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As I looked over at Orion in the south, I was struck with how much of the sky this one constellation covers. It truly is big - and I believe Yahweh God made it so because of its importance as a symbol for Christ and His three-fold ministry to mankind. This three-fold ministry is as a loving, selfless Messiah and Priest, a conquering King of kings, and as the Righteous Judge who will evaluate everyone’s deeds one day by the scale of His Truth and perfection.
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Using my binoculars - I could see the two stars marking Orion’s shoulders, the belt stars, and the trail of stars leading down to the Orion Nebula, as well as the two stars marking Orion’s feet. I also could clearly see many of the stars in the Hyades star cluster in Taurus’ face, and all of the bright stars in the Pleiades star cluster on Taurus’ back. These star clusters symbolize two groups of believers that Yahshua - as the Bull of the Sin Offering represented by Taurus - died to redeem.
The Hyades in Taurus’ face depict the righteous ones who are covered by the Blood of Christ and reflect the heart and mind of Yahshua as His Bride. They are Spirit-led, born-again believers that are true to God's Word and despise the world in order to live for Christ. They also work tirelessly toward the advancement of the Kingdom of God on Earth, striving to advance it so that sinners can be saved and the Spirit of God can regenerate their hearts.
Unlike the Hyades, the Pleiades on Taurus’ back have a dual meaning. First of all, they signify believers who love and follow Yahshua. These people truly love God, and care about and love others. However, some of them may not be doing so as closely as they should. They tend to not be close to God, and they therefore miss receiving the Holy Spirit’s encouragement. They also tend to miss hearing what God wants and expects from them. As such, it is as if they are hanging onto their salvation just as they appear to be hanging onto the raging Bull of Taurus for dear life! This heavenly Bull partly depicts God’s Wrath in the End Times and one of its Beasts, and it also partly depicts Yahshua as a sin offering.
On another level, the Pleiades can also signify a very sinister group of pretenders within the Church that can be identified with the Church or Woman Who Rides the Beast. This Church is filled with the apostates or lukewarm believers in the Laodicean Church that love the world rather than hate it as they should, and run after all it has to offer. In addition, these Carnal and shallow believers are either totally unaware, or rather skeptical of the hidden Luciferian agendas of the elite that control their lives, their economies, their medical care, their governments, and their political processes.
Among the stars in Orion and Taurus, I could see the reddish hue of the huge Red Giant star Betelgeuse in Orion’s shoulder, and the red hue of the star called Aldebaran in the Hyades. Yahshua’s perfect, ultimate sacrifice on the Cross for our sins and His holy blood are marked by the reddish hue of these impressively large and bright stars. Also hidden there but not visible without a telescope was the Horsehead Nebula. It is just south of Al Nitak, the brightest star in Orion’s Belt. Al Nitak means “The Wounded One,” or “The Slain One” in Arabic. Al Nitak is also connected to the Great Pyramid at Giza, which is a symbol for Yahshua as our atonement sacrifice, as well as a symbol of those redeemed by His shed blood - the Bride of Christ, and those who dwell in the New Jerusalem.
Due to these associations, the Horsehead Nebula could be envisioned as being connected to the constellation Pegasus near Pisces as the white horse that Yahshua will ride when He returns with His holy angels and His saints at the Battle of Armageddon. Also, the fact that the Horsehead Nebula is a small part of a larger nebula that is primarily reddish in color suggests the coming judgment of the wicked, where the blood of those slain will form a lake-sized pool (1600 furlongs = 200 miles!) that will reach up to the height of a horse’s bridle, as it says in Revelation 14:20:
“And the winepress was trampled outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridles, for one thousand six hundred furlongs.”Due to Orion’s presence this morning, it was as if Yahshua stood there in the figure of Orion watching the Blood Moon transpire with me, and reminding me of the great and terrible things that will soon follow it upon the Earth. All of this is evident through these incredible signs that Yahshua left for us in the heavens. These signs in the stars were fashioned with Yahshua’s own hands, and He named each star for the Father before the Earth was created, for He is the author of the story hidden in them, and knows it by heart!
