Friday, October 11, 2024


Full Moon in Pisces/Israel, Evening of 
First Day of Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot 

 In my last Ministry Blog article, I focused on the Heavenly signs that will be in the Heavens on the Day of Atonement and the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. But I neglected to explain that the Feast of Tabernacles is a Full Moon Feast,, and it falls on Wednesday, October 16th, 2024. This is interesting because Yahshua died on the eve of the Full Moon Feast of Passover/Pesach, which also fell on a Wednesday when He died. 

I also didn't mention where the Moon will be located at this time, what good tidings it suggests, and what it reveals concerning our anticipation of Yahshua's soon return to rescue His Saints from the Great Tribulation. So I'm going to rectify that right now with this new article. 

Fortuitously, on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the Full Moon will be resting on the Band or tether that holds the Ephraimite Fish of Pisces / Israel to the Beast From The Sea. This Sea Beast is symbolized by the constellation Cetus the Sea Monster.  Please see the illustration at the top of this article to see the position of the Moon in Pisces. 

As the illustration above shows, the Ephraimite Fish is swimming towards Aquarius, a symbol for Yahshua as the Living Water. The Ephraimite Fish is attached to the Church of Philadelphia, or Brotherly Love. This fish is tied by the constellation called The Bands, and the Full Moon is on that band or tether that is keeping the allegorical Fishes that are symbolizing the Two Houses of Israel that are the grafted in children of God from obtaining their true spiritual power and authority in Christ.

As those who have the following my posts and articles know, I have ascertained that the constellation called Pisces the Fishes is connected to the Two Houses of Israel represented by the Tribe of Judah connected to the Jewish people, and the Tribe of Ephraim signifying the once Gentile people who have come to be faithful followers of Yahshua, and have been grafted into the Kingdom of God and the family of Israel.

Signs in Taurus, Gemini and Orion,
First Day of Feast of Tabernacles 

Coupled with the Signs that will be seen in Gemini, Taurus and Orion, and also in Virgo and Libra, the Full Moon in Pisces/Israel is a very auspicious sign. This is because the Full Moon represents the Bridal Party of our Messiah that will attend the Wedding of the lamb in Heaven, which I believe will begin at the time of the Rapture or Catching Away of the Saints who are born again, and who are covered by the Blood of Yahshua. These are the faithful ones who strive to keep God's Commandments, and to love Him and everyone who loves Him. These are also the people who strive to love their enemies by doing no violence to them, and instead preaching the Gospel of Salvation and the Kingdom of God to them.

Signs in Virgo and Libra on the 
First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles 

Although I cannot say for certain if the Rapture will be during the Feast of Tabernacles this year or not, I am hopeful that Yahshua will not tarry much longer, and we will see His glorious appearance in the heavens very soon. When He comes with His army of Holy Angels, Yahshua will change those who love Him in the twinkling of an eye, and He will give us everlasting, immortal bodies that can survive both in Heaven, and on the Earth.

I'm very much looking forward to that time when we will all be changed in an instant, and we will all be perfected in Christ, once and for all time! Please pray with me that it will be soon. Let's proclaim loudly: "Maranatha Yahshua!" (i.e. Come Now, Yahshua!).

As it says in Scripture:

"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality." - 1 Corinthians 15:51-53, NKJV

This is why the Rapture is called our "blessed hope" in the Epistle to Titus. In the Complete Jewish Bible, the phrase "blessed hope" is translated as "the blessed fulfillment of our certain hope:"

"For God’s Grace, which brings deliverance, has appeared to all people. It teaches us to renounce godlessness and worldly pleasures, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives now, in this age; while continuing to expect the blessed fulfillment of our certain hope, which is the appearing of the Sh’khinah of our great God and the appearing of our Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah. He gave himself up on our behalf in order to free us from all violation of Torah and purify for himself a people who would be his own, eager to do good." - Titus 2:11-14, CJB

If anything should convict us of the need for repentance and holiness at this time, this passage in Titus Chapter 2 should do it! It couldn't be clearer. We need to strive to lead holy and sanctified lives that reflect the love and compassion of our Messiah here and now in order to be prepared for Yahshua's glorious appearing, which I truly believe will be very soon. So keep looking up, dear Saints! Our deliverance from this wicked world is coming soon!

If you would like to read the article that preceded this one, which talks about the other Heavenly Signs on The Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles, the link to that article appears below this article closing. I hope that it will bless you, and I pray that this article will convict you of the need for repentance as we all strive for holiness. Please share this message with your friends and family, for "the time is short!"

In the First Epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter 7, verse 29, the Apostle Paul says "the time is short" while speaking about the cares of this world that affect those who are married as opposed to those who are unmarried. He also gives a definition of what it means to be a spiritual virgin rather than a physical virgin, and this is relevant within the scope of this present time in history. 

