Sunday, July 31, 2011

Armageddon Show of 7-31-2011 - The
Star Gospel Connection of Past and Future
Extinction Level Events or ELEs - Part 1


On the July 31st Armageddon Show, Helena began a lengthy focus on the prophetic importance of the Signs in the Heavens in the Zodiac signs of Leo, Cancer, Gemini and Taurus and their decan constellations and on three potential celestial trouble-makers: Elenin, Comet Honda 45P, and Nibiru - also known as Marduk. In addition to the Heavenly Signs indicating that the Rapture is potentially very, very near, these celestial objects could meet in our inner Solar System and cause a series of Extinction Level Events or ELEs on the Earth in the near future. In fact, they may all be the physical catalysts that God intends to use to bring about the Great Tribulation plagues associated with the 6th and 7th Seals and 1st thru 4th Trumpet Judgments described in the Book of Revelation. If there is time before the Rapture, Helena will continue this discussion over the next two or three upcoming shows.


Armageddon Shows Now Available At Vimeo!


Watch My Latest Armageddon Shows Now At Vimeo -
Where All Uploaded Shows Are Now Commercial Free,
Downloadable And Embeddable!

Here is a link to my Profile Page at Vimeo,
where you can access all of the shows that I've uploaded so far:

Please feel free to share, download and embed my videos from there and leave comments at Vimeo. In the meantime, to access free articles or to examine and/or purchase the Language of God Book Series or to know where and how to send financial gifts to keep this ministry online, please use the link below my closing that leads to the Pillar of Enoch Ministry (POEM) web site.

God Bless and Maranatha!

Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry (POEM)
Sunday, July 31st Armageddon Show with Helena Lehman
on the EDGE AM at NEW TIME of 3 pm EST TODAY ONLY!

The Sunday July 31st Armageddon Show at the Edge AM With Helena Lehman will temporarily air at the new time of 3 PM EST. It Will Focus on the Prophetic Importance of the Signs in the Heavens in the Decan Constellations of the Zodiac Signs of Cancer and Taurus and on 3 potential celestial trouble-makers: Elenin, Comet Honda 45P, and Nibiru - also known as Marduk:


Helena's Show Archive Page at Vimeo:

Please note the new temporary time of 3 pm EST for this show! Hope you can tune in!

God Bless You and Maranatha!

Helena Lehman
Pillar of Enoch Ministry

Web Site:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Armageddon Show of July 27, 2011 Viewing
Upcoming Jewish Calendar Dates In Light Of
God’s Heavenly Signs


On the July 27th Armageddon Show, Helena discussed the prophetic implications of upcoming dates on the Jewish Calendar in relation to the Signs in the Heavens and the Gospel in the Stars surrounding four different comets including Elenin and Honda 45P that will be visible near the conjunctions of various stars with planets and the Sun in the constellations Cancer the Sheep-pen and Leo the Lion of Judah. In addition, Helena examined the End-Time Prophetic implication surrounding the lilies mentioned in Chapter 14 of the Book of Hosea. These lilies are related to Israel’s renewed love relationship with Yahweh. This 2-hour discussion was enhanced with a half-dozen fascinating illustrations of the night sky taken from the Redshift 7 Astronomy program.


Armageddon Shows Now Available At Vimeo!


Watch My Latest Armageddon Shows Now At Vimeo -
Where All Uploaded Shows Are Now Commercial Free,
Downloadable And Embeddable!

Here is a link to my Profile Page at Vimeo,
where you can access all of the shows that I've uploaded so far:

Please feel free to share, download and embed my videos from there and leave comments at Vimeo. In the meantime, to access free articles or to examine and/or purchase the Language of God Book Series or to know where and how to send financial gifts to keep this ministry online, please use the link below my closing that leads to the Pillar of Enoch Ministry (POEM) web site.

God Bless and Maranatha!

Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry (POEM)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

God’s Sovereignty Versus
Satan’s Deception & The Great Delusion:
Armageddon Show of July 24, 2011 with Helena Lehman


In this show, Helena deciphers the powerful prophetic message in the Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 25. In the process, Helena shows how this prophecy chronicling the past destruction of the Kingdom of Israel and the wicked nations surrounding her that she committed spiritual fornication with also applies to the present Middle East Crisis and the future of the nation of Israel, the United States and all the nations that will come against them both in the Last Day.

Helena also offers a warning for those hoping in the Rapture of the Church by showing them the truth that Yahshua was NOT promising the saints that they would be delivered from Tribulation, but ONLY from God’s Wrath against the wicked that will be poured out on the entire world during the Great Tribulation.

Related POEM Blog Post:

Why My Summer Lilies Are Important In Relation to the Rapture:


Armageddon Shows Now Available At Vimeo!


Watch My Latest Armageddon Shows Now At Vimeo -
Where All Uploaded Shows Are Now Commercial Free,
Downloadable And Embeddable!

Here is a link to my Profile Page at Vimeo,
where you can access all of the shows that I've uploaded so far:

Please feel free to share, download and embed my videos from there and leave comments at Vimeo. In the meantime, to access free articles or to examine and/or purchase the Language of God Book Series or to know where and how to send financial gifts to keep this ministry online, please use the link below my closing that leads to the Pillar of Enoch Ministry (POEM) web site.

God Bless and Maranatha!

Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry (POEM)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why My Summer Lilies Are Important In Relation to the Rapture

Click On Image To Enlarge
Several people have asked me why the analogy to Summer and Lilies is important in connection with the Rapture, especially in regard to the Vision and Word of Knowledge that I received on Palm Sunday on March 28th, 2010, while I was tilling the soil in one of my flower beds.

At that time, I heard God's silent voice within tell me that the Rapture would happen before my Summer Lilies bloomed while giving me a vision of my Oriental Star Lily bed when it was just about to flower. Following is the Biblical proof that my Word of Knowledge has spiritual substance and insight behind it, and that it was not just a figment of my imagination.

The Biblical character Ruth the Moabitess is an allegory for the Bride of Christ, who is to be a Bride of mixed Gentile and Israelite descent. In the Book of Ruth, it is explained that Ruth stayed with her Jewish mother-in-law Naomi after they were both widowed in Moab. After this, they are forced to return to Israel in order to survive. This is when Ruth finds herself welcomed to glean barley from the fields of Naomi’s wealthy kinsman Boaz. As Naomi’s close male relative, Boaz is a symbol for our righteous, merciful and loving Kinsman Redeemer Yahshua.

At the end of the barley harvest, Ruth ritually beseeches Boaz to redeem both her and Naomi from widowhood through the act of Levirate Marriage. When Boaz agrees to do this, we can tell that it is at the end of the barley harvest because Boaz gives Ruth six ephahs of barley right after she approaches him to marry her in the Levirate tradition (See Ruth 3:14-17).

Thus, their marriage was in the summer right around the time of Pentecost/Shavuot, which was the Feast of Yahweh that not only marked the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai, but also the end of the barley harvest and beginning of the wheat harvest in Israel.

Likewise, the Song of Solomon speaks of summer lilies in relation to the Shulamite woman, who is an allegory for the Bride of Christ. In the following passage, for example, the Shulamite woman is compared to the lily and the Rose of Sharon:
The Shulamite: “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.” The Beloved: “Like a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.” - Song of Solomon 2:1-2
Also, in the Song of Solomon 6:1-2, the Bridegroom is pictured feeding His flock among the lilies, and He also gathers the lilies at that time - likely as a gift for His Bride-to-be, the Shulamite. In the following verse, the Shulamite woman is speaking of her beloved:
The Shulamite: “My beloved has gone to his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed his flock in the gardens, and to gather lilies.” - Song of Solomon 6:2
Now, lilies that are meant for display in vases or bridal bouquets are often picked just as the buds at the bottom of the stem are opening so they will last a long time, with the flowers opening successively from bottom to top.

So, when Yahshua's Spirit gave me the Word of knowledge and Vision of my Summer Lilies about to bloom on Palm Sunday in 2010, and audibly told me that He would come for us (His Bride) before (or perhaps when) my Summer Lilies bloomed, it was a sign to me that the Rapture would be in the first half of the summer someday. Since Yahshua gave me the season but not the year, I have been waiting expectantly every summer since then for Him to come for His Bride.

