Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Yahshua,

As many of you know, I had to take a break from full time ministry over the past few years because I was very ill. But over the past year, with Yahweh's blessed help and encouragement, I've made some huge inroads in regaining lost health. As a result, I have more energy to tackle some new ventures in the New Year.

I have plans to launch a whole new Pillar of Enoch Ministry web site in the New Year that will have many new interactive features. These will target all the Christ-centered meanings of the constellations in the Mazzaroth or Zodiac, and there will be many more illustrations showing the meanings of all the Heavenly Signs. Below this paragraph are a couple of the new graphics that I'm making for this endeavor. One is for the meaning of the Sun in Sagittarius or Asher, and the other is for the Moon in Pisces or Simeon:

I will have a complete sample Sacred Astronomy-Based "Keys to the Kingdom" Natal Chart available to peruse on my web site soon. These are personalized Natal Charts that focus on a saved person's place in the Kingdom of God, and I hope to be offering individualized Natal Reports in the new year for under $100. I just need to raise the funds to buy the software and other things I need to make the dream a reality.

This newly designed and formatted web site will be much more service oriented, and will feature many new special pages. There will be separate pages dedicated to showing how each of the 12 Major Signs in the Mazzaroth, and the 36 ancient decan signs that are tied to them can be applied to each born again human being.

As saints that are destined to become members of the Kingdom of God, where Yahshua is our eternal King of kings, the purpose of these pages will be to give each person a clear and imaginative glimpse into the bright possibilities of their future life and position in God's Kingdom.

I also would like to re-publish my 4 massive books in the Language of God Book Series as a new series of 12 books with many color illustrations and personally tailored guides designed to make the Gospel in the Stars more easily understandable to everyone, including children. And I would like to publish the fiction book trilogy that makes the Pre and Post Flood worlds of Enoch, Noah and Shem come to life.

But I need funds to pay for the publishing costs for the new book series, and to pay for my personal needs while I stay home to work on this massive undertaking on my own. Even if you can't donate a few dollars to this cause, please consider helping me through prayer and volunteering.

I need people who would be willing to proof read my book manuscripts, and check my new color illustrations for spelling and number errors. Though I can't pay anyone for these services right now because I have no funds, you will have my everlasting gratitude, and I am sure that God will greatly bless you for helping me.

I am praying that all the new changes and interactive features of the web site I have planned will erase the problem of my current lack of funds in the near future. But for now, I am asking you to consider partnering with me in making the new interactive Pillar of Enoch Ministry web site and ministry preaching blog a reality.

I'm praying for a miracle influx of funds, and I hope all of you will help me with whatever you can afford to help me make this ministry grow. Here is a link to my Go Fund Me Donation account, and to my POEM Web Site Contact page if you prefer to give through PayPal or via mail by personal check or money order:

Helena Lehman's Restoration of the 
Pillar of Enoch Ministry Go Fund Me Account:

Helena's Pillar of Enoch Ministry Contact Page:

Thank you all for your friendship, and for all your love and prayers over the years that we have been on this Faith Journey together. May our Messiah Yahshua bless you all abundantly today, tomorrow, and every day of the upcoming new year until He comes to take us home to be with Him.

Maranatha, and Yahweh bless you all! 

With Love and Blessings,
Your Sister in Yahshua,
Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry

To see my old web site that I will be re-modeling soon, go to:

Sunday, December 01, 2019


Image Showing Yahshua's Symbolic
Ties to a Chanukiah or Chanukah Menorah
This revelation was given to me late this morning, and it came about this way. As I was reading the First Chapter of the Gospel of Luke as it's recorded in the Complete Jewish Bible, I was looking for a way to commemorate the Advent season.That's when the Holy Spirit led me to notice some interesting connections in the names of my family with the names of the characters in Luke's account of the events leading up to Yahshua's birth. I was also shown how the places mentioned tie in to my own Nativity story. For example, the story begins with the Levite Z'kharyah, a priest serving in the Second Temple, who was married to a barren woman named Elisheva.