It's also relevant in regard to passages in the New Testament that refer to virgins such as "The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins" in Matthew, Chapter 25, and the reference to the spiritual virgins among the Tribes of Israel in Revelation Chapter 7.  That's because physical virgins may still desire to be married, and to please a man enough to choose her as a wife. These are worldly concerns, not spiritual ones. 

In the same Chapter of 1 Corinthians, this is what the Apostle Paul had to say about spiritual virginity:

"There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the world—how she may please her husband." - 1 Corinthians 7: 34-36

I would also like to add that a married woman with children is usually caught up with disciplining and teaching her children about the ways of God, as well as the ways of the world, and would also be so concerned about caring for them and feeding them that she would have little time to do things for others outside of her home.

 In this way, the Apostle Paul was trying to convey the importance of living as if you are not married or otherwise caught up with the things of this world - especially at this time in history. That's because we can see all the Signs of Yahshua's Soon Return right now with the increasing  numbers of deadly storms, tornadoes, floods, hatred, deception, violence, and thievery that's escalating daily. It's time to do away with our attachment to this world and all it's enticements and distractions in favor of looking at the Glory and Beauty of the Face of our Messiah, and the coming Kingdom that He will usher in when He returns.

If we're still here by the end of the Feast of Tabernacles on October 23rd, 2024, I'll be looking ahead to interpret the Signs at the time of Chanukah 2024, and after that, to some other Signs that will appear in the Heavens between and Chanukah of 2024 and the end of 2029.  In the meantime, here's the link to my last article, which this article is meant to complete:


I pray that this article will bless everyone who needs it. Please share it with those you know who would be able to understand it and be blessed by it. In the meantime, please help me financially if you are able. Even $10 would be helpful! Click the Link below to help via a dropdown menu for sending cash gifts via PayPal: at my POEM Ministry Website:

Or you can help keep my ministry alive by sending cash via Venmo, a secure method of sending cash to others, and making payments. Just scan the code shown in the image, or look me up using my POEM Ministry email address:

pillar_of_enoch @  yahoo. com

Just remove the spaces from the email address, and look me up on PayPal or Venmo using the same email address to send me money. Thank you all for considering a cash gift, and may our Father God Yahweh bless all who help me in any way. Thanks also for your prayers for protection.

πŸ™πŸ’–Blessings of Yahshua upon you all!πŸ’–πŸ™ 
Helena Lehman of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Ministry Web Site:


Wednesday, October 09, 2024



Heavenly Signs in  Gemini, Taurus
And Orion on First Day of the 
Weeklong Feast of Tabernacles 

Building on my last Ministry blog article concerning the October 2nd, 2024 Annular Solar Eclipse in the Sign of Virgo, which was on Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets, I will now explain what the Signs on the special holy days on the Jewish Autumn Feast Calendar might mean in relation to End Time Bible Prophecy.  These Autumn Heavenly Signs are primarily in the constellations Virgo the Virgin, Gemini the Twins, Taurus the Bull and in Taurus' decan Sign Orion the Hunter.

As on the Feast of Trumpets this year, the Signs in Virgo are extremely interesting because they are all centered around the First Advent and Second Coming of our beloved Messiah Yahshua or Jesus. But before I get too involved in explaining the meaning of the Signs in Virgo on the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur, and during the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot, I want to focus on the Heavenly Signs in Taurus, Gemini and Orion during these Israelite holy days. These constellations are shown in the illustration at the top of this article. Please read the text on that illustration and the one below, and then read the explanation that follows.

Meaning of the Star Names in
The Constellations Taurus and Orion

After careful and prayerful study of the symbolic pictures and Star names associated with Taurus, Gemini, and Orion,, I was shown that the placement of the planet Mars in the Pollux Twin of Gemini, which is tied to Jacob and Israel as a whole, is a sign that all believers in Yahshua are being called to fight the enemies of Yahshua and His faithful followers all over the world that are the spiritual and literal descendants of Jacob.. These enemies of the Christians and Messianic Jews that are loving and kind to one another are found in the spiritual and physical descendants of Ishmael, whose hatred of the United States, United Kingdom and Israel is an old hatred of the righteous that is at the core of every major war that has ever been fought throughout history.

The Russian Federation and its war upon Ukraine is an extension of this hatred of Israel because it is destabilizing the entire Eurasian continent , and causing the tensions between the Eastern and the Western Nations to accelerate. The constellation Auriga the Goatherd is a depiction of the goats that Yahshua signaled out as spiritually dark children of the devil in His teachings. These goats, who think they are righteous but are deceived, are attacking Yahshua's beloved followers and His Jewish brethren. For this reason, they are targeted for His coming Wrath. They will be plagued with great tribulation and Judgement, and are to be cast out of His coming Kingdom on the Earth. To be clear, anyone who disregards Yahshua's Commandments or Moral Laws and treats His followers despicably is a goat in spirit.

This is a cause for great concern, as this escalating conflict between Yahshua's sheep and Satan's goats could lead to another deadly world war - a terrible war in which nuclear weapons may come into play. Nonetheless, believers in Yahshua should not be afraid, but be looking up and watching for the arrival of their mighty Warrior King to rescue them from further injustice. 