Also, recently this year, I had a dream of being taken up in the Rapture while I was dressed in my summer pajamas, suggesting that the Rapture might be in the morning {although I do tend to wear my pajamas until early afternoon sometimes :-) }.

I am still watching and hoping...

There are also clues in the Song of Solomon that there will be Two Raptures. I discuss this possibility in detail in my free Web and PDF article that is linked to below:

“Come Up Here and Come Away! -
Clues to the Timing of the Rapture”:

I hope you will prayerfully consider my vision, word, and research. In the meantime, may Yahweh God bless you all, and Maranatha!

Your Sister in Yahshua,
Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry

PS: I pray that this article and those that it links to will bless you, and help you to grow in spiritual understanding as we await the Rapture. In the meantime, remember that...

Yahshua is coming SOON! Maranatha!

To Give A Financial Gift:

To Purchase My Language of God Series Books: 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Little Girl Singing Amazing Grace - Adorable! :-)

Shalom Friends,

I wanted to share this delightfully cute video of a little girl singing "Amazing Grace" to brighten up you day. I hope it brings a smile to your face.



Yahshua Is Coming Soon!

Helena Lehman

Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Armageddon Show of July 20th, 2011 with Helena
Lehman Delivering A Message For Those Left Behind


Helena's July 20th, 2011 Armageddon show focused on what those who are left behind need to consider regarding the reason why they were left behind in the First Rapture and what they will need to do to get things right with Yahweh and Yahshua so that they will not be excluded from the Second Rapture or the Millennial Kingdom.

This show explains that, based on the doctrine of demons being fed to New Age proponents and alien enthusiasts, the fallen angels may return at the time of the First Rapture and appear as benevolent aliens that will falsely claim to have been the instigators of this Rapture event in an effort to cleanse the world of those holding the world back from achieving global peace and prosperity. They may make many world political leaders suddenly disappear as in a Rapture type event to convince the nations of their power and purpose, and they may also claim to be the Pagan gods of old to convince many that all the religions of the world were their invention - including the belief in Yahshua as the Messiah.

The show also focused on the reality that there may be a Second Rapture for those who don’t lose hope that Yahshua will return for them. However, it also focuses on the fact that their physical survival may not be possible unless they are fit and strong, plan ahead for survival and have friends they can trust to hide out with and work with toward that goal. If they can survive the coming natural, religious and political catastrophes ahead and make the right choices, they may live to see the Second Rapture that will likely occur just before the Bowls of God’s Wrath are poured out.


July 20th Show - Related POEM Blog Articles:

COMING RAPTURE - First Rapture Deception Coming!

Dalai Lama Spreading Interfaith Unity Lies - Please Pray!

Prepare Your Hearts For The Rapture, For It Could Be Any Day Now!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Armageddon Show: 7-20 Highlights & Ministry Update

7-20 Show at 9 PM EST


Armageddon Show of July 20th, 2011 with Helena
Lehman - A Message For Those Left Behind -
Wednesday Night at 9 pm EST on the Edge AM

This show is going to focus on what those who are left behind need to consider regarding the reason why they were left behind in the First Rapture and what they will need to do to get things right with Yahweh and Yahshua so that they will not be excluded from the Second Rapture or the Millennial Kingdom.

This show will also explain that, based on the doctrine of demons being fed to New Age proponents and alien enthusiasts, the fallen angels may return at the time of the First Rapture and appear as benevolent aliens that will falsely claim to have been the instigators of this Rapture event in an effort to cleanse the world of those holding the world back from achieving global peace and prosperity. They may make many world political leaders suddenly disappear as in a Rapture type event to convince the nations of their power and purpose, and they may also claim to be the Pagan gods of old to convince many that all the religions of the world were their invention - including the belief in Yahshua as the Messiah.


Click the Link Below to Watch the Show LIVE at the
Edge AM and Participate in the Live Chat:

Please make sure that you click on the Show Player to activate it once you visit the Edge AM web site or you won’t see the live feed!


This show will also focus on the reality that there will likely be a Second Rapture for those who don’t lose hope that Yahshua will return for them. However, it will also focus on the fact that their physical survival may not be possible unless they are fit and strong, plan ahead for survival and have friends they can trust to hide out with and work with toward that goal. If they can survive the coming natural, religious and political catastrophes ahead and make the right choices, they may live to see the Second Rapture that will likely occur just before the Bowls of God’s Wrath are poured out.

This show will be made available to watch in Helena’s show archives at VIMEO shortly after airing live. To access the show at VIMEO, visit Helena’s profile page there the day after the show airs:


Helena’s Profile Page at Vimeo:


July 20th Show - Related POEM Blog Articles:

COMING RAPTURE - First Rapture Deception Coming!

Dalai Lama Spreading Interfaith Unity Lies - Please Pray!

Prepare Your Hearts For The Rapture, For It Could Be Any Day Now!


Pillar Of Enoch Ministry - Recent Activity


Armageddon Show of July 17, 2011 with Helena


Watch July 17th, 2011 Show at Vimeo:

In this show, Helena discussed the critical End-Time message of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry and why it has not received the attention it deserves in Christian or Messianic Circles or among those interested in the “Alien Agenda” of the Nephilim and fallen angels. Yahshua did not come to bring Peace but a Sword, and this message is ALL about Spiritual Warfare and the need for serious prayer and supplication before God for Helena’s Ministry, for the Body of Christ, for America, and for the world.


Armageddon Show of July 13, 2011 with Helena
Lehman Recapping Recent Ministry Activity


Watch July 13th, 2011 Show at Vimeo:

In this Armageddon Show of July 13, 2011, Helena recapped many recent articles and ministry activity. In the process, Helena offered many spiritual insights using the Language of God to decipher the meaning of symbols in our world and gave much encouragement to believers anxiously awaiting the Rapture and Wedding of the Lamb in Heaven. Helena also offered a timely warning about attempting to tamper with God’s Will in prayer!

July 13th Show - Related POEM Blog Articles:

The Possible Meaning of the Apocalyptic
Murals Sponsored by the Bank of America:

Should All Secret Societies and Their
Encoded Messages Be Seen As Evil?:

The Symbolic Ties of the Movie “Deep Impact”
to the Comet Elenin and the New World Order:

The Prophetic Message In The
Space Shuttle Atlantis’ Mission Patch:

Counteracting Discouragement Among
God's Watchmen on the Wall:

Background for the July 13th
Armageddon Show Discussion:


Armageddon Shows Now Available At Vimeo!


Watch My Latest Armageddon Shows Now At Vimeo - Where All Uploaded Shows Are Now Commercial Free, Downloadable And Embeddable!

Here is a link to my Profile Page at Vimeo, where you can access all of the shows that I've uploaded so far:

Please feel free to share, download and embed my videos from there and leave comments at Vimeo.


Please Pray for This Ministry and
Consider Helping Financially:


If you have any questions or comments about the material, please contact me at “”. Also, if you feel led by Yahshua’s Spirit to help the Pillar of Enoch Ministry stay online, please consider a financial gift as my funds are getting very low. To do so, you can use Western Union or mail in a check, bank draft, or postal money order of any amount to our ministry address as listed below.

You can also use my “customerservice” e-mail address to give a financial gift not exceeding $200 via PayPal using their “Send Money” feature. If using PayPal to give, please indicate that it is for “Access to the Armageddon Show” or “Pillar of Enoch Ministry Web Site Access” only. Please DO NOT say it is a “donation”! PayPal has strict rules against collecting “donations” if not a registered charity, and my ministry is not registered due to the unconstitutionality and extremely high cost (amounting to thousands of dollars) of the registration process.

In the meantime, I’d like to thank you all for your support, prayers and love shown to my ministry. I deeply appreciate it! May Yahweh God and His Son Yahshua Bless you all ten times over for every act of kindness and every prayer you have offered up on my behalf!

Maranatha! Keep Looking UP!

Yahshua is coming VERY SOON!

