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This article is a compliment to my article entitled:
Before reading this article, I highly recommend
reading the above article first by clicking on the title link.
DO YOU NEED PROTECTION OR HEALING FROM GOD? Are you engaged in Spiritual Warfare prayers and getting nowhere, except finding yourself more under siege by the Enemy than ever? Then it's time to seek a different approach! Early on the morning of July 15th, 2016, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me the following that I have been asked to share with all of you. So please prayerfully consider it, and learn to apply it, just as I am going to do:
STOP BEING A WITCH HUNTER, AND STRIVE TO BE A GOD SEEKER INSTEAD! Our Abba Father God Yahweh in Heaven does NOT want us to have to know the name of every demon, demonic curse, or person attacking us to be protected. Furthermore, He does NOT want us to have to figure out how to address every kind of magic, spirit, demon or demonic curse, vex or hex being thrown our way by those dabbling in the Black Arts. He wants us to repent of our sins, drawn near to Him by studying His Word in the Bible and in nature to learn about His character, and to spend time daily in worship and praise to Him for tall that He has already done for us, and everything we have faith that He will do for us as we continue to ask. As we follow His Will as set forth in His Word, we will receive the cover and protection and healing that we need when we ask Him to provide it!
Salvation may be based only on our belief in Yahshua or Jesus as the Messiah, but if we want protection, blessings and rewards, we have to keep our eyes and our spiritual focus on loving Yahshua and our Heavenly Father (See Hebrews 12:1-3)! This means listening to His Spirit within us, and working to do God's Will as the Holy Spirit leads us. The Holy Spirit leads us to do just as Yahshua's model prayer and warnings in Matthew 6:8-15 tells us. As it says there, we need to forgive others their sins, repent of any sin we may have committed, thank Yahweh for providing us with health, food and clothing and a home, and thank Him for keeping His promises to us and putting a hedge of protection over ourselves, over our loved ones and over our food and our homes DAILY.
Finding your prayers answered has much to do with how you are conducting yourself in your walk with Yahshua. Because UNLESS YOU EAT YAHSHUA'S BODY (HIS WORD) AND DRINK HIS BLOOD (HIS SPIRIT), YOU HAVE NO LIFE IN YOU! (See John 6:53-58) This means that we should be spending time drawing near to God and learning His Character by praying and seeking His will and by reading His Word in the Bible often. WE SHOULD ALSO CONSIDER HOW WE PARTAKE OF THE LORD'S SUPPER if we are sick, and reflect on His Word and call on His Spirit when we do to help rid our lives of everything that displeases Him, or distracts us from doing His Will. OTHERWISE, WE ARE EATING AND DRINKING GOD'S JUDGMENT UPON OURSELVES! (See 1 Corinthians 11:27-32)
If you are NOT seeing good results after engaging in frequent praise and worship, and then praying for God to bless and protect you and those you love for a few weeks, then it's time to examine your life and judge your conduct, especially in the areas of vanity, selfishness, and greed. Ask God in prayer to reveal the secret sins you need to deal with, and the areas in your life that you need to work on in order to gain holiness, and to become sanctified. Ask Yahshua and His Spirit to give you WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING, and to show you the right way that you should go to avoid His displeasure. SEEK TO FOLLOW GOD IN EVERY AREA OF YOUR LIFE, whether at work, or in family and leisure time, and by doing so, you will set yourself apart as holy unto God (See Hebrews 12:9-15).
Don't get LOST spending time addressing the Devil and his demons rather than following, loving, praising and worshiping Yahshua and our Heavenly Father! God does NOT want us to try and bind Satan or His works, or to be preoccupied with the workings or schemes of the Evil One that comes as hexes, vexes and curses! Our Father God in Heaven wants us to be preoccupied with LOVING Him, LOVING His Son Yahshua, and LOVING and working toward furthering His Kingdom. Therefore, ANYTHING THAT TAKES US AWAY FROM LOVING, PRAISING, WORSHIPING AND SERVING GOD SHOULD BE ELIMINATED FROM OUR LIVES WHENEVER POSSIBLE!