The Star Gospel Meaning of the
 Constellation Virgo the Virgin 

This desire of Yahshua to rescue His faithful followers from injustice and further judgement and tribulation is reflected by the planet Jupiter between the horns of Taurus, and crowning the Warrior King Yahshua depicted by Orion. Besides Jupiter, the planet Uranus near the Pleiades in Taurus is a herald of Christ's loving concern for the safety of His people. For clarity,  I need to point out that the Pleiades astar cluster is a depiction of the Seven Churches spoken of in the Book of Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. The planet Venus in the constellation Libra the Scales is also an indicator that Yahshua's desire to protect His Saints is paramount.  We'll focus on the placement of Venus more as I discuss the Signs surrounding Virgo in the next few paragraphs. Please read the text on the illustrations above and below this paragraph before continuing to read this article.

Heavenly Signs in Virgo the Virgin 
On the Day of Atonement
(Click Image to Enlarge)

The illustration above shows the Heavenly Signs in Virgo and Libra on the Day of Atonement, which begins on the night of October 11th, 2024, while the illustration below this paragraph shows the Heavenly Signs in Virgo and Libra on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. The major difference between them is the placement of the bright Comet C/2023 A3, which will be close to perihelion, or the Comet's closest approach to the Sun, on the Day of Atonement.  In my experience,  the trajectory of comets in the heavens can often bring Prophetic insights. This comet's journey through the constellations does indeed bring Prophetic insights to light.

Heavenly Signs in Virgo and Libra 
On Day 1 of the Feast of Tabernacles
(Click Image to Enlarge)

I liken this bright Comet named after its discoverer to a divine chariot that reflects God's intentions. For example, the tails of comets can be likened to heavenly swords, so it's interesting how this Comet cut through Hydra the Serpent under Leo on the Feast of Trumpets, and will be passing swiftly through the constellation Serpens the Serpent on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is interesting because both Hydra and Serpens are a depiction of the Serpent that tempted Adam and Eve and all their descendants to rebel against their loving Creator and disobey His Commandments. Indeed, like them,  all of us have gone astray and need  the redemption offered to us when we accept Christ's blood sacrifice, and choose to follow Him.

Now let's look at the celestial line up in Virgo, which consists of the Sun, the star Spica, and the planet Mercury in close alignment.  The Sun is not as close to Spica on the Day of Atonement as it will be on Day 1 of the Feast of Tabernacles. This suggests that the Saints can be likened to the Man Child or baby that is about to be born via the Woman Clothed with the Sun in Revelation Chapter 12, which is a representation of the constellation Virgo. Interestingly, the Sun will pass through the birth canal of the Virgin , which is marked by the star Spica, during the first days of the Feast of Tabernacles. Also interesting is how the Sign of Prophetic Fulfillment found in the planet Mercury will be symbolically at Virgo's feet at this time. 

This placement of the Sun, the Comet, and Mercury in relation to Spica suggests that the Catching Away of the Saints to safety in the blessed event known as the Rapture could be around these holy days. Furthermore, the Comet's trajectory through Hydra and Serpens is an indicator that the Wrath of God is about to be poured out on the wicked. To be clear, the wicked are those who don't keep Yahshua's Commandments to love the Creator God Yahweh and to love one another as God loves us.

Meaning of the Star Names in Libra in 
Connection with the Gospel in the Stars 

Below Virgo's feet is the constellation Libra the Scales, which was seen as an Altar in ancient times. Please read the information on the illustrations above and below this paragraph to see what the constellation Libra means in connection with the Star Gospel. As revealed in the illustrations, Libra is connected to our Heavenly Father's Judgement of the wicked, and the Divine Justice that is required to pay for the poor treatment that all of God's people throughout the ages have endured at the hands of their wicked and unrepentant enemies.

A More Accurate Representation of 
The Constellation Libra with a
Translation of two Principle. Stars.

In the Star Gospel, Libra the Scales is depicted like two altars that weigh one's soul and spirit against the all surpassing perfection and beauty of our Creator God Yahweh and the Holy Spirit. Against God's perfection, we are judged and found wanting in every way. But because Yahshua incarnated as a man and died for our sins to heal the breach between us and God's holiness, we are more than conquerors! This is because Yahshua is our advocate before God. Because He covers us with His shed blood, our sins are blotted out and God the Father only sees Christ's holiness. For this reason, we can call God our Father, as well as our Brother via Yahshua, and we can become members of God's family for all eternity.

Of course, as always, I need to say that no one knows when our Messiah will return except our Heavenly Father. So we may need to continue to watch and wait. In the meantime, we should also be continually praying for all the people in this world that have yet to be saved, or are already saved but suffering greatly at the hands of evil people and governments. 