Helena Lehman
Pillar of Enoch Ministry

“Books and Articles with a Vision”
1708 N. 77th Avenue
Elmwood Park, IL 60707
United States of America
Web Site:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Prepare Your Hearts For The Rapture,
For It Could Be Any Day Now!

By Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry

Many people have been writing to me to ask if the Oriental Lilies in my garden have bloomed yet, so I wanted to write a report to let everyone know that these flowers have NOT bloomed yet, but they are close! See the photograph below that was taken in July 16th showing the large buds on the lily stalks. When these open, they will bloom into big, trumpet-shaped pink flowers as per the photo of them taken last year, also shown below. Therefore, I am still VERY hopeful that my Oriental Lilies won't bloom before the Rapture THIS YEAR as per the Word of KNOWLEDGE that I received on Palm Sunday in 2010.

Oriental Lily BUDS as of July 16, 2011

Oriental Lilies in Bloom July 2010

Though I wasn't given the year, Yahshua's Spirit told me that we would be raptured before my summer flowers bloomed last year on Palm Sunday. This word was given to me just as I was cleaning out my Oriental Lily flower bed of dead growth to make room for new growth, and these are the only true summer flowers in my garden. All the other flowers there begin to bloom BEFORE the Summer Solstice! This year, due to the long, cold, and extremely wet spring that we had this year in the Chicago area, my lilies have been delayed in blooming by one whole month! But they are very close to blooming right now so the Rapture may be very, very soon!

Last year, my Oriental Lilies bloomed on Tu B'Av, or the 15th of Av on June 26th, 2010 - at the same exact time that there was a Grand Cross in the heavens formed by four planets lined up in four opposing Zodiac Signs. This day is a special minor holiday on the Jewish Calendar that is similar to the American celebration of Valentine's Day. As such, it is a popular day in Israel for weddings to be performed, engagements to be announced, betrothals to be arranged, and gifts of candy, flowers and other gifts to be given.

In addition, an impending division of Israel is now being planned to create a Palestinian State that will include a large section of Jerusalem. This is to be settled by this autumn between the UN, UK/EU, USA and Russia without Israel’s direct input. I therefore feel STRONGLY that the Rapture will be this year before these talks are concluded! Besides all the natural disasters that are heralding the coming of Yahshua in the Rapture to retrieve His beloved Bride, the political hatred toward Israel is escalating now that the USA has turned its back on Israel. We also can see that the world is very close to complete religious apostasy in the form of creating a One World Religion that will eventually allow the fallen angels to assume their Pre-Flood roles as gods. The recent push by the Dalai Lama here in the Chicago area in support of the Interfaith and Ecumenical Movements is also a sure sign that the end is very near!

Besides all this, many believers are having dreams and visions confirming that the Rapture will be this year. Finally, the Signs in the Heavens are loudly proclaiming that, if not on December 21st, 2010 when there was a Blood Moon over the sword of the Messianic sign of Orion, the Tribulation may have officially began with the Blood Moon over the Middle East that occurred in the sign of Ophiuchus/Scorpio on June 15th, 2011. This was also when Barack Obama announced putting more pressure on Israel to comply with UN restrictions against setting up new settlements in east Jerusalem.

In addition, a Grand Cross appeared in the heavens surrounding the Earth on June 26th this year. This was exactly one year after the Grand Cross on Tu B’Av last year. Though some have tried to refute it as an evil sign, the sign of the cross is surely a sign of the Son of Man, Who died on a cross to secure our everlasting salvation from sin and death!

The Grand Cross was evident in the heavens this summer for an unusually long time - from June 26th until June 12th. I therefore suspect that this Grand Cross may have been the Sign of the Son of Man that Yahshua said would appear before the Rapture. See my article “The Rapture Connection to the Sign of the Son of Man” using the following link to find out more about this important sign:

The Rapture Connection to the Sign of the Son of Man:

To see all the Heavenly Signs and other dates pertaining to the Two Raptures and the seven-year Tribulation, see my Tribulation Time Chart at: You can also view the chart below, though the size is smaller than the image saved at my POEM web site:


So keep looking UP! Our redemption may be drawing very, very near! Since it is so close, please make every effort to NOT be embroiled in any fighting or bickering with anyone over anything while you await Yahshua’s imminent return. Forgive everyone and hold NO bitterness toward anyone so that Yahshua can forgive you! Also, do your best to stay focused on doing Yahshua’s work of the Kingdom and drawing near to Yahshua in prayer, Bible Study, and worship.

Finally, please ask Yahshua to forgive ALL of your sins and to help you to be like Him in every way through His Spirit, Who can give you many spiritual gifts in keeping with God’s will for your life. In addition, continue to reach out to all the lost or confused while there is still time.

Maranatha and God bless you all!
Dalai Lama Spreading Interfaith Unity Lies -
Please Pray!

By Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry


Dalai Lama Speaks in Chicago
About Bringing Religions Together:

As shown through the news link above, the Dalai Lama is currently making an appearance in Chicago, where he recently spoke in favor of “Interfaith Unity” at the University of Chicago at Illinois campus. In my book “The Language of God in History”, I identify the Dalai Lama as a major Antichrist figure:

********** From Page 497 and Page 502 in
Chapter 6 of “The Language of God in History”:

If the Great Sphinx was partly created to point toward - and stand as a figurative guard against - the dark Tibetan spiritual center for Satan and evil’s reign on Earth, there must be something about this place that makes it an ideal symbol for evil. In this regard, I found it interesting that the tallest mountain in the world is located on the border of Nepal and Tibet, China, where the Dalai Lama is from. Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, the Dalai Lama is a Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader who is also purportedly an Ascended Master and the current physical incarnation of the Buddha on Earth. As such, he is deeply revered by millions of Tibetan Buddhists and New Age religious practitioners worldwide. It is therefore possible that the Dalai Lama is possessed by at least one Nephilim spirit.

Curiously, Tibet is longitudinally connected to the sign of Leo, and the Tibetan Coat of Arms created for the Dalai Lama’s exiled government contains two celestial snow lions that are facing each other and holding up a Mandala symbol of the eight-fold path of Buddhism in front of a backdrop of three snow-covered mountains. Is it just a coincidence that this emblem features celestial lions, or does the Dalai Lama know the primordial celestial connection of his homeland? Furthermore, just as there appears to be a connection between the dragon imagery of Angkor with that of Wales, could there be a connection between the white lions facing each other on the Tibetan Coat of Arms and the lion-like beast and white unicorn facing each other on the British Royal Monarch’s Coat of Arms and the Coat of Arms of the Prince of Wales, which are discussed and pictured in Book Four? After all, the Snow Lions on the Tibetan Coat of Arms have the same four-toed feet used on the lion-like beasts on the British Coat of Arms, and these are used to signify a bear in heraldry.”

*********** End of Book Excerpt *************

To learn more about my 800-page book "The Language of God in History", Go to the following link at the POEM web site:

To purchase the book, use this link to my POEM Online Bookstore:


Based on my findings, this seemingly benevolent Buddhist monk and spiritual leader could be another forerunner to the False Prophet in the Book of Revelation. He is certainly regarded as a prophet and an “Avatar” of one or more Ascended Masters to people lost in the New Age Movement.

As many of you know, the Roman Catholic inspired “Ecumenical Movement” and the New Age “Interfaith Unity Movement” are one and the same philosophy that is behind the One World Religion of the Antichrist.

Please pray for the many, many lost people attending school and teaching at this big campus that they would not be deceived by this false teacher who preaches the doctrines of demons. Below is my heartfelt prayer for them. Won’t you please join me in intercessory prayer?

“Oh my Adonai Yahshua! Please have mercy on all the poor lost souls in this world and deliver them from the darkness that they are under! Please break all the evil spirits that control the principalities and powers over Tibet and the Dalai Lama that accompany him wherever he goes! Deliver the people that are listening to the doctrine of demons that the Dalai Lama is teaching! Also protect us from harm at the hands of the people who are blindly following this false teacher! In the Name of Yahshua and Yahweh our Father, I pray, Amen!”
COMING RAPTURE - First Rapture Deception Coming!

