Wednesday, October 09, 2024



Heavenly Signs in  Gemini, Taurus
And Orion on First Day of the 
Weeklong Feast of Tabernacles 

Building on my last Ministry blog article concerning the October 2nd, 2024 Annular Solar Eclipse in the Sign of Virgo, which was on Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets, I will now explain what the Signs on the s special holy days on the Jewish Autumn Feast Calendar might mean in relation to End Time Bible Prophecy.  These Autumn Heavenly Signs are primarily in the constellations Virgo the Virgin, Gemini the Twins, Taurus the Bull and Taurus 'decan Sign Orion the Hunter.

As on the Feast of trumpets this year, the Signs in Virgo are extremely interesting because they are all centered around the First Advent and Second Coming of our beloved Messiah Yahshua or Jesus. But before I get too involved in explaining the meaning of the Signs in Virgo on the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur, and during the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. First , I want to focus on the Heavenly Signs in Taurus, Gemini and Orion during these Israelite holy days. These constellations are shown in the illustration at the top of this article. Please read the text on that illustration and the one below, and then read the explanation that follows.

Meaning of the Star Names in
The Constellations Taurus and Orion

After careful and prayerful study of the symbolic pictures and Star names associated with Taurus, Gemini, and Orion,, I was shown that the placement of the planet Mars in the Pollux Twin of Gemini, which is tied to Jacob and Israel as a whole, is a sign that all believers in Yahshua are being called to fight the enemies of Yahshua and His faithful followers all over the world that are the spiritual and literal descendants of Jacob.. These enemies of the Christians and Messianic Jews that are loving and kind to one another are found in the spiritual and physical descendants of Ishmael, whose hatred of the United States, United Kingdom and Israel is an old hatred of the righteous that is at the core of every major war that has ever been fought throughout history.

The Russian Federation and its war upon Ukraine is an extension of this hatred of Israel because it is destabilizing the entire Eurasian continent , and causing the tensions between the Eastern and the Western Nations to accelerate. The constellation Auriga the Goatherd is a depiction of the goats that Yahshua signaled out as spiritually dark children of the devil in His teachings. These goats, who think they are righteous but are deceived, are attacking Yahshua's beloved followers and Hi Jewish brethren. For this reason, they are targeted for His coming Wrath. They will be plagued with tribulation and Judgement, and are to be cast out of His coming Kingdom on the Earth.. To be clear, anyone who disregards Yahshua's Commandments or Moral Laws and treats His followers dispicably is a goat in spirit.

This is a cause for great concern, as this escalating conflict between Yahshua's sheep and Satan's goats could lead to another deadly world war - a terrible war in which nuclear weapons may come into play. Nonetheless, believers in Yahshua should not be afraid, but be looking up and watching for the arrival of their mighty Warrior King to rescue them from further injustice. 

The Star Gospel Meaning of the
 Constellation Virgo the Virgin 

This desire of Yahshua to rescue His faithful followers from injustice and further judgement and tribulation is reflected by the plane Jupiter between the horns of Taurus, and crowning the Warrior King Yahshua depicted by Orion. Besides Jupiter, the planet Uranus near the Pleiades in Taurus is a herald of Christ's loving concern for the safety of His people. For clarity,  I need to point out that the Pleiades astar cluster is a depiction of the Seven Churches of Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. The planet Venus in the constellation Libra the Scales,is also an indicator that Yahshua's desires to protect His Saints is paramount.  We'll focus on the placement of Venus more as I discuss the Signs surrounding Virgo in the next few paragraphs. Please read the text on the illustrations above and below this paragraph before continuing to read this article.

Heavenly Signs in Virgo the Virgin 
On the Day of Atonement
(Click Image to Enlarge)

The illustration above shows the Heavenly Signs in Virgo and Libra on the Day of Atonement, which begins on the night of October 11th, 2024, while the illustration below this paragraph shows the Heavenly Signs in Virgo and Libra on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. The major difference between them is the placement of the bright Comet C/2023 A3, which will be close to perihelion,, or the Comet's closest approach to the Sun on the Day of Atonement.  In my experience,  the trajectory of comets  in the heavens can often bring Prophetic insights. This comet's journey through the constellations does indeed bring Prophetic insights to light.