UPDATE: I have made an important second part for this article that focuses on the placement of the Full Moon on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. It is now posted on my POEM ministry blog. Here is the Title and Link:


I pray that this article will bless everyone who needs it. Please share it with those you know who would be able to understand it and be blessed by it. In the meantime, please help me financially if you are able. Even $10 would be helpful! Click the Link below to help via a dropdown menu for sending cash gifts via PayPal: at my POEM Ministry Website:

Or you can help keep my ministry alive by sending cash via Venmo, a secure method of sending cash to others, and making payments. Just scan the code shown in the image, or look me up using my POEM Ministry email address:

pillar_of_enoch @  yahoo. com

Just remove the spaces from the email address, and look me up on PayPal or Venmo using the same email address to send me money. Thank you all for considering a cash gift, and may our Father God Yahweh bless all who help me in any way. Thanks also for your prayers for protection.

πŸ™πŸ’–Blessings of Yahshua upon you all!πŸ’–πŸ™ 
Helena Lehman of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Ministry Web Site:


Wednesday, October 02, 2024


Heavenly Signs on the Feast of Trumpets,
Focus on Virgo and Leo, October 2nd, 2024

A hearty wish for Shalom (Peace) for all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, from Star Lady Helena Lehman. At this time, I want to share my impressions of the Heavenly Signs on this year's Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashanah. This is the first day of the Jewish Civil Year. The two illustrations attached to this article show what these Heavenly Signs look like. The first image focuses on the Annular Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse in Virgo the Virgin. Virgo is the Heavenly Sign attached to the Israelite Tribe of Zebulun, and a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary or Miriam, and the Bride of Christ as the Temple of the Holy Spirit. This is a very interesting eclipse because it can be seen as a symbol of our Messiah Yahshua or Jesus presenting a fiery Wedding Ring to His Virgin Bride.

Keep in mind that all Born Again Believers in Yahshua are seen as virgin pure from the moment that they believe in the Messiah Yahshua and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This spiritual virginity only belongs to people that are Born Again and readily confess that Yahshua is God's Son,  that believe He died and rose from the dead to pay for, and to have victory over our sins, and that He was resurrected into everlasting life to show His victory over death. The reward of everlasting life is soon to be given to all Born Again Believers. This reward for loving and serving Yahshua will occur at the time of the Rapture, which is part of the First Resurrection.

Virgo is symbolic of the Born Again human vessels that are Temples housing the Holy Spirit of God. Meanwhile, the bright Comet C/2023 A3, which will be visible to the naked eye before sunrise on October 2nd, is in Leo the Lion. But it is headed toward crowning Virgo's head. This Comet will crown Virgo after cutting through the sinister, demonic constellation called Hydra the Serpent. This Comet appears to be representing Christ as the King of kings, Who is coming swiftly.  It therefore appears to be showing that Yahshua is going to travel rapidly toward the time when He will retrieve His Bridal Party.  This Bridal Party consists of all Born Again Believers that will be given Immortal bodies at the time of the Rapture, which is the catching away of the Saints to the Messiah's Heavenly Wedding in the event known as the Rapture or harpazo.

This message is especially evident because Virgo is the First Sign, and Leo is the Last Sign in the Ancient Zodiac. Together, these signs are alluding to the scriptures that identify the Messiah  of Israel as the Aleph and the Tav, the First and the Last., and the Beginning and the End. This is an allusion to Yahshua as the beginning and the ending of this present Creation, as well as the Author and Finisher of our Salvation from the condemnation and death caused by sin.   Sin can be defined as the open rebellion against God's Moral Commandments.

Everyone is guilty of committing sins, and deserving punishment for their sins until they repent or turn away from sin. But first, they must confess that Yahshua is the Messiah or Savior of all Israel (which includes Born Again Christians and Messianic Jews) and ask God the Father to forgive them and give them the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit of God. Once human beings are inhabited by the Holy Spirit, they can no longer be demon possessed. They can be sickened, oppressed and harassed by demons if they do not know how to practice Spiritual Warfare, but they cannot be possessed.

Panorama of the Most Significant
Heavenly Signs on October 2nd, 2024
In Virgo, Leo, Gemini and Taurus

In the second illustration in this article above this paragraph, I show a panoramic view of the constellations Virgo, Leo, Gemini,  Taurus, and their decam signs Hydra and Orion. I've already explained the signs in Virgo and Leo. So now I will explain the meaning of the signs in Gemini and Taurus.. The twin stars Pollux and Castor in Gemini represent the crowns of the fraternal twin brothers Jacob and Esau. The Pollux figure can represent Jacob or Jesus/Yahshua. Meanwhile, the Castor figure can signify Esau, as well as the once Gentile, now Grafted-In Israelite Bride or Body of Christ.

Interestingly, the planet Mars signifies Blood Covenants and the results of broken blood covenants, which is conflict and war. Because the red planet or wandering star called Mars is resting on the Pollux figure that signifies Christ, and Mars can represent conflict and war, it can be seen as a harbinger of a great battle that Yahshua will wage against the wicked during the Great Tribulation. It is also meant to be a sign that this divinely led global war could begin at any moment.