Below find an interesting article that my friend Steven posted at his new Rapture Forum. The link to his post is below, as well as the link to the original source. Please check out his Rapture Forum. It is a very interesting place.

I enjoyed reading this article, though I substituted the phrase “Early Tribulation Rapture” whenever the author referred to a “Pre-Tribulation Rapture” since I firmly believe that the seven-year Tribulation has already begun.

What follows is an urgent “foreword” that was written by me, which appears before the article below. I pray that you will share it with everyone that you know:


Shalom fellow Believers in Yahshua,

Due to various New Age teachings and doctrines of demons that are being promulgated right now, my guess is that the First Rapture will happen before this summer is over and that it will be explained away as a false Rapture by the fallen angels, who will show up as benevolent aliens with a false message of peace and goodwill just after the First Rapture occurs. Meanwhile, the fallen ones will claim to have removed all those people that are supposedly holding humanity back from achieving global peace and prosperity, and the fact is that they may actually remove many world leaders from their positions by killing them secretly so that the Antichrist can easily take control!

Since this may happen at the same time as the First Rapture when Yahshua will come for His Bride, it could convince many haughty, prideful, and carnal Christians and Messianics that the Rapture they are awaiting has not occurred yet or that there will be no Rapture of the saints. As a result, they will fall prey to the lies of the Preterist teachers of Kingdom Now and Dominion Theology fame.

I am writing an article about this and will post it soon. Meanwhile, the man of sin will likely be revealed this autumn when Jerusalem is taken away from the Jews in Israel by the behest of the alien demons or fallen angels who are going to seize control of the world. At that time, I believe that the Two Witnesses will appear in the portion of Jerusalem that will likely be given to the new state of Palestine. I also believe that this Muslim-controlled portion of Jerusalem will become the new headquarters of the United Nations and the home of the Antichrist. This will happen either at the time that the new state of Palestine is formed or shortly thereafter.

You can look for my article about this in a day or two - but only if we are not Raptured out of this world by then. In the meantime, keep looking up! Yahshua is coming soon!

Helena Lehman
Pillar of Enoch Ministry


Steven’s Rapture Forum link:




For Fair Use Discussion and Educational Purposes


Part 1
Coming Rapture

Lyn Mize

Rev 3:8 (KJV) I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

God has promised a special “open door” to the faithful Christians of the Philadelphia church in Revelation. This open door is the promised Pretribulation Rapture that will keep these faithful Christians from the “hour of temptation.”

Rev 3:10 (KJV) Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

A few verses later in Revelation 4:1 the Apostle John looks up and sees this open door into heaven.

Rev 4:1 (KJV) After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.

This is the Pretribulation Rapture of the church as seen by the great majority of Christians today, but most overlook that this open door was promised only to the faithful Philadelphia Christians. Other Christians such as those in the church of Thyatira are told that they will be cast “into great tribulation” if they do not repent. They do not receive the open door.

Rev 2:22 (KJV) Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

The timing of the Rapture is one of the most controversial issues in the Church today. The student of Bible prophecy should ask himself why so many faithful Christians believe in a Midtribulation Rapture if the Pretribulation Rapture of the entire Church is the correct view. The answer is simply that there are Scriptures that confirm a Midtribulation Rapture. Christians on both sides of the issue fail to consider that the Bible teaches both a Pretribulation Rapture and a Midtribulation Rapture.

It is interesting that the pretribulation rapturists expend great efforts in trying to rebut the Scriptures that confirm a Midtribulation Rapture, and the midtribulation rapturists do the same thing with the Scriptures that confirm a Pretribulation Rapture. An honest and forthright exposition of Scripture reveals teachings for both. The Firstfruits Rapture (i.e., the taking out of faithful, mature, Philadelphia Christians) is pretribulational, and the Main Harvest Rapture (i.e., the final taking out of the remaining Christians who have been refined and purified by the tribulation) is midtribulational. This is confirmed both doctrinally and typologically throughout the Scriptures, as will be seen.

The Pretribulation Rapture is the most popular view held in the Church today, but popularity is not an accurate measure of Scriptural truth. If popularity determines truth, then we should all convert to Islam, since that is the fastest growing religion in the world today. The very popularity of the sole Pretribulation Rapture mitigates against its truth. The fact that pretribulationists refuse to take a close look at the Scriptures on the rapture should also raise a warning flag for sincere seekers of truth from the Word of God.

Perhaps one of the reasons the Pretribulation Rapture is the most popular view is that it requires the least accountability in living the Christian life. It is very comforting for the average Christian to believe that he can sit back and enjoy the pleasures of life and dabble in the things of the world, while all the time believing that he will be miraculously removed before any hard times or persecution sets in during the tribulation. Any teaching that Christians might experience hardship, persecution or maybe even martyrdom is resisted by the majority of Christians today. It is difficult for Christians to understand that our present comfort is not the primary goal of our heavenly Father, in accordance with the following Scripture:

1 Pet 1:7 (KJV) That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

God the Father promised to meet all of our physical needs if we seek the Kingdom of God (i.e., the millennial kingdom) (Matt. 6:33), but the Scriptures are replete with examples of faithful followers of Christ suffering the most horrible circumstances imaginable. The first news that Paul received after his conversion was that he was going to have to suffer a great deal for the sake of Jesus Christ. The Church in America today does not really grasp what suffering is all about, and many consider it suffering to drive a used car and live in a modest house.

Prosperity is a difficult test that God has provided for the Church in America, and the great majority of Christians are failing miserably. Pastors are among the casualties. Some are even preaching a gospel of prosperity, which states that financial success is a sign of being a faithful Christian. This false doctrine is so far removed from what the Scriptures teach that no rebuttal is necessary. The primary point to be made is that the Church is not exempt from persecution and hardship. In fact, the Lord even allows the ones He loves the most to go through fiery trials in order to purify them and increase their heavenly rewards.

In the final analysis, Christians will be ever so thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ for the three and one-half years of suffering during the tribulation after they see the rewards for faithfulness that will be received at the Judgment Seat of Christ. The tribulation will be a final period of refining and purifying for those Christians who have not allowed themselves to be cleansed and purified during the present time.

The truth is that only a small segment of Christians are preparing themselves for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The majority of the Church is concerned with building large churches with gymnasiums, plush seats, carpets, stained glass windows and numerous other superficial accoutrements designed to impress our fellow Christians and other local churches. This describes the church age called Laodicea in Revelation 3:14-19. In verse 20 Jesus says He stands and knocks at their door, but most Christians do not open their door to Him. Jesus Christ rejects this church at the Firstfruits Rapture. The Philadelphia church, however, is given an “open door” in verse 8, and this is the Firstfruits Rapture. The Sardis church and the church of Thyatira will also be rejected by Jesus Christ at the Firstfruits Rapture.

Faithful Christians can see why the Pretribulation Rapture is so popular, since the largest segment of Christianity today is made up of Christians in churches typified by Sardis, Thyatira, and Laodicea. Sardis is represented in the world today by the Protestant churches, Thyatira is represented by the Catholic churches and offshoots from the Catholic Church, and Laodicea is represented by the charismatic and Pentecostal churches. Philadelphia is represented by the numerous but small and weak home churches. Christians in Sardis, Thyatira and Laodicea are the unwatchful, the doctrinally weak, the backslidden and the lukewarm Christians who are opposed to any suggestion that faithfulness will be the criterion for reward, let alone a special rapture prior to the tribulation. Pointing out the numerous Scriptures that clearly depict a Firstfruits Rapture is not convincing to many lukewarm Christians, since searching the Scriptures to see if these things are true is not a part of their lifestyle. They simply quote the Scriptures that point to a Pretribulation Rapture and glibly say that salvation is by grace and not works. For them, everything good in the Bible is for the saved, and everything bad is for the lost. They even use Revelation 3:10 as a proof text for the Pretribulation Rapture, but they overlook that the promise of being “kept from the hour of trial” is only directed to the faithful Philadelphia Christians (Rev 3:7). The churches of Laodicea, Sardis and Thyatira are often labeled as mere professing Christians, tares, the false church or some other tag that relegates them to the ranks of the lost. The fact that Jesus himself clearly identifies these groups of believers as part of his Church apparently makes little difference.

