Wednesday, January 22, 2014


The title of this article is a question that I often find myself asking difficult, legalistic people in conversations on my timeline and privately at Facebook, or in E-Mails. I also often see the need to mention that I am born again to these people when clarifying where my spiritual perceptions and authoritative way of teaching originate.

Because I am born again, the Holy Spirit is living in me, and I now can converse with our Father God personally and directly, with no need of a mediator or translator. I am free to go directly to our Father Yahweh in Heaven through Yahshua without fear, and He speaks directly to me. I don't need dreams or visions anymore, though I did initially, and they do still help me to understand God sometimes when His spoken and written words aren't getting through to me completely.

But because I have a direct line to God and can literally hear Him speaking to me at times and showing me things that are to come, and these spoken words fully agree with Scripture, I have confidence that what I am sharing with you and others is true, in so far as I understand it. We all see in a glass darkly, so there are things about God and His Will that we will never understand fully until we are given our immortal bodies. But because I know my Father God and He knows me, I can speak boldly and without fear and go before the Throne of Grace whenever I have need of guidance, comfort or instruction.

In fact, as an evidence of God's direct intervention in my thoughts, I can testify that, contrary to popular belief, I am not that well-versed in Scripture at all, and I truly rely on the Holy Spirit to give me the perfect verses to quote and the meaning of the words when I want to lead and to teach others. So I am honestly not writing articles alone, but with God's direct help through His Spirit writing through me. That may sound strange or arrogant to someone who has not experienced it, but I can assure you that it is the way all of our relationships with God should be!

The real tragedy of this whole debate about the place of Grace in the Law of God is that all the Judaizers and Legalists that love attacking people like me don't have any clue what it means to have a real relationship with Yahshua that isn't dictated to them like a script through the Law! They are NOT real friends with God like Enoch and Abraham were, but strangers looking in through a looking glass blurred with the fog of their misunderstanding and lack of spiritual maturity.

I am not sinning for defending my right and the right of all Messianic Jews and Gentiles to celebrate their faith in Yahweh God under the NEW Covenant of Grace without being enslaved to the old Law, which was a curse because it accuses us of our sins, and which was done away with it as a means of condemnation on the Cross when Yahshua paid the price for those sins.

Do not let the Hebraic Roots Proponents and other Legalists and Saturday Sabbath advocates condemn you if you are like me and all the other Messianic Jews and Christians out there who have fully embraced the concept of Grace and the Power of the Holy Spirit to change us from the inside out without having to keep every outmoded Law of Moses that pointed ahead to Yahshua.

While we are changing from day to day and glory to glory into the Image of Yahshua, they are holding fast to the old Law that keeps them from experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Who seals our salvation and gives us a true and living relationship with Yahweh God and His Son and our Messiah that the Judaizers profess to worship, but do not truly know!

Without the Holy Spirit that was given on Shavuot directing your path INSTEAD of the Law, you are dead in your sins, and you are NOT saved! That is why there is a schism between Jews and saved Gentiles or grafted-in Israelites that will not be breached until Yahshua returns to settle the matter once and for all time.

NEVER FORGET THIS! - Yahshua is the WORD OF GOD or TORAH made Flesh! He who died on the cross for our sins nailed the curse of the Law onto the cross and it died with Him along with our sins which the Law cursed us for! And when God Incarnate rose from the dead, He made a new Law to be written on the hearts of all those who truly love Him and what He did for them, a Law written by the power of the Holy Spirit with love and mercy and kindness as its foundation rather than blind obedience.

You CANNOT speak of God's Law without mentioning that Yahshua is the Law and that He fulfilled it for us. You CANNOT speak of obedience without speaking of the New Covenant sealed by the Holy Spirit that gives us the power to be obedient. To be fixated on the old Law is death to the hearer without Yahshua there to show the Way with His Father's love, mercy, kindness and charity! Only Yahshua's Word brings LIFE! The Law only brings death and curses to everyone! Without Christ there to be our Mediator and Redeemer when we inevitably fail to keep the Law, we would all be doomed to HELL.

