Wednesday, September 26, 2012


By Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry

Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement is the holiest day of the year on the Jewish Calendar, and the day that Jews do not realize was fulfilled by Yahshua, the perfect Lamb of God, when He died on the Cross for our sins. As a result, every religious Jew still fasts and prays - far into the night and all day - for God to have mercy on them and forgive their sins so that their names can be inscribed in God’s BOOK OF LIFE for another year. 

As partly shown in the above graphic made from a beautiful photo of Havasu Falls at night, Psalm 136 is a wonderful Psalm to recite on this day - as it captures the mood and intention of the holy day. To best view the graphic, which contains the first 9 of the 26 stanzas of Psalm 136, use the link below it to open it in a new window, then right click it to expand it to full size. To read all of Psalm 136, use the link to the Bible Gateway embedded near to the beginning of this paragraph.

Though we believers in Yahshua are under the New Covenant and are NOT required to fast and pray the whole day, we should still remember Yahshua’s sacrifice for us on this special day by THANKING HIM for saving us from sin, death and the Devil! We should also thank our Father God Yahweh for promising us everlasting life through His Son, and for placing our names in the Book of Life, as well His Book of Remembrance that names those to be taken in the Rapture.

Since the Day of Atonement is an appointed Holy Day that has been set apart to ask God for mercy, it’s a good day to take more time than normal to examine your heart on that day. Search yourself for any unconfessed sins, and any feelings of anger or bitterness that you can’t seem to let go of. After you have done a fearless and ruthless inventory of yourself, pray that Yahweh God would forgive you for your sins, and to help you to let go of all bitterness and anger. To do this, we need to forgive those who have wronged us, just as Yahshua did on the Cross when He said:

Luke 23:34 - “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do!”

Even though he was in agony dying on the Cross, Yahshua forgave His accusers and torturers because of their blindness. He knew that they were ignorant of His divinity and royalty, and that they were completely lost in their sins so they did not know what they were doing, and to whom they were doing it to. We need to extend the same kind of forgiveness to those who have wronged us.

After that, it is always wise to pray that God would forgive the sins of our families, friends, neighborhoods, city, and nation, just as the patriarch Job did for his own family and friends - both before and after his extraordinarily harsh ordeal at the hands of Satan. Just as Job did, ask God to relieve you of all bitterness and anger, and to help you to forgive others of all sins against you, just as God forgives you of your sins against Him when they are confessed and repented of. 

After this time of introspection and prayer, the evidence of divine forgiveness should be physically felt in that your heart should feel light with God’s love and peace. If not, you should re-examine yourself to see if there might be some bitterness or unconfessed sin still hidden there.

Once you do feel God’s love and peace wash over you, this would be a good time to lift up your arms to rejoice and sing to your King, for Yahshua, our Atonement Sacrifice, has paid the full price for all the sins that we confess and repent of until He comes to take us home to be with Him. As a way of thanking God for His forgiveness, here is a short, simple prayer that you can say along with me:
 “Thank You so much, my beloved Yahweh God My Father, for forgiving and cleansing me of sin and sickness with Yahshua’s shed blood, for helping me to forgive others, for placing my name in Your Book of Life and Book of Loving Remembrance, and for sending Your Holy Spirit to give me spiritual gifts, instruct me in the ways of wisdom, and direct my path toward righteousness. I am sorry for all of my sins, and ask for Your limitless favor, mercy and love. Thank You for forgiving all known and unknown sins in my life, and the lives of those that I love, and thank You for promising me everlasting life in Your eternal Kingdom. In Yahshua’s Wonderful Name, Amen!”
 Hallelu-Yah for Yahshua! :-D

Yahshua is coming SOON! Maranatha!

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1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful Blessing this Saturday,High Sabbath Morning on the Holy Festival of the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.


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