In consideration of the above, this is not written to the great majority of unteachable Christians who have their minds made up, and are not really interested in searching the Scriptures for the meat of the Word. This is written to Christians who are open to the Word and who are hungry to learn. The reader should study and pray for understanding about what the Scriptures have to say about the rapture of the Church. The Bible is the only test for the truths in this message. Ignorance of the Bible will not be an excuse at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

Not a New Idea

Many of the great men of God in the Philadelphia church age of the 18th and 19th centuries understood and taught the doctrine of the Firstfruits Rapture. They were men like J. Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, Dr. A. B. Simpson, founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, John Wilkinson, founder of the Mildmay Mission to the Jews, and Joseph A. Seiss, one of the greatest prophecy scholars who ever lived. Dr. Seiss’ book on the apocalypse is the classic on the book of Revelation, and is quoted by virtually every Bible scholar who has written a book on Revelation. Once the doctrine of Firstfruits Rapture has been explained in detail to a person who is truly desirous of knowing what the Scriptures teach, that person is typically converted to a belief in the phased rapture of the Church. The teaching is clear.

The remainder of this article will be presented in three sections with the first section providing an exegesis (i.e., interpretation) of the Scriptures addressing the rapture. The second section will present the argument from a typological standpoint of the Old Testament. The third section will address the criticisms from some of the more famous prophetic scholars of what they call the “partial rapture theory.” The term partial rapture is not appropriate for describing the Firstfruits Rapture, since it implies that only a portion of the Church will be raptured. The term phased rapture is more descriptive, since the entire Church will be raptured in two phases. This section will point out how the opponents of the Firstfruits Rapture use the straw man as a technique in their attempts to refute the phased rapture position.

Section I — Why a Special Rapture?

An excellent starting place for pretribulation rapturists to understand the concept of the Firstfruits Rapture is the variety of resurrections and raptures in the Bible. Enoch and Elijah were both translated into heaven without seeing death. The Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, has already been resurrected and is currently in heaven performing his function as our High Priest (Heb. 3:1-2). These easily understood truths pave the way for a more detailed understanding of the two phases in the rapture of the Church.

The doctrine of the Firstfruits Rapture is closely related to the doctrines of Grace and Works. The doctrine of Grace pertains to the salvation of the spirit, and the legal term justification is the most descriptive term of what took place at the moment of salvation. Positional sanctification has also been used to describe the believer’s position in Christ as a saved individual. By contrast, the doctrine of Works is related to the believer’s spiritual growth and maturity, and the most frequently used term for this process is sanctification or progressive sanctification. 1 Peter 1:9 calls this progressive sanctification the “salvation of the soul.”

2 Timothy 2:15 tells us to “rightly divide” the Word. The difference between Grace and Works is one of the most fundamental divisions in Scripture. By grace our spirits are saved by faith in Christ. We then have positional sanctification. Our souls are being saved by obedience to Christ. We are being progressively sanctified. This progressive sanctification will determine our reward and final standing in the Kingdom of God. The following Scriptures refer to this process of progressive sanctification:

Phil 1:6 (KJV) Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

1 Peter 4:19 (KJV) Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing as unto a Faithful Creator.

James 1:21 (KJV) Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

The biggest question in this process of sanctification is the cooperativeness of the believer. Those Christians who cooperate with the Holy Spirit in their progressive sanctification will receive greater reward. Those Christians who are uncooperative will lose their reward and will suffer great anguish at the Judgment Seat of Christ because of their shame and the contempt of the Lord Jesus Christ. An excellent analogy from Scripture is Peter when he wept bitterly when the Lord Jesus Christ gave him a soul-piercing look of judgment after Peter had denied the Lord three times. It has been stated that everyone’s cup will be full in heaven, but the size of the cups will vary greatly.

The Firstfruits Rapture can probably best be described as a special entrance into heaven before the trials of the tribulation start. It is an exemption from the final exam for those Christians who have already demonstrated their Christian maturity during the course of this life. The following Scriptures describe this exemption:

2 Peter 1:10-11 (KJV) Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if you do these things, ye shall never fall: 11 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Luke 21:36 (KJV) Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

In the 2 Peter 1:10-11 passage we see again a reference to an “entrance” or door offered to those mature Christians who “give diligence” as characterized by the Philadelphia Church. Luke 21:29-36 is a scripture addressed to the Church. This Scripture is an exhortation for believers to pray that they would be accounted worthy to escape the tribulation. The word “watch” refers specifically to a state of readiness or preparation for the Lord’s return.

Christians today should be watching for the return of the Lord, and they should be praying to be accounted worthy of the Firstfruits Rapture. It is doubtful that many Christians are following this exhortation from the Lord Himself. It is the height of arrogance to assume that one will automatically be accounted as worthy to escape the tribulation. Even Paul said he was “pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling” in Philippians 3:14. The following Scripture describes the Firstfruits Rapture of the watchful Christian, but it is often misinterpreted as referring to a saved and an unsaved individual:

Mat 24:40-42 (KJV) Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

This Scripture is in the Christian section of the Olivet Discourse, and it is a warning to Christians that they need to be in a state of readiness if they are to participate in the Firstfruits Rapture of the Church. This Scripture is not an exhortation to get saved for the rapture. It is a warning to believers to get ready so they will be taken with the Firstfruits. Verse 42 confirms the subjects of the warning. It is absurd to think that this warning is to depraved unbelievers, since it would be an exhortation to watch for someone whom they believe is dead, buried and returned to dust.

The Ten Virgins

The parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 is one of the clearest proof texts for the Firstfruits Rapture. The text is as follows:

Mat 25:1-13 (KJV) Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: 4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. 6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. 7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. 9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. 11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. 13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

The ten virgins represent the entire Church. The number ten is the number of ordinal completion, so it represents all of whatever is in question. The term virgin is in reference to the Church rather than Israel, since Israel is pictured as the adulterous wife of God the Father. See the book of Hosea, which pictures the history of the nation of Israel.

Verse 5 above is grossly mistranslated from the original manuscripts. The correct translation is as follows:

Matthew 25:5 (Literal Translation) While the bridegroom tarried, they all beckoned or slept.

The Greek word incorrectly translated “slumbered” is the word nustazo (noos-tad'-zo), and it literally means to nod, beckon, or signal for something to occur. Christians beckon for Jesus to return every time they say “Maranatha”, which means “Come! Lord Jesus.”

The Greek word translated “and” is the word kai (kahee). It is a copulative or coordinating conjunction that can be continuative or adversative. Since the words it connects are adversative (i.e., beckoning or sleeping), the correct translation is “or”. Therefore, verse 5 confirms that the entire Church “beckoned or slept,” and this means that the entire Church was divided between those looking and beckoning for the Return of the Lord, and those who had fallen asleep. The doctrine of the Second Coming was lost to the main body of the Church during the Pergamum church age after 312 A.D., and it was not revived until the Philadelphia church age in the eighteenth century. The end-time Sardis or Protestant church is unwatchful (Rev. 3:3) and is definitely asleep with respect to the Return of the Lord for his bride.

All ten virgins had oil in their lamps, which is a picture of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Unbelievers are not indwelled by the Holy Spirit. All ten virgins trimmed their lamps, and this is a picture of getting sin out of the life through confession and turning from sin (1 John 1:9). All ten virgins had their lamps burning, and this is a picture of the outward confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Scriptures could not be any clearer that the ten virgins represent born again, blood-bought, justified Christians, but there is a division between the foolish and the wise.

The only difference between the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins is the extra measure of oil, signifying maturity, which the wise virgins took with them. The abundance of oil represents the overflowing presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the five wise virgins. They are Christians who are continually filled or controlled by the Holy Spirit. The five wise virgins have matured in the faith, and they have advanced greatly in their progressive sanctification.

It is important to note that in the original Greek the lamps of the five foolish virgins were “going out”—not “gone out”—and the five wise virgins told the foolish virgins to “go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.” This clearly teaches that the extra measure of oil is related to works, since it had to be bought. Grace can not be bought. The indwelling Holy Spirit is a free gift of grace, but the filling of the Holy Spirit is clearly a work involving our submission to the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:16-18). The five wise virgins had made preparation for the coming of the Bridegroom, and they were given the open door. The five foolish virgins had not prepared themselves, and they were turned away.