When understood in combination, all these Heavenly Signs seem to be pointing to the fact that we all need to prepare ourselves for the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ, Who is the King of kings, Lord of lords, and the First and the Last. Our preparation should include fasting, prayer, repentance, intercession, and worship.

The Signs in Taurus reinforce this theme of the Second Coming of Christ and the Rapture by including the giant planet Jupiter between the horns of Taurus the Bull. These horns signify the two half tribes of Israel descended from the Patriarch Joseph. These are called after his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim, and they are allegorically connected to the United Kingdom and the United States. Meanwhile, Jupiter signifies Yahshua as the Messianic Suffering Servant of Isaiah Chapter 53. So it is as if the Messiah is showing His love for these two great colonizing Nations that were the carriers of the Salvation Gospel message to the whole world. 

But because these great nations are losing their spiritual strength as they slide into apostasy, they are now very vulnerable to attack and conquest. I pray that the citizens of these nations who profess that Jesus is Lord will wake up and turn back to God before it is too late.

Also in Taurus is the planet or wandering star called Uranus, which is near the Pleiades star cluster. This star cluster, which appears to be riding on the bull's back, signifies the seven churches, seven lampstands, and seven spirits of the Book of Revelation. They may also be tied to the seven angels that blow the seven trumpets in The Book of Revelation, which records the apostle John's vision concerning the Tribulation and Great Tribulation that will occur immediately before the Millennial Kingdom of Christ is set up.

10 days after Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets is the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur.  In the year when I believe Yahshua was born , which is 3 BC, there were very significant celestial signs in Leo and Virgo. These occurred on September 11th, 3 BC, and this was also Rosh Hashanah in that year! There are also celestial indications leading up to the Day of Atonement that year . These suggest that Yahshua was born on that day in 3 BC. So, with the planet Venus at Virgo's feet, the Sun signifying the bridegroom Yahshua, the Moon signifying His Bride, and Mercury signifying prophetic fulfillment at her breast, and the Comet crowning her head,  this day of the Solar Eclipse on the Feast of Trumpets this year seems to be trumpeting the coming of our Messiah very soon - maybe even tomorrow, or possibly on the Day of Atonement or the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. this year.

This possible meaning is enhanced by the appearance of the planet Mars in Gemini, and the planets Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Combined together, these Heavenly signs may be an indicator that Yahshua is coming again soon to rescue His Saints from the Great Tribulation.. By soon, I mean that the Rapture could be anytime between now and the end of 2027.

Incidentally, there are some amazing Heavenly Signs in 2027 that I will focus on in my next Ministry article. Until then, may our Heavenly Father Yahweh bless you all as we watch and wait for the soon return of our Messiah, Lord and King.

✨♥️πŸ™HalleluYah, and Maranatha Yahshua!πŸ™❤️ ✨

Written With Love from your Sister in Yahshua,
Star Lady Helena Lehman of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry,
Author of the Language of God Book Series

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Thursday, September 19, 2024


Heavenly Signs Surrounding
the Partial Lunar Eclipse  of
September 17th, 2024

This is Star Lady Helena Lehman, with a message for you that is revealed in the Gospel in the Stars - the message that Yahweh, the Creator God  of the Universe, wrote into the heavens surrounding the planet Earth using symbols and star names. He did this to guide His people to the truth that Yahshua the Messiah is the only way to find truth and salvation. Indeed, the entire heavens reveal the Gospel story captured  symbolically in the 48 constellations of the ancient Zodiac , which is called the Mazzaroth in Hebrew.

On the night of September 17th, 2024, there was a Partial Lunar Eclipse under one of the Pisces fishes that is swimming toward the constellation Aquarius, and is positioned underneath the constellation called Pegasus.

The constellation Aquarius was alluded to in the Gospels, when Yahshua told two of His apostles to follow a man carrying a large jug of water. In the house that the jug bearer enters, the Master of the House took the apostles to the upper room, where they would celebrate the Passover. This story appears in the Gospels of Luke and Mark. (See Luke 22:7-13; Mark 14:12-16) This man with the water jug symbolizes Yahshua pouring out both blessings and judgment on the world, depending on whether the people are saved by His blood-covering  through Faith in Him, and Faith in His Resurrection or not. 

Over a couple of days before the Lunar Eclipse, and on the night of the Eclipse, I experienced clear enough skies to photograph the Moon as it reached its most Full state, and I have placed the best of these photos in this article. The third photo below, from the night of the eclipse, was disappointing due to the low resolution of the image. So you can't really see that it was dimmer, and seemed to be missing part of its upper corner. But it was still a beautiful sight, and I was thankful that I could see it well.

