the shed Blood of Christ in order to be cleansed and saved from it. These articles were written in 2017:
Your Sister in Yahshua,
Helena Lehman of
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I have made a series titled 'Book of Enoch Warnings for the last Generation' Watchers Nephilim Giants & Fallen Angels Explained
ReplyDeletehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGL0sfKNR5w&list=PLV7Wy_Z8JeGiJfWIQkXTyDVTaCdfnxAqx for people who are interested in getting more info about the Watchers, Nephilim, Rephaim Giants & Fallen Angels before Noah's flood. I think that Enoch writings are key source to understand what happened in the past, in that way we will be able to understand what's coming in the future because Jesus said that the last times will be like in the days of Noah, and according to Enoch and the book of Genesis, giants, nephilim, rephaim & fallen angels were on earth in those days, and will be again for the coming of the son of men.
I would like to see more web sites such as this provide teachings on the calendar of Enoch. Chapters 72-82 are the only instructions given in scripture to formulate a calendar system. This calendar system is also confirmed in the book of Jubilees. This calendar system of our Father's is the only means of identifying the true Sabbath of our Father. Exodus 31:13 commands us to guard the Sabbath above ALL. It is a sign between our Father and us. Revelation 7 we see the 144,000 sealed and protected with this sign of our Father. Trying to identify the mark of the beast won't save you, only the sign of our Father will.
ReplyDeleteI have a Facebook group to teach and discuss the calendar of Enoch. The group is named, The Ancient Calendar of Enoch.