Verse 10 is a clear and concise description of the Firstfruits Rapture of those Christians who had prepared themselves for the coming of the Bridegroom. The Bridegroom came while the foolish virgins were out buying oil. The wise virgins went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut.

The reference to “the door” is the same door that is promised to the Philadelphia Christians in Revelation 3:7-8, and that John saw in heaven in Revelation 4:1. The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures in Revelation 4:4-6 represent the same group of Christians as the five wise virgins and the Philadelphia church. This is the Pretribulation Rapture of mature, progressively sanctified believers. These are the ones who have “renewed their minds” with the mind of Christ according to Romans 12:2.

Verse 11 confirms that the five foolish virgins came to Jesus later calling Him “Lord, Lord,” and asked Him to open the door to them. Jesus stated that He did not know (i.e., recognize) them. Jesus then summarizes the parable with a warning to “Watch therefore; for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” The lesson of this parable is for Christians to be alert and prepared for the Second Coming of Jesus, so they will be able to go into the wedding. The necessary preparation is to be filled with or controlled by the Holy Spirit day by day and moment by moment. One of the primary signs of a maturing believer is a daily watching for the return of Jesus Christ. Worldly believers are busy with their own plans and life goals. Mature Christians need to be faithful to the Lord and consciously looking for His return.


Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.


(IMPORTANT Note from Helena - The reason Yahshua says "I never knew you!" to the ten foolish virgins is because these supposed followers of Christ do not have a personal relationship with Yahshua and they are not communicating their needs to Him in prayer regularly or seeking His counsel in their daily lives via words of knowledge, visions and dreams!!! It is interesting to note that even seasoned believers with much spiritual wisdom such as this author continually seem to miss this point!!!)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Armageddon Show Discussing Ministry Struggles and
Spiritual Warfare, July 17, 2011
Now Available at Vimeo...

Watch the Embedded Show Below:

Show Description: In this show, Helena discussed the critical End-Time message of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry and why it has not received the attention it deserves in Christian or Messianic Circles or among those interested in the “Alien Agenda” of the Nephilim and fallen angels. Yahshua did not come to bring Peace but a Sword, and this message is ALL about Spiritual Warfare and the need for serious prayer and supplication before God for Helena’s Ministry, for the Body of Christ, for America, and for the world.

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God Bless and Maranatha!

Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry (POEM)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The July 17th Armageddon Show at the Edge AM With Helena Lehman will air at 1 PM EST!

In this show, Helena will discuss the critical End-Time message of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry and why it has not received the attention it deserves either in Christian and Messianic Circles or among those interested in the so-called “Alien Agenda” of the Nephilim and fallen angels. Yahshua did not come to bring peace but a Sword, and this message is ALL about Spiritual Warfare and the need for serious prayer and supplication before God for Helena’s Ministry, for the Body of Christ, for America, and for the world.

Please pray that Yahshua will bless and protect me and my listening audience from demonic attack and deception as I do my Armageddon Show today at 1 PM EST at the Edge AM. Thank you, God bless you, and Maranatha!

Your Sister in Yahshua,
Helena Lehman


Armageddon Show of July 17, 2011 with Helena Lehman
Discussing Ministry Struggles and Spiritual Warfare
Now Available at Vimeo...

Here is the link to watch the archived show online at Vimeo:

July 17th Show (2 hours):

Saturday, July 16, 2011

SCENARIOS OF LEFT-BEHINDS, Prophetic Word from Augusto Maquengo



1. Many Pastors will be engulfed in power struggle; Pastors and deacons and the boards of deacons will be locked up in a fierce power struggle. WHILE THE DEACONS WILL BE CONSPIRING TO REMOVE THE PASTOR FROM THE CHURCH AND REPLACE HIM
WITH ANOTHER, THE RAPTURE WILL FIND THEM IN THESE FIGHTS AND THEY WILL BE LEFT BEHIND. James 4:1-2 From whence come wars and fighting among you? Come they not
hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.

2. Many Pastors and Servants of God are busy enlarging their coasts to perpetuate their stay on earth. As a result of fights between pastors and servants of God on who should lead, who should be the senior to bring others under their control, the rapture will take place and catch them unawares in these situations and they will be left behind; Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.

3. Many Pastors will be boasting of huge crowds of people attending their churches and they will take the glory for themselves for having won all those souls. In the process, they will end up persecuting others, bickering about each other as to who has how much power and who is a false servant and who is not. At that point their lives will be compromised with self-glory then the rapture will take place and they will be left behind. 2 Timothy 2:23 Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.

4. Many pastors are involved in deceitful speech, slander and even many are divided and they have not yet asked each other for forgiveness. They will remain in this state until the rapture finds them and they will be left behind. I Peter 3: 10-13 For, whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?

5. Many Pastors have married Mammon and are seeking to enlarge their coast everywhere and as a result, they are selling even the anointing oil to get money. These ones will also be left behind. Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

6. Many Pastors and servants of God are having marital problems and their wives cannot submit or obey, as a result, they have unsolved problems and this is a reason for them to be left behind. Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. Titus 2:5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.


1. Many Christians are struggling with rooted demonic problems and it seems hard for them to live a holy, pure and clean life, they will be in the process of seeking help from other brethren to be set free from these chains and sins when the rapture will take place and they, eventually, will be left behind. Thus says the Lord: Tell them to seek help from me straight, tell them to direct their attention to the Word of God and repent urgently.

2. Many Christians have one sin or the other clinging to them (unforgiveness, bitterness, fornication, impurity, lies, sexual lust and unconfessed sins) and while in this state, the rapture will take place and they will be left behind. Song of Solomon 2: 15 Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.

3. Many Christians will be found driving in the highways with expired car documents when the police will stop them. They will be in the process of lying to the Police to escape from paying the fine. At that very moment, the rapture will take place like lightning and they will be left behind.

4. Many Christians are still in gross and premeditated rebellion and disobedience to the Lord. They will be criticizing others, evaluating and judging the messages being preached out of the pulpits and belittling others when the rapture will take place and they will all be left behind.


1. Many young Christians sing in choirs in churches but have double lives, abominable things, filthy sexual impurities, vanity, pride, and all sorts of sins and until now they are still waiting for a day to repent. Before that day arrives the rapture will take place and they will be left behind; Revelation 17:4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.

2. Many young Christians will be at school and college having fun, loving and talking on Facebook and loving it more than Christ; they will adore technology, be full of vanity, depicting adolescent behaviors contrary to the teachings of Christ due to peer-pressure. They will be arguing about worldly things and lying to each other, when the rapture will take place and they will be left behind; I John 1:15-16 Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.

3. Many young Christians will be in full-fledged pride parades and glorying in themselves, parading in admiration in front of mirrors admiring their own beauties and trading in the commerce of the great mother of Babylon and Jezebel at the time of the rapture and as a result they will be left behind. Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Revelation 18:2 with a mighty voice he shouted: "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.


1. Many wives show caprices or tricks in their marital homes. These are forms of manipulations or control towards their husbands, and when they will be in the process of doing this, the rapture will take place and they will be left behind.

2. Many wives manage the sexual activity in their marriage; they only have intimacy when they want, and because of this the husbands lust after others. These couples have serious problems consider obeying I Corinthians 7:1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

• LUST OF THE FLESH AND THE EYES: Men think that they must manage and relate with their wives when they want or desire and because of this, they will be left behind. 1Co 7:2 nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

• THE BODY OF THE WOMAN BELONGS TO THE HUSBAND: couples deprive themselves of this blessed relationship and because of this; they are not qualified to be raptured. 1Co 7:3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

• YOU BELONG TO EACH OTHER (WIFE CANNOT SAY NO TO THE HUSBAND NOR EVEN THE HUSBAND OVER HIS OWN BODY): Couples think that they can do whatever they want and because of disobedience to this verse, couples will be left behind. 1Co 7:4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

• DEFRAUD NOT EACH OTHER: couples defraud each other concerning sex and they think they will be raptured; it does not work like that. 1Co 7:5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. Because of the above many will be left behind.

