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Super Moon Over Orion, January 1st, 2018 - FOR BEST VIEW, RIGHT CLICK IMAGE TO OPEN IN NEW TAB |
The first Full Moon that is shown in the above illustration is a Super Moon, which means it will appear bigger and brighter than most other Full Moons because the Moon will be closer to the Earth. It will be visible at night on New Year's Eve 2017 and early in the morning on New Year's Day, January 1st, 2018 - directly over the upraised sword of the big and bright heavenly human figure of Orion. Orion the Brilliant (or the Hunter) is a Decan sign of Taurus the Bull, and it signifies the Princely Redeemer Yahshua or Jesus and His Redeemed Saints fighting the forces of Evil and Darkness in the world.
In fact, the Saints themselves are signified by Al-Nitak, the brightest of the three bright stars of Orion's Belt, which are tied to the Three Crosses at the Crucifixion of Christ. The name of the star Al-Nitak means "The Wounded One", and it is not only a depiction of the New Jerusalem, but it also represents all those who are saved by accepting Yahshua's perfect Blood Atonement, and Yahshua Himself, who was "wounded for our transgressions" (Isaiah 53:5). In the heavens, Orion is shown coming against the horns of Taurus the Bull of heaven, which signifies the Beast from the Earth.
In Ancient Israel, an unblemished young bull was offered as a Sin Offering when any Israelite sinned unintentionally and realized it after the fact (See Leviticus Chapter 4). The entrails and organs of the bull were burnt on the Altar of Burnt Offering outside the doors of the Tabernacles or Temple, while the cleaned bull carcass was burnt whole on a pile of wood that was laid atop the ashes from the Altar of Burnt Offering that were discarded outside the camp of Israel (or outside the walls of the City of Jerusalem in Temple times).
This Sin Offering could be made to cover just one involuntary sin of one Israelite, or if there were several people who had sinned that day, the bull sacrificed on any given day could cover the sins of several individuals that came forward to confess their sins to a priest on that day, and laid their hands on the forehead of the bull, thereby imputing it with their sins. Due to its purpose, this Sin Offering can be connected directly to the crucifixion of Yahshua or Jesus, who died on a Cross that was erected at Golgotha (or "the Place of the Skull"), which is outside the city walls of Jerusalem. Yahshua's death was a Sin Offering to God that paid for the collective sins of all mankind once and for all time, putting an end to the need for sacrifice and offering forever (Hebrews 10:1-17).
Taurus' horns signify two powerful nations that are tied to the Tribe of Joseph, which is represented by Taurus. The nations tied to these horns are the USA, which is prophetically tied to the House and Tribe of Ephraim and the United Kingdom, which is tied to the House and Tribe of Manasseh. These two horns or nations of the Taurus Bull will cause everyone to worship the Beast from the Sea, which is connected to the United Nations through the seven permanent nations that sit in the UN Security Council. Doubly telling is the fact that the USA and the UK - which is made up of Ireland, Scotland and England - signify four of the ten horns of the seven heads or nations of the Beast from the Sea signified by the United Nations Security Council.
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Blue Blood Moon in Cancer on January 31st, 2018 - FOR BEST VIEW, RIGHT CLICK IMAGE TO OPEN IN NEW TAB |
The Tribe of Issachar that is connected to Cancer was known for its fearless warriors, and Cancer signifies the ingathering of all Israel into the Kingdom of God. Likewise, Orion means "Bright' or "Brilliant", and it signifies Yahshua as the Prince of princes and commander of the fearless warrior saints that will come against the wicked. So the Blue Blood Moon in Cancer/Issachar on January 31st indicates that Elite Blue Blood will be shed by these warriors of the God of Israel as they battle Satan or Lucifer's henchman here on the Earth. Fascinatingly, the star Betelgeuse is directly connected to Yahshua in His commanding role as the Coming Branch of Jesse and Prince of princes, while Bellatrix in Orion's left shoulder signifies His Warrior Princess Bride.
