Wednesday, October 02, 2024


Heavenly Signs on the Feast of Trumpets,
Focus on Virgo and Leo, October 2nd, 2024

A hearty wish for Shalom (Peace) for all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, from Star Lady Helena Lehman. At this time, I want to share my impressions of the Heavenly Signs on this year's Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashanah. This is the first day of the Jewish Civil Year. The two illustrations attached to this article show what these Heavenly Signs look like. The first image focuses on the Annular Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse in Virgo the Virgin. Virgo is the Heavenly Sign attached to the Israelite Tribe of Zebulun, and a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary or Miriam, and the Bride of Christ as the Temple of the Holy Spirit. This is a very interesting eclipse because it can be seen as a symbol of our Messiah Yahshua or Jesus presenting a fiery Wedding Ring to His Virgin Bride.

Keep in mind that all Born Again Believers in Yahshua are seen as virgin pure from the moment that they believe in the Messiah Yahshua and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This spiritual virginity only belongs to people that are Born Again and readily confess that Yahshua is God's Son,  that believe He died and rose from the dead to pay for, and to have victory over our sins, and that He was resurrected into everlasting life to show His victory over death. The reward of everlasting life is soon to be given to all Born Again Believers. This reward for loving and serving Yahshua will occur at the time of the Rapture, which is part of the First Resurrection.

Virgo is symbolic of the Born Again human vessels that are Temples housing the Holy Spirit of God. Meanwhile, the bright Comet C/2023 A3, which will be visible to the naked eye before sunrise on October 2nd, is in Leo the Lion. But it is headed toward crowning Virgo's head. This Comet will crown Virgo after cutting through the sinister, demonic constellation called Hydra the Serpent. This Comet appears to be representing Christ as the King of kings, Who is coming swiftly.  It therefore appears to be showing that Yahshua is going to travel rapidly toward the time when He will retrieve His Bridal Party.  This Bridal Party consists of all Born Again Believers that will be given Immortal bodies at the time of the Rapture, which is the catching away of the Saints to the Messiah's Heavenly Wedding in the event known as the Rapture or harpazo.

This message is especially evident because Virgo is the First Sign, and Leo is the Last Sign in the Ancient Zodiac. Together, these signs are alluding to the scriptures that identify the Messiah  of Israel as the Aleph and the Tav, the First and the Last., and the Beginning and the End. This is an allusion to Yahshua as the beginning and the ending of this present Creation, as well as the Author and Finisher of our Salvation from the condemnation and death caused by sin.   Sin can be defined as the open rebellion against God's Moral Commandments.

Everyone is guilty of committing sins, and deserving punishment for their sins until they repent or turn away from sin. But first, they must confess that Yahshua is the Messiah or Savior of all Israel (which includes Born Again Christians and Messianic Jews) and ask God the Father to forgive them and give them the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit of God. Once human beings are inhabited by the Holy Spirit, they can no longer be demon possessed. They can be sickened, oppressed and harassed by demons if they do not know how to practice Spiritual Warfare, but they cannot be possessed.

Panorama of the Most Significant
Heavenly Signs on October 2nd, 2024
In Virgo, Leo, Gemini and Taurus

In the second illustration in this article above this paragraph, I show a panoramic view of the constellations Virgo, Leo, Gemini,  Taurus, and their decam signs Hydra and Orion. I've already explained the signs in Virgo and Leo. So now I will explain the meaning of the signs in Gemini and Taurus.. The twin stars Pollux and Castor in Gemini represent the crowns of the fraternal twin brothers Jacob and Esau. The Pollux figure can represent Jacob or Jesus/Yahshua. Meanwhile, the Castor figure can signify Esau, as well as the once Gentile, now Grafted-In Israelite Bride or Body of Christ.

Interestingly, the planet Mars signifies Blood Covenants and the results of broken blood covenants, which is conflict and war. Because the red planet or wandering star called Mars is resting on the Pollux figure that signifies Christ, and Mars can represent conflict and war, it can be seen as a harbinger of a great battle that Yahshua will wage against the wicked during the Great Tribulation. It is also meant to be a sign that this divinely led global war could begin at any moment.

When understood in combination, all these Heavenly Signs seem to be pointing to the fact that we all need to prepare ourselves for the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ, Who is the King of kings, Lord of lords, and the First and the Last. Our preparation should include fasting, prayer, repentance, intercession, and worship.

The Signs in Taurus reinforce this theme of the Second Coming of Christ and the Rapture by including the giant planet Jupiter between the horns of Taurus the Bull. These horns signify the two half tribes of Israel descended from the Patriarch Joseph. These are called after his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim, and they are allegorically connected to the United Kingdom and the United States. Meanwhile, Jupiter signifies Yahshua as the Messianic Suffering Servant of Isaiah Chapter 53. So it is as if the Messiah is showing His love for these two great colonizing Nations that were the carriers of the Salvation Gospel message to the whole world. 

But because these great nations are losing their spiritual strength as they slide into apostasy, they are now very vulnerable to attack and conquest. I pray that the citizens of these nations who profess that Jesus is Lord will wake up and turn back to God before it is too late.

Also in Taurus is the planet or wandering star called Uranus, which is near the Pleiades star cluster. This star cluster, which appears to be riding on the bull's back, signifies the seven churches, seven lampstands, and seven spirits of the Book of Revelation. They may also be tied to the seven angels that blow the seven trumpets in The Book of Revelation, which records the apostle John's vision concerning the Tribulation and Great Tribulation that will occur immediately before the Millennial Kingdom of Christ is set up.

10 days after Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets is the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur.  In the year when I believe Yahshua was born , which is 3 BC, there were very significant celestial signs in Leo and Virgo. These occurred on September 11th, 3 BC, and this was also Rosh Hashanah in that year! There are also celestial indications leading up to the Day of Atonement that year . These suggest that Yahshua was born on that day in 3 BC. So, with the planet Venus at Virgo's feet, the Sun signifying the bridegroom Yahshua, the Moon signifying His Bride, and Mercury signifying prophetic fulfillment at her breast, and the Comet crowning her head,  this day of the Solar Eclipse on the Feast of Trumpets this year seems to be trumpeting the coming of our Messiah very soon - maybe even tomorrow, or possibly on the Day of Atonement or the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. this year.

This possible meaning is enhanced by the appearance of the planet Mars in Gemini, and the planets Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Combined together, these Heavenly signs may be an indicator that Yahshua is coming again soon to rescue His Saints from the Great Tribulation.. By soon, I mean that the Rapture could be anytime between now and the end of 2027.

Incidentally, there are some amazing Heavenly Signs in 2027 that I will focus on in my next Ministry article. Until then, may our Heavenly Father Yahweh bless you all as we watch and wait for the soon return of our Messiah, Lord and King.

✨♥️🙏HalleluYah, and Maranatha Yahshua!🙏❤️ ✨

Written With Love from your Sister in Yahshua,
Star Lady Helena Lehman of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry,
Author of the Language of God Book Series

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