Praise Yahweh God for Yahshua and His Spirit, Who writes the new Law on our hearts and saves us when we fail to keep it perfectly! Amen and Hallelu-Yah! Thank You Yahshua for your saving GRACE!!!

Sadly, the main reason for these debates between legalistic, Torah-observant believers and born-again believers in Yahshua is that, though we all need to be born-again by the Spirit of God after we repent of all sin and believe in Yahshua, most believers don't have a clue what being born-again really means! They don't know how to surrender their lives to God and ask Him to fill them up with His Spirit and His light. They don't know the subsequent joy when this happens, and the comfort that comes with being able to converse directly with God, or what it really is or should be like, and that's the worst tragedy of all!

Please, fellow believers, if you do NOT hear God speaking to you in some tangible way at least once in a while, and God seems distant and unreachable to you except through outmoded rituals and traditions, realize that this is NOT the way a genuine, Spirit-filled walk with God is supposed to be like! Once you realize this, get down on your knees and beg God to fill you with His Spirit so that you can and will hear and follow Him and only Him!

Furthermore, if you do not feel God's Spirit within giving you true peace and joy in being saved even after asking God to fill you, it may be due to some unconfessed sin in your life. This can prevent you from experiencing a true relationship with Yahweh God.

If you think this may apply to you, then you need to REPENT openly and ask God to help you stop sinning. Then you need to pray against ALL demonic strongholds that are keeping God's Spirit from filling you! Repent of all known sin and ask God for forgiveness!

Then ask God the Father to fill you with His Spirit again and again in fervent prayer until He makes it known to you that He heard you! You will know that He did when you begin to experience visions, dreams and direct words of knowledge from Him that never contradict Scripture. You will also begin to feel God filling you with faith and purpose, and you will feel Him opening your spiritual eyes so that you can know God more intimately than you ever have before.

Do not shy away from this, my beloved brethren, but learn to embrace the true love and knowledge and Spirit of God in Christ, and you will never want to be without it or Him again!

Remember that the Holy Spirit is the SEAL of our salvation. This means that we need to see signs of the Holy Spirit's presence to gauge whether or not someone is saved. Is this person transformed by the renewing of their mind? Have they given up bad habits, lusts and addictions? Are they more loving and less likely to anger? These are all signs that someone has taken the first steps in knowing Christ, and that they are truly saved. But if their salvation remains at that level, and does not move into the realm of the miraculous and mystical, they will not be experiencing all the benefits of true fellowship with Christ.

For more information about what the Scriptures teach about the process of being born again and receiving spiritual gifts, please read my related articles listed below the closing. For an even deeper exploration of what it means to believe in Yahshua and to walk with God, please read my book: “The Language of God in Humanity”, which is available to purchase as a quality paperback, PDF on Cd or E-Book at my POEM Web Site here:

A Message of Love and Concern
From Your Sister in Yahshua,
Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry


QUESTIONING THE POWER OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS - THE UNPARDONABLE SIN! - Excerpt: Yahshua sent us the Holy Spirit to instruct us in all things. The trouble is that many believers do not understand the action of the Holy Spirit in our salvation or in our instruction by God, and many calls to live a godly life today are therefore totally legalistic. Since they focus on the letter of the Law and not the Spirit of the Law, they leave out any mention of the Holy Spirit. But without the Spirit of God working in us, we are all doomed to fail, and to die in our sins.


The Blog Article ENTERING THE KINGDOM OF GOD” that is linked to below is probably one of my best current articles for Evangelism. It is complimented by several videos that show an unsaved person what it means to be saved by accepting Yahshua's sacrifice, and what it means to follow Yahshua, and walk with God in order to be sanctified and ready for the Rapture. Please share it with everyone you know because the time is short!

Pillar of Enoch Ministry Blog: ENTERING THE 

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