“Constellation to Land Correlation Map”
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In the Correlation Map, note in particular how Sirius, the brightest star in Canis Major and in our night sky, is tied directly to Jerusalem, the holiest place on Earth! This is not an accident at all my beloved brethren, but was by divine design! It is Yahshua’s way of showing mankind that Jerusalem - and all of the lands surrounding it for thousands of miles - will one day be owned and controlled again by God’s special people that are called Israel by their abiding faith in Yahshua and His Love. The following graphic shows a part of what Yahshua was trying to convey when He created the Universe for His Father and named all its stars. If you take a close look at the graphic, and read what's written there, I'm sure you'll be amazed and pleased at how Biblically sound and clear the message in the Gospel in the Stars is! Although I am sure that there is much hidden there that I haven't been shown yet, I look forward to understanding it all someday under the Holy Spirit's loving direction:
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Before revealing that mystery, however, I’d like to point out how Yahshua claimed to be God numerous times by calling Himself “I AM”, and - even more emphatically - “I AM HE”, referring to the First Person Name that God gave to Moses from out of the Burning Bush, as translated in Exodus 3:14: “And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
In the following section of the Gospel of John, Yahshua identified Himself with the phrase “I AM HE”, invoking the Name of God in reference to Himself 3 times. Not only that, but He does so in answer to their desire to find “Jesus of Nazareth”, which can be translated into Hebrew as “Yahshua Naz Sar”, meaning “I AM Salvation, (the) Prince (of) Princes”:
John 18:4-8 - “Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward and said to them, “Whom are you seeking?”
5 They answered Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.”
Jesus said to them, “I AM HE.” And Judas, who betrayed Him, also stood with them. 6 Now when He said to them, “I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground. (They fell to the ground in FEAR because He had just used the Name of God, I AM, to Identify Himself!)
7 Then He asked them again, “Whom are you seeking?”
And they said, “Jesus of Nazareth.”
8 Jesus answered, “I have told you that I AM HE. Therefore, if you seek Me, let these go their way,” 9 that the saying might be fulfilled which He spoke, “Of those whom You gave Me I have lost none.”In the above passage of Scripture, Yahshua made it clear to His Jewish audience by saying “I AM HE” that He was claiming to be God. For even further proof of this, the word “Nazareth” used to identify Yahshua sounds much like the Hebrew word “Mazzaroth”, which is what the Jews call the 48 ancient Signs in the Heavens, or Constellations of the night sky. Now, according to Colossians Chapter 1, Yahshua created EVERYTHING in the Universe for His Father! This includes the Mazzaroth, or Signs in the Heavens! In addition, as I have proven repeatedly in my Language of God Book Series of four books, the entire Mazzaroth or Zodiac tells the story of Yahshua and His Ministry concerning the Redemption, Salvation, Kingship and Judgment of mankind, especially His beloved people Israel!
Strangely, though the word “Nazareth” was ascribed to the proposed town of Yahshua’s birth, there is some indication that Nazareth didn’t exist as a town in the region of the Galilee in Judea when Yahshua was born. In actuality, it may have been a suburb of the thriving city of Sepphoris on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee at the time of Christ. The town of Nazareth shown on later maps was about 3 miles from Sepphoris, so it could be that this suburb of the larger city actually extended that far at one time, although its ruins have long been obliterated.
In addition, it is peculiar that the word Nazareth could be a compound word created from the Hebrew words “Naz” or “Nasi” and “Sar”, which both mean “Prince”. Fascinatingly, they also both appear in the Gospel in the Stars surrounding the sign of Gemini, as well as in two titles for Yahshua in the Old Testament: “Ha Nasi B’Towvek” or “The Prince in the Midst” (i.e. The Prince Among the People) in Ezekiel 46:10, and “Ha Sar Shalom” or “The Prince of Peace” in Isaiah 9:6.
Here are two quotes from my book “The Language of God in the Universe”: (1) from pages 342 and 343, and (2) from pages 344 and 345, which describe this connection of the words “Naz” or “Nasi” and “Sar” to Yahshua, and their intriguing appearance in the hieroglyphic texts connected to the Dendera Zodiac (NOTE: a portion of the Dendera Zodiac is shown in an illustration below my book quotes in this article to help in understanding it):
(1) “In the Dendera Zodiac, the hawk shown for Canis Major is labeled separately as “Naz Seir” and represents the star Sirius in Canis Major. In Egyptian, “Naz” means “Caused to Come Forth,” or “Sent,” while “Seir” means “Prince,” or “Chief.” Therefore, the title “Naz Seir” can mean “Sent Prince.” Since “Naz” and “Zar” both mean “Prince” in Hebrew, Naz Seir could also mean “Prince of princes,” a fitting epithet for Yahshua as the King of kings!”