Meanwhile, Lucifer's henchmen are the Antichrist and the Elite Blue Bloods and their followers who are filled with demons. These wicked people are ungodly Covenant Breakers, and they are signified by the constellation Lepus, which was originally not depicted as a hare at all, but as a serpent being crushed under the feet of Orion/Christ! Lepus can be seen redrawn as a serpent in my illustration of the Super Moon over Orion on January 1st at the beginning of the this article. The demonically-controlled people signified by Lepus worship the Devil or Lucifer, and with the Devil, they control this wicked world that is perishing!
This Blue Blood Moon Sign of January 31st, 2018 indicates that the unrepentant and ungodly among the Elites in this world will soon be shaken and then destroyed by wave after wave of the Sudden Destruction of God's Wrath. But the truly born-again saints in the Church of Philadelphia or Brotherly Love have nothing to fear from this, for the Rapture will happen before God's Wrath is poured out upon the wicked who do not keep the Moral Commandments of God that are connected to both His Old and New Covenants with mankind.
Fascinatingly, the Full Moon over Orion the Brilliant (which is a decan of [or a related sign to] Taurus) appears juxtaposed above the Red Giant star Betelgeuse that is above - but in line with - Al Nitak in Orion's Belt. Meanwhile, the Blood Moon in Cancer appears juxtaposed over the star Procyon, which is above, but in line with the bright star Sirius, and these three stars - Betelgeuse, Procyon, and Sirius - form the Winter Triangle. This Asterism is highly significant because it is directly connected to the physical earthly locations of the places where Yahweh God cut His Blood Covenants with mankind, as shown in the illustrations below:
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Canis Minor, Canis Major and Orion Superimposed over Egypt and Israel showing the Christ Angle and Winter Triangle Star Correlation |
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The Christ Angle Star and Land Correlation Shown on an Equal Projection Map |
Another thing that is significant about the juxtaposition of the Full Moon of January 1st over the Red Giant Star Betelgeuse is that - just like Blood Moons - red stars denote death and bloodshed also, and Betelgeuse in particular signifies the shed blood of the Lamb of God, Who is Yahshua or Jesus. Yahshua is the Messiah or Anointed One Who died on the Cross for our sins, and Who rose from the dead to show His total victory over sin, death and the Devil. This is why Yahshua cried out and proclaimed: "IT IS FINISHED!" just before He died on the Cross (Matthew 27:50; John 19:30).
Like the red star Betelgeuse, the star Al-Deberan in Taurus' face is also a Red Giant star, and it is part of the Star Cluster known as the Hyades. The five brightest stars of the Hyades form a distinctive V-shaped Asterism. In Greek mythology, the Hyades were five of the seven daughters of the Greek god Atlas, while the Pleiades were supposed to signify all seven of the daughters of Atlas. This is interesting because the Classical Pagan Myths of the Greeks often appear to be mirror or reverse images of the Gospel in the Stars coupled with the Book of Genesis that portrays many Bible characters as deities instead of ordinary people that had a relationship with God. In fact, Greek and Roman Myths actually appear to show the spiritually twisted beliefs of the people in the line of Cain before the Flood, and the line of Ham after the Flood, and when they are compared, this shows how the Pagan religions perverted the truths hidden in the Star Gospel and the Book of Genesis.
I have done a great deal of study of the Gospel in the Stars, which gives the ORIGINAL meaning of these Star Clusters, and through prayer and deductive reasoning, I have discovered that the Hyades represent the Five Wise Virgins in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins in Matthew Chapter 25. Meanwhile, for the time being, the Pleiades signify the Foolish Virgins of the same Parable because they signify the Protestant churches that are riding on the back of the Beast from the Earth, just as the Vatican and Pope ride on the Back of the Beast from the Sea. In another sense, however, the Pleiades will always signify the Throne Room of God with its 7 Lampstands or Churches, and the Judgment Seat of Christ:
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The Pleiades Connected to the Throne Room of God in Heaven |
Written With Love From
Your Sister in Yahshua,
Helena Lehman,
Helena Lehman,
Scholar, Author and Artist for
The Language of God Book Series, and
Webmaster for the Pillar of Enoch Ministry Site
Ministry Web Site: http://pillar-of-enoch.com
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