3. Many wives will be in the process of waiting for their husbands to ask forgiveness about situations that arose in their marital homes; while considering talking things over, the rapture will take place and they will have no time to neither ask forgiveness nor even talk things over.

4. Couples with marital problems:

• FINANCIAL POBLEMS: The wife has a job and is well paid and she feels and thinks that she is independent and therefore the husband should not dictate or give rules in the house, so she is overly proud and imposing her rules in the house;

• PROBLEMS OF UNSUBMISSIVENESS OF THE WIFE and Husband trying to impose himself as the man in the house; They will be at a Pastoral counseling in the Church and there will be many others waiting to receive counseling when the Rapture will take place and all of them will be left behind.

5. Many couples use contraceptives and birth controls in their marital homes. They basically DISOBEY GOD'S COMMAND AND RATHER OBEY THE NWO, FREEMASONS AND THE UN on diabolic birth control techniques. The Lord says these also will be left behind. The Lord said that these people practically say: God, let us help you because you do not know how to manage. These couples have become the Jehovah Jireh's of their own lives. They will therefore be left behind.

6. Many engaged Christians (Fiancée hood) will be in the process of visiting each other and caressing and kissing to satisfy the lust of their flesh when all of a sudden, like lightening, the rapture will take place and they will be left behind.

This is very serious brethren!!!!!!! Change your ways and start living a Holy and pure Life. The Lord is calling for serious, unadulterated and pure dedication in order to walk with Him in Holiness and obedience.

God bless you

The Postman of the Lord
Bro. Augusto

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Armageddon Show of July 13, 2011 with Helena Lehman Recapping Recent Ministry Activity

In this Armageddon Show of July 13, 2011, Helena recapped many recent articles and ministry activity. In the process, Helena offered many spiritual insights using the Language of God to decipher the meaning of symbols in our world and gave much encouragement to believers anxiously awaiting the Rapture and Wedding of the Lamb in Heaven. Helena also offered a timely warning about attempting to tamper with God’s Will in prayer!

July 13th Show - Related POEM Blog Articles:

The Possible Meaning of the Apocalyptic Murals Sponsored by the Bank of America:

Should All Secret Societies and Their Encoded Messages Be Seen As Evil?:

The Symbolic Ties of the Movie “Deep Impact” to the Comet Elenin and the New World Order:

The Prophetic Message In The Space Shuttle Atlantis’ Mission Patch:

Counteracting Discouragement Among God's Watchmen on the Wall:

Background for the July 13th Armageddon Show Discussion:

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God Bless and Maranatha!

Helena Lehman of the
Pillar of Enoch Ministry (POEM)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Background for the July 13th Armageddon Show Discussion

Dialogue Between Helena Lehman and Dori Lynn Etheridge at Facebook:

Shalom Friends,

I wanted to share this discussion that I've been having with another woman who has an online ministry so that you can understand that my symbolic view of things is from a godly viewpoint and not an occult one.

I NEVER ALLOWED MYSELF TO BE CONDITIONED OR MISLED by the many books out there contradicting the Bible and the Gospel in the Stars. Though I own them and used some of them for research, I have never become so immersed in them that they now govern how I look at every aspect of the world. My standard for judgment is the Bible, the Holy Spirit and the Star Gospel as God reveals it to me, and is not solely the opinion of other authors in other ages.

You may recall that Dori Lynn Etheridge interviewed me on her Doors of Deception Radio Show a while ago. She may have much light to share with the world, but because her focus is on evil and not on good, I think she has been greatly deceived. I therefore wanted to share our dialogue with all of you so that you can learn what my perspective for drawing conclusions on symbols is and why it may differ at times markedly from the interpretations of others with different - and sometimes unconstructive - backgrounds.

I would appreciate your feedback on this. It will be the primary topic of tonight's Armageddon Show at 9 pm EST. Hope some of you will tune in then.

God bless you all and Maranatha!

Your Sister in Yahshua,

July 13th Facebook Discussion:

Helena Lehman July 12 at 7:28pm I wrote the article "The Prophetic Message In The Space Shuttle Atlantis’ Mission Patch" that was posted at the top of this discussion thread this morning and it has had a profoundly positive affect on me. I feel there really is hope for America, and in the end, America will not fall completely - just as I wrote in my book on prophecy. My hope is that some Americans who survive all that’s coming to the world in the Tribulation will be able to hold their heads up in Yahshua's presence in the end and weep for joy at His coming. The article linked to just above this message was written this afternoon and it also has encouraged me. I hope it encourages all of you too. God bless and Maranatha!

Dori Lynn Etheridge July 12 at 7:47pm Reply • Report
I counted 4 points on each side and one at the bottom which equals 9 I believe if my math is correct. Also; they just can't seem to do anything without their sexual implications....the large brown point piercing the "O" is what it is. A dome and an obelisk signifying the penetration of the female, as is evidenced by the dome of the capitol building, and the Washington Monument, St. Peter's Basilica and Cleopatra's Needle.....or "Baal's shaft"....and the mound of Venus..... This just never stops with these wicked sorcerers as it's always about sex magic! They certainly grow bold! 33rd Mission...of course, all astronauts are 33rd degree Masons.

Helena Lehman July 12 at 9:24pm
Shalom Dori, and everybody else who is silently watching,

Wow, that was really harsh. You really do see everything as evil and black if it isn’t in plain English in the Bible, don’t you? You really don’t allow any room for personal godly revelation or the light of God working behind the scenes, do you? I think that’s really sad. How dark is darkness to those who only want to see it instead of the glory of God’s marvelous light that is till visible in so many things! It may be hidden and maligned and it may be misrepresented countless times, but it’s still there for those who are not focused on evil and who are not perishing from a lack of the knowledge of our Almighty God.

I'm sorry, but I completely disagree. I have seen so many things showing the godly underpinnings of this nation and its holy purpose despite all the evil that is evident in the current administration and in the cities filled with their wicked people in their drug-induced haze. You simply can't discount all of my research with a contrary viewpoint. What motivated that viewpoint? What guides it?

You think you know the Star Gospel but you really don’t. God has shown me things that the world as a rule is too hate-filled to acknowledge. I have shown specific proof that what I’m saying is true in God's Word and in the stars over and over again, but you and those who think like you can't do that because no one is identifying America's ultimate place or symbols in the Bible or in the heavens even though I showed them where to look in my work!

Obama is NOT America! He will reap the evil that he is sowing, NOT the entire nation! What is happening right now is proof that God is judging the world, not just America. But God is protecting those who truly love Him, and He will even after the Rapture, though most won’t see His love during that terrible time.

In the meantime, instead of seeing the beauty in the symbolism attached to this nation, you want to see demons and evil in everything. But I believe what the Bible and the Star Gospel says over you and a thousand supposedly former Freemasons and New Agers. God is truly in control and has His own beloved saints working behind the scenes as well to show His truth even though Satan thinks that he is in control. That is why Satan is doing everything in his power to deceive even the elect - and I can see that he is succeeding in so many Americans. It’s really sad - but to be expected because so many claim to know God but really don’t know Him at all!

But I can tell you now that, just as Yahshua said, the road to Hell is broad and many are on it! Since the MAJORITY of “believers” are painting the entire nation as evil right now, I choose to disbelieve it as the broad road that leads to destruction. I know terrible times are coming and are already here for America because so many Christians here as carnal or asleep and God is going to wake them up in the crucible of suffering in the Tribulation, and that’s very sad, But it will work for their good because so many will be saved from out of the holocaust to come.

God knows that there are many here that will rise to His challenge and get things right with God and their fellow man after the Rapture, and the heavens are loudly pronouncing this! There is still a godly heart in and for America in this Nation that God will preserve and protect against all odds, just as He is doing for the Jews in Israel.

In the end, everyone but the saints in the Americas and elsewhere and the Jews in Israel and elsewhere will be dead or dying on this planet. Nobody else stands a chance! Amen and Hallelu-Yah for that! Even so, come Adonai Yahshua!