Besides that, as I expounded upon in my associated article linked to at the beginning of this article, we need to learn our place in the hierarchy of Heaven, and not overstep our bounds. We are not God, and we are not supposed to try and bind the spiritual principalities and powers that have been temporarily put under the control of the Evil One by God to serve His purposes. Only God the Father, His Son and His Spirit have the true authority to do that! We do have the authority under Yahshua's Blood to command demons to flee from us and to leave our loved ones alone, and to ask God to heal our sicknesses and bind the demons that may be plaguing us and our loved ones with emotional and spiritual oppression.
If you are praying within your sphere of influence, but are still not seeing results, you should try a different approach! The bottom line for believers under siege that are finding their prayers ineffective is to start loving and praising God and worshiping Him. After voicing why you love and follow Yahweh and Yahshua in worship and praise, seek holiness by seeking God's will and setting yourself apart for God's service, and looking to do God's Will whenever the Holy Spirit prompts you to act. Remember to seek God's Kingdom and His righteousness FIRST, and ALL the things that you need (like healing, protection, and provision) will be given to you! (See Matthew 6:25-33)
ALSO, DO NOT LOVE THE WORLD, OR ANYTHING IN THE WORLD! Loving and being friends with the world means chasing after the things it makes us desire that draw us away from God (See 1 John 2:15-17). Pursuing things such as wealth, popularity, fame, power, love, vanity, pride, lust, pleasure, and owning land and property are all antagonistic to what God primarily wishes us to pursue, which is to love God and draw near to Him first so that we can love and serve the poor and needy, and care for our needs and the needs of those around us. This is why Yahshua asked the rich man to sell EVERYTHING that he had and to come and take up his cross and follow Him (See ).
Of course, we can't draw near to God unless He prepares us to do so by giving us His indwelling Spirit, and we can't be born again spiritually by God's Spirit unless we truly love and wish to follow Christ. Therefore, in order to get our spiritual priorities in order, we all need to be born again (See John 3:1-8; 1 Peter 1:22-26)! Only then will we truly learn how to reject what the world wants us to pursue, and to focus on God's desire for us, which is to learn to give love to others the way God does before worrying about what we need, or how we want to be loved!
When we love and pursue the world's desires, we have to forsake God and His calling in our lives. To fulfill God's calling, we require spiritual fruits that the world despises, rejects and ignores, such as brotherly love, compassion, humility, kindness, self-sacrifice, selflessness, self-control, generosity and forgiveness, and spiritual gifts that the world does not understand, such as the gift of prophecy, the gift of healing, and speaking in tongues (See 1 Corinthians 12:1-13; Galatians 5:16-25).
A tip off that you're serving yourself and not God is when everything you do is focused on obtaining your own joy, security, wealth and happiness, and it has little or nothing to do with giving love, joy and happiness to God, and loving other human beings and animals. As a result of being selfish and preoccupied with one's own needs, being unfamiliar with God's Word, and not knowing what God is calling us to do because we lack intimacy with God by NOT seeking to have a deep love relationship with Him, many believers lose God's favor and blessing, and open themselves up to demonic attack and oppression.
For this reason, the Lord has impressed upon me that His children need to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING (See 1 Thessalonians 5:14-23)! TO BE PROTECTED FROM DEMONIC ATTACK, WE MUST PRAY! This means praying for ourselves and our loved ones, and interceding for our brothers and sisters in Christ when they are under spiritual attack or oppression, and when they ask for help. For further guidance in how to engage in spiritual warfare, please read the article I've linked to below:
Together with Yahshua, we can overcome the Devil and all his works with prayer and striving for holiness. In an effort to help believers succeed as intercessors, I wrote this article, and the article I've linked to above, along with several other articles that are linked to at the bottom of that article. Read all of these articles to find out how to pray, and how to conduct yourself when engaging in spiritual warfare.
Your Sister in Yahshua,
Helena Lehman,
Scholar, Author and Artist for
The Language of God Book Series, and
Webmaster for the Pillar of Enoch Ministry Site
Ministry Web Site: http://pillar-of-enoch.com
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