September Harvest Super Moon,
September 15th, 2024
Our Messiah made His purpose and mission very clear in that upper room just before He was arrested and tortured. At that Passover meal, Yahshua used the Cup of Redemption at the end of the meal. This cup was filled with wine,, and He also served those gathered there a broken piece of unleavened matzo bread to teach His disciples who He truly had come to be. This communally shared wine and bread represented His blood and body, and was utilized in a ritual that is known as the Last Supper or Communion in churches today. This ritual represents believers as the Body of Christ when they symbolically consume the body and blood that Yahshua shed for the forgiveness of our sins.

Those who have accepted Yahshua's atonement sacrifice also know that, one day soon, they will be resurrected in the flesh, either to a life of everlasting happiness, or everlasting condemnation. The choice is ours alone, and it depends on whether or not we believe in  Yahshua's salvation message written in the Bible, and in the Gospel in the Stars. Those who take part in the First Resurrection  will never be condemned, but will dwell in the  presence of God forever. The First Resurrection, which I believe has 3 stages to its fulfillment, will largely be fulfilled at the end of the Great Tribulation. But before then, the second stage of the First Resurrection will occur at the time of the Rapture or Catching Away..

September Harvest Super Moon,
September 16th, 2024

I believe that the end of the Great Tribulation is revealed partly by the constellation known as Pegasus. Pegasus was known to the ancient Greeks as a flying white horse that was owned by Zeus, the king of their false gods. This became their belief after the Gospel in the Stars was corrupted by demonic forces. But before that, the followers of Yahweh saw this white steed as the mount of certain angelic messengers of God in the Bible, which they rode as they revealed prophetic event fulfillment. It is also a symbol of the white horse that Yahshua our Messiah will one day ride into our world at the end of the Great Tribulation. (See Revelation 19:11-16) .So, though the Rapture or Catching Away of the Saints before the Great Tribulation has not occurred yet, this sign is very clearly alluding to this blessed event. It is also pointing to the ones who will partake in it.

This  is revealed by the Pisces fish that I have labeled Ephraim in  the first image at the top of this article. This fish which is swimming towards Athe blessings and judgment signified by Aquarius, represents all Christians and Jews who  are born again by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. These Saints have been grafted into the Olive Tree representing the Kingdom of God by accepting Yahshua's sacrificial death for their sins. These Saints also have faith in the promise of everlasting life that Yahshua's Resurrection from the dead into a flesh and bone body signified. (See Luke 24:38-40; Ephesians 5:29-30).

This wonderful Heavenly Sign is therefore a message from God telling His servants to abide in Him as they endure the tribulation of this world a little longer.  In the meantime, they are being encouraged to continue to pray and worship God, and keep living by His Commandments until He comes. Indeed, Yahshua surely will come in the very near future! The Signs of His return are everywhere in this world, from the crazy weather and unstable economic and political scene, to the corruption and falling away in the church, and as seen in the enormous increase in wickedness, thievery, and violence all over the world. An eclipse is usually a sign that there will be troubling prophetic times ahead, but this eclipse wasn't that dramatic and didn't turn red. My photos of the September Harvest Super Moon show how Big and Bright it was, but my phone of the eclipsed Moon doesn't show much change due to the low resolution. Sorry about that.

For those disciples of the Messiah or Christ who remain faithful to the end, great joy and glorious rewards await! But for now, we must suffer in this world a little longer, as it says in the First Epistle of Peter, Chapter 5, verse 10. The key to finishing the assignment that we have been given by God is to not lose hope, and to hold firmly onto the promises given to us in God's Word, as spoken by Yahshua and His apostles in the New Testament.

A Message Given With Love
From "Star Lady" Helena Lehman
Author of The Language of God Book Series

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✨πŸ™Maranatha Yahshua!πŸ™✨

Monday, August 19, 2024


Dancing For Joy!

Before I discuss the Signs in the Heavens and the importance of Tu B'Av or the 15th of Av, which is on Monday, August 19th this year, I would like to open this article with a call to all Born Again Believers to seek the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are living very close to the end of this Age, and Satan is on a rampage against anyone who wants to share the Gospel of the Kingdom of God with the lost. All believers need to utilize the fruits and gifts of the Spirit to reach the lost before the Rapture occurs, and the doorway into Heaven closes. 

In this regard, there's many passages in the New Testament that reveal the power and authority that we were given over 2,000 years ago, when Yahshua sent the Holy Spirit to enter the hearts and minds of His Apostles and disciples. 

It's beyond the scope of this article to comment on all the scripture passages detailing the power that God has given to His servants. But I hope to concentrate on the way we can use our God-given authority and the Word of God in the Bible to protect ourselves from demonic oppression and satanic attacks, and also bring many blessings upon our homes and families, and our places of work. 

In the illustration below, the constellations Orion the Hunter and Taurus the Bull are shown as they will appear on Tu B'Av this year. The messages on the illustration are geared towards those interested in knowing how these Signs tie into this minor Jewish Feast. But there's more to these signs than just what I shared on the image.