Heavenly Signs in Virgo and Libra 
On Day 1 of the Feast of Tabernacles
(Click Image to Enlarge)

I liken this bright Comet named after its discoverer to a divine chariot that reflects God's intentions. For example, the tails of comets can be likened to heavenly swords, so it's interesting how this Comet cut through Hydra the Serpent under Leo on the Feast of Trumpets, and will be passing swiftly through the constellation Serpens the Serpent on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is interesting because both Hydra and Serpens are a depiction of the Serpent that tempted Adam and Eve and all their descendants to rebel against their loving Creator and disobey His Commandments. Indeed, like them,  all of us have gone astray and need  the redemption offered to us when we accept Christ's blood sacrifice, and choose to follow Him.

Now let's look at the celestial line up in Virgo, which consists of the Sun, the star Spica, and the planet Mercury in close alignment.  The Sun is not as close to Spica on the Day of Atonement as it will be on Day 1 of the Feast of Tabernacles. This suggests that the Saints can be likened to the Man Child or baby that is about to be born via the Woman Clothed with the Sun in Revelation Chapter 12, which is a representation of the constellation Virgo. Interestingly, the Sun will pass through the birth canal of the Virgin , which is marked by the star Spica, during the first days of the Feast of Tabernacles. Also interesting is how the Sign of Prophetic Fulfillment found in the planet Mercury will be symbolically at Virgo's feet at this time. 

This placement of the Sun, the Comet, and Mercury in relation to Spica suggests that the Catching Away of the Saints to safety in the blessed event known as the Rapture could be around these holy days. Furthermore, the Comet's trajectory through Hydra and Serpens is an indicator that the Wrath of God is about to be poured out on the wicked. To be clear, the wicked are those who don't keep Yahshua's Commandments to love the Creator God Yahweh and to love one another as God loves us.

Meaning of the Star Names in Libra in 
Connection with the Gospel in the Stars 

Below Virgo's feet is the constellation Libra the Scales, which was seen as an Altar in ancient times. Please read the information on the illustrations above and below this paragraph to see what the constellation Libra means in connection with the Star Gospel. As revealed in the illustrations, Libra is connected to our Heavenly Father's Judgement of the wicked, and the Divine Justice that is required to pay for the poora treatment that all of God's people throughout the ages have endured at the hands of their wicked and unrepentant enemies.

A More Accurate Representation of 
The Constellation Libra with a
Translation of two Principle. Stars.

In the Star Gospel, Libra the Scales is depicted like two altars that weigh one's soul and spirit against the all surpassing perfection and beauty of our Creator God Yahweh and the Holy Spirit. Against God's perfection, we are judged and found wanting in every way. But because Yahshua incarnated as a man and died for our sins to heal the breach between us and God's holiness, we are more than conquerors! This is because Yahshua is our advocate before God. Because He covers us with His shed blood, our sins are blotted out and God the Father only sees Christ's holiness. For this reason, we can call God our Father, as well as our Brother via Yahshua, and we can become members of God's family for all eternity.

Of course, as always, I need to say that no one knows when our Messiah I will return except our Heavenly Father. I'm here for me to continue to watch and wait. In the meantime, we should all also be brain continuing for all the people in this world and have yet to be saved, and they are already saved but suffering greatly at the hands of evil people and government. I pray that this article will bless everyone who needs it. Please share it with those you know who would be able to understand it and be blessed by it. 

In the meantime, please help me financially if you are able. Even $10 would be helpful! Click the Linkbelow  to help via a dropdown menu for sending cash gifts via PayPal: at my POEM Ministry Website:

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pillar_of_enoch @  yahoo. com

Just remove the spaces from the email address, and look me up on PayPal or Venmo using the same email address to send me money. Thank you all for considering a cash gift, and may our Father God Yahweh bless all who help me in any way. Thanks also for your prayers for protection.

🙏💖Blessings of Yahshua upon you all!💖🙏 
Helena Lehman of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Ministry Web Site:


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