These special people are known in English as Zacharias and Elizabeth, and they were told by the angel Gavriel or Gabriel that Elisheva would soon end her barreness by having a son that they were to name Yohanan or John, and that he would come in the spirit of Eliyahu, or Elijah. Furthermore, Elisheva was a cousin to Yahshua's earthly mother Miryam, or Mary, and these people all spoke Aramaic.

So how does this connect me to the story, you may ask? Well, you see, my Grandfather on my mother's side was Assyrian, and the Assyrian people are Aramaic Speaking Christians that populate portions of Iran and Iraq, although many of them emigrated to America over the last century due to the Assyrian genocides that Radical Muslims waged against them in the first half of the 20th Century. My Grandfather was named Yochanan David, which was anglicized to John David, and he spoke fluent Aramaic, which was the same language that Yahshua and His Apostles spoke.

My Grandfather John David
with his siblings, Circa 1925
Fascinatingly, my Grandfather married a German woman whose first name was Elizabeth, which is the anglicized form of the Hebraic name Elisheva. Also interesting to note is the fact that his youngest sister, my dear Aunt Violet (not in the adjacent photo because she wasn't born yet!), married an Assyrian man with the last name Yochannan, which is also anglicized to John, and the Hebraic rendition of the name John in the Complete Jewish Bible is similarly spelled Yochanan. Not only that, but my Polish father's name was John, his father's name was Yossef or Joseph, and my half Assyrian mother's first name began with Mary.

So in a very bizarre and miraculous way, my family's heritage and names intimately connect me to the Biblical Nativity story. What's more, I was born on a day corresponding with the 9th of Av on the Jewish Calendar, when the Jews solemnly commemorate the destruction of the First and Second Temples to Yahweh, which were utterly destroyed. These fascinating name connections led me to see some of the symbolic reasons why God may have chosen me to be of special service to Him, and the reason why I was born on the 9th of Av into a family with so many Biblical names attached to it.

Although the Jews mourn the loss of the First and Second Temples on the 9th of Av, it actually should be a day of celebration on the Christian and Messianic Jewish calendars. The reason for celebration is that these temples were destroyed because they were no longer needed after Eliyahu or Elijah came in the miracle child Yohanan or John the Baptist, and the Messiah Yahshua followed him in an even more miraculous fashion through a virgin's birth.

It should be a joyous day when we remember the fact that Yahshua singularly paved the way for all mankind to find salvation as grafted-in Israelites in the Kingdom of God by accepting His sacrificed blood covering that ties all believers in Yahshua to the Tribe of Judah and the family of King David - and David was my Grandfather's Last name! By having faith in Yahshua to do the same miracles that He did, we show our Tribal connection to Israel, and we rejoice in knowing that we will one day be raised up like He was into a perfected and imperishable flesh and bone body.

John and Mary Ann, Parents of
Helena Lehman, Circa 1954
My earthly father John, who was buried on my birthday in 2005, and who is sorely missed, would likely have been touched by this story I'm sharing with all of you today. And so, instead of continuing to mourn my dear earthly father's loss on my birthday, I should be celebrating the fact that I am a beautiful gleaming stone in the Temple of my Heavenly Father Yahweh, and will forever be a living cell in the Body of my beloved Messiah Yahshua - just as all who love and serve Him are.

Advent blessings to all of you on this December 1st in 2019. My hope and prayer is that the Rapture will be soon, perhaps even this Chanukah 2019, as per the Solar Eclipse Sign in the Heavens that will occur in the Messianic Sign of Sagittarius or Asher on December 26th, 2019 - which is the 5th day of Chanukah this year. Interestingly, research I've done has led me to believe that Yahshua was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit in Miryam's virgin womb on the 5th day of Chanukah, which corresponds with the 5th or Servant Lamp on a Nine-branched Chanukah Menorah. So it could be tied to the Rapture as a sign that it is near.

I will write more about this soon. But in the meantime, I will keep watching the heavens, and reporting what I see on my Pillar of Enoch Ministry blog, and here on Facebook until the Lord takes me home to be with Him.

๐Ÿ˜With Much Love From๐Ÿ˜
Your Sister In Yahshua
Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry