Monday, December 28, 2020


VENUS, the Morning Star at Dawn, December, 10th, 2020

It should be obvious to many of us by now that there are many evil people in this world with an evil agenda, and that agenda is to keep us so full of anxiety and misery that we tend to die of despair and fear, become super depressed and disinterested, or go berserk and do violent and crazy things. Thankfully, most believers in Christ have the good sense to not give into the desire to do violence, and that's because we know how to let it go and let God.

Letting go and trusting God isn’t easy if your focus is wrong, and all of the bad stuff that is constantly going on around us captures your constant attention. Please Brothers and Sisters, don’t let that happen! Try to realize that all of it is just a distraction from what’s important. I know there’s some serious things going on that can preoccupy a lot of people's minds, especially if there's nothing else to distract us. So I’m going to cover a couple of those things right now, and please forgive me if I sound a bit irreverent or sarcastic. It’s just that I see these distractions as evil - even if the people they involve are not necessarily so.

One of those things is Trump’s presidency, and the fact that it is almost over despite the constant claims of voter fraud, and unsubstantiated rumors of a coup or a comeback. There’s also the fact that Trump never drained the swamp of all the wicked people in the government like so many conspiracy theorists said he was going to do because he supposedly had “the goods” on them. Frankly, it should be obvious by now that he doesn't have enough evidence on anybody. No political or moral bombs have actually dropped since all that talk before the Nashville bomb, and nothing has happened except that Trump seems determined to leave his presidency in a bad mood, and with a bitter taste in America’s mouth. I truly wish him the best and I pray that he'll find peace and new purpose in the new year, but he needs to move on, and so does all of his supporters.

Meanwhile, there’s another nasty thing to focus on surrounding the so-called Nashville terrorist attack that happened on Christmas Day. I watched the security camera video of the Nashville bombing, and I also watched a news commentary where the lady across the street and her husband fled the scene after hearing gunshots and the recording coming from the RV. Her eyewitness account was very detailed and interesting, but she sounded so calm and level-headed during her interview that it almost seemed rehearsed. I don’t know if it was or not. I’m just expressing what it felt like to me.

And that’s not all that seemed fake. After watching these videos and praying about what we are being told about the Nashville bombing, my initial impression is that it was a false flag or staged event intended to cause more unhappiness and unrest and anxiety in a population that’s already been traumatized by COVID and vaccine fears, the amazing and unsettling Signs in the Heavens, rising economic instability and widespread unemployment, and the lack of the ability to travel freely and socialize with those we love for almost a year. 

And my impression as to the reason why they’re doing this is to make people desperate for any solution that’ll put an end to this (planned) pandemic and allow people’s lives to get back to normal, which is a pipe dream. That's because things are never going to get back to any kind of “normal” until after this tribulation, and the coming Great Tribulation are over. That's when, with Yahshua on the Throne here on Earth, life will be far more full of love and joy and happiness than this current world system could ever offer.

Speaking of the reasons why this world can't offer lasting happiness centers around all the garbage that those who are unenlightened like to shove in our faces. For example, I saw someone’s post on Facebook yesterday that showed photos of supposed laser beams being beamed down from space to cause earthquakes and other natural disasters and to attack various civilization centers in the recent past.Though the photos may be doctored, they also could be real. That's because there is a legitimate reason for this fear.

The fact is that many countries have launched satellites into space in the recent past year that could be behind such a laser weapon, including the United States, Russia, and China. Furthermore, all three of these nations can be seen as heads on the Beast from the Sea. In fact, I'm almost positive that the United States has at least one laser weapon attached to a military satellite controlled by the Space Force arm of the US Air Force. But God doesn't like cowards and expects us to live victoriously and without fear, acting and being confident in our walk with Christ.

Then I saw a post where someone else implied that such a laser weapon was used to cause the Nashville bombing on Christmas Day. They're pointing to a grainy photo with a faint streak supposedly in the sky near the blast site. It's possible, but the photo doesn't really show anything discernible, and I don’t think that was the cause of the Nashville bombing. It was most probably a bomb that was installed inside the RV vehicle, and set to go off at a certain time by the AI that was also controlling the voice coming out of the RV and telling the world it was a bomb, and to evacuate the area to avoid being killed.

Though the bomb in the RV could have been set off by a small missile launched from a Bazooka type device, the police that had barricaded the street from traffic would surely have seen someone shooting a small missile at the target RV. So, though certain people may find this strange, I don’t care who did it or what these criminals did it with. That's because I know the reason WHY the criminals did it, and that’s enough. 

They did it to cause more unrest, anxiety and fear. That’s why I don’t want to focus on things like this… because they are meant to distract us from what’s important, and that is our Heavenly Father God and His Kingdom, His Salvation, His  Power, His Love, and His amazing, unrealized and untapped authority and power within us to work miracles in our lives, and the lives of others.

We who are born again and following Yahshua are supposed to be working on becoming supernatural like our Messiah, and displaying supernatural power in this fallen world. But we are constantly being robbed of the time to reflect and meditate on God’s words of power and comfort and healing and Hope and Faith in the Bible that are the only real source of happiness and comfort and Hope, Faith, Peace and Light in this fallen world.

It’s our choice as to what we choose to focus on in this life, and those who focus on positive things and emotions do better than those who focus on the negative things that are constantly being thrown at us. That’s why I choose to keep my eyes on Yahshua and on His Kingdom! Because God is LOVE spelled with capital letters, and He is the source of all truth, life, light, goodness, kindness, forgiveness, mercy and love. 

Yahshua is the SOURCE of all life and all love because His Word tells us that He is all in all, and we are all one in Him. We’re loved with an everlasting love. He cares for each and every one of us more than life itself, and He wants to shower us with His affection and love 24 hours a day and 7 days a week! Yahshua’s never too busy to hear what’s troubling us, or to know what part of us needs help or healing. He’s never too busy to touch us and heal us, or to fill us with love, hope, comfort and strength. If only we would all learn how to reach out to Him and tell Him how much we need Him and love Him, and then wait upon Him long enough to let Him answer us with overwhelming love, affection and blessings. 

I don't know about you, but that’s what I’m going to keep focusing on until it’s impossible, and my comfort has been ripped out from under me and I’m barefooted and cold out on the street. IF it ever happens. That’s when I’ll worry about where my next meal is coming from and how I’m going to survive. But even then, I'll be looking to Yahshua to see me through whatever may befall us, and I'll know when to let go and let Him take me home when it's time.

Thankfully, for now, I don’t need to worry about that. Because I’m in a comfortable home, with plenty of food, and I'm surrounded by my Messiah’s love, affection, comfort, joy, strength and power everyday. Just don't forget that He’s always there for me and you, and He’s the reason for the life and being and purpose that each of us has. And that, my Sisters and Brothers, is all that really matters to Him. He wants us to feel safe and warm and loved and protected in His loving arms. Not just intangibly, but within our innermost being and for all eternity. And He wants us to do loving, wonderful and amazing things by His power, and in His Name.

Venus, the Morning Star, 12-10-2020 

Before closing, I wanted to say a little about the early morning sky photos attached to this post. These are of Venus, the symbol of Yahshua as the Morning Star of Revelation 22:16. They were taken at 6:25 am on Thursday, December 10th, 2020. This beautiful Wandering Star/Planet has been adorning the early morning sky everyday for the past few weeks to let us all know that Yahshua is the TRUE Morning Star, and He is here for all of us if we would only look up to Heaven in our mind’s eye and see Him there, shining His bright Light, and patiently waiting for us to give us His undivided attention.


With Love and Blessings,
From Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry  


Although it's been said that I produce like an army of workers, and that I'm a force of nature, the Pillar of Enoch Ministry (POEM) is operated by one person, and that is me, Helena Lehman, and I am chronically ill and unemployed outside of this writing and preaching ministry that I carry out on this blog, through my "Language of God Book Series", and on Facebook and Twitter. So it's truly by the Grace of God that I have gotten so much accomplished over the years, and I am so grateful to Him and to you, my beloved brethren and followers, who have prayed for me and helped me. That said, I ask you to please consider giving me a gift this year of $10 or more directly through PayPal using the link below:

To Give Through PayPal via my POEM site:

Thank you for considering giving a gift, and if you can't give right now, that's okay. Like me, many people are suffering hardship right now, and my heart goes out to you as I pray for all my brothers and sisters around the world who are in need. Just remember to pray for me and my ministry too. 

1 comment:

Shalom! Feel free to comment, but please be respectful. God bless!