Your Sister in Yahshua,


Dori Lynn Etheridge July 13 at 12:49pm
The conclusions that were shown to me of this "patch" of the space shuttle were in no way meant to discount your work, Helena. Not at all. I know God is working in everything to save "His children". The evil sorcerers that run this world show their true colors with images like the one on the patch. That was all that was about....what is shown to me by the wicked rulers. It certainly was not meant to discount God, anyone who discounts God does so at their peril. I do not claim to know the Gospel in the Stars as you do, Helena, and I apologize if I have misrepresented myself somehow as "knowing" these things. It has taken you many, many years to understand the Gospel in the Stars the way that you do, and it is not what has been asked of me to try and become "expert" at it. I can see the heavens just as anyone else, and there is enough there shown to us by God that I know His heavens and what they contain are real.

Your article is very hopeful and filled with your love of Yehoshua. The comments I made were about the "patch" and nothing else. I thought this note was about us sharing what we see, and that is what I did. It was not meant to be "harsh" it is just what I see. Like you cannot change what is shown to you, I cannot change what is shown to me. Yehoshua has given each of us a job in His Kingdom, we each have our assignments. My assignment is different from your assignment, or Matthew's or Brian's or Stan Deyo's or L.A.'s or Pastor Hoggard's or anyone else. We are to be operating as a team here....of His appointed Watchmen, and I would be remiss in my duties, my obedience if I did not declare what I see. We must have hope, a blessed hope and pray to be counted worthy by Yehoshua to join Him when He comes for us. In the meantime we must continue to look up! We must continue to point out the "evil deeds" when we are shown them.

Just as Ezekiel had to do in Chapter 8! It most certainly was not pleasant to see what he saw, and probably more unpleasant and sickening as well to write it down, but He was commanded to be obedient! He was commanded to "come up here!" and be shown abominations.....and to come further and see even more detestable things. Yes, I have seen ugliness, I have dealt with pure evil, God allowed me to experience what I did so that one day when He commanded me to do so, I would be prepared to "shine the light into every dark corner" and so today.....I was commanded to write down the abominations the LORD showed me. The abominations run so very, very deep and judgment is happening to the world right now! It is going to continue as long as "the wicked ones" continue with their plan to make Palestine a part of the United Nations and snatch Jerusalem away from the Jews, which is their plan come September! Woe, Woe, Woe will be upon anyone that divides His land! Yes, many who are faithful will be protected, but we must continue to pray for Israel for God to stretch forth His hand upon the nation of Israel and crush those who are plotting wicked deeds against it!

That patch tells of their penetrate the Heavens as Nimrod also plotted to do and God smote Nimrod and his worshipers, and counfounded the tongues so that "they" had to resort to signs and symbols to communicate with one another. This patch was one of the ways "they" communicate their intentions to one another, to the world, and to the dark lord who masquerades as light that they serve.

Their intent is not to just take Jerusalem, they also intend to take Bethlehem, birthplace of the Messiah! As Bethlehem sits inside of Palestine.....and the plot thickens as they say. With the U.S., Russia, the EU and the UN set to have their meetings to take Jerusalem and give it to Palestine! That article was on my profile yesterday. I will also provide a link to a very, very important article to what some well respected Rabbi's had to say.

Keep looking up! Our redemption draws nigh!

May the Good LORD bless you and keep you, sister Helena and I will continue to pray for you and all my brothers and sisters in Yehoshua!

Your sister in Yehoshua,

Helena Lehman July 13 at 3:20pm
Shalom Dori,

Look, I understand that not everyone will see the same things when looking at the same subject matter. Take the Gospels for example, where each writer presented a different aspect of Yahshua’s nature and purpose to the masses. At times, it is almost as if they are talking about two different people or events, but they are simply showing one of Yahshua’s many aspects. In addition, when all four Gospels are added together, the whole picture that we get of Yahshua is harmonious and good, and not confusing or misleading or contradictory in any way.

Now I don’t claim to have perfect vision, but I have been a believer a whole lot longer than you, and I know that my Adonai and Messiah Yahshua is not the author of confusion but of Grace and truth. So there is no way that your interpretation and my interpretation of the same thing can both be correct.

Do you know what shocked me the most about your assessment? It is the way that your mind works! Instead of seeing anything good in this mission patch, you saw or assumed that you would see blatant evil without an ounce of proof that what you are assuming to be true in some cases is true in all cases. You have been conditioned into thinking that everything to do with the governments of the world is evil and absolutely no light shines in any of them. You have also assumed that nothing good can come out of something evil, even though the number 13 and the sign of Ophiuchus are loudly proclaiming otherwise to people like me who have their spiritual eyes open.

If you learned anything from your association with me, it should be that THE SAME EXACT SYMBOLS THT ARE NOW BEING FALSELY USED BY THE ILLUMINATI AND FREEMASONS ARE THE SAME SYMBOLS THAT HAVE BEEN USED IN EVERY AGE BY THE MAGI WHO FOLLOW YAHSHUA. Hence, there is a good deal of confusion in the Body of Christ about what is evil and what is not. It’s therefore no wonder that everyone nowadays sees ALL of the symbols associated with the United States from an Occult and Satanic viewpoint. It certainly doesn’t help that THERE HAS BEEN A FLOOD OF BOOKS WRITTEN BY SUPPOSED CHRISTIANS AND NON-CHRISTIANS THAT PAINT EVERY ONE OF THE SYMBOLS USED BY THE GODLY MAGI THROUGHOUT THE AGES AS EVIL MASONIC SYMBOLS, and my book series is the only one on the planet that shows that THESE SYMBOLS HAVE A GODLY ORIGIN AND ARE NOT THE INVENTIONS OF THE ILLUMINATI OR FREEMASONS!!

I understand why you made such an incorrect conclusion. It is because of your background and the fact that you are teaching when you haven’t been a Christian long enough to gain a more complete level of wisdom. But I still found it sickening that you immediately jumped to the perverted conclusion that this patch has to have sexual themes. From being involved in the occult too long, you have been deceived into thinking anything tall with a pointy end is an allusion to a penis and everything with a hole in it is a symbolic vagina, especially if the USA is connected to it in any way! How vulgar and wrong! How deluded!

For you, the whole world is evil and there is nothing good in it at all. But technically, though that is true of the world at large, it is NOT TRUE of the truly born-again Body of Christ. There is still much light and goodness in the Body of Christ today, even though it is being diminished everyday by false teachings and false teachers that have infiltrated the Church, especially in America.

So my message to you is this: Don’t be so quick to judge without prayer first! YOU ARE FORGETTING THAT THERE HAVE BEEN PEOPLE OF GOD WITH POWER AND MONEY IN EVERY AGE ON THIS PLANET AND THEY HAVE LEFT A LASTING LEGACY. Do not assume for one minute that every organization on this Earth is an Illuminati stronghold or that anyone in the Illuminati really has a clue about what Yahweh God truly plans to do! They don’t and neither does most of unsaved humanity. SO you need to study yourself approved before attempting to teach anything and learn the facts from both God’s and Satan’s perspectives.

The best place I think for you to do that would be in reading the Bible alongside my book “The Language of God in History.” I would be happy to send you a free digital copy if you promise to read it.

Your Sister in Yahshua,

PS: May Yahshua bless you also and give you His Peace today and everyday. Thank you for your prayers, and may God bless you in your ministry. I am sorry if I did not show the love of Yahshua and came across too harsh in the above message. I can be a little too zealous for my Messiah sometimes. Please forgive me.

Another PS: Just because the Obama administration is evil and mostly Muslim, and this government is involved in dividing Jerusalem doesn’t mean the entire government is sold out to the Devil right now or that the USA is Babylon the Great. I have it on good authority that this is mostly untrue of Americans at large, and the evidence can be found in the heavens - in Taurus and Ophiuchus and Aquila the Eagle and Cygnus the Swan among other constellations. Also, since NASA is in charge of watching and analyzing the universe around us in the heavens, don’t you think there could be at least one godly Magi working there? I have no doubt that this is the case, and the Atlantis Mission Patch was either the creation of or had the input of a godly believer who put God’s fingerprint into its design.