The Signs in Taurus and Orion on Tu B'Av 2024

In regard to spiritual warfare, it's interesting to note that Orion is symbolic of Yahshua or Jesus coming to conquer the wicked, as well as His profoundly important role in our redemption and salvation. Orion is poised as if to strike the Bull above him with a damaging blow to its head. This is a symbol of enmity between our Messiah Yahshua and the world controlled by Satan, which is signified by the angry bull. It is therefore a warning sign that all those who love God are part of this Spiritual War, and it needs to be fought along spiritual lines rather than by force of arms. As it says in the Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians:

Ephesians 6:12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

All disciples of Yahshua need to start exercising their spiritual authority daily. This is because Satan wants to rob all of us of our God-given dominion and authority over the entire Earth. This authority was given to mankind when they were created. However, Satan wanted the authority that God had given to mankind, and so he tempted Eve to sin. By listening to Satan's lies, and doing what they were forbidden by God to do on pain of death, Adam and Eve both lost their dominion and authority, and became subject to judgment and death. 

Sadly, Satan wants to destroy the knowledge of the Truth that Born Again Believers in Yahshua are not only made in the image of God, but also have been given the spiritual authority and dominion over the Earth that they lost when they sinned in the Garden of Eden. But to reverse this curse, God has returned their authority, and given every Born Again Believer the ability to protect their homes, heal their sick, cast out demons, multiply resources, and love one another as Christ taught us. BUt we need to remember to pray continually!

Remember to Pray Continually!

Even though the world and false teachers are constantly trying to rob us of this power from God, we must persevere! It is our steadfast perseverance, and the power ot the Holy Spirit that empowers us to speak our prayers into being so that they can see fruition! This power from God is available to all Born Again Believers, and it is ours from the moment we are covered by the blood of Yahshua through our Faith. We can therefore ask for anything within God's Will, and we will receive it!.

When we believe in Yahshua, and we love and follow His commandments, we can do the same miracles that He did, and with the same authority and power. Indeed, if all of the Christians on this planet finally united as one under the power of the Holy Spirit, and began to use God's authority to love, heal, bless and help one another, maybe that would speed Yahshua's Second Coming. 

When Yahshua comes again, He will destroy the armies of the wicked, and then He will renew the Earth before the beginning of His Millennial Kingdom. This is when the Earth will be restored to its Edenic state. It will become as it was prior to the Fall of Adam and Eve. At this time, the lion will lie down with the lamb, and little children will interact with all sorts of animals without fear. Here are some Scriptures that speak about this future time:

Isaiah 11:6-7:
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
The leopard shall lie down with the young goat,
The calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
And a little child shall lead them.
7 The cow and the bear shall graze;
Their young ones shall lie down together;
And the lion shall eat straw like the ox.”

Isaiah 65:24-25:
“It shall come to pass
That before they call, I will answer;
And while they are still speaking, I will hear.
25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together,
The lion shall eat straw like the ox,
And dust shall be the serpent’s food.
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all
My holy mountain...”

I'm hoping that we're close to reaching that point in History right now, and the Rapture may be about to occur at any moment. In that regard, I've been looking at the earthly Signs that Yahshua is coming soon, and the ever increasing threat of an Iranian attack on Israel is a definite Sign that Yahshua could be coming to rescue His Saints in Assyria and the entire Middle East very soon, This miraculous deliverance is mentioned in Scripture:

Isaiah 27:12-13:
“And it shall come to pass in that day
That the Lord will thresh,
From the channel of the River
to the Brook of Egypt;
And you will be gathered one by one,
O you children of Israel.
13 So it shall be in that day:
The great trumpet will be blown;
They will come, who are about to
perish in the land of Assyria,
And they who are outcasts
in the land of Egypt,
And shall worship the Lord
 in the holy mount at Jerusalem.”

Although we can't know exactly when Yahshua is going to come and rescue His Saints, I've been looking at the 15th of the Jewish month of Av. This minor Feast of Israel is called Tu B'Av in Hebrew. In modern times, this minor Jewish Feast Day has become a bit like Valentine's Day in the United States. On this day, betrothals, engagements, weddings and anniversary parties are held  in the the modern nation of Israel. 

Because it is connected to courtship, engagement, and weddings, Tu B'Av could be connected to the Rapture or Catching Away. This is due to the fact that the born-again Saints are to be caught up to the Third Heaven to attend the Bema Seat Judgment and the Wedding of the Lamb at that time. 

Signs in Leo the Lion on Tu B'Av, 2024

This Heavenly Wedding is referred to in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 25. In this parable, the Wise Virgins are the only ones that are allowed to enter the Palace of the King of kings to participate in the Wedding Feast. These same Saints will accompany Yahshua when He returns to the Earth to slaughter the armies surrounding Jerusalem and the other enemies of Israel. At that time, He will also restore the ruined Earth in preparation for His Millennial Rule. As shown in the illustration above this paragraph, the Signs in the constellation Leo the Lion echo this message of the glorious return of the King of Kings!