(2) “The two names associated with Canis Major through Sirius, ‘Naz” and “Seir,” have other powerful meanings tying them irrevocably to Yahshua. This is because, when placed together, they suggest the term “Nazar,” which is one of several Hebrew words for “Branch” and the specific one used in the familiar messianic prophecy of Isaiah that refers to Yahshua:
“There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch (Nazar) shall grow out of his roots. The Spirit of the LORD (Yahweh) shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD (Yahweh).” - Isaiah 11:1-2 (NKJ)
This Scripture ties the Gospel in the Stars with the Bible’s teachings that Christ is the Righteous Branch and Rod of Jesse. Bible scholars have long believed that “Nazarene,” the title applied to Christ in the Gospel of Matthew, did not apply solely to the insignificant town of Nazareth where Yahshua grew up:
“And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, ‘He shall be called a Nazarene.’ ” - Matthew 2:23 (NKJ)
Instead, they believe that “Nazarene” also referred to several biblical prophecies concerning the Messiah. The first is in Isaiah:
“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” - Isaiah 9:6 (NKJ)
This prophecy about Yahshua uses the Hebrew word “Sar,” or “Zar” for the word “prince” in the expression “Prince of Peace.” Besides this reference in Isaiah, the prophet Ezekiel speaks of a prince who administers sacrifices in the Temple of Yahweh (See Ezekiel 44:3, 45:16, 46:10, and 48:21). Since Ezekiel appears to be speaking about a prince and a temple that only existed figuratively at the time he wrote his prophetic book, some scholars believe that this temple will exist during the Millennial Rule of Christ. They also believe that Yahshua is the prince that Ezekiel refers to.
The Hebrew word used by Ezekiel that is translated “prince” is “Nas,” or “Naz.” It is therefore probable that the designation of Nazarene given to Yahshua in Matthew’s Gospel meant “Prince of princes” and referred to all Old Testament Messianic prophesies about this coming Prince of Peace.” ~ ENDQUOTE
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Due to their importance in interpreting End Time prophecies, all of these heavenly signs are crucial to understand, especially the ones covered in this article and in my Sukkot Blood Moon 2014, and Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 articles, which I have linked to below:
The Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014 and 2015 - A Visual Prophetic Guide...
Please take the time to read the above articles, as they are filled with a great deal of highly important insights related to End Time Prophecy. If you do, I am sure that you will be further blessed by them, and will understand the messages that our beloved Messiah Yahshua (i.e. Lord Jesus) left for us in the stars even better.
What all these Signs in the Heavens that form the Gospel in the Stars are loudly and clearly telling those of us who were chosen to read these signs is that we need to get ready, my beloved Brothers and Sisters, for Yahshua is indeed coming very soon to set up His Millennial Kingdom on Earth. When Yahshua does, it will be set up not just in the tiny land of Israel, but throughout the very broad sweep of lands in Northern Africa and the Middle East that are covered by the constellations Gemini, Canis Major and Minor, Taurus, and Orion, as shown in the composite map that I created. That is why my “Constellation to Land Correlation Map” is so important. Although I didn’t know it when I created the map, it illustrates God’s magnificent hidden plan of where the Kingdom of God on Earth will be during the Millennial Kingdom, and how immense in size it shall be also! Praise God that He is now allowing me to bring this truth to light for the edification of all Israel!
This article about Orion's prophetic significance contains information mentioned in two of my previous Blog Posts concerning this constellation, which also share information not contained in this new post. Therefore, I invite you to read them also to gain more insights and knowledge about Orion. Here are the titles and links to them:
Featuring Betelgeuse and Rigel, Star Symbols for Christ
The Messianic Secret Hidden
Within The Orion Constellation
Your Sister in Yahshua,
Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Ministry Web Site: http://pillar of-enoch.com
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