Woman Folk Dancing, Early 20th Century

Since Ancient Times, Tu B'Av has always centered around betrothals and wedding plans. As a minor Harvest festival, the young maidens intent on finding a husband would gather in the orchards of Israel and visit with one another as they danced, sang and spoke together. Meanwhile, the young men of the local villages would gather together on the outskirts of the orchards and look at the maidens while thinking about finding a potential wife among them. The young maidens didn't mind this because they wanted to start a family, and have a home of their own to tend and beautify. 

Working towards that goal, the young virgin maidens of Israel would soon form folk dance circles. Or they might meander through the orchard as they danced, all the while with their hands clasped together. Because this was a way for young men to view the available selection of virgins as potential wives, the young men of the villages were very well acquainted with this custom! So there would potentially be crowds of young men watching the ladies while they danced and sang and spoke together to the accomplishment of tambourines and cymbals. 

If they got hungry, the maidens might even have picked some of the ripe fruit on the trees in the orchards, and sampled them as they laughed and talked together, with the young men watching in light-hearted amusement. Although there is no way for us to know what exactly was done in Ancient times, I find my imagination helping me to picture what this celebration in the orchards of Israel  may have been like.

The point I'm trying to make with all this imagery and history is that the 15th of Av, beginning on the night of August 18th, could be the day of the Rapture. . Interestingly, there will be a Super Blue Moon on the night of August 19th, the night after Tu B'Av. It's a Blue Moon because it is the third of four Full Moons of this 3 month Summer season, which usually has only 3 Full Moons. In addition, it's a Super Moon, which means that the Moon is physically closer to the Earth and looks slightly bigger in the night time sky than it ordinarily would. This is a fairly rare occurrence. 

This Full Moon on the night of August 19th is also called the Sturgeon Moon by the Native Americans, who found sturgeon fish easier to catch at this time of year. There are also some Heavenly Signs this Tu B'Av that could refer to Sturgeons, as I will now explain.

The Blue Super Moon In Capricorn
On Tu B'Av, August 18th, 2024

Since interpreting the Heavenly Signs is my specialty, I find the Signs in the Heavens on the 18th and 19th of this August to be complimentary to the idea of the Catching Away and the Wedding in Heaven. As the image above shows, the Heavenly message in the Sign of Aquarius the Water-Bearer, and in the adjacent Sign of Capricorn the Goat-Fish imply that the Rapture could be very soon. But since no one knows the exact day and hour, this is only hopeful speculation on my part. But I would be ecstatic if the Rapture were to occur this next Sunday or Monday night! 

A Giant Sturgeon

In regard to the current and past Heavenly Signs of 2024, it's interesting to note that some species of sturgeon fish can get very large. In fact, the giant sturgeons can grow to be nearly 50 feet (15 meters) long, and weigh well over 3000 pounds (1,360 kilos)! Furthermore, giant sturgeons have been found in seas, rivers and lakes all over the world. As a result, some scholars suspect that the big fish that swallowed the prophet Jonah and then spit him out three days later may have been a giant sturgeon.

Jonah's perilous encounter with the big fish
(Courtesy of iBible)

Jonah's story is one of rebellion, chastisement, repentance, forgiveness of sin, redemption and salvation. This ties in well with the messages that the Stars in the Heavens have been giving us for most of this year, which is tied to the Sign of Jonah. In the heavens, the story of Jonah is tied to the constellations Aquarius, Piscis Austrinus, Pisces, Cetus and Capricorn. 

Noah Sees The Rainbow Promise!

Fascinatingly, these same constellations are tied to the story of the Great Flood of Noah, and the building of Noah's Ark. Both Jonah and Noah witnessed God's judgment, saw His forgiveness, and received His redemption from death. These events had similar themes to the redemption and salvation messages tied to the Catching Away or Rapture. There are also notable Heavenly Signs in Leo, Taurus and Orion this Tu B'Av. Please read the 4 main Star Gospel Graphics in this article to get an understanding of what these Heavenly Signs mean.

There are so many Signs in this world right now that are almost shouting that Yahshua is coming again very soon. These include worldwide increases in sexual immorality, and physical and emotional violence, murder, theft and prevarication. Because of this, it's good for us not to lose hope, and to remember God's promises of power, protection and deliverance. This will help us to use the divine authority that we have been given by the Holy Spirit within us, and we can strive to drive evil out of our homes, neighborhoods, and nations as we await Yahshua's glorious return.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this Article on the Tu B'Av 2024 Heavenly Signs. If we are still here after Tu B'Av, I will post again about the Heavenly Signs on Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot this year at some point in the near future. In the meantime, please help me financially if you are able. You can send cash to my ministry using Venmo or PayPal with the following email address that has been attached to my ministry since its inception over 25 years ago, which is:  

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πŸ™πŸ’–Blessings upon you all!πŸ’–πŸ™ 

Helena Lehman of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Author of the Language of God Book Series;
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